Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 229: Lesson

They were a few hundred meters in up in the sky, and below them was a swamp. Adam looked at Helena, who said "This is the place. This location is a little bit special as two Sage Monsters live together here. One is a Level 153 Frog, while the other is a Level 155 Alligator."

Adam nodded and flew down with Helena and Neith. He made them stop a hundred meters in the air, high enough not to be targeted and low enough to see the battle.

As for Adam, he flew toward the only Sage Beast showing itself, the colorful frog.

Adam could see it was looking at him with some arrogance, and seemed please Adam was delivering himself to it. As he got about ten meters in front of the frog, it suddenly attacked.

It's tongue flew out of it's mouth with an incredible speed, moving faster than sound. However, Adam was able to clearly see the tongue moving, and he could even see the venom that was being splashed around by the tongue.

Adam slightly moved, avoiding the tongue with ease, and formed a small barrier just wide enough to stop the venom using air.

Then, Adam used a drawing technique. It was a mix of sword and wind technique as lightning flickered around the sword.

-30.000.000 HP!

The sword went through the tongue easily, cutting a big part of it off, and burning the stump that had been created. The lightning that flickered around Adam's sword naturally moved toward his body as a giant monster suddenly jumped out of the water.

Normally, he would just dodge, but since he was showing off techniques he set the lightning around him berserk, sending it into the opened mouth of the alligator who had been hiding underwater.

The shock of electricity paralyzed the alligator, as well as dealing some damage. Moreover, before it could close it's mouth, a bolt of lightning descended from the sky into it's wide opened maw.

Critical Hit! -40.000.000 HP!

As it tried to fall back into the swamp's water, Adam flew to it's side and punched it's side. A hurricane formed around his fist, and as he hit the alligator it was sent flying toward the frog, wind blades cutting deep into it's scales and it's bones were breaking under the might of the powerful wind.

-20.000.000 HP!

-20.000.000 HP!

The wind was so fast the frog had no chance to dodge and it was hit too, losing another big portion of health.

When the two monsters got off each other, Adam was already floating in front of them, and a giant punch made of wind hit the top of their head, and turned into a cage around them instead of dispersing.

The two lost another part of their health, and they were dizzy from the blow. They tried to move away, but the cage around them pushed them back to it's center.

Adam then said "Stop struggling or I will kill you." The two immediately stopped moving, and looked at Adam in fright. After a moment, the frog asked "Sss… Sir, what can we do for you?"

The two were scared shitless, since when was there such a powerful Northman? And why did he come to attack them?!

Adam said "You have suffered under the rule of Tazolos. I intend to kill all the demons and take possession of this realm to go back to my realm. I have a deal for you. I will let you leave this dimension if you agree to fight with me and give me all your treasures."

The frog looked reluctant, but didn't say anything. Beside it, the alligator sneered "Don't try to trick us human. We also know only Gold Ranks can leave this dimensi…"

The alligator didn't even get to finish it's sentence when Adam's blade, now covered in ice, decapitated it, even freezing both separated parts of it's corpse.

Adam grabbed the head and pulled out the frozen Nascent Soul and crushed it using Spirit Hand, then absorbing the alligator's Soul Energy.

The Soul Energy from all the mortal demons Adam killed earlier still hadn't been assimilated, only half of it had been absorbed actually.

And yet, even all this energy was lesser than the energy from one Nascent Soul. The Soul Energy from the mortals was much bigger in quantity, but the quality was too far apart. Something interesting though was that when faced with the powerful Soul Energy from the Nascent Soul, the Soul Energy of the mortals began to compress itself, lowering the quantity but augmenting it's quality.

Since it was natural, Adam didn't do anything and turned his sight toward the frog, who now looked like he had his soul sucked out of him.

Adam's powerful voice, enhanced by [King's Aura], shook it's soul as he said "While it is not possible for you to enter Epoch now, when the next phase of the Merge approaches, you may be able to leave. If you don't accept my deal, you will die. If you do, you will have to fight alongside me against the demons when the time is right."

The frog lowered itself and said "I accept." Adam nodded and said "Good. Show me your treasures. If there is anything good I will take it now, and I will leave you the rest until the fight."

The frog nodded and jumped into the water. A minute later, it resurfaced with a ring floating in front of it. Adam grabbed the ring and looked inside. At the same time, the frog said "I too the liberty of putting Arnold's treasures in there too."

Adam nodded, but he was disappointed by what he saw. Although what he saw wasn't bad, it had no use to him, there were no spiritual treasures. Adam transferred all the precious ores inside to the 57th Floor, where Neith spent the majority of her time.

Neith could either grow by cultivating, eating powerful monsters or precious ores. That's why he gave her all the ores he had since he had no use with them. As for those cheaper ores… well, she could treat them as snacks.

The gains Neith was getting from those ores was no joke either, those were all supposed to be part of Sage Monsters' collection, while Neith was only an Ancient Monster, the rank between Elder and Ancestor.

This meant the ores were two ranks higher than those she should have access to, hence boosting her growth by a huge deal.

Adam was Level 84, and although he had consumed the fruits of the Rose Tree, he needed much more XP than Neith to evolve. On the other end, Neith was eating from precious ores and also got the corpses of the Sage Monsters who were reluctant to work with Adam.

As such, she had already reached Level 92, and she was still evolving at a quick speed. Now, it was her comprehension of the Concepts that was slightly behind, but it wasn't as important for now. And it couldn't be said to be bad either.

Adam moved the alligator, or Arnold, corpse inside the Blood Tower, Neith would eat him later. Now that his business here was over, Adam flung the ring back to the frog and said before flying up "You can keep and use everything inside until the battle with the demons take place."

The frog nodded, and Adam left. Most people would have given it a warning about the resources, but Adam didn't need to. Only someone dumb would use everything inside. It was already a great favor Adam was doing it to let it keep those and use them until the battle, if it pushed it's luck and used more than necessary, then that would be provoking Adam, which he had just proved was a bad idea.

Moreover, even if it used everything in the ring, it would get a little stronger, which was also good for Adam. He would still kill it after the battle, but it would be more useful during the battle.

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