Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Chapter 11: Why Not?

Chapter 11: Why Not?

*???’s POV*

Ah, finally! I’ve waited for so long for someone like her to come to this dimension! That little girl is even bringing her to me. All I have to do is wait!

Surely she will save me from this place, right? After seeing me, she wouldn’t be able to leave without me! I just have to be patient…

Dammit! Why did I make this dimension so complex? It is even hard to get through it… Did I really have to make it just to waste people’s time?…

They’re moving through this place very fast, though. It was a good idea to get that girl, Cecelia to help me with this. Although I did lie to her about helping her escape.

Erika… She’s the one, right? I was told by that banished Administrator that a woman named Erika would save me from this hell but… Can I really trust his words?

That bastard… He lured me into this world and used me as his replacement… The other Administrators don’t even know that he escaped.

Did he lie to me to keep up his cover? If the other Administrators knew about him, they would do everything in their power to kill him. That man… He’s the reason why Administrators are only allowed to be female.

I never heard the reason why he was banished but, damn. They did not do a good job at securing him.

How long have I even been here? From a 40 year old office lady, to an overseer of a dimension. Normally that would be a really huge upgrade but, haven’t I been in this boring dimension for thousands of years? Is that woman’s name being Erika just a coincidence?…

No… I can’t lose hope! Now then… What appearance would appeal to her the most? A little girl maybe?… Hm… she seems to care a lot about that angel. Maybe a mature appearance would entice her the most?

A mature appearance it is then. I guess that I should go with my old appearance but more fantasy like as well as younger. Slightly dark red hair and a red night gown. Surely she will help me with such an attractive appearance.

Wait… I don’t even know if she likes women… Did I just waste my time trying to appeal to her?…

I honestly don’t know. I pretended to be an orb of light when Cecelia found me. I can’t believe that she believed the lie that only a group of three can beat me. I am pretty weak after all. She could have easily killed me, but instead she just gave up and let me take her back to her cell.

Oh right… I need a name… I can’t recall my old one at all. Oh well, I’ll just ask Erika to give me one.

Wait a minute… Oh no! That man didn’t say the woman’s name would be Erika, he said it would be Ena… He really did trick me…

I have to do my best to convince at least one of them to save me… But how? They shouldn’t be aware of the Administrators at all…

Oh God… If I tell them that I am the one who controls this dimension, they’ll surely think that I am a crazy monster…

I didn’t kill anyone, though… What’s that? Skeleton remains? Fake! I created those remains as a prop. Everyone else that has been in this dimension was replaced with a fake double before they died. It’s not like I want people to come here…

It’s completely out of my control… Maybe… maybe I can show them the room where all the people that have come here before are resting? If it was up to me, they would have already been sent home.

That angel, Sofiel, I doubt that I could convince her. It is my fault that she is getting constantly embarrassed. If I had known that an angel would show up here, I wouldn’t have restricted people’s INT Stat…

Erika is the only one who is more likely to be willing to save me... I just have to do my best to convince her…

*Erika’s POV*

Sofiel: “Why are there so many beds?” Sofiel asked with a confused expression on her face.

After smashing that yellow crystal, the new part of the dimension that we landed in, just had a bunch of beds around everywhere you looked. And I mean everywhere! You can't even walk more than five feet without finding a hundred comfy looking beds.

Cecelia: “Don’t be tricked. If you try to and fall asleep on one of the beds, you’ll end up back at the prison in the mansion.” Cecelia said with a laugh.

Erika: “Why would we fall asleep in this situation?” I ask with a head tilt.

Cecelia: “See those plants? They emit poison that makes you sleepy. That’s the theme of this one. Sleep is failure.” Cecelia said with a shrug.

Sofiel: “So we just have to stay awake? That sounds way too easy…” Sofiel said with a small voice and a yawn.

Cecelia: “Hey! I said those plants are poisonous! Why are you going towards them Sofiel?” Cecelia said with a concerned tone.

Sofiel: “Oh come on, do you really think that some stupid sleep poison could affect me? An angel? Haha, the very thought is laughable…” Sofiel said with a cheeky tone before falling asleep.

I managed to catch her before she fell. Annoyingly, some skeletons came to get her it seems. Killing them was pretty easy, but more kept showing up and they didn’t stop chasing after us. Why did Sofiel fall asleep mid sentence? She was very confident that she wouldn’t be affected by the poison… Cecelia noticed my confused expression and answered me.

Cecelia: “It’s pretty easy for a child to fall asleep, you know, she just underestimated that. And actually, I’ve gotten stopped the most in this part. I’m amazed that you haven’t fallen asleep yet.” Cecelia said with an amused tone.

Erika: “It’s not that I’m not falling asleep, I just keep biting my lip to stay awake.” I reply with an annoyed sigh.

Cecelia: “That’s good. I’ve just gotten used to the poison after trying so many times. This is my 35th time coming to this section.” Cecelia said in a calm tone.

Erika: “Didn’t you say that it was random each time?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Cecelia: “Yes and no. The themes are always the same and the linear parts are always the same as well. The parts like the mansion are random, though.” Cecelia replied with a shrug.

We didn’t have anything else to talk about so we just kept running. This time it was a white crystal. After destroying it, and after a bright white light went away, now we were in a place full of candy… Cecelia wisely said that we should keep Sofiel asleep to avoid her being embarrassed further. Could a child really resist such delicious looking candy?

Eating any of the candy was counted as failure as well. So keeping Sofiel asleep was truly our best option. Sofiel probably wouldn’t be able to live down two cases of embarrassment like this…

It took us only three hours to get out of the candy dimension. Its theme was obviously hunger. And now this crystal was a brown one. I was getting fed up at this point. I really, really wanted to ask Cecelia how many floors this damn dimension has. Surely they will run out of themes of torture, right? The newest floor was full of gore and blood.

Cecelia: “There are eight more floors that we have to go through before the final one. The hardest one was the mansion. The rest is just a hassle.” Cecelia said with a sigh.

Erika: “That’s annoying…” I say with a sigh of my own.

Sofiel: “Erika… I’ll give you as many weapons and items as you want from my collection… Just don’t tell anyone about anything that happened here.” Sofiel said with a small voice.

Since Sofiel wouldn’t be tempted to eat or sleep in the uh… gore floor? We woke her up from her cute slumber.

Cecelia: “I will never tell anyone what happened here. That will forever stay a secret. Unless you, Erika, will tell someone.” Cecelia said with an evil tone.

Erika: “No. I will be taking everything that happened here to the grave.” I reply with a shrug.

The gore dimension didn’t really bother us at all. I was a soldier and was used to seeing and smelling such a scene. Sofiel was also unaffected by it. Cecelia didn’t even bat an eye at this scene either. This… isn’t like 90% of this place a failure? This doesn’t feel like someone had done this all to cause harm.

They won’t kill you even if you lose… What is the point of this dimension? Is this just a child’s play box or something? I wouldn’t get an answer yet at least.

The rest of this dimension’s parts were even more random… It’s like the creator of this place gave up the torture idea halfway through. The hardest part was having to mine a bunch of bronze, silver, and gold ore to feed to a Golem. When it finished evolving to a gold Golem, it spat out a violet crystal… It doesn’t sound hard but, we needed five thousand bronze ores, 10,000 silver ore, and 15,000 gold ore.

Time was slowed down drastically in that part luckily. Since it took us many days to get all of the ore that we needed to mine for the Golem. The rest of the parts were easy and basically only served to embarrass Sofiel further…

The last theme was a forest with thousands of slimes. They were pretty easy to kill. Just destroy the core in the center of the slime. Annoyingly, they could move their core's at will. The boss of this part was needed to be killed so that the we could finally leave this annoying place. As you would expect, the boss ended up being a giant slime.

Sofiel… It landed on her. Luckily, it did not kill her or teleport her back to her cell but, it did destroy her clothes… It could even destroy clothes that Victoria made? After seeing that, me and Cecelia were very careful in killing it. Making she that we attacked it and didn’t get touched by it at all. The entire time, Sofiel was trapped inside it with a bad look on her face.

Once we killed it, a gold crystal appeared out of nowhere. And finally, a now nude Sofiel plopped down onto the ground and cried softly for a few minutes. She did not speak at all for a while, even after I gave her some clothes to wear. All of the clothes that Victoria gave me have magic that will fit itself to the wearer. I had a lot of sets in my inventory luckily. I gave her a white dress and white lingerie to wear.

I was about to smash the stupid fucking crystal that I’ve long since gotten tired of seeing but, Sofiel stopped me and a screen I haven’t seen before appeared on my System.

Erika and Sofiel’s Soul Contract:

Contractee Sofiel will give Erika five different items or weapons regardless of how valuable they are.

Contractee Erika will never speak about the embarrassing things that occurred to Sofiel in this dimension.

Sign this Soul Contract?



Erika: “Wait… I didn’t accept yet…” I say with a confused tone in my head.

Lilith: “There is no option to not sign this, Erika… I am afraid of the consequences if you don’t, so, I just accepted it for you. On the bright side, look at how happy Sofiel is that you accepted without pause!” Lilith said with a playful tone.

Sofiel: “I’m sorry that we had to sign a Soul Contract Erika… It’s not that I don’t trust you… I just can’t let anyone other than you know about this… Especially Victoria.” Sofiel said with a happy voice.

Erika: “It’s okay Sofiel, I don’t mind.” I say with a small laugh.

Cecelia: “And what about me?” Cecelia jokingly said.

Sofiel: “I am an angel. Speak of the things that have happened to me here and well, you will not like the consequences of your actions.” Sofiel said with a scary tone and expression on her face.

Cecelia: “Oh? Threats for me, but a Soul Contract for Erika?” Cecelia said with a smug tone.

Sofiel: “Erika is different. I don’t know you at all.” Sofiel said with a pout. Cute!

Wait… Cute? I think that Sofiel is cute?… I can’t think that about a married woman… can I? From what I saw at Victoria’s, a lot of her lovers were definitely involved romantically with each other…

Does she allow the same with her wives? Wait… Sofiel did say that she came here because she was interested in me… Did she mean that as in romantically? With her INT right now, I could probably get her to tell me but that would be wrong of me to do.

Anyone who would take advantage of a child, is someone who should be given a first class seat in hell. No. I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them. I say with a cheeky tone in my own head.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I smash the hopefully final stupid crystal with my kitchen knife. Once the gold light disappeared, we were in a beautiful garden.

I could see a woman with beautiful dark red hair down to her waist. She was sitting down on a chair, sipping tea some tea from her cup. Her eyes were a pretty dark shade of red. She was… she is huge! I’m not talking about her weight. She has a perfect weight. Her height and her breasts are what I meant by “huge”… and I mean huge!

She was well over 7ft tall… I thought the tallest woman I would ever meet would be Victoria… And her breasts… They were the biggest that you can have before they start to look weird. Just smaller than her head but far bigger than I’d ever seen. Does everything she eats go straight to her breasts?

???: “Welcome to my garden. And also, a warm welcome once again to Cecelia since, this is your second visit.” She said with a calm and warm motherly voice.

Cecelia: “Huh? What do you mean? The last time I came here, it was a barren wasteland…” Cecelia said with a confused tone.

???: “That was another floor. I felt that making you three go through another one would be unfair so, I removed it. This is actually the final floor. The spirit orb that you spoke to last time just tricked you.” She said with a laugh.

Cecelia: “Tricked how?” Cecelia said with an annoyed tone.

???: “Well, for one, you don’t need three people to kill me. That was a lie.” She said before taking a sip of her tea once again.

Sofiel and I had to restrain Cecelia, because she was far too angry and wanted to kill the woman. Eventually, she didn’t calm down so instead, I knocked her out. That woman had made a bed appear and I laid Cecelia down on it. Ah… Finally, peace and quiet…

???: “Now that the plus one is asleep, we can talk without the need to hide anything.” The woman said with a smile.

She gestured to us for us to sit down and drink tea with her. The tea didn’t have anything weird in it so, I told Sofiel that it would be fine if we did drink it.

Sofiel: “Are you supposed to be a banished Admin? I can’t feel that you are…” Sofiel said with a questioning tone.

???: “You know about the Administrators? Oh, then what about you Erika?” She said with a questioning tone.

Erika: “I do.” I say calmly.

Sofiel: “Erika, you know about them? That’s one more reason why Alice and Victoria are so interested in you.” Sofiel said with a laugh.

???: “Wonderful! Then we can talk everything out properly. As for me, I am not the banished Admin, he used me as a cover and escaped thousands of years ago.” She said with a sad tone.

Sofiel: “He… He escaped? That’s really bad…” Sofiel said with a concerned tone.

Lilith: “Erika! What Sofiel said is absolutely right. That woman isn’t lying either.” Lilith said in my head.

Erika: “Hm… You don’t seem to be lying, what is your name exactly?” I ask with one of my hands on my cheek.

???: “That man… he took me from my dimension thousands of years ago. I no longer remember my name. Erika, could you please give me a new one?” She said with a sad and pleading tone.

A new name, huh… What would fit her? It has to be something regal… Hm… I’ve never been good at naming people or things. I mean, I gave my partner the name I had from my old life, Lilith… Dammit!

Whenever I had to come up with a name back in my old life, I would just use a name generator… I had to think about a name for a solid ten minutes before I came up with a good one.

Erika: “Would Sachael Eldari work as your new name?” I say with a nervous tone.

The name came to me out of nowhere. It sounded good, so I went with it.

Sachael: ”I absolutely love it!” Sachael said while giving me a hug or more accurately smothering me with her breasts…

We talked about her life and what she has been doing for thousands of years. It was mostly her being bored all of the time. She came from a modern dimension so being stuck in a place like this was truly torture for her.

I gave Sofiel a glance a few times to see if she was lying and she wasn’t. Angels have a natural ability to tell if someone is lying. Sachael didn’t lie once, so that banished Admin really did escape, and has been out in the wild this entire time. I only knew about her lie detecting ability because she told me about it before we sat down.

Sachael: “Oh, right. Erika, let me complete that task for you.” Sachael said with a smile.

Lilith: “Erika, you have completed the task, Survive. Your reward is a uh… a friend? I’m guessing the friend is Sachael…” Lilith said with a confused tone.

Cecelia had woken up at this point and was already ready to leave at once. She did throw a bit of a fit when she woke up at first, though. With us three holding hands, I asked Lilith to take us home. With a flash of light, I was once again in my room. I’m so tired…

Cecelia left for her own dimension only a few minutes later. She said that she had business to attend to and would come back at a later time to repay us. Wait… we can leave to any dimension we want? Before she left, Cecelia told me that only she could since she is part angel. I only have access to dimensions that require tasks to be done.

I had a feeling that Alice, Kora, and Victoria would show up eventually so I asked one of the maids that were in my room to make some tea for Sofiel and me. I had a very specific question for her.

As for Sachael, I asked another maid to take her to be pampered. She has been lonely for a long time so, talking with lots of girls who are caring for her would surely make her happy. She happily went along with them.

Erika: “Hey Sofiel, why didn’t you tell me that Cecelia was lying earlier?” I ask with a questioning tone.

Sofiel: “That’s…” Sofiel went red.

She got up off of her seat and then leaned in on my right ear and whispered into it.

Sofiel: “I forgot about my ability to tell when someone is lying until we got to Sachael… I’m sorry. Again, please don’t tell anyone about this.” Sofiel said in a quiet voice.

Erika: “It’s okay. And I won’t. I would like to keep the knowledge of such a cute Sofiel to myself after all.” I whisper into her ear.

Oops… I might have accidentally whispered in a seductive tone since Sofiel’s face got even redder. She wordlessly sat back down on her seat and drink her tea in silence.

She drank it down fast and the maid attending us skillfully refilled it for her. I didn’t even realize that she showed up in my room. She isn’t a normal maid at all.

The maid, according to Sofiel, her name is Nadia. She has tanned skin and long brown hair. Her eye color is almost jet black. Her hair was tied up into a ponytail.

She was wearing black rimmed seeing glasses as well. And of course, her breasts were again bigger than mine… I have a "huge" feeling that Victoria has a thing for large breasts…

She, of course, was wearing a very regal maid outfit designed by Victoria. Why did Victoria design a maid outfit for one of her maids?

From what Sofiel told me, Nadia is the head maid. But she is not only the head maid, like Sofiel, she is one of Victoria’s wives. I had asked Sofiel why Victoria keeps Nadia as a maid. Sofiel replied that the decision was Nadia’s alone, and she tried many times to stop her from working.

Nadia had a habit to be a control freak, so her being the head maid was a good fit. Sofiel said the main reason is that Nadia likes dressing up like a maid and also she has a thing for master and servant play. She tried to go into detail before being shut up by Nadia.

Nadia: “Miss Sofiel. What happened in that dimension?” Nadia asked with a questioning tone.

Sofiel: “Nothing special. By the way, where are Victoria and Alice?” Sofiel asked in a calm tone perfectly hiding her embarrassment.

Nadia: “Miss Sofiel, the way you look at Erika is the same way you look at Victoria. You should have a talk with Victoria and her about this.” Nadia said with a knowing tone.

Sofiel: “You… Nadia, I can’t believe that you would out me like that... Erika, what do you think about me? Dammit… I’ll ask an even worse question. Out of Kora, Victoria, Alice, and me, who do you like the most?” Sofiel asked with a serious tone.

I can’t answer this question… If I lie, she’ll know but, I don’t even know if I had feelings for any of them, let alone Sofiel. I mean once again, we didn’t even meet that long ago. If only Victoria and Alice could show up right now…

Nadia: “Miss Erika, if you’re hoping that Alice and Victoria would show up so that you could avoid answering Miss Sofiel, I am sorry to say that they won’t be back for a few hours.” Nadia said with a smug tone.

Sofiel: “Wait? Why? Where did they go?” Sofiel said with a questioning tone.

Nadia: “A dimension of Alice’s was being invaded by the Saviors. They needed to go stop them. They finished doing that a few days ago, but they stayed longer just in case. Now, Miss Erika, please answer Sofiel.” Nadia urged with a calm tone.

Erika: “…”

Nadia: “Miss Erika, if you are worried about hurting the feelings of the other girls, don’t be. Kora might be hurt slightly but the rest won’t be.” Nadia said with a warm tone.

Erika: “How do you know for sure?” I say with a nervous tone.

Nadia: “I am Victoria’s first wife. I have known Alice and her for longer than any other of her lovers. I think you’re misunderstanding your situation.” Nadia replied with a smile.

Erika: “How so?” I ask with a confused tone.

Nadia: “As long as you don’t die, you won’t ever age and you will live forever. In this new life of yours, there is no reason to stay with only one lover. Those two and Sofiel would not mind if you were lovers with all three of them.” Nadia said with a laugh.

Sofiel: “Erika, she is right. I wouldn’t mind. I mean, a relationship like that sounds really interesting to me. As for Kora, don’t worry, I’ll comfort her. I am an angel after all.” Sofiel said with a bright smile and tone.

Erika: “Okay fine… Out of all of you, I am most attracted to you, Sofiel.” I answer with a blush on my face.

Sofiel was extremely happy with my response. She had asked Nadia to leave the room and then sat on my lap face to face. She whispered, “I’ll show you how I seduced a Demon Goddess.” Seductively into my ear…

Sofiel then took my lips and gave me a deep kiss. I said that I gave me first kiss to Kora but, this… this is a real kiss. No wonder people do it… I can’t believe I missed out on doing this my entire life. What was it that Victoria gloated about to me once? “An angel’s tongue and mouth are amazingly tasty!”? She wasn’t joking at all…

This was the most sexual thing that I’ve ever done and it was far too much for me. Sofiel realized that, and she didn’t push me to anything more sexual than that.

She got up from my lap and went to the door to welcome Nadia back into the room. While she was doing that, I touched my lips and remembered how amazing kissing her felt. Doing that, I went beet red… apparently, both Nadia and Sofiel saw me do this.

Nadia: “Sofiel… you perverted woman corrupting angel! You went too far!” Nadia said with an angry tone after bonking Sofiel on her head.

Sofiel: “How did I go too far? I only kissed her.” Sofiel said in denial.

Nadia: “Erika, what kind of kiss was it?” Nadia asked calmly.

Erika: “Um… A deep tongue kiss…” I answer with an embarrassed tone, not being able to look her in the eyes.

Nadia: “And was that your first kiss? Have you done anything more sexual than a deep kiss?” Nadia asked with a motherly tone.

Erika: “That… that was my first kiss. And I haven’t done anything sexual at all with anyone before…” I reply with a shaky tone.

I felt like I was being investigated by my mother… I’ve never even had a mother, and I still for like this is a similar situation…

Nadia: “I see… dammit, I shouldn’t have left the room. I’m sorry Erika.” Nadia said with a remorseful tone while patting my head.

Erika: “It’s fine… I didn’t hate it.” I said with a small voice.

Nadia: “Of course you liked it. Anyone would fall for Sofiel. Her forcing that kiss on you was also her way of marking you.” Nadia said with a fed-up tone.

Lilith: “Erika, she is right. Sofiel marked you as her lover. She hasn’t even done that with Victoria…” Lilith spoke to me in my head with a concerned tone.

Sofiel: “Hey wait! Why would you tell her that? It was a secret!” Sofiel said with a shocked tone.

Nadia: “You sit down and be quiet!” Nadia demanded with a stern tone.

Isn’t Sofiel stronger than Nadia? Why did she just do what Nadia told her to do? I need to make sure to stay on Nadia’s good side. I think she is the one who takes care of the “house” as well as handles Victoria’s wives and lovers…

Erika: “What does Sofiel marking me do exactly?” I ask with a curious tone.

Nadia: “It’s different for every powerful being. As for Sofiel, it basically is a warning to all other angels that you are Sofiel’s. Sofiel hasn’t even marked Victoria.” Nadia said with a sigh.

Sofiel: “Hey, don’t make me out to be a bad guy! I haven’t marked Victoria because it might make her a target for other angels!” Sofiel said in defense.

Nadia: “If that is the excuse you’re going to use with Victoria, I’d suggest coming up with a better one. Otherwise, you’ll end up hurting her.” Nadia reprimanded Sofiel who once again went silent.

Erika: “…”

Nadia: “Erika, those three, Alice, Victoria, and Sofiel, just consider them old perverts. You have to set your boundaries with them otherwise, like what Sofiel just did, they will do sexual things with you. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t do such things with them, I’m just saying that you need to be careful.” Nadia said in a serious tone.

Erika: “Okay, I’ll keep that in mind.” I reply with a calm tone.

Nadia: “Hm… I forgot how mentally strong you are. Anyway, Alice and Victoria will be here in an hour. Sofiel, could you please keep yourself in check until then?” Nadia asked with another sigh.

Sofiel only replied with a nod. Nadia had left since she needed to prepare for those two to be back. Rather than listen to Nadia’s warning, Sofiel sat down right next to me as close as she could get. She kept feeding me snacks and shoving her modest breasts on my arm the entire time. She did this until those Nadia and those two got back.

When they entered the room, Nadia face palmed, and both Alice and Victoria had their mouths open in shock. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Alice rushed over to Sofiel.

Alice: “Sofiel… Your INT is being hindered. Sleep for now, that will fix it.” Alice said with a serious tone before using magic on her to make her sleep.

What? The effects of that dimension were still in play?… Oh God… This will be a really embarrassing thing for both Sofiel and I when she wakes up. How could I have known? She acted more mature after we left. I just assumed that how she always acts…

Victoria: “Erika… mind telling us what happened in that dimension?” Victoria said with a slightly angry tone.

Alice: “I’d also like to hear why even though she just met you, Sofiel managed to get a leg up in the game… Wait… Victoria…. Sofiel marked her...” Alice said with an angry tone before shifting into a shocked one.

Victoria: “That can’t be… Holyshit! She did mark her! Erika, tell us what happened this instant!” Victoria demanded in a loud voice.

With them both demanding answers out of me, my brain was overloaded, so I ended up passing out. I don’t blame myself for this since, how could a soldier have to deal with women fighting over her? I’ve won wars with near zero chances of success… This whole situation was far more stressful than anything else I’ve ever experienced…

*Nadia’s POV*

Alice and Victoria rushed over to Erika to check on her. She was fine. She just passed out from all of the stress that the two had piled onto her.

Imagine being a virgin and being pursued by three powerful and extremely beautiful women. It would be an extremely stressful situation. Do they not realize how much control they have over Erika?

Nadia: “Congratulations you two. You’ve made the fearless soldier pass out from stress.” I say with a sarcastic clap.

I said that to vent my frustration. Those three have lived for so many years and somehow they act so childishly. With their age, they should have known to pull back their chase of her. They even pushed her so far to leave to a different dimension just so she wouldn’t have to be constantly seduced by them.

Victoria, Alice and Sofiel, I need to get it into their heads that they can’t just forcefully and constantly pursue her like this anymore. Originally, I was just going to let them do what they want but, I was unaware of how inexperienced Erika is. I assumed that she could handle it because she was very good at dealing with them seducing her.

That girl, she would rather risk her life in a different dimension than live in luxury. The only downside of said luxury is having to deal with them going after her. A soldier through and through. I know of her past life, though she did not go into detail about it but, she must have been a soldier for a long time.

And it’s not like I don’t understand them, I myself find her very interesting as well. Even more so knowing how inexperienced she is. I had the same thought that Sofiel most likely had. “She is such a virgin, I could easily make her mine with a little bit of stimulation.” Or something along those lines.

Being interested in another woman other than Victoria, it’s never happened for me ever before. I need to reprimand them for Erika, as well as myself. Letting Erika get hurt would be bad.

Nadia: “When Sofiel wakes up, we need to have a long conversation.” I say with an angry tone.

They didn’t try to argue with me at all and just silently agreed. I told another maid to take Sofiel back to her room to rest. Then I picked Erika up and put her in bed. Or I would have but instead, I took Erika to a new room. Victoria, Alice, and Sofiel, as well as Victoria’s other wives all live in the same wing in rooms right next to each other.

Clearly, Erika’s position in this harem isn’t any less than theirs, so giving her a room wouldn’t be too much to ask for. Erika said that her old room was extremely luxurious, this new one would surprise her greatly. The bed and everything in it is a major step up from her old room.

The very important feature of this room is a lock that only can only be unlocked from the inside. Or with a their key, or the key that only I have access to. These rooms are their sanctuaries. No one else is allowed inside unless they want them to be. The lock is also because Victoria is known to slip into her lover’s bed’s during the night.

She only ever did that with her wives, so her other lovers are fine. On the off chance that Erika is no longer safe from Victoria being a pervert in her sleepy state, letting her have this room is the best choice.

Giving her this room should help her feel better and hopefully be less stressed out. I’m just glad that out of all of her wives and lovers, only Sofiel is the one I have the most trouble with. If I had to deal with her, Victoria, and Alice on top of more troublemakers, I would probably die from the stress.

It would be wrong to say that I understood Erika. Those three had made the same mistake. Frankly, I am upset at myself that I convinced Erika to tell Sofiel the truth. It’s a habit of mine to try to get women to date each other. Victoria doesn’t even know this about me.

What I do know about Erika, is that she will most likely escape to a different dimension when she wakes up. Doing so won’t solve anything, and may even endanger her life. As such, I left a note next to her. It was a note telling her that I would handle everything and she didn’t need to leave. I just hope that she reads it.

After tucking her into bed, I had to resist the urge to kiss her. Did she have some kind of ability to seduce people? I’ve only ever had the urge to do sexual things with Victoria… No, even if she did, it wouldn’t be able to affect me or those three at all… I’m just trying to find reasons to deny my interest in her.

I guess that after thousands of years, I’ve finally found another person to love. That’s the hard part. How should I approach this? First I need to gain her trust and her interest. I’ll take it slow, unlike those three. That way, when I reveal my feelings for her, she won’t be stressed out or want to run away.

I’m genuinely surprised that neither Alice nor Victoria went with this method. Alice has no experience, so her not figuring this out is more reasonable but, Victoria has done the slow and steady approach to seducing a woman many times before. Since they didn’t, and they showed their romantic interest to Erika right away, I have the advantage over them.

Ah… am I really happy that I have a better chance to seduce a woman than my own wife does? Ah, what is it with this Erika girl that makes us go crazy for her? Maybe one day we’ll know…

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