Entertainment: Let you come to the rescue, and you will play seven roles

Chapter 459 Borrowing others’ hands to defeat you with conspiracy

What Bazaka has to do is also very simple.

It is to openly and proactively admit that Somalia’s piracy reform is not completely over, but that all actions are targeted at Eagle-registered merchant ships.

The reason he gave was simple, direct, and fatal.

Because the Eagle-owned consortium hired the Seawolf Star Mercenary Group, and then the Seawolf Star Mercenary Group hired militants to enter Somalia.

Such behavior not only violated their sovereignty, but also caused hundreds of local civilian casualties and tens of millions of direct or indirect economic losses.

He made no mention of Su Qin or the filming team of Operation Red Sea, and completely blamed them on Somalia.

But this is completely consistent with what is happening in Somalia, and also consistent with Yingjiang's consistent style and domineering behavior.

After seeing the news, Yingjiang's consortium was angry but had no choice but to suffer the loss.

Because it was impossible for them to deny Bazaka's statement and publicly admit that they were targeting Su Qin and his film shooting team.

Once such news is revealed, it will completely anger that big eastern country and attract verbal and written criticism from its 14 billion people.

No matter at any time, no matter what cards they have now.

They don't dare to offend that big eastern country now.

But it is definitely not their style to let a superpower like them be manipulated by a small country called Somalia.

Therefore, shortly after Bazaka made a public speech, Yingjiang also launched a spokesperson to speak publicly to Bazaka.

Jayne Cameron, the country's commerce minister, was on the TV screen.

"As a guardian of global security, we, the Eagle Country, severely protested to Somalia's Bazaka and demanded the release of all Eagle-registered merchant ships and double compensation for all cargo losses."

"The deadline we gave Somalia and Bazaka is only three days. If you don't comply after three days, we will dispatch a naval formation to visit the Somali waters until we can explain this to you!"

Jayne Cameron's attitude maintains his usual strong, domineering and sharp style,

Don't take Somalia and Bazaka seriously at all.

Of course, under his deliberate exaggeration, they once again became the masters of justice and won the support of many Yingjiang people.

A vigorous scolding war broke out on the Internet, but these public opinions had no impact on Bazaka at all.

First, because Somalia lacks network infrastructure, most civilians do not have access to the Internet.

The second reason is because of his absolute trust in Su Qin and his recognition of his improved combat power.

Even in his heart, he still vaguely longed for Yingjiang to actually send someone in to fight them.

Because Mr. Allah said that actual combat is the only criterion for testing truth.

If you don't have a real fight with others, no matter how much you train, it will only be paper data.

In this way, you will never know how high your true combat power is and where your true upper limit is.

But for Su Qin, he also had a clearer understanding of this than him.

Because in his calculation, as long as Hawk-chan doesn't admit that he is here to stop Operation Red Sea,

It is impossible to come to Somalia to fight a war just for the sake of losing a few financial groups.

Otherwise, once they do come, they will bully the small and the weak, and their international reputation will fall again and again.

What's more, dispatching naval formations means sky-high military expenditures are being burned, and the small country of Somalia has limited wealth, which is not worthy of them going to war.

Spending such large military expenditures for the benefit of several consortiums is even more inconsistent with their interests.

There was absolutely no reason for them to send troops over something that would do them no good at all.

Therefore, judging from the overall situation, their forced demonstration this time was not only not dangerous, but also quite safe.

In fact, it was just as he expected. In the next three days, Eagle Sauce has been condemning it in the public opinion, but it has never actually sent a fleet to cause trouble.

However, although the fleet was not dispatched, millions of dollars were spent to hire a group of mercenaries and militants.

They tried to sneak into Somalia secretly from the border, catch Bazaka by surprise and dampen Bazaka's energy.

If Bazaka is still the same Bazaka as before, then it is really possible for them to succeed.

But now Bazaka has already accepted Su Qin's systematic military thinking.

They arranged a large number of overt and hidden sentries at important nodes on the border. They quickly discovered this group of invading mercenaries and armed forces, and immediately launched a fierce counterattack.

In a region of Somalia where almost everyone is a soldier, these mercenaries were immediately attacked by fierce firepower as soon as they entered.

Before they crossed the border more than 1 kilometer, more than half of their personnel had been lost and they finally fled in panic.

After the good news came back, Bazaka immediately informed the whole country, allowing the people of the country to enjoy the joy of victory, and the cry spread to every corner of the country.

For a period of time thereafter, Bazaka still ordered people to intercept merchant ships registered as Yingjiang, and the cumulative value of seized goods soon exceeded one billion U.S. dollars.

Moreover, Bazaka launched the broadcast for the second time and once again addressed Jayne Cameron, the Ministry of Commerce of the Eagle Country.

As long as the other party does not revoke the so-called sanction order, they will continue to intercept Eagle-registered merchant ships.

Until no more ships dared to pass through Somali waters.

Faced with this unscrupulous intimidation and huge interests considerations, Jayne Cameron rarely showed a soft attitude in the world.

After telephone communication between the two parties, a settlement was finally reached.

That is when Jayne Cameron publicly apologized to the more than 100 civilians who died in Somalia.

And paid more than 1,000 million U.S. dollars to support the bereaved families and post-war reconstruction.

This smokeless war of public opinion finally ended with the victory of Somalia and Bazaka.

This is also quite explosive in the history of global resistance.

Of course, for Jayne Cameron and Eagle Sauce, this is their humanitarian aid, and it is definitely not about submission and surrender.

It seems that only by saying this can they save their poor face as a big country.

And in addition, Liang Zhong has reported the whole story, and the Foreign Affairs Office has made stern representations to the Eagle Country.

The sudden war of words between the two big countries has even made many countries confused, wondering where they got their anger.

However, with the support of increasingly powerful national power, we have still achieved very gratifying diplomatic results.

The storm was over.

Although Su Qin and his film shooting team did not receive a direct apology from Yingjiang Kingdom, they still achieved a comprehensive victory after this battle.

They expressed their attitude to Yingjiang through Bazaka's mouth. If they dare to continue to cause trouble, the situation will inevitably expand further.

At that time, the loss will no longer be 1,000 million US dollars, but the majesty of a big country.

As a civilian and a director, he perfectly resisted the sanctions of the hegemonic country, Eagle Sauce.

This is extremely rare in the history of global struggles.

However, as soon as this matter came to an end, Su Qin had to return to China urgently to participate in the promotion and distribution of the movie "Changjin Lake".

Because there are only two days left before the movie's summer vacation.

If he, the director, is not present, the premiere will lose a major attraction.

Only if he comes to the screenings in person can his one-year box office target be pushed further.

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