Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 1 pt. 25]

Akorya was in no position to move after the fun we had together. Not only did she seem weighed down – or at least, she looked weighed down from how much cum had inflated her womb, anybody would have trouble walking after getting fucked by a cock that big. Though, it was a game.

But that didn’t matter.

Even if it was a game where she wasn’t actually weighed down and wasn’t going to not be able to walk for a week, I was still going to treat her like a princess. That is a dominant’s duty after sex. Even the dirtiest addicts to oversized monster cocks still deserve affection and care after sex.

“Up we go,” I said as I crouched down next to Akorya to slide my arms underneath her. She looked confused for a second before she realized what I was doing. The moment that she did realize what I intended, an embarrassed smile spread across her lips as her ears twitched. Even her tail wagged a little bit. “Now that you’ve gotten the monster package, it’s time for you to get the rest of the package.”

“Nyehe, what’s the rest of the package include?” Akorya asked, looking up into my eyes.

“All of the petting and massaging that you could ever ask for.”

“That sounds pretty nice,” she cooed.

“Not as nice as you.”

She giggled and rolled her eyes. “Wow, so smooth.”

“I know. I’m the master of seduction – the smoothest man you’ll ever meet.”

“Now I kinda wanna see you actually try to be smooth.”

“I can’t force it. It has to happen naturally.”

“Then do it naturally, I wanna see!”

“Trying to force it to happen naturally isn’t letting it happen naturally.”

“But I thought I was getting the rest of the package?”

“You are, that’s why you’re getting this instead,” I said and lowered myself into the hot springs, bringing her with me. I could feel her instantly loosen up within my arms as I submerged her up to her neck, sitting her between my legs with her back against my chest.

“Haah… this water is perfect,” she sighed.

“Isn’t it? You don’t need me to be smooth when you’ve got water like this.”

“Nyehe, you have a point.”

“And you’ve got a head that I can’t resist petting.” Naturally, I moved my hand to pet her head between her feline ears after saying that. I also made sure to sometimes play with her ears themselves, stroking my fingers along them from their bases to their tips. She melted against my body as I did that, sliding farther into the water until it was up to her chin. “Don’t drown on me, alright? You’re only allowed to drown by cum, not water.”

“That’s kinda hot, but I don’t think I want either to drown me.”

“You won’t drown as long as you swallow fast enough.”

“But what if there’s too much to swallow?”

“Then,” I had a brilliant idea, “you cum swap with your tail.”

“Wouldn’t that basically be spitting cum into my tail?”

“Yeah, but calling it cum swapping with your tail is hotter.”

“I dunno, imagining it is weird.”

“Yeah, when I picture it from your perspective, it’s not that great. But, if you picture it from mine, you might see how hot it could be. Imagine standing in front of a girl like you after pumping her mouth so full of cum that she can’t swallow it all, so she brings her tail up to her mouth and presses its opening up against her lips. Then, you can’t actually see the swapping, but she stares you in the eyes while doing it. The next moment, she pulls her tail away and you can see just a bit of cum trickling down from her tail pussy while she’s got an empty mouth now.”

“Hmm. Yeah, it’s kinda hot when I look at it that way. I guess I could try it sometime as long as I know I look hot doing it instead of gross.”

“I mean, cum swapping normally is kind of gross. You’re basically just kissing and letting cum ooze out of your mouth into somebody else’s mouth. It’s hot in concept but kind of gross if you really think about it.”

“Weird question, but have you ever tasted cum?”

“Absolutely. Where’d that come from?”

“W-wow. You answered that really fast. And you just got me thinking. A lot of guys always want girls to swallow, or they want to cum in our mouths, but they aren’t even willing to taste their own cum.”

“Right? They’re cowards. I’ve always strongly believed that any man too insecure to taste his own cum has no right to cum in a girl’s mouth. Any man not willing to try swallowing his own cum has no right to want a girl to swallow his. I mean, come on. You want to put girls through that without even knowing what you’re putting them through? That’s just selfish. Plus it helps men appreciate whoever is swallowing for them even more.”

“You’re really good at justifying trying out cum.”

“There’s also the fact that maybe you’ll find out you like it and want to do it more. You never know. I actually made a video about this before. I spent probably forty minutes or so with my guest talking about tasting and swallowing cum and a few other topics related to it. It basically ended up being mostly me trying to convince guys to taste their own cum. If it’s not obvious yet, the vast majority of comments ended up being ‘lol gay.’ Even my top regular commenters hopped onto that train. It was pretty funny. Thousands and thousands of comments calling me gay. Which, to be fair, was true.”

“Wait, you’re gay?”

“I’m pan, so let me rephrase: it was half true.”

“Hi, Pan, I’m Akorya.”

“Did… did you just dad joke me?”

“Nyehehe, I couldn’t resist! I’m sorry.”

“Hi, Sorry, I’m Damian.”

Akorya giggled even more and I could tell that she was kicking her legs underneath the water. “Oh, what was that thing you said about videos?”

“Right. Just go online and search for ‘damian sex guy’ and you’ll find me pretty easily. Or just ‘that guy who makes sex videos.’”

“Like, porn?”

“No, no. I make videos about sexual topics and social issues related to sexuality and all that.” I finally moved my hands away from her head so that I could begin to massage her shoulders. “The searches to find me that I told you about are just ways that I think are funny, plus they work.”

“Ooh. Are you popular?”

I could have told her that I was essentially the biggest content creator of my type, but I figured it would be more fun to let her figure that out for herself. If she ever did, anyways. “A little bit.”

“Nice. I bet you deal with lots of drama. Sex stuff makes people act stupid.”

“‘Lots of drama’ is putting it lightly. At least it’s not as bad as my predecessors had it back when the boomers were still a thing. Though, I’ve got a feeling it’s still going to be a few more generations before people finally stop making sex into such a huge deal. Even then, there’ll still be some prudes, but at least they’ll be so reduced that they become drowned out.”

“Just imagine how much world peace there’ll be when the prudes are gone!”

“I’m… not sure that the prudes being gone will help at all with world peace, but that is a nice thought. If everybody is having sex with everybody else, we won’t have time for any fighting.”

“Nyehehe, exactly!”

The conversation died down for a few moments as I focused on massaging her. However, there was still something important that I needed to ask her.

“How was it?” I asked. “The sex, I mean.”

“Really… really good,” Akorya answered. Her words were easily interrupted by her heavy breathing. Massaging her to the point of making her moan didn’t help her speak any more easily, either.

“Anything that you liked in particular?”

“Pulling out like that was mean, and… umm… the bulging was hotter… than I thought it’d be.”

“That bulge was really something. How’d it feel?”

“Re-really good.”

“That’s why this game is so great. You absolutely would have been killed by something like that in real life. Here? Pure pleasure.”

“Pleasure is the best.”

“You know it. Also, I thought of something.”


“I thought of this right after turning into GP. I was tempted to bring it up before, but I didn’t want to potentially ruin the mood.”




“You know that movie with the tornado of sharks?”


“Alright. Now, take that concept but replace the sharks with giant sperm cells.”

“But… why?”

“Because it’d be: one, so stupid that it’s hilarious; and two, actually really hot. Just imagine a tornado of giant sperms. Their tips would be as big as your head and they’d have long, tentacle-like tails attached to them. Wherever they land, they’ll try to squirm their way into the closest hole that they can find.”

“I… guess that’s kind of hot…”

“You’ve got hot stuff like a swarm of giant sperms ganging up on your body and trying to wiggle their ways into every single one of your holes. Then you’ve got the funny and hot stuff like a particularly giant sperm crashing into you and bursting like a water balloon, basically bukkakeing you. And then you’ve got the straight up funny stuff, like a sperm cell being so large and heavy that it basically crushes somebody underneath it. You know how tornados pick up cars and toss them around? It’d be like that except somebody would get crushed by a giant sperm.”

“That’s… kinda maybe a bit too deadly to get turned on by.”

“Well, in that last example, it’s not about arousal. That would be for sheer comedic value. The other things are for arousal value.”

“I guess that makes sense. The uhh… the water balloon one kind of sounded hot.”

“A water balloon of hot, thick cum splashing all over you.”

“Definitely hot.”

“I know, right?”

“And then there’s the first thing you said. That… it’s weird when I imagine it, but I guess it’s kinda – more than kinda hot. Like… what if I was like… in a bathtub full of them?”

“Then you’d get to feel them squirming around all over you, each one desperately wanting to push into whatever hole is available. Your mouth, your pussy, your ass – every hole would be under their assault.”

“What happens when they cum?”

“Is… exploding into a pool of cum an acceptable answer?”

“So, if one is all the way in my womb,” Akorya paused to bring her hands up over where her womb was, “it would burst into a bunch of cum?”

“Sure. A giant sperm cell that explodes into normal cum whenever it cums. It would sort of feel like… a living dildo with a really fat tip wiggling around inside of you trying to thrust as far into you as it can go.”

“That sounds nice.”

“And you could have several of them rubbing up against your face at once trying to get your attention. How would you deal with such a situation?”

“Does licking them until they burst all over me count?”


“Then I’ll keep on licking and licking until they burst, and then I’ll try to get as much in my mouth as I can. Nyehehe.”

“That sounds perfect. Can’t leave out your tail, either. I’m sure they’d all be fighting over which one gets to ‘explode’ inside of it first.”

“They can take turns. There’s no rush,” she cooed. “The more I think about it, the nicer it sounds. Getting to feel all them wiggling around inside me sounds nice.”

“Then it sounds like I’m going to have to try and find out how to make this into a reality. Well, a virtual reality. I’m not sure anything like this is possible in the real reality. Maybe I could get a room that has more hot springs like here… but the water is replaced by cum with a bunch of giant sperms swimming around underneath it. You’d have no idea they were in there until you got in and felt them swarming you.”

“You should totally make a suggestion post on the forums.”

“That’s uh… that’s definitely an idea.”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“The forums are a festering cesspit of cancerous shit.”

“Are they?”

“Yeah. That’s pretty much any official forum for anything. It’s a bunch of people complaining, mods censoring anybody who get too ‘toxic,’ and endless suggestions that get ignored by the staff while other forum members shit all over the idea.”

“Oh. That sounds pretty bad.”

“Yeah. This game’s forums are no better. Trust me. I’ve looked.”

“Oh! I have a better idea!”

“Any idea is better than the forums idea.”

“Nyehe. What if you talk to somebody in charge?”

“Like, directly?”


“That would be a good idea… if it was possible. It’s not like they’re easy to reach unless you’re their coworker or family member.”

“Oh, I’m friends with one.”

“With one what?”

“A developer! I met her in-game back when I became a manticore. She’s a fairy!”

“You… actually know one of the game’s developers? And she’s a fairy?”

Akorya nodded for each of my questions. “And we’re friends! Wait… I’m not supposed to tell people she’s one of the people who make the game, I think.” She paused to look up at me. “You didn’t hear anything.”

“I definitely heard something.”

“Yeah, I guess there’s no point in trying to lie about it now. Anyways, I think she works with special events? Like seasonal events and stuff. I bet you could totally talk her into the spermnado idea popping up as a special event or something. That sounds like something she’d think is hilarious and try to do.”

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“You’re making her sound like my type of fairy.”

“She’s also into huge size diffs in case you’re into that. Especially if you’re willing to get kind of extreme. She has trouble finding guys who actually make use of how tiny her body is.”

“Just how small is she?”

“Like, this small?” Akorya answered, holding the pointer finger and thumb of her right hand as far apart from each other as she could.

“That’s… perfect fairy fucking size. A fairy that small can be held in one hand and used like an onahole.”

“Yeah! That’s what she wants but everybody is afraid of hurting her.’

“Does she want a cock to go all the way through her or something?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“You need to introduce me to her. Could you imagine her with something like GP?”

“I… think she’d get split in half if you tried it with something that big. Seriously…”

“Alright, alright. No GP splitting fairies in half. Instead, I think passing her around between the goblins could be fun.”

“That sounds like it’d be hot. Getting shrunken down and passed around to get fucked by monsters like a toy used to jack off… very hot.”

“Very, very hot.”

“Nyehe. I like you, Daymee. Do you umm… maybe think we could do this again sometime? I – I mean the whole… you know, you transforming and fucking me thing. N-not really what we’re doing now.”

“What’s wrong? Don’t like this?”

“No! I… do. It’s just—”

“If you’re uncomfortable at all then I could give you some more space.”

“No, no! That’s not – I like this! It’s just… embarrassing. You fucked me like that and now you’re being all… you know, nice and stuff and petting me and massaging me.”

“After care is often even better than what led to it. After exposing all of your desires to somebody, what’s better than to have that sort of reaffirmation that they accept you for who you are while taking care of you to make sure you’re alright?”

“Ye-yeah. After care is… really, really nice.”

“So, in other words, you want more of this but you’re too embarrassed to ask for it. You’re not, however, too embarrassed to ask for me to fuck you again.”

Akorya’s ears twitched as she sunk her head into the water.

Her response was far more adorable and innocent than anything I had ever expected from her.

More importantly, I made a new friend to fuck with my monsters.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S.

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