Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 198: Back in Epoch

Sofia nodded, and Adam could see traces of fatigue on her face. Keeping the artefact active really did take it's toll on her as it seemed.

She said "Good, you can go now… Good luck, Adam." With those words, Adam put the Water Dragon Set on Yin's body right before they were teleported over.

Yang was teleported back into his bedroom on Earth, naked. Fortunately, there was no one in his room, so he was able to dress up without anyone seeing him. At the same time, Yang felt the weird sensation that was being only half of a being was.

In a different dimension, Yin appeared back in Klint's Workshop, in the same as before. Except that this time, the pressure he emitted was several times stronger than before.

Klint and Morbash, who saw Adam disappear for less than a second, felt the overwhelming force coming from Adam and understood he had ranked up.

Adam hurriedly retracted his aura, allowing the two orcs to breath, and said "This armor was definitely worth it."

Morbash grinned and said "Of course it is… But now, if you will excuse me, I think I need to sleep." As he said that, he went for the backroom with slow and heavy steps.

Adam smiled, and turned to look at his status.

Name: Valiant Heart

Level: 50

Title: Strith's Champion

Race: Northman

Class: Yin Supreme

Rank: Silver

HP: 714,960/714,960

Aura: 2,170,065/ 2,170,065

Strength (+450 per level): 39000 (83400) [120096]

Agility (+150 per level): 16500 (33650) [48456]

Endurance (+150 per level): 16500 (33650) [48456]

Will: 24000 (50233) [72335]

Free AP: 0

Rules: -Sovereign Concept of Water (3%)

-Sovereign Concept of Fire (2.2%)

-Sovereign Concept of Self (1.4%)

-Sovereign Concept of Sword (2%)

-Advanced Concept of Gale (1%)

-Sovereign Concept of Spirit (1.8%)

-Sovereign Concept of Space (0.01%)

-Sovereign Concept of Slaughter (0.1%)

Skills: -Mighty Strike (E)

-Water Breathing (E)

-Aqua Slash (D)

-Charge (D)

-Wind Blade (D)

-Parry (D)

-Lunar Smite (C)

-Swift Steps (B)

-Aqua Smite (B)

-Crushing Blow (C)

-Ice Statue (B)

-Whirlwind Slash (C)

-Totemic Rage (A)

-Barbarous Roar (B)

-Misty Escape (B)

-Great Ice Breath (B)

-Tidal Wave (A)

-Ice Crunch (A)

-Spirit Hand (A)

-Flight (A)

Seeing his status, Adam was obviously happy. He had gotten so strong after ranking up, those were the stats of someone who did not fear anyone below Hero Rank. But after a second look, Adam noticed there were a few things that changed.

First was the most obvious and shocking, his class. Wasn't he supposed to be the Aqua Sovereign? How come his class had changed to Yin Supreme? Was his Yang half a Yang Supreme then?

No matter what though, Adam was pretty sure this was a good change. Supreme sounded more powerful than a Sovereign. But did Sofia know about this? She didn't seem to… So, this change probably wasn't brought by his separation into a Yin and Yang half.

If he had to take a guess, then it was related to his breakthrough, more precisely to the fact his foundation was made of 15 Pillars. This was unprecedented, even the best Sovereigns of all time were rumored to have created only nine pillars.

Then, if he was a Yin and Yang Supreme, what would happen when his two avatars merged back together? His merge was something that he learned instinctively, the moment Earth merged back with Epoch, his Yang and Yin halves would merge together, bringing him the power of the two.

By then, would he become a Supreme? What changes would this bring? Adam had many questions, but now wasn't the time for them to be answered, so he looked at the other big change.

It was about the way his stats were shown. First, there was now the boost added by the Godslayer's Heart written between hooks, before it wasn't shown at all.

Secondly, was the way his stats were calculated. Before, his health would be calculated in a specific order. First the system took his Endurance Attribute multiplied tenfold, including the bonus from equipments, multiplied it by his Godslayer's Heart bonus, added the additional health from equipments, and once again multiplied it by the Godslayer's Heart bonus.

It didn't really make sense, but it was one of the advantages of the system. But now that he had disconnected himself from the system, this advantage was gone. Now, his tenfold Endurance was directly added with the HP bonus from his equipments, and the whole was multiplied by his Godslayer's Heart Bonus.

This made his HP lesser than it should be, but Adam didn't really care much, it was still great enough to satisfy him.

As for his Aura, the change didn't have anything to do with his new independence of the system, but because of the change of nature of his Qi. Because his Aura had gone from a gaseous state to a liquid state, it had become thrice as potent.

While in Bronze Rank, his Aura was his Will Attribute multiplied by ten, but now it was multiplied by thirty. This made Adam's Aura reach heights taller than ever before.

Moreover, those weren't the only things he gained out of this. He had also unlocked the [Flight] skill, which should be exclusive to Gold Ranks.

Flight (A): Enables the user to fly at 50% of your usual speed. Cost: 100 Aura per second.

For the average person, using this skill would consume 10 000 Aura or Mana every second because they would rely on their energy to force themselves to fly. But since Adam had a small grasp of the Sovereign Concept of Space, the price had been split by 100.

By the time his grasp of the Sovereign Concept of Space reached 0.1%, the skill would only cost 10 Aura per second, and finally when he managed to understand the concept up to 1%, the skill would become free to use as Adam would be able to fly using only his understanding of space.

Another gain Adam had was more unexpected, and it was related to the Gates. To open the 5th Gate, one needed to understand themselves and then understand the world.

Initially, for Adam the first step of understanding himself would have been the harder one because of his new body, and understanding the world wouldn't take long because it didn't change much from his old world.

But the training period in Sofia's treasure had given him enough time to understand himself. It wasn't really done on purpose, but as he learned how all his meridians worked, his understanding of himself grew at a quick pace, until he managed to completely learn about himself.

This did not have much of a change on his direct strength while fighting, but it would certainly help him a lot with understanding skills, concepts and the such. And that had closed the distance between him and the fifth Gate by a lot.

But it would still take some time of course, it wouldn't be instantaneous. Adam nodded to Klint before he took the crystal Myrin had given him from the Blood Tower and crushed it, teleporting him away.

Meanwhile, back on Earth Yang Adam didn't immediately start training, but instead went to see his family. First, he had spent a long time in Sofia's treasure, so he missed them, and secondly he wanted to tell them about his recent transformation.

Obviously, they were shocked, but happy nonetheless. They hadn't seen each other much for the past month because of Epoch, so him not having to be connected at all times would allow them to be together more often, even if Adam would spend a lot of time training.

Back to Yin Adam, after crushing the green crystal, he was teleported back to the Holy Temple, in Myrin's home. She was clearly surprised to see him, and after a moment he saw her eyes widen. She had probably felt his new power.

Only after a few seconds did the middle aged elven woman's face turned back neutral and she asked "Did you just breakthrough while you were gone? Was your armor your promotion quest?"

Adam nodded and asked "Can you enchant it then?" Myrin nodded and said "Take it off and I will do it. It should take around an hour or so. If you ever need a particular enchanting, you can contact me."

As she said that, Adam received a notification through the system, a friend request from Myrin. Adam was surprised a mighty Legend was being so friendly, and Myrin chuckled as she seemed to see through his thoughts and said "Even a Legend like me would take the time to befriend a promising Sovereign like you."

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