Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 180: Changes to the world

The Vampire King waved his hand, and a guard silently appeared next to Adam and King Slayer. The king said "Two challengers have appeared, and wish to take on the Blood Tower. Begin the preparations for the festivities."

The guard nodded and disappeared. Adam was looking at King Slayer with a curious face too, as he wondered why the king talked about the festivities.

King Slayer didn't have to answer as the king said "The Blood Tower is a holy relic of our race, and every challenge to the Blood Tower has to be preceded by a full day of celebration. As such, you will have to wait for a day. Tomorrow morning, the celebration will start when you enter the tower, and end when you leave."

"Until tomorrow, you are free to visit our great city, or do whatever you want." King Slayer and Adam nodded before they turned around and walked to the exit.

Once out of the castle, Adam said "I will go to an inn and disconnect. What about you?" King Slayer replied "I have something to do here, so I will stay connected."

Adam nodded, and headed toward a nearby inn with Neith. As he entered, he told Neith he would only come back the next morning, so she was free to do whatever she wanted to do until then. She was clearly happy and walked off, shaking the ground with her every step.

Back in the real world, Adam began training, and he also decided to sleep before reconnecting as he wanted to be in his best shape for his fight in the tower.

Adam also made a few researches in the real world, and found that the fact skills from the game could be used in real life. This led to a massive increase in the number of players worldwide.

Not only this, people also started to discover Qi, but for some reason this subject was far less talked about, and wasn't popular at all. Most people commented to those who talked about Qi they were trolls.

At first, Adam was a little confused at why people wouldn't know about Qi if they were able to use skills, but then he remembered that actually feeling Qi wasn't easy. For him, he had opened the Third Gate when he perfectly mastered his first skill and as such he had perfect control over his internal energy and understood he had Qi in his body right away.

However, for other people, even if they perfectly mastered a skill and used it in real life, they didn't necessarily need to feel Qi, as long as their body understood how it worked.

Instead of learning by heart the pathway of Qi, which needed some talent to accomplish, all they had to do was to repeat the same skill thousands and thousands of times to force their body to learn how to activate the skill without even the brain's help.

This was good for low ranked skills, but this would severely limit them in the future when they tried to use higher ranked skills.

Something else that Adam noticed was the steep rise of crime rate in the entire world. Now that some people had access to super powers, they couldn't resist and started committing crimes.

There was a video that had gone viral of a man shooting a fireball at a vault in a bank and robbing everything inside. Another showed some slashing a car in two with their sword.

This led the different government to start creating special units for people with powers from the game, but the project had just been initiated and wasn't ready to go. So for now, more and more people were using their powers to do evil.

Interestingly, there were also many that tried to fulfill their childhood dreams and became heroes who fought against the people using their power for evil, but most of the fights between 'heroes' and 'villains' ended causing huge damage to their surroundings, and even kill nearby innocents.

Some heroes understood their mistakes and either stopped or became even more powerful, but there were also some that didn't care and proclaimed that sacrifices had to be made…

All in all, Epoch was bringing huge changes to the world, and if humans weren't capable of coping with them then humanity very well might kill itself before Earth even merged with Epoch.

After all, if they really killed themselves, by, for example, starting a nuclear war worldwide, then this would count as the natural cycle of things since they killed themselves, and Sofia wouldn't help them.

Unfortunately, until Adam could become powerful enough to suppress all of humanity by himself, he couldn't do anything about the infighting, and he had to believe in humanity to get past this hurdle.

On a lighter note, with the sharp increase of new players, some stats appeared about the classes played, and the popularity of each class was associated with the power they could bring in the real world, instead of the power in game.

As it turned out, the least popular class was the Summoner Class, because it almost couldn't be used in the real world. In the game the Summoner Class was one of the most powerful because a good summoner could literally become a one man army.

But the problem was, to summon monsters one had to make contracts with them, and teleport them to oneself. But for some reason, none of the summoners were able to bring their summons on Earth, which made it the most useless class in the real world. As such, less than 1% of all players were summoners.

On the other end, the four most popular classes were, from the fourth to the first, the Berserker, the Swordsman, the Elementalist and the Cleric.

For the Berserker Class, it didn't appear very good in the eyes of most players, and wasn't much better than the classes below it, maybe even worse. A Berserker was mostly a pure strength stat after all, there weren't much superpowers.

But Adam made the class pretty popular, and this was enough to push it to fourth rank.

As for the Swordsman Class, it was deemed as the coolest and strongest melee class, and a capable swordsman would be recognized as an expert worldwide. However, the main reason the class was Rank third was because of Asia, as they had the highest ration of swordsmen, especially the Chinese and the Japanese, making the class very popular.

Then, for the two most popular classes, the Elementalist was there because it allowed one to play with the elements and do literal magic, something which almost everyone dreamed of doing on Earth. Firing a fireball, zapping someone with a bolt of lightning or piercing them with a shard of ice, they all looked very cool, and were deadly.

But even then, the most popular class was by far the Clerics. First, many doctors around the world had become Clerics, for obvious reasons, and even more average people took this profession.

This was because almost everyone had at least one person in bad health in their family, and even if that wasn't the case, if there ever was, then being a cleric might solve the problem. That's why, many had taken this class.

Moreover, Clerics weren't stuck with healing only, they could also attack, and light based attacks looked flashy.

In the end, when Adam finished browsing, he couldn't help but sigh. This would be the first generation of players, and they would have to fight for the whole of humanity one day, so that the next generation may live. This was a little depressing to think about…

He shook those thoughts out of his head, and now that he was in his best shape, he went back to Epoch.

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