Entertainment: Let you come to the rescue, and you will play seven roles

Chapter 444 Fake? Those are all moved from real battlefields.

With the help of the Ivia government troops, the armored convoy drove into the land of Livia.

Wherever you look, there are buildings riddled with holes by artillery fire, and every scene is shocking.

"Everyone's attention, everyone's attention, we are currently unable to enter the street where the target factory is located. We will instead enter the factory from the roof of an adjacent residential building."

"Then, a team of Gu Shun and Li Dong, you are responsible for staying outside the field to establish the commanding heights, while the rest of the people follow me into the factory for search and rescue."

"For the second team, you will send three people to support the armed police outside the factory, and the remaining five people will stay behind the convoy. It's over."

After entering the state, Captain Yang Rui, played by Zhang Yi, showed very strong command and leadership skills. All work was arranged in an orderly manner, simple and capable.

Wang Pingping, who was responsible for the specific shooting, used the camera positions arranged in advance to capture the domineering appearance of the motorcade entering the scene, which was quite shocking.

But when the actors enter his carefully staged, realistic battlefield.

These actors, who had never acted in military-themed movies before and had never experienced the cruelty of war, immediately vomited.

Because in the previous scene, some government actors had their legs blown off, some had their internal organs blown out, and some were turned into blood and minced meat all over the floor.

The smell of blood and putrid smell everywhere hit the face, making people who have not experienced the cruelty of the battlefield subconsciously feel nauseated.

This is an instinctive reaction that is not controlled by personal will, and it is useless for the actors to suppress it.

"Ugh, these scenes are so disgusting. The director actually dragged us to a place like this for filming."

"Damn it, this can't be a real battlefield. Those ruins don't look fake at all, and the sticky blood and stumps on the ground don't look fake either. I spit out the bitter bile."

"False? Are you kidding me? Don't you know that wars are going on everywhere in Somalia? The director moved these things from real battlefields. In fact, there is no difference between this place and the real battlefield."

"Then there's no need to make it so disgusting. Look at the human tissue and blood over there. Damn, I even vomited out my meal the night before."

"So there is a saying on the Internet that is very good. It is not the world that is peaceful, but our country. There are wars everywhere outside our country, and people are dying every day, but most of us don't see it."

Su Qin had no choice but to ask them to pause and adjust their mentality first if they had such a serious instinctive reaction.

After all, acting must be realistic. As the elites of the Dragon Commando, it is impossible for them to have a strong vomiting reaction after seeing these on the battlefield.

Even if they had never seen such a bloody scene in their previous military careers, they would still choose to endure it. At most, they would get used to it after watching it a few times.

"Hey, this shot will be paused for now. Let's get used to the environment and smell here."

"I don't care how you react when you first see these scenes or smell these smells, but I ask that you must act like a regular soldier, face them openly and defeat them."

"Our ancestors, our soldiers rose up from layers of blood and fire. We have the strongest willpower in the world. I hope you will not embarrass the Dragon Kingdom soldiers."

Under his powerful spiritual baptism and cruel forced adaptation, the actors finally gradually adapted.

After they all adjusted, Su Qin arranged to start shooting again.

The convoy continued to drive in until it could no longer go in. All members immediately got out of the car and divided into groups.

"Smoke cover."

As soon as the order was given, the smoke bombs over there were already fired. The tacit cooperation did not have any sense of hindrance, and the flow was quite smooth.

After fighting for a while, band leader Yang once again directed the whole team to move forward with gestures.

"On the left and right sides, establish a defensive line, quickly."

In front of them, government troops and rebels were fighting fiercely, with gunfire and bullets raining constantly.

Behind them was the Jiaolong Commando advancing tactically, taking every step steadily.

Comparing the two, the different military qualities are very obvious at this moment.

They advanced step by step according to the plan and soon reached the top of the building.

"The cave demon, the cave demon, has reached the top of the building."

Everyone continued to advance in a vigilant manner, quickly checking every corner of the roof to ensure that they would not be attacked by lurking enemies.


After a report, captain Yang Rui's order was conveyed again.

"Gu Shun, Li Dong, look for the commanding heights."

As snipers, their main task is to find commanding heights to mount their guns, and it is also the key to their dominance of the entire battlefield.

Whether the sniper finds a suitable commanding height and whether it can achieve maximum fire suppression directly determines the success of the entire team's operation to a large extent.

If you choose a commanding height with too many blind spots and sniper blind spots, you will not be able to provide effective long-range assistance when your teammates are suppressed by fire.

That would be fatal to teammates, and fatal to the entire mission.

However, as the most elite dragon special team in the Dragon Kingdom, the sniper in particular is played by Su Qin, a man with systematic tricks.

Finding the commanding heights was not difficult for him at all.

After the mission was issued, everyone jumped vertically and horizontally on the roof. The fast, efficient and neat way of advancement directly filled the battlefield with tension.

Gu Shun and Li Dong directly fired their javelins at the tallest building on the opposite side of the street, then pressed the mechanism to tighten the cable, and the two of them swung over.

Then Javelin continued to retract the cable, and the two quickly approached the roof of the building. At this time, sniper Gu Shun also reported the news to the captain.

"Close to the high ground."

As soon as his report arrived, the team led by Yang Rui immediately lifted the alert.

Then he hit the opponent with the javelin, then held the ring with his left hand and swung over from high in the air with the gun in his right hand.

But Su Qin stopped this action several times in a row.

"Zhang Yi, you see clearly, your current actions are not accurate enough."

"Because you must always be on guard against someone below raising a gun and shooting at you when you are sliding the lock, so your gun must be in a secure position and you must have the ability to shoot downward at any time."

"If you follow the posture or technique you just adopted, if the enemies on the ground really find you, by the time you complete a series of shooting preparations, you will have been beaten to a pulp by the enemies."

When it comes to details involving professionalism and military temperament, Su Qin once again transformed into a detail maniac, carefully picking out every point.

He will not let go of any flaws or mistakes that will make the audience criticize after watching it. He must consider every detail carefully.

Although this way of working consumes a lot of time, no actor will think there is anything wrong with it.

After all, this is a very rigorous military-themed movie. Everything must be as close to reality as possible. If it is not serious at this time, it will not be rigorous.

When the time comes, the reputation will be ruined and the face of the Chinese military will be lost. They cannot afford this responsibility.

What they can do now is to prevent such things from happening to them to the greatest extent possible.

However, as the plot progressed, when some more terrifying and bloody scenes required them to face it personally, they once again couldn't bear it anymore.

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