Eternal Temptation: Awakening Sinful Desires

Chapter 33 You have to release him. (EDITED)

33 You have to release him. (EDITED)

As he walked up to the intimidating police station, Argon was fuming; he knew what was wrong, and perhaps he could resolve it. Now, his Uncle Oswald, who had always watched out for him and the other children in the orphanage, was being accused of causing harm to the children and, worse still, of killing a child in a different orphanage.

Jacob stood by his side. Both worried and determined, they entered the police station together. The sound of Argon's footsteps conveyed his tumultuous feelings. He clenched his fists, anger building up. Argon thought about the countless times Uncle Oswald had been there for him and the other kids, turning the orphanage into a place of warmth and care. Now, facing such serious accusations, it felt like everyone had betrayed Uncle Oswald.

Jacob, understanding Argon's turmoil, offered support. He knew his friend needed someone by his side during this tough time. "Don't worry, bro. We'll prove your uncle's innocence. Just stay calm." Jacob reassured Argon, putting his hand on his friend's shoulders firmly.

Soon, they arrived in front of the officer's desk.

"Hey there, Officer Mitchell. I'm Argon, and this is Jacob. We want to know about Mr. Oswald. They took him in. Can you tell us what's going on?" Argon asked this in a calm tone, keeping his tone steady despite the anger in his heart. "Ahh…he is my uncle. I believe he is innocent." Argon added. Officer Mitchell glanced up from his paperwork, giving them a once-over before responding in a matter-of-fact tone, "Your uncle is facing serious charges, kid. There is a piece of solid evidence, and there are witnesses. This isn't a misunderstanding."

Argon's eyes widened, a mix of disbelief and anger flashing across his face, "There has to be some mistake! He is the kindest person I know."

Jacob, sensing the tension, stepped in, hoping to ease the situation. "Officer Mitchell, we just want to get some information. We're not here to cause trouble. Argon is worried about his uncle, and we're hoping to understand what's happening."

Officer Mitchell, unfazed, sighed, acknowledging their concern but maintaining a stern demeanor. "I get it, but this is a serious matter. We can't take it easy. I can't just share details with anyone who walks in."

Argon, growing more frustrated, leaned on the front desk and said, "Officer, I need to see my uncle and just talk to him to make sure he's okay. Can you at least let me meet him?" "Look, if you want to help your uncle, cooperate with the investigation," Officer Mitchell said, crossing his arms and giving Argon a suspicious look. "Stay out of the way and let the detectives do their job. We won't keep him here if he is innocent."

Argon slammed his fist on the counter, gritting his teeth in frustration. "Cooperate? How am I supposed to cooperate when my uncle's life hangs in the balance?! I'm telling you, Officer Mitchell, Uncle Oswald can't be guilty." Jacob grabbed Argon's arm, pulling him back and trying to diffuse the heated situation. "Bro, calm down! Officer, we apologize for raising our voices. We're just very upset. Please forgive us." Jacob apologised.

Argon's friend tried to reassure him, but he glared at Officer Mitchell, refusing to back down.

Officer Mitchell, on the other hand, fixed Argon with a stern look and said, "Look, kid, shouting will not change the facts. I suggest you go home and wait until we sort this out. You should just cooperate with the procedure."

Jacob tugged Argon's arm, shaking his head in warning. Argon was reluctant, but he backed off, glaring at Officer Mitchell in resentment.

Jacob then stepped forward with an arrogant expression and said, "Officer, I am from the Gray family; you should know about our power and influence in the capital city. You should help us instead of making things difficult for us."

Officer Mitchell stared at Jacob for a moment with a blank gaze, then threw his head back and burst into uncontrollable laughter.

When he calmed down, Officer Mitchell wiped tears from his eyes and fixed Jacob with a mocking gaze. "Kid, you think being from some rich family gives you power and authority here? You gotta wake up. In this police station, we work under orders from the chief. You are nothing compared to the people above us. Also, don't threaten me unless you want to spend a night behind bars too." Officer Mitchell warned him.

Argon stepped forward again, refusing to give up. "Officer Mitchell, please, just let me see my uncle. That's all I ask for."

Finally, Officer Mitchell sighed, handing Argon a visitor's pass with reluctance. "One chance. Don't make a scene."

Argon accepted the pass with gratitude, bowing his head and saying, "Thank you, Officer Mitchell. We appreciate it."

Jacob followed suit, expressing his thanks to Officer Mitchell. "Yeah, thanks for understanding."

Without another word, they headed towards Oswald's cell, leaving Officer Mitchell to shake his head in exasperation.

Along the way, they passed various officers patrolling the station.

They faced Oswald through a cold metal barrier in a small, dimly lit room.

Argon's eyes lit up with relief upon seeing his uncle. However, Oswald didn't greet him with a smile. Instead, sadness clouded his worn-out features.

Argon rushed towards his uncle, gripping the metal bars and separating them. "Uncle, I came to check on you. I heard about what happened, but it doesn't seem right. I need you to tell me what's going on because none of this makes sense."

Oswald, putting on a facade of innocence, responded, "Argon, they are framing me."

Jacob narrowed his eyes in suspicion, speaking up with caution, "Mr. Oswald, sorry to interrupt, but the cops seem convinced. There's evidence against you. Mr. Ben confessed everything, saying you harmed Emma often and killed her afterwards." Argon whirled around to glare at him. "Jacob, shut up! Uncle Oswald is innocent. I won't listen to anything else. Don't you see he is suffering already?!"

Argon heard Oswald's feeble smile and his hand on his shoulder as he spoke, "Argon, my boy, listen to reason. They want to tarnish my name, but you can't let them. I've always cared for you. I would never even think to do something like that!"

Argon, fueled by misplaced loyalty, turned to Officer Mitchell and demanded, "You have to release him, Officer. He is innocent. You can't keep him here for something he didn't do."

Officer Mitchell arched an eyebrow and shook his head, saying, "We have proof, kid. Your uncle is involved in something serious. This is no mistake."

Argon didn't relent and argued with conviction, "He wouldn't hurt a fly, much less kill someone. You have to let him go!"

Oswald put on a pleading expression, directing a desperate gaze at Officer Mitchell. "Please trust me."

Officer Mitchell ended the meeting by saying, "Enough," unfazed by Oswald and Argon's emotional turmoil as the argument went on. "The evidence is clear, and your uncle will face the consequences. This discussion is over."

Argon, unable to accept it, clenched his fists and bit his lower lip, trembling in frustration. "This isn't fair. Why is everyone treating him like a monster? It's not true... It's not..."

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