Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 172: 9th Division

The world quieted down, and Neith and Xilzror felt their breath return to them as the arm disappeared. After a moment though, Neith felt the mind connection with Adam reappeared, and it was much stronger than before. The strange thing was, it came from the hole where the giant arm disappeared.

Neith began carefully approaching the hole, but as she peeked into it she was relieved to see that no trace of the giant monster could be seen, and only Adam was there, alive.

Seeing him, Neith felt like her last doubts were vanishing away. It wasn't that the monster had left, but it had actually transformed back into it's original form…

Her first instinct when she felt the incredible might of that arm was to disassociate it from her master, as it was just too powerful.

But thinking about it, Adam was already in the middle of transforming, and although she didn't know how he turned out fine in the end, it was only obvious that arm belonged to Adam after he transformed. But now she wondered, in what he had transformed exactly to become so powerful…

Meanwhile, down in the hole Adam was feeling sore all over his body. He had just regained consciousness, and even he didn't know exactly what happened, but the last thing he remembered were the moments before his violent rage.

Still though, he was relieved to see Neith was safe… and much bigger. Curious, he tried to look at her status.

[Neith, Titan Spider] (Elder, Chosen, Level 55)

HP: 4,500,000/4,500,000

Neith had successfully advanced, and she had become much more powerful. Adam felt that she had become even more powerful than him, which was quite impressive on its own.

Adam swam out of the hole and looked at Neith in her entirety. Now that she had turned into a 50 meters tall monster, she had become a lot more intimidating. Traveling would be even better too.

Adam began talking with her mentally, and learned of what happened. When he learned he had transformed into a monster, he sent a look at his status.

He discovered a few things, first was the fact that he was weakened, all his stats were 20% weaker. Also, he saw a notification telling him about having used the one timed Ecdysis from [Medusa's Pendant]. This was how he survived.

Another important thing was that Adam had somehow comprehended another concept, the Sovereign Concept of Self, and it had even reached the 1% mark.

What was interesting about this concept was the fact it wasn't an elemental one, and so it worked in a very different way. This one didn't allow him to use the power of the elements without a cost like his Water and Fire Concepts do.

Instead, they make him directly stronger. His attack and defense were now 1% stronger than his Strength and Endurance attributes, and they would become twice as big when he completely mastered the concept. That meant double damage and defense.

Lastly, he also saw that his [Totemic Rage] had changed a lot, as it was now A Rank, and perfectly mastered.

Totemic Rage (A): Transform into your totemic self for up to one minute. Cost: All stats lowered by 50% for a day, loses mind while transformed.

After thinking about it, Adam felt like the reason for his weakness being lower than what was written in the cost section was that he had been revived to perfect condition in the middle of transformation, so a large part of the damage coming from the transformation had been healed already.

Adam was also surprised to learn that Neith was actually able to fly now, which was supposed to be something reserved to flying monsters or Gold Ranks, but she was neither of those. She didn't know the reason, but guessed it was because she was a Chosen, and chances were Adam would receive the same treatment.

Adam sent a look at the Fire Dragon Prince, and walked toward him. The fallen dragon was still recovering his wounds underwater, and he didn't seem to have a trouble breathing underwater.

However, as Adam approached the dragon, he was shocked to see it suddenly bow his entire body before him, and say "I have witnessed your might, and I believe only someone like you can become my master. I am willing to become your mount."

[Xilzror, the Fire Dragon Prince, wishes to become your mount!]

Adam felt Neith become nervous, as well as a little insecure, which made him laugh. He looked at the dragon and said "Sorry, but you are not worthy to be my mount. Besides, I'm already satisfied with Neith."

Adam felt Neith sigh in relief, while Xilzror looked like he had swallowed a bitter lemon. He asked "Don't you know the prestige of riding a dragon? Don't you want to become a legendary Dragon Rider?"

Adam snorted "I'm already a Dragon Slayer, as well as a Sovereign, so I don't really need that to become 'legendary'."

Another benefit Adam found from this fight was his new title, Dragon Slayer.

Dragon Slayer: Dragons takes 20% more damage from your attacks, and become 10% weaker while facing you.

It wasn't that bad of a title, and could be quite useful against dragons. Unfortunately, Adam's current title, Strith's Champion, was much better, hence he didn't equip it. Still, he would be known as a Dragon Slayer throughout the world whether he activates the title or not, and the reputation could be of help.

Back to Xilzror, he was dumbfounded. For a dragon, acknowledging someone as their master was a big deal, and people would die to become a dragon's master. And yet, this guy had refused him instead…

After a moment, Adam said "While you can't be my mount, you can work under me if you can prove yourself."

Xilzror looked at Adam with curiosity and the later said "I have a guild, split in multiple divisions… If you can manage to be acknowledged by the other Division Leaders, you will become the Ninth Division Leader, and be in charge of a division full of monsters. Would you be interested?"

Xilzror thought about it for a moment, before he sighed and said "I will get killed if I stay here, and I don't really have anywhere to go… Where am I supposed to head to?"

Adam began walking toward the corpses of the many dragons recently killed as he said "Azure Sky Kingdom, once there if you can't find a large army training outside the capital of the kingdom, just ask around for the Divine Predator guild."

Xilzror nodded "I will first recover, and then head there."

Now, Adam could finally focus on the dragons. One hundred dragons was an impressive number, and he would have much more materials than he needed. But he would still take everything.

Adam looted all one hundred dragon corpses, and damn those dragons were rich. First, all one hundred dragons had a kind of inner space that acted like a spatial equipment, and they mostly use it to store gold.

The mountains of gold within the cave from before numbered more than 10 000, and he got another 10 000 from all the dragons, pushing his wealth to 20 000 Gold Coins. However alluring gold was though, the other stuff Adam got was also very interesting.

First was 100 Reverse Scales, meaning he would still have 50 spare ones once he created his armor. As for normal Dragon Scales, every dragon dropped between 20 to 60. In total, he had gathered 4000 of them. Those 4000 Dragon Scales, if sold, would be worth much more than 10 000 Golds. There was also a lot of dragon meat, which should please many cooks around the world.

There were also tons of Level 100 Equipment, and there were as many Unique and Extraordinary Grade. Their combined value was worth in the tens of thousands of golds too. However, he didn't intend on selling them, he would keep them for his guild so that when his guild members reached this level, they would have access to great equipment.

There was also a few Level 100 accessories, and there was one particularly great one that dropped from the princess.

[Wintry Night Ring] (Unique, Level 100)

Requirements: 10 000 Aura

All Stats: +5000

Wintry Night: Form a dome of ten meters around the user within which enemies are blinded and receive 200% frost damage every second for five seconds. Cooldown: 1 Hour.

Cold Resistance: Resistance to frost attacks: +20%.

Adam decided to equip it and replace the [Clingy Ring], which he decided he would keep to learn the skill that allowed one to stick their body to a surface, that was a useful skill.

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