Chapter : Ancient Gods
Anu (Sky God)
2. Enlil (Air God)
3. Enki (Water God)
4. Ishtar (Goddess of Love)
5. Marduk (Chief God)
6. Tiamat (Sea Goddess)
7. Dumuzi (Shepherd God)
8. Inanna (Goddess of War)
Ancient Egypt
Ra (Sun God)
2. Isis (Mother Goddess)
3. Osiris (God of Afterlife)
4. Anubis (God of Mummification)
5. Horus (God of Kingship)
6. Seth (God of Chaos)
7. Nephthys (Goddess of Death)
8. Thoth (God of Wisdom)
Brahma (Creator)
2. Vishnu (Preserver)
3. Shiva (Destroyer)
4. Ganesha (Remover of Obstacles)
5. Durga (Goddess of Strength)
6. Krishna (Divine Prince)
7. Rama (Divine King)
8. Hanuman (Monkey God)
Greek Mythology
Zeus (King of Gods)
2. Poseidon (God of Sea)
3. Hades (God of Underworld)
4. Hera (Queen of Gods)
5. Demeter (Goddess of Agriculture)
6. Athena (Goddess of Wisdom)
7. Apollo (God of Sun)
8. Artemis (Goddess of Hunt)
9. Ares (God of War)
10. Dionysus (God of Wine)
Roman Mythology
Jupiter (King of Gods)
2. Mars (God of War)
3. Mercury (Messenger God)
4. Venus (Goddess of Love)
5. Bacchus (God of Wine)
6. Ceres (Goddess of Agriculture)
7. Diana (Goddess of Hunt)
8. Vulcan (God of Fire)
Norse Mythology
Odin (All-Father)
2. Thor (God of Thunder)
3. Freyja (Goddess of Love)
4. Freyr (God of Fertility)
5. Tyr (God of Law)
6. Loki (Trickster God)
7. Baldur (God of Light)
8. Heimdall (God of Vigilance)
Chinese Mythology
Yu Huang (Jade Emperor)
2. Tian (Heavenly God)
3. Di (Earth God)
4. Shangdi (Supreme God)
5. Mazu (Goddess of Sea)
6. Xiwangmu (Queen of West)
7. Er Lang (God of Wisdom)
8. Guan Yu (God of War)
Japanese Mythology
Amaterasu (Sun Goddess)
2. Tsukuyomi (Moon God)
3. Susanoo (Storm God)
4. Fujin (Wind God)
5. Raijin (Thunder God)
6. Benzaiten (Goddess of Beauty)
7. Inari (God of Rice)
8. Hotei (God of Wisdom)
African Mythology
Anansi (Spider Trickster)
2. Yemaya (Goddess of Sea)
3. Oya (Goddess of Storms)
4. Eshu (Messenger God)
5. Obatala (God of Creation)
6. Ogun (God of Iron)
7. Mawu (Supreme God)
8. Asase Ya (Earth Goddess)
Aztec Mythology
Huitzilopochtli (Sun God)
2. Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent)
3. Coyolxauhqui (Moon Goddess)
4. Tlaloc (Rain God)
5. Tecpatl (God of Sacrifice)
6. Xipe Totec (God of Agriculture)
7. **Chalchiuht