Entertainment: From being a child star to becoming a world star

Chapter 27

The day agreed with Daoxian has come.

Leon walked towards the park with some expectations and worries

"Are you ready?"

"Isaiah" created by Li Yan is a completely re-created character based on Do-hyun's acting skills.

In Li Yan's heart, Do-hyun is already Isaiah.

"Become a Confucian Taoist sage."It's unimaginable."

In this case, ordinary acting skills cannot change Li Yan's mind.

No matter how outstanding his talent is... compared to acting skills, the"image" in a movie is very important, and some directors even choose actors based on their image.

In order not to make Do-hyun sad because she couldn't take on the role of Liu, he persuaded her and made up his mind to choose her as Isaya, so he strode into the park.

Anyway, if you lose the bet, you have to play the role of Isaiah, but no matter how mature Dohyun is, he is still a child.

If he was crying and cheating because he hated it, there was nothing Leon could do about it.

Of course, that Do-hyun won’t cry and play tricks...

Thinking of all kinds of things, go to the park. Do-hyun stood in front of the bench and waited for when he would come.

Lee Yeon, who approached Dohyun happily to say hello, stopped instantly.

"…Is it Dohyun?"

Leon's eyes narrowed.

At this time, the boy standing here should be Daoxian. The strange thing is that it feels very strange. If he walks closer, he may feel movement. It is speculated that Daoxian's child looks back. Look.

The moment he faced Daoxian, Li Yan let out a small sigh.

Although he was not sloppy, his free and unrestrained hair, the casual sweater that gave people the illusion of being old because of the color, the crooked posture, and the way he did not hide his temper Eyebrows.

He immediately understood the true face of the child standing now.


Yes. I haven't seen you for a week, Leon."

Dohyun answered naturally. In response, Leon was silent for a while and grinned guiltily.

"Are you thoroughly prepared?"

"Yes, because I will win today."

Li Yan laughed very interestingly when he heard the challenging words. But the flame in front of his eyes was obviously the desire to win.

Although I know that winning with children is not an adult-like thing, but Leon is originally a more rational person. A character who follows feelings

"Very confident. That's something you'll know soon after we meet. Because I'm young, you won't let me go"

"Whatever, the result will be the same."

Li Yan! He sneered, Dao Xian held his arms.

After a while, there was a warm look between the two.

Li Yan was the first to speak.

"All right. Since I have said so boldly that I can win, I will look forward to it. First, let’s talk about where the preparation scene is."

Facing Li Yan's question, Dao Xian gently raised one corner of his mouth and smiled, then made a chin movement towards the script in Li Yan's hand.

Li Yan did not understand Dao Xian's behavior, and Dao Xian shrugged.

"There, I prepared that"


Hearing Daoxian's words, Leon frowned.

"Are you saying you memorized the entire script?"

Thinking it was sincere, he looked at Daoxian with weak eyes, but Daoxian's expression did not change.

At that moment, Li Yan remembered all the scene sets that Daoxian had memorized that had his own hidden clues.

"is that true?"

Leon showed an expression of disbelief.

Just one week.

Memorized this script in one week?

Even so, Daoxian will not lie for no reason.

Although today's arrogance is rampant, in the final analysis, the essence is"Daoxian".

Li Yan Believing Dohyun's words, he spoke

"So...Drama 33. Start watching from the moment you open the door and walk in. Can it be done?"


Dohyun's short answer came back.

"What is the preparation time?"

"No, it doesn't matter if you do it right away"

"Okay, then. After a moment of silence, Liam opened the script and read the fingerprints.

"Scene 33. 4 pm. Path leading to the church. Going to meet Isaiah's Liu...prepare."

Do-hyun closed his eyes.

A deserted park with a lonely bench was slowly erased. The afternoon air wrapped warmly around the body. The soft lawn. The path with rustling dirt. The church reflected in the sun Light fills the void one after another


Liu opened his eyes.

On the way here, his mind was filled with all kinds of worries. The church. High stained glass. The calm of the afternoon. People praying around the boy. The wrinkled hands of the bride holding hands. Like the background Calm prayers were laid out.

The face became more and more crooked.

Another church. Clean and dustless marble floor. Warm air. People asking for help. Comfortable faces without a trace of hatred. It was the trustee standing in the middle.

Helpless. Get rid of that moment. Like being caught in the soul, the same scene flashes over and over again.

A familiar boy is seen in the crowd.

Clean cuffs washed every day. Neat hair. Smooth brown Roper.

Living a blessed life The theme seeps into the midst of people who don’t know what kind of salvation they hope for, praying like songs in their mouths.

There is also a boy.

Among them, alone, standing heterogeneously, swaying like the crucified Jesus On display.

A torn jacket that has not been washed for a long time. Hair that is stretched out because the parents have not combed it. On the white ground, the only thing that looks like protruding muddy water and sneakers that are blackened by various dirt.

People are asking for the boy's Salvation. Put mercy in your mouth. There was a buzzing sound in Liu's ears.

-Look over there. Look at that poor kid.

Eyes with shallow curiosity

-Look at the inconspicuous behavior that shows no trace of parental care.

Put cheap sympathy on your mouth and tongue

-Ah, how pitiful.

Let us all pray to the Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


In this way, the misfortune of the boy is shown with tongue carving.


The boy stopped like a doll that had stopped winding up. Although he tried hard to unwrinkle his face, the tightly twisted mouth trembled and quickly returned to its original position.

After repeating this process many times, Liu was barely able to pretend to be indifferent.

Reach out and pull the door knocker to open it.

Also, the moment I saw the person standing inside.

Seeing that hateful face that was immersed in peace as usual, the expression was meaningless, and the eyes were filled with sparks of anger and hatred.

Liu understood why he kept shaking his head after experiencing the scene yesterday. At that moment, the prayers that were spinning in my ears came to an abrupt end.

Liu's face naturally stretched after realizing what he wanted, and a smile full of joy appeared at the corner of his mouth. But that quickly disappeared before Isaiah looked back at him, so no one knew.

Liu slowly lowered his eyes. The straight eyebrows are sloping down, and the mouth is closed uneasily as if holding back tears.


Because you can't hear the sound clearly, and if you don't concentrate, the sound will scatter. Liu's eyes are shaking like candles blown by the wind.

Although he wants to get close to you, he seems to be afraid and walks cautiously. Isaiah Ya asked me what happened. Rou was silent for a while.

Then she said intermittently and sadly.

"Moving...I want to confess."

Take a breath and sit on the chair gently like a person without strength.

"Yesterday, so didn’t you attend mass yesterday? You, priest, and believers all pray for me...Isa, I, I am not qualified."

Liu lowered his eyes slightly. It was difficult to swallow the emotion in the back of his throat, and his eyelashes trembled slightly. Liu, who chewed his lips once, suddenly raised his head

"Isa, please. The only person I want to talk to is you. I told the priest...I was afraid he wouldn't forgive me. You can't, right?"

The upward gaze is sincere. The clenched white hands represent Liu's mood. After several twists and turns, Isaiah accepted the attention.

Like a person hanging on a cliff, the eyes that looked up looked down again..

Liu couldn't hide his scattered expression, moved his lips several times, immediately closed his eyes, and drew the cross star he learned from Isaiah one day.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.While waiting for Isaiah’s words to end, he opened his eyes that were closed like a child who was afraid of being scolded.

"Confession... is the first time."

A break to the beat

"Brother, I have sinned. I broke my eighth commandment. I...gave false testimony."

Slowly, the confessing Liu looked like a true believer. Regardless of the scars on his face and stiff hair, he sincerely repented.

"Yes, I gave false testimony, I am not an orphan."

Liu gave a brief sigh-like smile.

My parents ate well, played well, and lived well. I ran away from home. Haha, I ran away from home.

It seemed that the uneasy eyes were fake, and the sound in his voice Containing obvious happiness.

The attitude that was inconsistent with the appearance of being suppressed by fear and guilt just now made people feel strangely unhappy and unhappy.


Liu Jia kept smiling like Stacato, and his expression changed instantly. The corners of his mouth drooped

"Brother, I broke the fourth commandment. Brothers told me that children receive precious life, nourishment and education from their parents, so they must love their parents especially. But the parents who gave me life threw the little me who could only cry on the cold road. The parents who raised me said to me: I just let it go without any education."They didn't take care of my soul and body."

This is an indignant cry of injustice. The voices of confession grew louder and louder.

Liu and Isaiah, who was sitting in front of me, looked at each other. The black pupils moistened by water vapor are like snake scales shining in the moisture.

"brother! I broke my seventh commandment. I ran away from home with no place to stay, no clothes to cover, and no food to eat. I stole to live. Stealing other people's money. Use the stolen money to find a place to live, buy new clothes, and fill your stomach!"

Liu shook his head fiercely.

"brother! I have committed a crime! Can I be forgiven?"

Liu's body shook as if having a seizure. Then he held his palms in the air. It was as if he had grabbed someone's arm.

"Can I be forgiven? What?"

Liu glared at the person facing him and showed a weak smile. Then he relaxed his hands and leaned on the back of the chair.

"repentance? Haha, repent...repent."

Liu Jia repeated Isaiah's words. It seemed ridiculous, and he seemed to be lost in thought. Then he said slowly like a person who has given up his life.

"I won't go home. And I will continue to steal, and I will speak of countless false testimonies. Man, I can't go back to that home. I...I can't live without sinning."

Full of vicious sorrow, avenged

"brother. Ah, brother...I broke my Ten Commandments. I covet it every time I see my brother, when I see clean sleeves, ironed clothes, and shiny leather shoes. Brother, even now."

I spat it out word by word with a trembling voice.

"Brother, am I a devil? Am I in hell now? Can I be forgiven?"

Looking at the face of the cub who was swept away by the test, his shoulders were shaking with fear and he huddled up. Looking at Isaiah's black eyes was very sincere.

I didn't know that it was a poisonous snake that was tightening my ankles. Isaiah confirmed it. Talk about rescue

"But I find it hard to believe. Will God's hand touch an insignificant person like me? I am afraid."

The corners of his eyes were very crooked. The eyes that had been stained red finally shed tears.

The poisonous snake surrounding Isaiah's ankles opened its mouth. Its fangs were gleaming.

"If that's true...if what you said to me is true...prove it to me, man. Prove it to me, Isa."


Starting from the ankle where the fangs are drilled, waiting to spread along the blood vessels to the whole body.

I know that the kind and kind boy cannot avoid him, because he deceived me with sympathy and pity, and I will also use it to make you fall.

Liu Hearing Isaiah's answer, he smiled slightly.

It was a forced smile to hold back the cheerful smile that burst out.

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