Entertainment: Let you come to the rescue, and you will play seven roles

Chapter 448: Someone was shot, I found you this time

"Call Linxi, call Captain Liang, our film crew is being attacked by local armed forces and is currently surrounded by enemies. Please provide support."

After calming down, Su Qin quickly contacted the Type 054A frigate stationed at the harbor through a dedicated channel.

However, since their shooting location this time was deep inland and far from the coast, it was not easy to wait for support. ,

Fortunately, the communication was not blocked, and Liang Zhong's reply came quickly on the channel.

"054A received it. I will send out the drone immediately, but it will take some time. Please stick to your position and protect yourself as much as possible."

"In addition, our special forces here will land immediately and provide you with fire support as quickly as possible."

Liang Zhong's words made Su Qin feel a little relaxed, but also felt a little pressure.

After all, it does take about half an hour to drive from the port to the mainland, and support may be slower than Bazaka.

The only thing we can rely on now is the drone they sent, which will only take about 5 minutes to arrive.

But just after he closed the communication channel, his own crisis sense reappeared.


A gunshot erupted hundreds of meters away, and Su Qin once again relied on his instinctive reaction to instantly feel the danger coming.

But this time the person he wanted to avoid was not himself, but the observer beside him, Li Dong.

Without warning, he kicked Li Dong away, causing his body to move more than two meters later, and he fell to the foot of the low wall on the roof of the building.

"Director, what are you doing..."

Luo Tian, ​​who plays Li Dong, reacted quickly as soon as he asked the question. Looking at the position where he was lying just now, he felt a chill down his spine.

"I'm sorry, director, I shouldn't have doubted you. If it hadn't been for you just now, I would have been cold."

As a person who deeply admires Su Qin's kindness, he is the one who should trust Su Qin the most in the audience, but just now he actually had some doubts about why Su Qin kicked him away.

You must know that this is actual combat, not a movie, and there is no script that allows him to repeat it over and over again.

The director arranged for him to search for the sniper's location, but not only did he not find it, he was almost shot dead by the enemy.

If he hadn't kicked it away just now, he would be a cold corpse now.

Fortunately, Su Qin didn't take this matter to heart at all and warned him with a stern face.

"Please check our 2:00 direction in particular, but be sure to change positions."

"I continued suppressive fire and helped the rest of them break out."

At this moment, Zhuang Yu and Lu Chen were also being blocked by fierce firepower, and now they could no longer push outward.

"Gu Shun, Gu Shun, my side is under heavy fire resistance, please provide fire support."

"Gu Shun received it, just hold on for half a minute and I'll be there soon."

Su Qin held the gun and found a blind spot for the enemy. He quickly locked the location of Zhuang Yu and Lu Chen and continued to provide them with the service of killing the enemy.

After killing 4 enemies in a row, the remaining enemies were frightened and quickly retreated to avoid being killed by his long-range sniper shots.

Zhuang Yu and Lu Chen were able to continue advancing under his fire cover and continued to move in the direction of the crew.

"Director, director, we have obtained a safe location, but there are enemies wandering around outside all the time. You must hurry up, otherwise we may not be able to hide for long."

The voice of assistant director Wang Ping calling for help came from the earphones again, making Su Qin's heart become nervous again.

After receiving the information, Zhang Yi immediately made combat adjustments again.

"Zhuang Yu and Lu Chen, please continue to advance as planned, speed up the process, and ensure the safety of the crew members."

"Shitou Tongli, you two need to use your firepower advantage to quickly break out of the encirclement and rush to the location of the crew before anyone else. Then set up guns on the outside to provide fire support to the crew and slow down the enemy's search inside."

"The rest of the team members will follow me. We will advance in two groups and form a pincer attack on the enemies on the periphery of the crew, taking them down in one fell swoop."

Yang Rui, played by Zhang Yi, is now the captain. His orders can reach the entire team, so the command efficiency is very high.

As a sniper, Gu Shun, played by Su Qin, has to follow his arrangements and continue to cooperate.

And the benefits of this are obvious, because Su Qin can have an overview of the situation from the commanding heights, and can not only effectively snipe the enemy, but also provide intelligence to the ground troops below.

In addition, due to his geographical advantage, he could also contact Bazaka in time and guide their reinforcements to arrive quickly.

However, in order to pursue extremely realistic scenes, they chose the shooting location far away from the eastern coastline, which resulted in Bazaka's support also taking time.

The only thing they can do now is to persist. It will take about half an hour for Basaka's people to arrive urgently.

However, not long after, Su Qin and others heard the report from their teammates in the headsets.

"Report report, a teammate was shot, a teammate was shot."

As soon as this news came out, everyone became nervous instantly, and a panic spread in everyone's hearts.

Even if you know that this is actual combat, even if you know that someone will definitely be shot, when this moment really comes, the feeling of death will still make people scared.

After all, they are just actors, and they come here to film just to earn a living.

They are not professional soldiers, and they are not strong enough not to be afraid of death.

"Who was shot? Who was shot?"

"Who was shot? Please answer when you receive it."

Fortunately, what came from the headset was not pessimism again, but a voice of relief.

"Report to the captain, report to the director. The one who was shot was an actor from our group. Fortunately, he was wearing a bulletproof vest and he is fine."


Everyone felt that the huge stone was removed from their chests.

Fortunately, Su Qin has always strictly required everyone to go into battle in full gear. If it weren't for this body armor, they would have lost a teammate.

Just after the thrill here, another report came from Li Dong.

"Report, the enemy sniper is 500 meters ahead of us on the left, in the direction of 11:00, in a low building with only one window inside."

"There was a sniper scope reflection when he was shooting just now."

Upon hearing this, Su Qin immediately turned his gun and aimed at a small building 500 meters away.

By slowly calibrating the sniper scope, he was finally able to see the enemy's position more clearly.

A black gun barrel was standing there, like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, ready to take a bite at any time.

"I finally found you. Don't try to run away this time."

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