Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 1 pt. 3]

So many options appeared as soon as I decided to finally create my dungeon.

There was a menu to design each tunnel and room of my new cave-turned-dungeon. I was given the option to change the floors, walls, ceiling – everything.

But I chose to leave it how it already looked.

It would have been weird to instantly change the walls and floors from rocks to bricks. Creating a dungeon and naturally changing it over time sounded much more entertaining than instantly terraforming it.

And, while I never was one for roleplaying, I at least tried to do things that made sense.

For example, I played a paladin. I wore heavy, plate armor whenever I was raiding. I wore simple and modest clothes when I wasn’t. I didn’t roleplay but I at least looked the part.

Other paladins wore metal bikinis with spiked thongs.

So, I could have instantly made my new cave look like some sort of medieval dungeon, but doing it that way just felt way too easy.

Self-imposed challenges were always fun.

Also, I just liked how the cave looked better.

A natural cave home to monsters wanting to consensually fuck the dungeon’s invaders sounded way better to me than a random medieval-prison-looking dungeon in the middle of a forest home to monsters.

There was also the matter of the hot springs.

The hot springs looked perfect inside of the natural cave. When I tried out the preview option to test out what else the interior of the dungeon could be made of… it just looked stupid. The hot springs were designed specifically for this cave. They were a unique graphical asset of the game that, as far as I knew, was not found anywhere else.

To try and force a different design all around the unique hot springs resulted in an amateur-looking design job.

So, all natural it was.

Then I was given the option to shape the territory however I wanted.

As it turned out, I was not limited to the size of the cave. There was a large square of terrain that I could freely manipulate however I wanted to – well, superficially, anyways. If I wanted to remove a tree from outside the entrance or add a new tree, I could.

Other than the square of land that I could freely manipulate, there was the option to purchase more land.

There were a few more “squares” of purchasable land in front of the cave’s entrance. Then there was a bunch of land behind the existing cave that I could buy – land that would reach deeper into the mountains that my cave was a part of. And then there were the vertical squares.

A vertical limit was applied to my territory. I was only able to shape my land and build on it up to a certain height and depth. However, for the price of real-world money, I could expand higher into the sky or lower into the ground.

Theoretically, it was possible to build a massive skyscraper.

One of the top player-run dungeons was a massive tower full of monsters that got progressively more powerful the higher into the tower you went. It was mainly used as a training ground and resource farm for the guild that he ran, which also happened to be the number one raiding guild in the game. Though, for the right price, anybody was allowed to enter the dungeon-turned-tower for a limited time.

I’ve seen the tower a bunch of times in screenshots and videos. It’s insanely impressive and the highest floors feature secrets that none other than the creator know about.

As much as I would have liked to venture into the tower sometime just for the sake of adventuring in an awesome dungeon-tower, I was much more interested in my own dungeon for sex.

And so, I got to the monster spawning section.

First was the boss.

The boss was determined by my affiliation and what sort of dungeon core I made. So, since I created a core using a wiggling mass of fleshy tentacles that I got from a boss that could only be summed up as a giant, living wall of tentacles… the first monster from the pool of potential bosses was a tentacle pit.

I could have rerolled for a different boss, but why would I do that?

One, it cost money to reroll for a different boss.

Two, a tentacle pit was perfect.

So I accepted the tentacle pit as my boss monster. It then spawned in the room that I designated as the “boss room” which was at the back of my dungeon – or rather, the cave.

I went to go check on it and it was perfect.

Absolutely perfect.

The entire center of the room became a pit in the ground full of writhing, fleshy tentacles already dripping cum. It looked like there was a pool of cum down there with all of the tentacles, too, but the sheer number of tentacles made it hard to see the cum.

A window popped up telling me the monster’s species, a “Tentacle Pit,” and it gave me the option to either name it myself or give it a randomized name.

I couldn’t think of a good name for a tentacle pit myself, so I chose the random option.

Lephacoda. That was the name it chose.

“Lephacoda,” I said, testing the name out.

It wasn’t a bad name.

I had no idea what kind of name that was, but I liked it.

Accepting the name, a status bar appeared above the tentacle pit showing its health, mana, energy, name, and level.

Lephacoda, the level 50 tentacle pit.

It was still thirty levels away from reaching the maximum level, but that was alright. I had already read the guides on how to train dungeon monsters to increase their levels.

That was only really important for people wanting their monsters to fight instead of fuck, but I knew that it would be impossible to avoid getting invaded.

Lephacoda and the rest of my soon-to-be monsters needed to grow stronger to protect themselves. There would only be so much that I could do to protect them.

Well, Thera was also supposed to help me, but she had some real-life business to take care of before moving her things over to my new dungeon.

Having one of the most feared player-killers backing me up would make dungeon life much easier.

Next were the rest of my monsters.

I got to choose two monsters from a pool of monsters and then there would be one more monster that would be randomly chosen from a pool of monsters.

The first two, similar to the boss, would have intelligent AIs “built” into them. They would look and behave as if they were real players… albeit with some limitations built in. There’d be no going out and adventuring for them.

So, for the two I could choose, I chose a minogida and tentacle lasher.

The two monsters spawned directly in front of me.

The minogida, a humanoid monster inspired by goats similar to a satyr or minotaur, was chosen for a very specific reason. Well, two very specific reasons.

He had massive nuts.

Ever since I saw a minogida while questing in a forest, I thought to myself how badly I wanted to be friends with one. All because of their nuts.

Also, I thought it would be awesome to use that cash shop item to control my minogida and then have a girl worship my sack.

The tentacle lasher was chosen for a much more simple reason: tentacles. It looked like a tall, inflated condom with tentacles sticking out of it. It “walked” by sliding around on the tentacles under its body, had a purple and rubbery texture for skin, and had yellow tentacles sticking out from various holes on its body. It also had a single, large eye near the top of its body.

And now it was time to name them.

I already knew exactly what I wanted to name them this time, too.

“Al Capra,” said to the minogida.

“Boss,” Al Capra said, placing a hand on his chest and bowing.

“And you will be Captain Consentacles,” I told the tentacle lasher.

Captain Consentacles raised one of its tentacles above its eye to salute me.

And now for the final monster.

If Lephacoda was my boss, Al Capra and Captain Consentacles were my lieutenants.

Next came the generic trash monster.

I had no control over what would pop out of the summoning portal.

A few seconds later… and the summoning was complete.

Standing where the portal once was…

Basic, short, and green. Goblins. Five of them.

Each one was only level ten and could be killed from a single attack by anybody even twice their level, but that didn’t matter.

All that mattered was that they, a pack of five goblins, counted as one monster.

That meant I could control all five at once.

I could not only fuck whoever came to my dungeon as a monster, but I could gangbang them as monsters.

I gladly accepted the goblins.

Now, as “dumb” AIs, they were only able to follow any scripting that I wrote for them.

But I had no idea how to do any of that scripting stuff. I was going to have to find somebody who could help me out with that.

Fortunately, even if I couldn’t script them myself, there were basic behavioral options for me to set for them. For example, I could choose whether they attacked on sight or only in defense, whether rape and sex were enabled or not, what room they would stay in or which area they would patrol, and so on.

The first thing I did was enable sex and disable rape for all of my monsters.

Rape was only possible if both the assailant and recipient had it enabled. So, really, it could have been argued that rape was impossible in the game since the only way to partake in it was for both parties to consent to it beforehand.

But I still didn’t like that.

If there was going to be anything nonconsensual, it was going to be through roleplay and not “roleplay.” It wasn’t going to be the typical in-game kind of roleplaying. It was going to be the just-like-real-life roleplaying where everything is thoroughly planned beforehand. It was going to be safe, sane, and consensual.

I also set them to only attack in defense.

And next… I already had my first visitor before I could even finish assigning my monsters to specific rooms.

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