Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 194: Water Dragon Set (1)

Adam grinned and took out the materials he still hadn't given out, and Morbash took them with the same foolish grin. On the side, Klint was rolling his eyes. He understood their emotions, he felt them himself when he forged extraordinary pieces in the past, but seeing other people act this way made them really look foolish.

Despite this, Klint helped Morbash set everything up for the forging. While Klint was too weak to forge on his own, he certainly was a great helper any blacksmith would want to have.

While the young and the old orc worked together, Adam entered the Blood Tower before disconnecting, only leaving a ten centimeters tall mini tower on the chair. Adam didn't intend on announcing to the entire world he owned a Divine Artifact, that would be seeking trouble, but he trusted the two so he didn't mind using it in front of the two.

Because of everything that happened in the Blood Tower, Adam had already been online for many days on a row, and he was stinking.

The moment his consciousness came back to his body, Adam went to open the windows to let the fresh air replace the stinky one.

Then, taking clothes with him, he sprinted for the shower. Only when he started washing was he at ease. Even as a martial artist, remaining inside the game for several days had ups and downs.

Speaking of martial artists, Adam made a new exciting discovery. He wasn't absolutely sure of it before, but now he was certain he found something. Despite having been in the game for the past week, Adam's cultivation had once again advanced, now reaching the peak of the Qi Gathering Realm.

That meant his body was effectively cultivating on his own, and playing the game allowed him to advance faster in his cultivation. That was good news for the future.

Once he had showered and was as fresh as new, Adam was surprised to see that there wasn't only his family in the living room, but also Matt's girlfriend. Adam almost made a weird face, weren't the two of them going a little too fast, presenting to each other's parents so soon?

Thinking for a moment, he remembered her name was Flora, and only then did he go to say hello. It would be weird and rude to go greet her without knowing her name, since she had already presented herself.

Then, for a good part of the day, Adam stayed with his family, chatting about this and that. He found Flora was quite a likable person, and his brother seemed happy with her, so why not leave her her chance.

Anyway, little chats like those may sound trivial, but they were actually very important to Adam. It had already been a month since the game was released, and for this entire month had fought against and killed a lot of people.

Moreover, he did so knowing full well he wasn't killing data, but actual people. Until now his psyche was fine, but if he really did nothing else than killing then he might slowly turn crazy.

Most of the time, speaking with Neith daily was a huge stress reliever, but in the end she was living the same life he did, and she was different from him. As a Titanic Spider, her mind was more suited to violence and killing, while he had been raised on Earth, where violence was prohibited.

That's why, being able to chat with his family allowed him to keep a sane mind. But the more time passed, the less he felt he needed that as he was accommodating more and more to killing large amount of people.

Others would probably feel bad or even be horrified if they found out they were growing used to killing, but Adam was relieved instead. As long as he didn't take a liking to it, then growing used to it was nothing bad to him, it was even an advantage…

Countless thoughts swirled in his mind as he casually talked with his family, and every people he killed came back to his mind. No matter what, he did not regret killing them. If he had the occasion, he would even kill them twice.

As he had this realization, Adam felt something click in his mind, and a frown appeared on his face. Did he just… No, that can't be.

Adam excused himself after some time, and reentered the game. It was about time to get back in anyway, Flora left at the same time as he did.

Back in the game, Adam appeared in the Blood Tower, and immediately checked on his status, and as he had thought, there was indeed a new entry which made him helpless.

He had just comprehended another Sovereign Concept, the Concept of Slaughter… However, after a moment his face turned better. It wasn't as bad as he thought. He was reluctant at first because he didn't want to have to train on another Concept, but the Concept Slaughter was among the more unique ones.

This concept didn't need one to meditate to understand the profound truth behind it. Instead, all he had to do was to kill and his concept would naturally become more powerful… well, it wasn't just killing, what he really had to do was to make his killing intent more powerful, but the fastest way to do so was killing.

After a moment, Adam took out the Lesser Holy Water Fruit, which had the effects of adding 1000 to every of his attributes and boosting his comprehension of the Water Concept by 1%. At first, he had wanted to take it before his promotion, but looking at it now, he decided otherwise.

With his recent gains, adding only 1000 to his stats wouldn't change much, so the fruit would be better used if he took it when he reached 99% of the Water Concept. Thus, he put it back into his inventory.

Then, after talking to Neith for a little while, Adam left the tower and stored it back in his mind as he appeared back in the forge.

When Adam returned to Klint's Workshop, he saw that the two were already fully focused on the forging, and neither paid attention to him coming back. He also saw that the shop had been closed, and he could feel magical restrictions had been set so that no one would interrupt the two.

Adam didn't know anything about smithing, but he could see that they had already created the rough form of an armor, so he guessed they were on the right track.

Since Adam didn't have much to do, he decided to meditate using his Raging Fire Art. He was next to a forge and the room's temperature had risen a lot, so the fire elements were eclipsing the other elements', so this one would be more useful than the Flowing Water Art.

However, Adam didn't meditate to try to understand the Fire Concept, he only did so to rest his mind. He wasn't very tired from the multiple days of continuous gaming in the Blood Tower because a lot of his time had been spent in meditation, but he still preferred to be in mint condition when he would promote to the Silver Rank.

A few hours went by, and the sound of forging intensified, until it reached a critical juncture. Adam felt a wave of power enshroud the room, and recognized it to belong to Morbash.

Opening his eyes, Adam saw that all the materials prepared had disappeared, and a full-body armor was in front of Morbash. However, Adam couldn't see it's characteristics because it was glowing in a blue light.

Morbash, using the Forger's Dream, which Adam fetched for him in the Phantom Mansion, began to hammer the armor. Surrounding the hammer, was the fire Adam retrieved from the Everburn Mount, except that it had turned blue.

Each time the Forger's Dream hit the armor, blue sparks would explode, hitting the walls and the forge, while the blue fire would roar. Klint had already been forced to the other side of the room as his body couldn't handle so much stress. Even Morbash was sweating and breathing heavily.

Only Adam was fine, looking at the forging process with excitement. The hammering went on for an entire five minutes, and each time the hammer fell on the armor, the armor's blue aura would disappear a little, being forced into the armor. At the same time, Morbash was looking worse off everytime, but he held on to the end nonetheless.

When Morbash stopped his hammer, the last bit of blue aura had just disappeared into the armor, finally revealing it's true form. At the same time, a tyrannical aura exploded out of the armor, making Klint cough in the distance while Morbash had to take a few steps back.

Adam received a notification from the system, and started walking toward the armor.

[You have completed the promotion quest 'Water Dragon Set'! Reward: Water Dragon Set, +5 Levels, +5000 AP, Promotion to Silver Rank unlocked.]

[You have reached Level 50! AP +50!]

[Promotion to Silver Rank available!]

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