Chapter 16: The Plan

Rameer's House


(Shows Tyrone and The first are in the Lab as Tyrone is still trying the repair his suit after it was destroyed By Kage)

The First:You still working on that suit?

Tyrone:Yeah. You don't Understand how long it took me to make it in the first place.

The First:I probably will. I built a hole solar system and a civilization with Planets just floating around[..I used a unique type of mental that can grow bigger and can clone itself]

Tyrone:I think I heard and used the metal you talking about before. It similar to Mercury right?

The first:Actually Yeah.

Tyrone:Yeah I used that metal for [Rameer's army]

The First:Rameer's Army?

Tyrone:Yeah so basically [he asked me to make a army filled with robotic Soldiers that can turn any of there Body parts into Guns. But he ended up never using them.]

The First:impressive.

Tyrone:Yeah [I may not have any powers] but I make up for it in intelligence.

The First:I see.

Tyrone:But that was before I realized that he was a asshole.

The First:Indeed I don't know why he did that boy so dirty.

Tyrone:Yeah he did me dirty too i was fighting That Kage guy when I wasn't supposed to because Felicia you know the girl with the pink hair was supposed to open me a portal but Rameer told her not to just to see if Kage can you fight.

The First:Yeah that is very messed up. But that's why I'm here.

Tyrone. What do you mean?

The First: do you know why I chose to join the group.


The First: because you see my other minions have been spying on Rameer and Kage for a while now, and I can tell that Rameer was treating you guys like shit

Tyrone: Go on.

The First: so my plan is to get some of the people in this group to betray Rameer for the greater good.

Tyrone:Ohh I see what you're trying to do.

The First: Yeah and the plant starts with the light skin boy. You are going to tell him the plan, and then he is going to tell the guy who saved his life the plan so that guy can convince the shadow guy to abandon Ramer.

Tyrone:What about Rizmond?

The First:Is that the Big Black Buff guy?


The First:Yeah he is a lost cause.

Tyrone:True very true.

The First: But the problem is—-

(Rameer Walks in the Room)

Rameer:What Problem?

The First:The problem is Tyrone suit as you can see after it was destroyed by Kage Tyrone is trying to repair that suit without any upgrades or special attachments making it very possible for it to be destroyed again I was going to tell Tyrone to make more updates and make it more durable and make it have more special attachments so it won't get destroyed the same way again or ever.

Tyrone:(This guy is a fast thinker)

Rameer:Oh yeah, Tyrone, you should really listen to this guy. Sounds like you got some pretty good advice for you.

Tyrone: yeah, I should.

Rameer: anyways, the reason I'm here is because I want you two to do something for me.

The First:What is it sir?

(Rameer shows Tyrone and The First a brain.)

Tyrone:(What the hell? How is he just casually showing us this?)

Rameer: I want you two smart people to reincarnate someone. The only part I have is the brain I'm assuming with your guys technology you can bring this brain back to its normal state.[But I did take some of you guys stuff for the limbic node, part of the brain.] My bad about that.

The First: Oh no, it's fine.You are the boss after all.

Rameer:Yeah so I'm giving this brain to y'all and I'm gonna check up with it the progress in about a week or so.

The First:Ok got you.

Rameer:And Remember DON'T FUCK THIS UP. *leaves*

The First: so he tells us to reincarnate somebody then just leaves.

Tyrone: yep.

The First: well, then we better start working on this then.

Tyrone:What? We actually doing this?

The First:We need to get on his good side. So we have to.

(Cuts to Rameer leaving the lab)


Quadeem:Aye Rameer.

Rameer:What do you need Quadeem.

Quadeem:I just wanted to know how is Avvon doing?

Rameer:He is doing fine the beating I gave him was nothing personal and honestly wasn't even that bad he just needs to toughen up.

Quadeem:Ummm ok.

Rameer:Yeah he will appreciate the fact that you're worried about him.

Quadeem:you know why did you stop when I told you to stop?

Rameer:Because I realized that I was taking that fight a little too far, so I stopped, so I wouldn't accidentally eliminate him. I got stuff to do.This conversation is over. *Walks Past Quadeem*

Quadeem: wait Rameer about those Masked Ladies that was walking about some...

(Rameer Teleports away)


(Tyrone walks Out of the lab)

Quadeem:Aye….Guy…..What's your name?

Tyrone:It's Tyrone kid. And you're the guy who saved Avvon right?

Quadeem:Yes.Yes I am.

Tyrone:You did a good thing by doing that.

Quadeem:Yeah Yeah I know. But is Avvon doing ok?

Tyrone: I was about to check on him now do you want to come?.

Quadeem:I can't I told Domen-Chi that l had to use the bathroom. Then I ran all the way here to ask. Rameer something.But he just left.Jamal is Covering for me as we speak

Tyrone:And you're not out of breath? Pretty impressive.What were you going to ask Rameer.

Quadeem:Something About then masked ladies being weird.When me and Jamal was getting pizza

One of the mask ladies started yelling "help me".

(Domen-Chi teleports behind Quadeem,Jamal was Right next to him.)

Domen-Chi:Forgot where the bathroom was?

Quadeem:God Damn lt.

Jamal:Ayo my fault bro I told him that you were dicking up some spicy chicken wings and you ate the whole box so that he would think you were taking a shit but Everyone realize that we didn't have any spicy chicken wings yesterday.

Quadeem:Will I gotta go.See ya Tyrone.

Tyrone:See ya

(Domen-Chi teleports Jamal and Quadeem back to the dojo)

Tyrone:Masked woman, screaming, help me? That's weird.

(Cuts to Avvon that almost fully recovered from the beating he got form Rameer as Tyrone walks into his room.)

Tyrone:You Good bro?

Avvon:Do I look good? I made a embarrassment of my self out there thinking I could beat Rameer.

Tyrone:What? No the hell you didn't. You stood up to the Strongest person In this Building.

Avvon:Yeah and then got my ass whoop while everyone was laughing.

Tyrone:The one Person that was laughing was Rizmond and Felicia.The rest was all concerned for you.

Avvon:Oh course they was.

Tyrone:But something was off about Felicia.

Avvon:Really? Laughing at someone dying is Pretty normal for her.

Tyrone:I know but this time it felt forced

Avvon:What do you mean?

Tyrone:The Laugh she did looked forced.And those tears weren't tears or joy.Those were tears of pain.

Avvon:You really believe that?

Tyrone:Actually yes I do. [I never thought I would say or think this but maybe there is some deeper thoughts in her head]

Avvon:Yeah.Maybe these some deeper thoughts in all of us.

Tyrone:I'm still lost by the fact the Rameer stopped Fighting you.Because Of a student in Domen-Chi's class.

Avvon:That was the one who stopped him? I thought it was you.

Tyrone:He would have probably killed me despite the fact me knew each other for so long.And Rizmond would still be enjoy the show.

Avvon:Yeah makes sense.

Tyrone:I don't know why everyone hates you here.

Avvon:It's because I'm weak. I always been weak.

Tyrone:Your not weak. It's just that the people around you think your weak.

Avvon:Well there right.There all right.I don't even know why Rameer took me in his group.

Tyrone:Listen Avvon.Rameer is a asshole ok? He treating everyone like shit.

Avvon:[Everyone but.Rizmond and Domen-Chi. Apparently as well as that guy how safe my life]

Tyrone:Yeah and that is why me and The First has a plan

Avvon:Ok what is it?

Tyrone:If we could get enough people to agree that Rameer is a piece of shit we could all jump him and eliminate him.

Avvon:You remember what I said? Rizmond and Domen-Chi is out of the question. And [Domen-Chi is the second Most powerful person in the group and Rizmond is the third.]

Tyrone:You Right. Rizmond is out of the question the question.But I don't know about Domen-Chi. Tho.

Avvon:Why you say that?

Tyrone:Because maybe if we could get that guy that saved you to convince Domen-Chi to help us.Domen-Chi might actually listen.

Avvon:Ohh but who's gonna tell The guy about the plan?



Tyrone:It would make the most sense Because he was the one that stopped Rameer form...Uh.

Avvon:From Killing me? I know.

Tyrone:Yeah so you are gonna tell him he plan and convince him to convince Domen-Chi to betray Rameer.

Avvon:That….That's actually a good plan.

Tyrone:Yessir but the problem is that in the end of the day Rameer is still stronger then Domen-Chi

Avvon:Yeah that is true.And after that is Just [You Felicia and The First]

Tyrone:But that's why it's going to be 6 on 2 not 5 on 2


Tyrone:We are going to give Rameer exactly what he wants.

Avvon:I don't get it.

Tyrone:We're going to give him Kage.


Tyrone:We're gonna get Kage to Join us with the fight against Rameer....

(After the fight The Three became friends with Off-White and He told the three his backstory.His Backstory will not be revealed [In This Novel] The man with the Off-White Leaves to go back to Philadelphia. )

Kage's house


Kage:Yeah y'all was tripping about then rumors

Rochi:Listen man rumors aren't always true.

Lavonia:I mean to be fair someone is controlling him whenever he gets mad.

Kage:And when he gets mad again. Will be there for round two.


Rochi:Wait does that mean I'm gonna have to learn how to shake that shit and Blick and do that snap hand shake?

Kage:I mean the snap is dog shit because who's gonna waste their time trying to do a two second handshake.

Rochi: that's kind of hypocritical man we still do the unique handshake we used to do.

Kage:That's different.

Lavonia:Y'all wanna know what I just realized?


Lavonia: been a while since we heard from that guy and his little group.

Rochi:Aye if we fight them I want the big buff guy

Kage: We will fight them and that would actually be a pretty cool fight

Lavonia:Y'all know who I'm fighting. The pink hair bitch.

Kage:And I want there leader well at least I think it's their leader.

Lavonia: either way, we still will win and we still whoop their ass.

Rochi:That's right All four of us.

Kage:GunDamn is still not here.


Lavonia:Fuck him. He was the one that wanted to have no soul and choose to act like a robot.

Rochi: I know, but still, it's like damn he's really gone.

Kage:Yeah I feel you. But we just gotta move on. He was going to lead us to a bad path.

Rochi: I'm trying, but for me at least he was like a father and now it feels like he just left to get the milk.

Kage:Are we supposed to laugh?

(Suddenly a portal opens up.)

Rochi:Oh my god We just rumbled someone.

Lavonia:*Puts gloves back on* Just can never get a moment of peace these days

Kage:I don't sense any reality energy….

(Tyrone walks through the portal and the portal closes)

Lavonia:You again? Kage already whooped your ass.

Kage: where is your armor?

Tyrone: ayo you guys chill out I just came here to talk about a common enemy we both have

Kage:The Hell are you talking about?

Tyrone:That guy who punched you when you fighting me.

Kage: so basically what you gonna say next is that you want us to help you fight this guy.

Tyrone: pretty much yeah.

Rochi:Oh naw is a trap.

Tyrone:It's not I swear to God it's not.

Kage:Why should we believe you?

Tyrone: I wrote down in this paper everything you need to know about each and everyone in our group even me. Here take the paper.

(With Kage still being suspicious. Instead of taking the paper, he clones the paper)

Tyrone:Ok that works too.

Lavonia:Why did you clone the paper?

Kage:The paper I have now removed all the shenanigans on the paper.


Kage:But there was no shenanigans removed in the first place so this guy is some what trustworthy.

Tyrone:Ok bed, so here's what's gonna happen, right.

(Felicia opens back up the Portal.)

Felicia: Are you done yet? Because I ain't trying to hear you cry like a baby again because I didn't open that portal last time. And what is going to happen? [You ain't even tell me why you wanted to come back here in the first place.]

Tyrone:Goddamn you impatient as shit

Kage:Oh shit.

Rochi:That's the girl Lavonia be talking about?


(Lavonia and Felicia have a stare down)




Kage: Bro I swear. Girls would really fight for any reason.

Rochi: Yeah. The Reason would literally be dumb or pure insanity.

Kage: Yep. That's women for you. And it will take them months to forgive on another.

Rochi: Right but you know us boys we will forgive each other by the next day

Kage: That's Right. NEXT TIME, ENTER REALITY CHAPTER 17:Portal Trip and besides if us men didn't forgive each other by the next day that would be gay.




Author's Instagram:Blackboi888._(Yes I am just 16)

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