Entertainment: Let you come to the rescue, and you will play seven roles

Chapter 423 I have a great plan, do you want to hear it?

That night.

Bazaka announced an unparalleled piece of news to the world through his own TV channels and online media.

The hospital ship, which had been cruising on the high seas for a long time, was captured by him when it approached the waters of Somalia.

All crew members, bosses, and mercenaries were shot on the spot and thrown into the sea.

All surviving victims have been rescued and properly placed ashore. The embassies of various countries can come to pick them up after the statistics are completed, or repatriate them back to their countries at a selected date.

If this was just a piece of written news or oral news, few people would believe it if it were posted on the Internet.

However, this news was accompanied by a large number of photos and videos about hospital ships, criminal groups, victims, and body parts, which made the audience disbelief.

Less than an hour after the news was released, it caused an uproar around the world.

As a result, various voices of suspicion broke out first and poured into the Somali region overwhelmingly.

"Wow Fak, Somali pirates actually robbed a hospital ship and rescued so many victims. Are these the same pirates we knew before?"

"That's outrageous. Isn't this a plot by Somali pirates? Are they trying to whitewash themselves in this way?"

"It's so outrageous. It's probably harder for me to believe that pirates save people than it is for me to believe that the devil is God."

"I seriously suspect that this is a show directed and performed by Somali pirates. The hospital ship on the high seas cannot even be caught by various countries. Why was it captured by a group of pirates?"

Regardless of whether they are Easterners or Westerners, the first reaction to seeing these news is doubt.

the reason is simple.

They would rather believe that a good person did bad things than a bad person would do good things.

But as more and more people recognized their relatives from the videos and posted family photos on social platforms, those doubts were quickly suppressed.

"I swear to God, this video must be real, because I saw my missing daughter in the video, and I have a missing person report in my hand."

"I can also prove that the Somali pirates really did something good this time because my husband is in the video and he has been missing for almost a year."

"Stupid humans, please keep your eyes open and put aside your prejudices. Somali pirates may not be as bad as you think. They also have a kind side."

"Somali pirates have always been labeled as cruel and vicious by the global media, but I now think that they are at least much kinder than the hypocritical Hawks."

"To be honest, if those proud Westerners always come to my door to show off their power, I will blow their heads off with guns. The Somalis have been forced to become pirates, but they don't seem to have much fault in robbing Western merchant ships. "

Just when global public opinion began to turn, Su Qin was already answering an overseas call from the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

"Comrade Su Qin, I just asked you to film well and didn't let you make such a big fuss. Now the global public opinion is changing its view on Somali pirates, which may not be a good thing."

Sun Ping's voice rang in Su Qin's ears. The fact that he made the call in person was enough to show that the matter had alarmed the higher-ups.

After all, Somali pirates are really wild when they are wild, and they are really ruthless when they are ruthless.

If this incident greatly changes the reputation of Somali pirates, Su Qin will be in a very dangerous and troublesome situation if something big happens again in the future.

Su Qin also knew what he was worried about, so he revealed his plan in full.

"Don't worry, Minister Sun, I'm already transforming these Somali pirates. Maybe even you can't believe it. Most of them have to go to sea because of their livelihood."

"As long as I can help them establish a sound economic system in the next few months so that they can live and work in peace without being pirates, I believe they will be willing to put down their guns."

"What did you say, you want to transform them into good citizens?" Su Ping thought he heard wrongly, and his mind was filled with disbelief.

It is said that there are two kinds of people in the world that are the most disgusting. One is to pull Liang's family into the sea, and the other is to persuade those who go to sea to be good.

What Su Qin is doing now is obviously the second type.

If this kind of thing is not done well, it will be backlashed. If the Western media discovers the clues, it may also be rumored that Jackie Chan is maliciously cultivating Somali pirates, which will plunge the country into a whirlpool of public opinion.

But Su Qin did not deny it and acted quite calmly.

"Yes, Minister Sun, I want to reform them."

"I don't deny that there are inherently evil people in this world, but I believe it's impossible for a group of people to be all evil and unable to be saved."

"You and I must know that many evil people in this world are defined by the Western media, and the so-called teachers of justice are also the labels they shamelessly put on themselves."

"If we can change this status quo and break this pattern, it will also be of great help to our country's international status."

Su Qin analyzed it one by one, and Sun Ping gradually changed from his initial opposition. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was something to be done about it.

Being in a high position, he certainly understands that the Western media has described countless black people as white, and white people as black, which is exactly the evil that has been manipulated by others.

It is even said that for a long period of time, the Dragon Kingdom also suffered greatly.

If we can take the opportunity to break the existing public opinion pattern, it will undoubtedly be a great achievement.

"It's not impossible to change a country or a region, but a few months is too short a time."

"Think about how long it would take a township head to change the poverty and backwardness of a place. How can you do it in a few months?"

Seeing that he relaxed, Su Qin felt relieved and immediately chased after him.

"It would be impossible for any ordinary person to do such a big thing in such a short time."

"But what if I am God in their hearts? Every word I say is regarded as God's will by them?"

The two of them chatted on the phone for half an hour, and until the phone hung up, Sun Ping was still in a state of confusion.

He has always had a doubt in his heart: How did a man with an oriental face become the god of Africans?

When Su Qin showed up at the restaurant with his people, he was immediately warmly welcomed by the pirate executives.

Bazaka saluted Su Qin devoutly and praised his great achievements.

"Great Lord Allah, your plan is so great."

"Now the whole world is praising the people of Somalia, and our public opinion has been reversed to a great extent."

Su Qin pretended to be profound and told him: "This is just the first step to change other people's inherent impressions. You still have a long way to go."

"I have a plan that will completely change your current situation. Do you want to hear it?"

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