Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 178: Internal War

King Slayer approached the Vampire and said "I'm bringing those two friends into the city, is there a problem?"

The Vampire Earl gulped and shook his head "Of course not, your Excellency. Come on in." Much to Adam and Neith's surprise, the vampire was actually acting subservient to King Slayer, and immediately had the gates opened.

When they entered the city, Adam couldn't help but ask King Slayer about the earlier interaction. When he heard the question, King Slayer replied "Vampires and Blackheart are very close to each other, and many vampires are among our assassins. This is one of the only places where my reputation is actually greater than yours."

Adam nodded, that was understandable. However, King Slayer wasn't finished as he added "Moreover, the current situation of Blackheart is tensed. An internal war is starting to take place, and two sides have already started being drawn."

Adam looked at the assassin with surprise, first because an internal war within a Racial Power was a big matter that would affect the entire world, and secondly because this was the kind of things that should be kept secret at first.

King Slayer added "It's not the Dark Elves fighting against the Catkin, fortunately, but rather a dissatisfaction toward the power in place. The first faction is the Cave Master's faction, which I'm part of, and the second faction are those unhappy with his rule. Vampires are also in the first faction, so we are close allies currently."

Neith suddenly asked from upstairs "And you told us that because?"

King Slayer looked up at her and said "To ask whether you will come to my faction's help if we need it."

Adam replied with a question "What were our deal, when I created Divine Predator and you created Blood Moon?"

King Slayer raised an eyebrow and replied without hesitation "Blood Moon would be the dark, hidden face of Divine Predator."

Adam nodded "As long as you don't forget this, then you are part of my guild, and I will help you with whatever you need, as long as I can."

King Slayer nodded, and Neith couldn't help but ask "Why did you decide to become father's subordinate?"

King Slayer chuckled and said "I'm not a good leader, and I'm the one winning out in our deal." Neith looked at her father, who said "I advise him from time to time on how to run his guild, and I am able to finance his researches."

Neith titled her head cutely and asked "What researches?" King Slayer replied this time "I'm a Forger, as well as an Alchemist, and an Enchanter. All those professions gives a lot of money, but one also needs a lot of money to start."

Neith was disturbed though by the first part of what he said, and repeated "Forger, Alchemist and Enchanter? How can you have the time to study so many things and still train?"

King Slayer revealed a smile as he replied "That's the thing, I don't have the time to train, and that's why I am here. Turning into a vampire will allow me to skip training and still allow me to become very strong."

Neith said "But even if you don't train, you can't have achieved much in either field if you work on all three. Each one of them demands an entire lifetime to master."

King Slayer replied "Or even more… But you are making a mistake, young lady." Neith blushed internally as she was called young lady, because this change in the way she was being called made her feel much closer to Adam. She much preferred young lady to miss, or monster, pet…

King Slayer continued "Smithing, Alchemy and Enchantment are much closer to each other than people think. There is an art called Science in our world that envelops all three professions, and even more. Our world is inferior to Epoch in many ways, but our advancements in Science are pushed much farther than any of the three professions I am practicing, and I am able to use my knowledge over science to learn those three professions quickly, and link them to learn all of them at the same time."

Neith sent a questioning look at Adam, who said "I don't know much about the relationship Smithing, Alchemy and Enchantment have, but Science really is very advanced…" He searched his words for a second, before finally talking.

"Science is basically the accumulation of the understanding of nature every human being ever had on our planet." That wasn't entirely true, but he felt this was a good enough explanation for Neith.

King Slayer nodded and added "And among human beings, I understand a lot about science, and I am able to use this knowledge with the three jobs I told you about."

Neith began thinking about his words, while Adam said "I didn't know you were a good scientist." King Slayer shrugged "Not many people do, I research on my own, I never really had any diploma, but I assure you that I know more than enough."

Adam nodded and asked "Do you have any big projects recently?" King Slayer replied with a short nod "That was why I could only come here now, I was working on a big experimentation, I was trying to associate the chemical, magical and physical proprieties of materials to try to replicate materials from Earth, and thus in the end reproduce products from Earth."

Adam raised an eyebrow and asked "Did you succeed?" King Slayer shook his head though "You don't understand, it's not something that can be done in a week or two… But if I do succeed, the results should be amazing."

Adam asked "Any examples?" King Slayer replied "The electromagnetic waves in this world are different from Earth because of multiple factors, which is why phones, radios and everything similar won't work. Same for missiles, they need a target to land. However, explosives still work. For example, if I can learn how to make one, I would be able to recreate a nuclear bomb, or a hydrogen bomb, probably."

Adam remained silent for a moment, before saying "That sounds good, but by the time you make them, they would have become useless. I'm not sure even our most powerful bombs would be able to kill a mid Hero Rank, and they would definitely be useless against a Legend. They can't really be used a deterring force either as a Legend is even more dangerous than a bomb."

However, King Slayer shook his head and said "Of course I understand that, but those wouldn't be for us, but the next generations."

Adam frowned, so King Slayer looked around, and said "Come with me, I don't want to speak of this in the middle of this crowd."

Adam nodded, they were currently walking toward the big castle some distance away, and were surrounded by many vampires.

King Slayer led Adam to a darker alley, and took out a stone. Adam told Neith to wait for them outside as they talked, so she decided to sit in front of the alley, so no one could enter or see them. King Slayer then crushed the stone, and a transparent dome enveloped them. Then, he started talking.

"This will allow us to talk without fearing of others eavesdropping… It will shock you, but I found about something disturbing. In the future, and I am a hundred percent sure of this information, Earth will merge with this world."

Adam asked with an even bigger frown "How can you know this?" However, King Slayer asked shocked "You know about it too?"

Seeing Adam wasn't talking back, he said "I had some… disturbing encounters, which led me to this conclusion. What about you?"

Adam shook his head and said "I'm not sure I can say, but you will discover with time." King Slayer shrugged and said "Anyway, the day Earth merges back with Epoch isn't very far away from us, and from Earth's current evolution, the only true powerhouse that could appear by the time the merge takes place, will be you."

"You and I are the only ones with the potential to reach the top of the world before the merge, but my area of expertise is research, not fighting, so only you will be really strong enough to protect humanity."

Adam grimaced and said "Talk of a big responsibility."

King Slayer replied with a smile "My research's goal is exactly to allow you to lighten this responsibility. There will be two levels of danger for humans when our planet merge with this plane."

Adam said "I'm listening."

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