Emperor! Can You See Stats!?

Chapter 82: Trash Sword

Translator: MarcTempest

Editor: Himanshu02

Eurius slowly walked into the dark corridor.

‘As expected, nothing has changed much from my previous life.’

As he passed through the narrow passage, a fairly large room appeared.

On the ceiling, there were beads called night pearls that were imported from the East and emitted light on their own, illuminating the room softly.

“You can take one or two things from inside. However, be careful with them, even if they look like useless junk. They are national treasures listed in the report.”

That was what the emperor had told him when he received the report. But Eurius was not very interested in the spoils of the players inside.

There were quite a few items on display in the room, but most of them were not very impressive for a royal report, as the emperor and Eurius had thought.

[The cloak that Emperor Scharnos wore at his coronation]

[The armor of Knight Commander ‘Player’ Hector]

[The uniform of Player Yi Chengwen]




“Isn’t this more like a royal souvenir museum than a royal report?”

That was what he had muttered in his previous life, as he was astonished when he first came in.

The other items were also similar cases. But he had another reason to come to the royal report this time.

Eurius opened another door on one side of the royal report and entered.

The first thing he saw was a statue of a middle-aged man with a dignified expression holding a sword.

[Emperor Scharnos]

This place was a separate memorial hall that described the achievements of the emperor.

The walls on all sides were filled with pictures and descriptions of the emperor’s achievements.

Eurius fixed his gaze on the wall to the north. What he wanted was right there.

[The emperor spread a systematic method of training force to this continent. First, the method of feeling the first stage force is…]

It was true that Emperor Scharnos was the one who widely spread the force training method to this continent, as rumored in the world.

There were four stone tablets hanging on the north wall, and they contained the training methods and advice for up to four stages that the emperor had established.

This was called ‘Emperor’s Insight’ in the royal family.

It was not unrelated to the fact that many outstanding knights were produced from generation to generation in the royal family.

But the emperor already knew that Eurius had entered the fourth stage, so he thought he didn’t need this insight.

However, what Eurius was interested in was not the stone tablets.


[You have found a legacy of a player.]

[Found item: Scharnos’s Insight]

[Achievement increases.]

‘Sure enough, the original of this stone tablet was definitely a legacy of a player.’

What he picked up was a booklet placed under the stone tablet.

When this royal report was built, the emperor ordered the translation of the contents of this book to be made into a stone tablet.

No one could translate the language of this book.

‘But I can read it.’

Eurius opened the first page of the book with confidence.

As expected, it was an unfamiliar letter, but he could read it.

[Chapter 1: Basics of Circle, Chapter 2: Application of Force, Chapter 3: Materialization of Force…]

‘The third chapter of this book is what is written on the stone tablet?’

Eurius nodded his head.

The first three chapters of this book covered up to four stages of force training methods that were commonly known in this continent.

‘Materialization’ meant superhuman’s secret skills in the East.

‘As expected, only part of his insight was translated. Compared to his legend, superhumans are nothing.’

The emperor who was called Sword God cut mountains and split seas with one sword.

Of course, most people thought it was an old legend, but what difference does it make between someone who comes back from death and goes back to the past and someone who cuts mountains?

Eurius couldn’t hide his excited expression at this moment.

There were two more chapters in his insight.

[Chapter 4: Spatial Domination, Chapter 5: (You cannot read it because you lack achievement.)]

‘Sure enough, he doesn’t reveal all his contents easily.’

He felt a bit regretful at this point, but unlike Yi Chengwen, didn’t Emperor Scharnos leave his legacy as one instead of splitting it?

[Do you want to read Chapter 4: Spatial Domination? This legacy has video data. Do you want to watch it?]

‘Video data?’

He didn’t know what it meant, but Eurius decided to watch it anyway.



He doubted his eyes for a moment. Wasn’t he indoors just now?

Eurius found himself in a deep forest.

He looked around with a surprised expression and heard a grumbling voice in his ear.

“Ah, you dragged me here and did everything you wanted, so why don’t you send me back quickly? What is this, a martial arts novel?”

‘Could that be Emperor Scharnos?’

Eurius tilted his head.

He looked similar to the statue, but the grumbling person was a young man who didn’t look much older than himself.

The hero who ended the era of war!

The pioneer who brought the development of the continent!

Compared to his grand reputation, the behavior of this young man who was presumed to be the emperor was nothing but a street thug.

He swung his sword in the air as if he was annoyed and started to complain.

“I don’t know who you are, but I guess you’re a talented guy who has mastered materialization since you’re watching this video. Shall I show you once?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the emperor began to move his sword.

His sword was infused with force and left a blue trail.

The sword’s trajectory began to float leisurely in the air.

He didn’t feel any great momentum or power, but Eurius opened his mouth wide as he watched the scene.


Every time the emperor’s sword passed by, the giant trees in the forest fell down.

This was not surprising, but the problem was that it exceeded his imagination.

A few minutes later, when he stopped his sword, there was a large clearing in the forest that spanned hundreds of meters in radius around him.

‘Is it force output? Or a secret skill? It doesn’t seem like that…’

If you are a skilled martial artist, it is not very difficult to cover a few meters of distance as your attack range.

If you are one of the strongest martial artists in the continent who can rival the sky, you can even reach tens of meters.

Eurius’s intangible sword was also a secret skill that could cover up to ten meters.

But this was only limited to secret skills.

It meant that you had to concentrate your mind and increase your force output as much as possible.

However, the emperor’s sword just slightly injected some force and swung it, but it covered hundreds of meters of distance as his attack range.

The emperor who did such a miraculous thing still looked annoyed.

“I’ve shown you the demonstration, so the rest is up to you to train hard by reading the book. If you really can’t do it, try practicing with Yellow Dragon. It might help.”

That was the emperor’s last advice (?).

“Then do your best. You probably have a hard way ahead of you, so cheer up.”



At the same time, Eurius’s consciousness returned to the royal report. Seeing the real Emperor Scharnos was quite shocking, but his expectation for a new stage pushed that thought away.

‘This stage of spatial domination must be a clue that surpasses the superhuman stage!’

His intangible sword was a skill that even superhumans had a hard time grasping. But what if such a sword suddenly flew from tens or hundreds of meters away? How many people could stop it?

Eurius began to read Chapter 4 with a more excited heart.

[Chapter 4 Spatial Domination: The stage of controlling the surrounding space with force. You need a certain level of force control to reach this stage.]

[Control training method: Meditate and observe your inner self. The energy called ki or force exists everywhere in the world. Harmonize with this flow and…]

‘What is this nonsense?’

Eurius’s expression became gloomy.

It seemed like there was some profound meaning in it, but he had a hard time understanding it.

Unfortunately, Eurius was not a genius.

He became superhuman by accident after being hit hard many times.

Compared to the martial artists who trained in a standard way, his basics were lacking in many ways.

‘It would take years to train by reading this.’

Of course, Eurius was still young. If he trained hard, he might be able to understand it someday, but he had too many enemies to face.

The reason he came to the royal report was also to get the emperor’s legacy and become stronger in a short time.

‘Is there any other way?’

As he pondered, a word that the emperor said flashed through his mind.

“If you really can’t do it, try practicing with Yellow Dragon.”

‘Yellow Dragon? Does he mean that?’

He pulled out one of the exhibits, an old-fashioned longsword.

[Yellow Dragon Sword – Emperor Scharnos’s favorite sword]

That’s how it was recorded on the exhibit, but no one in the royal family believed it, including Eurius.

The reason was as follows.

What kind of sword is this that pushes away all the force no matter how much you inject it?

First of all, it looked different from the record.

The Yellow Dragon Sword that Emperor Scharnos used had a dazzling golden blade. But this sword was just an ordinary longsword with a dull color.

And above all, what made this sword called trash was…

‘How can this damn sword not accept any force at all!’

That’s right, this strange sword didn’t accept any force at all.

There is a saying that a great martial artist doesn’t care about weapons, but that’s only because they use the power of force.

The only advantage was that it was incredibly hard and difficult to scratch by any means. But the problem was that without being able to use force with this sword, it was just a hard stick.

‘But surely Emperor Scharnos wouldn’t lie.’

[Help – Reading Yellow Dragon Sword.]

[Yellow Dragon Sword – A longsword made of adamantite. You need to unseal it to use its full potential.]


It was a word he had never heard before.

[Adamantite – A metal that does not exist in this world and has the property of repelling all energy generated by force.]

‘So it’s the same material as the outer wall of the royal report?’

If this metal called adamantite had such properties, then even superhumans would not be able to destroy the wall.

But then the question arises: how did Emperor Sharnos use this sword?


Eurius drew his sword.


[Quest – You have found the seal of the Yellow Dragon Sword.]

[Yellow Dragon Sword’s ability is unlocked according to the owner’s ability. Earn its recognition. Prove your skill by holding the sword.]


What kind of metal piece is this that chooses its owner?

Eurius was confused for a moment, but decided to swing his sword anyway.

He was a superhuman martial artist. The Yellow Dragon Sword in his hand swung wildly, making a loud noise.

Woong woong woong!

As he swung his sword, at some point the blade began to tremble.


Eurius stopped his movement and looked at the sword for a moment. At that moment, he saw something familiar in front of his eyes.

[Yellow Dragon Sword (Sealed)]

Category: Intelligent Weapon (The weapon has a self-awareness)

Current state: No talent! Come back after ten more years of training

Trait: (You cannot read it because it is sealed.)

Eurius’s forehead twitched.

‘What is this sword saying?’

He tried his best to swing his sword after that, but the stat window didn’t change.

He slumped down on the spot. He realized that there was no answer like this.

‘How can I use this damn sword?’

The quest said to prove his skill.

Skill of a martial artist meant swordsmanship, right? But he was a superhuman who tried his best to swing his sword and still failed.

Of course, it was because of the special material of this sword that he couldn’t inject any force.

‘Wait… force?’

Eurius tilted his head.

Come to think of it, force manipulation was also part of a martial artist’s skill. But it was absurd to say that he had to prove his skill without being able to inject any force into the sword.

He decided after a moment of hesitation.

‘Nothing to lose!’

Eurius began to inject force into the Yellow Dragon Sword.

Woo woo woo!

The dull blade trembled and tried to push back the injected force. Eurius patiently continued to inject the force back into the blade.

This tug-of-war lasted for a long time.

And while doing so, Eurius checked the stat window of Yellow Dragon Sword from time to time.

[No talent, no talent]

‘This is it, right? Then I’ll do it my way.’

He decided to take a gamble here. He had seen with his own eyes how amazing the previous owner of this sword was, but he had to get something out of this place today. Wasn’t that why he volunteered to participate in the risky martial arts tournament?

[Skill Overheat activated.]

If one had to choose the best point of Eurius as a warrior, it would be his force output.

He had built a solid foundation since he was young, and he had raised his aptitude to the limit through the core.

He could also amplify it with skills.

When he used Overheat, there was probably no one in the continent who could match his force output in swordsmanship.

He started to inject a huge amount of force into the sword through the core. It was an application of Blast.

Vroom vroom vroom!!

The sword resisted fiercely.

Eurius’s lips bled from the strain of controlling the enormous force that kept flowing back.

But no matter how strong a dam was, it would break if the water kept hitting it.

Finally, the majestic sword began to turn blue gradually. He was injecting more force than the sword could push out.


As a result, the sword that had been vibrating violently became quieter. When the sword was completely dyed blue, Eurius spat out a bowl of blood.



[You have completed the first stage of the test.]

‘This damn sword finally gave up.’

Eurius felt dizzy from the internal injury, so he leaned on the wall and slowly headed to the entrance. But there was a smile on his lips.

[Yellow Dragon Sword (1st stage)]

Category: Intelligent Weapon (The weapon has a self-awareness.)

Current state: Ignorant bastard…

Trait: It is extremely difficult to inject force into this sword. If you can use this sword as a normal weapon, it means that your force control has reached the extreme. Refer to the help for training methods.

Meanwhile, the emperor was waiting for Eurius with an anxious expression.

‘It’s been almost two hours. Why isn’t he coming out?’

Boom boom boom!


Suddenly, the whole warehouse shook violently. It was the aftermath of Eurius and the sword’s struggle.

‘Should I go in and check?’

But the shaking stopped soon after, and the emperor who was watching the passage closely saw Eurius coming out with difficulty and felt relieved.

Eurius was using the majestic sword as a cane and walking out of the passage with a pale face.

“What on earth happened there?”



Eurius walked out with a faint smile, but collapsed at the door of the passage as he ran out of strength.

And at the same time…



The emperor looked dumbfounded.

The door of the passage closed because Eurius collapsed right in front of it.

That day, the father and son had to lie down for a whole day, one from internal injury and one from excessive bleeding caused by opening the door twice.

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