Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 192: Holy Temple

When he got inside the vault, Adam took two kinds of items. First, was what he came here for, the ten Blood Metal Ores. With them in hand, Adam had finally gathered all the materials for his armor, his promotion to the Silver Rank was in sight!

Aside from those ores, Adam also got something he expected to find here, but there were more than he thought there would be, and it was Godslayer's Hearts. There were four of them sitting quietly in the vault.

When he started approaching the vault he had felt the pulse get stronger and stronger, but he didn't expect there to be four of them. Still, he was happy as that allowed him to evolve the item to the next rank.

[Godslayer's Heart] (Extraordinary)

All attributes: +44%

Ignorance: Ignore Levels +10. (4/4)

Deep Wounds: Attacks deals bleeding effect, intensity based on the attack and the difference in strength. (7/7)

World Chains: Form chains capable of incapacitating anyone below the user's level. (10/10)

Sealed Power: To unseal this power fuse 13 hearts.

Sealed Power: To unseal this power fuse 16 hearts.

Sealed Power: To unseal this power fuse 19 hearts.

Sealed Power: To unseal this power fuse 22 hearts.

Sealed Power: To unseal this power fuse 25 hearts.

Fusion: For this artifact to regain its power all the pieces must be fused back. Fusion rate: 11/25.

Adam tested the World Chains, they looked like deep black chains that were so dark they seemed to absorb the surrounding light and made the room a little darker. He didn't know they would incapacitate someone, but they definitely looked fearsome.

He easily made them disappear and left the vault with Vald and King Slayer, before he was tempted to take away the literal mountains of gold in there.

The moment he stepped outside the vault, he also received a notification. From the mission 'Clear the Blood Tower', he had also gotten 1000 AP as an additional reward, although he didn't know whether it was because he took so little things from the vault or if it was a set reward.

Since he had opened the 3rd Gate, those 1000 AP obviously transformed into 5000 ones, and he used the usual ratio of conversion, putting 3000 AP in his Strength, and 1000 in Agility and Endurance.

After that, Vald invited Adam to stay in the Vampire City with them for a while, but Adam had to refuse because he still had things to do. While Vald was sad hearing that, he still let Adam go after some more thanks.

Adam left with Neith in tow, but King Slayer had decided to stay a little longer as he wanted to learn a little from the alchemists here, they were among the best in the world after all.

But as Adam and Neith walked out of the city, when he was about to ask Neith to get them up the cliff, someone appeared in front of them. Adam recognized her as the Vampire Princess, known as One Sword.

While he was in the tower, he saw King Slayer and her seemed to be very close, and when he took out the cure, he even saw her and King Slayer hold hands. Adam would be a fool not to understand his subordinate's intentions.

So even though she was very beautiful, he wasn't one to make his subordinates cuckolds, so he ahd zero intentions toward her.

As he stopped in front of her, she was the first to speak as she kneeled and said "I apologize for attacking you in the past."

Adam looked down at her and said "It's fine, it was just a contract. And I tend to forgive my assassins, one even became my disciple. You can get up, you are forgiven, let's be friends from now on."

The Vampire Princess, which Adam knew was called Astrid from her status, got up and said "I thank you for your benevolence, but if I may…" Adam nodded to her seeing her hesitation, so she continued "You shouldn't forgive people who tried to kill you so easily."

Adam laughed and said "Don't worry, out of all the people who attacked me, the only two I didn't kill were you and my disciple, others all died."

Astrid looked relieved as she too understood how this world worked, and knew that a person who was too benevolent would be taken advantage of.

With a final bow, she disappeared, and as she did Neith said "I too tried to kill you, and yet I still live… How sad, being forgotten by my own father."

Adam smiled at her and said "Right, sorry. I have a gift for you, but you will only be able to use it once we are outside."

Neith giggled and took the two of them out of the long tunnel, up above.

An hour later, the two exited the Land of Eternal Night, and were back in the main dimension of the Mortal Plane. Once out, Adam said "Can you feel what appeared in my mental plane?"

Neith nodded, so Adam said "This is the Blood Tower, I gained ownership over it. Come, I will show you something."

Neith nodded and Adam moved her inside the Blood Tower. Only beings with a spirit link to him could enter the tower, meaning only him and his pets could come within the tower.

Adam teleported inside the 57th Floor, which was the floor with the most Earth Elements in the whole tower. Neith was already in there, already half sunk in sand.

Adam had appeared next to her, and he said "From now on, everytime you can't enter a city, I will send you here instead of the Pet Space. You can come here whenever you want to train. Do you like the place?"

Neith squealed "I love it! Thanks dad!" Adam shook a little, it definitely felt weird to be called dad by a fifty meters tall spider, but he didn't mind it as he saw her as his daughter too. He only needed some time to adjust to the situation.

He decided to let her have fun here first and train, as he needed to go somewhere she couldn't come. He wouldn't go straight away to Yok, as before getting his armor and being promoted, he wanted to head to the Holy Temple.

He had completed a hidden quest to kill the Undead Emperor's spirit, so the reward should be great. Chances were, he would once again get more AP.

Adam first walked to the nearest city, then teleported to the capital of Blackheart, Urdreth. As he came back here, he couldn't help but notice the name was similar to the Undead Emperor's name, Ardrith. Unfortunately, he didn't know the origin of the name of the capital, so he didn't know whether there was a link or not.

Adam didn't tarry much in the Assassins' Capital and teleported to the Holy Temple.

The Holy Temple stood in the center of the Mortal Plane, and the easiest way to get there was to teleport from one of the capitals of the Racial Powers. One could also walk there as the area around the temple was devoid of monsters, but Adam didn't want to waste time walking when he could simply teleport.

When Adam arrived at the Holy Temple, his first instinct was to associate it to the Parthenon, except it was much bigger. Humans, or intelligent races if that mattered, seemed to all love grandeur and building high things.

The only ones who didn't care were the Lizardkin so far. But the Lizardkin obviously weren't the ones who built this temple as it was as big as everything that belonged to the powerful in this world.

There were no guards guarding the entry, but it wasn't like there was any need for them. The Holy Temple was filled with Legends, so anyone who attacked would instantly be attacked by tens of Legends at the same time.

Adam knew for sure the moment he appeared the Legends already knew of his presence, since their domains should be dominating the surrounding space.

As Adam entered the Holy Temple, he was a little lost at what he should do. The system only told him to come here to receive his reward, but it didn't tell him what to do once here. Well, it looked like he would have to find by himself.

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