Escape from the evil lady

Chapter 19. Celebrate in a big way

The Empress, Valencia Gross de Ronan, gulped down a glass of red wine. A bottle of this wine cost so much that you could buy an entire house with this money. Then she suddenly burst into loud laughter. The maids lined up near Her Majesty's resting place froze.

It was not often that they had seen the Empress in such a good mood. Therefore, the fact that the woman did not stop smiling in the morning clearly put them in a stupor.

Serving the Empress was not an ungrateful task, because she was the most respected woman in the empire. That's just because of the constant variability of her mood, it was very difficult to please such a lady.

Being the daughter of an influential and noble family, Valencia has been spoiled since childhood.

When she lost her temper, she started screaming and often insulted others. Often the Empress raised her hand against her maids.

When she broke an expensive cup or tore carefully sewn clothes, the maids who served her felt extremely anxious.

They all expected that one day the same thing would happen to them as with these items.

No one talked about it out loud, but they were thinking the same thing. How could such an arrogant and cruel woman have a daughter like Jerica? As a child, the second princess was pampered no less than her mother, but she grew up to be her complete opposite.

Her kind heart could conquer even those who were dissatisfied with the current imperial power.

This is truly a miracle.

Every time her mother went too far, Jerica would appear out of nowhere and come to their rescue. Like a brave knight on a white horse. Unsurprisingly, despite the conservatism of society, many of the maids in the palace felt sympathy for her.

However, today, even the help of the second princess was not needed. For some unknown reason, the Empress was in such a good mood that the maids were afraid to inadvertently anger her and spoil everything.

Trying her best not to annoy the Empress, the head maid spoke cautiously:

«Your Majesty, can we help you change?»

Irina lazily waved them away like flies.

— You don't need to. Just leave me alone.

Upon hearing this, the entire queue felt deeply relieved. It looks like they won't be executed today.

Trying to figure out what made the Empress so happy that she never even raised her hand to them, everyone left.

As they did so, another shadow flashed across the room.

An assassin dressed in closed clothes landed unnoticed on her knees in front of her. A beautiful woman who looked like a rose with thorns finally looked up from contemplating her glass.

— Do you want to give me good news?

The mercenary was so nervous that he swallowed his saliva.

— Y-Your Majesty…

— What is it? She asked, tossing back her long luxurious hair, which was blond with a bronze tinge, «I need her head to personally show to the imperial court. I want to see how arrogant she can be when that's all that's left of her.

The man's lips twitched after the woman's words.

The mercenary said it carefully as sapphire-like sparkling eyes turned to him. He swallowed again in excitement.

«Your Majesty, I don't have her body…»

After these words, the smile disappeared from the Empress's face.

The mercenary turned pale as a sheet from fear. An experienced warrior, who had killed countless people in his life, froze in the presence of his mistress.

And then a terrifyingly calm voice sounded above his head.

— What do you mean?

Cold sweat broke out on his neck. The feeling of fear did not allow the mercenary to even raise his head. Watching his expression, he stammered out:

«After yesterday's incident, we were unable to find Her Highness's body… But all our people, including her, are dead.»

The Empress jumped up from her chair.

— Is it true?!

«Your Majesty, we don't know what happened to the body, but rest assured that the mission has been successfully completed! «We found a knife smeared with poison in the place where the fight took place. There was also blood on it. Without a doubt, this is Her Highness's blood!

Valencia Gross de Ronan, who had not expected such a turn of events, nervously pursed her lips. In an instant, her good mood changed to the point that she was ready to throw a knife at the same mercenary.


— Is there any news from the Heilos residence? «What is it?» she asked immediately.

The mercenary shook his head negatively.

«I'm sure the princess definitely didn't return to her manor tonight!»

The Empress exhaled tensely. She was disappointed that people who had served her for so many years could have made such a mistake.

Does it make sense to continue to support this organization?

From the intention to carry out her plans and execute all these losers to hell, the woman was stopped by a hasty action on the part of the servant. The killer pulled out a slightly bloody token from under his clothes.

A gold plate on which the coat of arms in the form of a crown and a lion's head was engraved. The badge of a member of the imperial family.

It was a special token that allowed a member of the Ronan family to confirm his identity outside the palace. It also served as an automatic pass to any city of the empire or military unit. A relic that was available in extremely limited quantities, which every member of the family carried with them from birth, especially when they left the palace.

The Empress pursed her lips, twirling the token in her hands. Kaena's name was engraved on the back. Given its value, the woman knew in advance that the princess could not lose it just like that.

Initially, the Empress intended to put the body of the crown Princess on public display in order to personally demonstrate to her subjects that the main threat to the security of the empire had been eliminated. It would also make the transfer of the heiress's title fully justified.

But… The circumstances were somewhat different.

If the poison was really used, then by this morning, Kaena should already be dead. The chances of healing, except for a miracle, in such a situation were zero. Then what could have happened to the body?


«I've heard that the number of demonic beasts in the western outskirts has increased recently! — the mercenary quickly realized, — They often attack people as well.

— That is…?

The servant confirmed her guess.

«Most likely, Her Highness was eaten alive.»

Hearing this, the Empress couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Such a fate… Even better than she imagined!

Just think. The invincible Kaena Hesse de Ronan, who was feared by the entire empire, was torn apart like some kind of carcass! Just imagining this picture, the woman was incredibly delighted.

It's possible that karma really worked for all her misdeeds.

— Great! It's just great!

The Empress clapped her hands like a little child.

For the first time, the mercenary felt relieved and exhaled. Thank the gods, the Empress was satisfied. Deep down, he hoped that everything was as he said.

It's different…

While the assassin was thinking about this, the Empress had already begun to plan the upcoming celebration with might and main. The long-awaited death of the monstrous crown Princess must certainly be celebrated on a grand scale.

«Send someone for the First Minister immediately!» She shouted to the servants in the corridor, «We must begin preparations for the coronation ceremony of the second princess as soon as possible.

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