Entertainment: From being a child star to becoming a world star

Chapter 29

Dohyun tossed and turned that night and barely fell asleep until the early hours of the morning.

So troubled and unable to give a clear answer



Dohyun responded to Jane's morning greetings and stopped when he put down his bag. Dohyun sat still and looked at Jane's face.

…Here too?

It was really embarrassing to treat Dohyun during this period, and people don't even know why.

Fuzzy movements or eyes that cannot stay still in one place give away how uncomfortable the condition is.

Daoxian instantly felt a violent dizziness at his feet.

When I finally regained my balance and sat in my seat, I realized that Nicholas had his back completely turned to him and was not looking at him.

Apparently Nicholas always said,"Good morning!" and shouted, hello first... ah.

Dohyun swallowed the new voice.

Yes, it was the same yesterday.

What's wrong? Since when?

Do Hyun can't understand the changes that happened overnight

"Let me ask you."

Daoxian moved his fingers.

First, he said good morning, accepted my greetings, asked me if I had done anything wrong at that time, and then apologized.……

…What if you just hate me?

Dohyun pursed his lips.

The past month has been such a weird time. No one hated me and the love and care was shared unbridled.

I thought it was impossible to get used to it, but I got used to it without even realizing it.

"In fact, this situation may be normal."

Daoxian gave up the idea of ​​saying hello.

Being alone is not sad.

Anyway, from the moment his brother left, Daoxian was struggling in deep loneliness. Daoxian did not deliberately change anything, and Jane and Nicholas did not go beyond Needed.

As a result, it turned into the extremely uncomfortable situation now.

Because the location was very close, the three people gathered together and fell silent.

"First of all, um, let’s start by deciding on the instruments to be used in the ensemble, right?"

Qin tried to speak in a clear voice and smiled unnaturally.

The two of them didn't answer, and Qiong's face gradually turned into a sad look.

Daoxian, who was observing the expressions of the two people keenly, said hurriedly

"Yeah, seems like a good idea."

Nicholas looked at Daoxian and snorted.

"Yeah? Very good! Can anyone tell me if there is an instrument that can be played? I can play piano and guitar!"

If Jane's mother is very knowledgeable in art, then Jane's father is very knowledgeable in music.

Chen Tiansheng has a strong artistic tendency and is not only interested in art but also in music, so he learned to play musical instruments at an early age. The level of playing is quite high.

Nicholas said with a depressed look after listening to Jane's words

"I am a piano."

Although unlike Jane, I don't like to play very much, but I know that when my sister Nasha learns piano, we will learn it together and can play to a certain extent.

Dohyun, who heard the story of the two people, instantly thought of the violin in his mind, but It was quickly wiped off.

It was his brother who could play the violin, not himself. Jane carefully asked Xian's quiet look

"Hmm... Isn't there an instrument that can be played?"

Dohyun nodded slightly in affirmation, and Jin said with a sincere expression of distress.

"What about a tape recorder or xylophone? You played that, right? If you take the time to practice before the training evaluation day, it shouldn't be difficult to play."

Jin, who didn't know Dohyun was in the hospital, assumed that she had learned it in kindergarten or first grade.

"Although I have never played……"

From my brother's memory, I can know what musical instrument JIN is talking about.

To that extent, Dohyun seems to be able to do it.

"Sing on the recorder"

"Okay, so that’s it for the instruments! Now it’s time to choose a song……"

Ring Ring - Ring -

Jane was about to say something when the bell rang, announcing the end of class.

The music teacher left the class and when Qin was about to say something else, the head teacher came in.

In the following ceremony, Jane finally had to give up talking and sit down directly.

Because it was very quiet during the meal, the conversation was interrupted after a few days.

On the way home from school.

Among the noisy children, three people walked quietly. That was when we were approaching the school bus stop.

Chen hurriedly caught Dao Xian

"Dohyun! Are you busy? Today we have to set a music practice evaluation song before we can practice it individually. Do you have time? Before the school bus comes!"

"it's here?"

"Um! Let's make some decisions before leaving."

Daoxian saw Julia who was leading the children. Because the children were so crazy, they were very noisy, and they seemed to have time to chat for a while.

Daoxian nodded, and JIN, who looked anxious, smiled happily.

The expression was stiff. As Nicholas tried to escape, Jean, who grabbed the back of the neck, said calmly

"First of all, I have studied music for a long time and I can play it in general. Nikki can play it as long as it's not too difficult. I think just pick a song at a level you can play"

"Do you have any songs in mind?"

"Well, because I have to play music from musicians I learned in class." said Zhen from Baotou.

"How about the first spring movement from Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons? Since it’s a famous song, there are many arranged sheet music online, so it’s okay to just play a simple version? And it’s almost spring!"

"It is clear"

"What? Then it’s up to you to choose!"

"Didn't I say no? Nicholas showed a disgusted expression, and Aizhen's fist trembled. Daoxian did not intervene in the quarrel between the two, but quietly waited for the commotion to subside.

Jane, who was punishing Nicholas, realized that Daoxian was quiet and showed an apologetic expression

"ah! sorry! Nikki is always annoying...Anyway, have we chosen the instruments and songs? I'm going to look for the sheet music, and if there's anything good I'll take it! Just ask dad"

"Ah, thank you"

"It’s no big deal, everything that needs to be settled is settled, let’s go?"

Nicholas and Jane quickened their pace again, followed closely by Dao Xian who was waiting for the two to separate.

I didn't know if it was a group of people, the ambiguous street.

Dao Xian's heart was beating a little, but he always forced his gaze to The two of them turned their attention to the white rolling stones and crumbling grass.

That was the moment when they were walking at an ambiguous distance.

"ah! Really!"

Nicholas yelled and looked back.

Nicholas, who was looking at Dao Xian, strode over arrogantly, waving his arms back and forth, and stood directly in front of Dao Xian.

"So depressed! What are you going to do now?!"

Shocked by Nicholas' behavior, Jane stopped after what Nicholas said.

"what exactly is it? Do you look like a rotten fish and hide when you look at him? Now he’s following me from behind with a wink! It was troublesome every time I talked to him last time, so what's the problem this time? You are so weird. do you know?"

Nicholas is not a character who only has a crush on one or two friends.

Nor is he particularly lacking in friends, because it is not cool to be obsessed with friends.

Just ignore them if you want to.

"But it always bothers me!"

Nicholas was angry.

After all, he was an eye-catching guy, crestfallen and always looked down upon.

If he got the attention of Daoxian and other children who glanced at him, it would be like turning into a villain.

"She started it!"

Nicholas is very aggrieved.

Jane may not even know her stomach, and she hangs around that guy whenever she has time. But she can't talk to him easily. What makes people even more speechless is that Daoxian is no different.

Where is the unlucky attitude? , looked downcast.

Zhen En looked at Dao Xian's eyes. Dao Xian looked at Chen and his own eyes. He clearly saw something he wanted to get close to, but he was pacing back and forth in the distance, casting hazy glances at each other.

Again Not Romeo and Juliet!

My pride was hurt and I was determined not to talk first, but I kept looking at this look and my heart felt like it was going to explode.

""Da da da da", Nicholas stared at Dao Xian happily.

Under that fiery gaze, Dao Xian experienced an experience where his mind went blank.


"oh! you! You, what!"

Although the rhyme was gone, I couldn't think of what to say.

Daoxian closed his mouth again, and Nicholas stared at the ax and shouted

"If you have something to say, say it!"

Nicholas, who yelled in Dohyun's eyes, looked really angry.

There was something wrong.

I thought it would be fine if I just stayed honest. I greeted Jin every morning, although there was no conversation, but we had dinner together at noon, I thought This relationship can last.

So I... ah!

Do-hyun's face turned red.

"used to being alone","Strange thing so far","That's well said, but it's not true."

It's just that I'm afraid it will become like this.

Am I such a despicable person?

I don't understand those people who apologize easily who seem to be able to solve everything with one sentence, but I can't even apologize well. I am so embarrassed. It’s easy to calm down. Dohyun asked while swallowing dry saliva.

"I...if I did something wrong, can I tell you?"


"So...I did something wrong"

"No, who said they didn’t hear it? Now you want to joke with me... ha! Really?"

Nicholas thought this was a new secret. When he saw Dohyun tightening his lips, he was speechless for a moment.

Nicholas opened his mouth and Qin inserted it in the middle.

"Dohyun, do you know the reason for asking this?"

In response to Zhenping's question, Daoxian answered with a lack of confidence.

"That... From a certain moment, you seemed to feel uncomfortable with me. It seems like I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know why. I should have asked earlier...I didn't ask because I was scared. sorry."

Hearing that frank answer, Jane nodded.

"I thought you hated us"

"what does that mean?"

Dohyun was startled, JIN replied

"Daoxian. Although you are a bit calm, you are also very kind. But suddenly my attitude changed... I didn't smile like before. He always has a bored look on his face during conversations. The eyes don't want to meet. Avoid the body when trying to grab."

Jin kept talking, and Daoxian's face was stunned.

"And I feel like I'm always standing...so I thought something happened to you, so I asked you and said nothing happened."

Well...because nothing really happened.

"I don’t want to tell you that I don’t like it every time I ask you… I wonder if you hate me."

The words that started calmly ended dullly.

Daoxian was stunned.

"So... is it because of that?"


Dohyun was silent for a while, collecting his thoughts.

So...Jin is now talking about the fact that she practiced Dohyun's judo.

Dohyun suddenly woke up.

-I thought something was wrong...

Well, so did mom...

Yeah. It's really a simple thing to think about.

Dohyun showed an incomprehensible expression.

Do Hyun cannot influence anyone.

That is a natural proposition that applies to everyone except my brother who left a deep impression on me the first time they met.

It’s okay to cry, laugh, be angry, or pray.

One day later, the parents returned to South Korea and Daoxian stayed in the hospital. That's all.

That's all...

At this moment, Doxian deeply felt the meaning of becoming a complete soul for the first time.

Even if you don’t cry or shout. Even if it's not noticeable. Just small changes in behavior...I care. Let me help you find out.

Dohyun suppressed the emotions welling up in his throat and said in a trembling voice


The slightly wet eyes looked towards Jane and Nicholas in turn.

Jane, Nicholas, I'm sorry...I was wrong.

Just like when I apologized to my brother, I was at a loss. I just looked at the two people with sincere eyes.

Although this was not the truth What Hyun thought, but the pupils like a puppy soaked in the rain played a remarkable role in soothing the hearts of the two children.

Before Do Hyun could apologize again, Nicholas took the initiative.

"Okay, don't do that again. If you do that next time, we'll break up the relationship, you."

Dohyun blinked blankly.


"So? Nicholas snorted and sneered. Seeing Daoxian looking at JIN, JIN nodded.

"I also accept your apology."

The matter was solved too easily," Daoxian couldn't hide his surprise and uneasiness.

"Why should you forgive me?"

Hearing Daoxian's words, Nicholas showed a very angry expression.

"I knew you were unlucky from the beginning, although Jane didn't know it just by looking at your face! Unlucky kids act unlucky."

Dohyun's face was slightly shocked, and JIN, who was watching the conversation between the two, quickly interrupted.

"Nikki said that for no reason. And there is no reason to forgive you, just because you are a friend!"

After hearing what the two of them said, Daoxian couldn't raise his head.

"I'm sorry...I'm really sorry"

"It doesn't matter! Compared to this. Can you hear the reason now? I thought Do Hyun was a completely different person. So you're a little scared? Did you know that Nicholas has also searched online for possession?"

"Hello! When did I do that!"

"Didn't you say that? I've seen the search history!"

When Jane and Nicholas were noisy, Daoxian's face was hot. He closed his eyes tightly and opened his eyes and said

"Practicing acting skills"


Nicholas and Jane also stopped arguing and looked at Daoxian.

Because he was speechless even thinking about it, Daoxian, whose face turned a little red, spoke a little fast.

"There was kind of an audition last week or something. So I practiced in order to identify myself with the character in a short period of time, and gradually became involved from a certain moment.……"

Dohyun’s voice became quieter and quieter. Jane and Nicholas gave ridiculous looks.

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