Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 104

Chapter 97 : Miss Yuzhen, let’s be ruthless


Princess Yuzhen seemed to be choked alive, and then became angry.

The imperial examinations are national candidates, but you are so tarnished. Cui Nian’s cheating is shameless, but where is it for you to take the exam?

Chen Ping bowed and said, “I was determined to win the imperial examination, but I was unable to participate because of the poison. To understand the wishes of my family, Mr. Du Bian put on a special mask and replaced me in the imperial examination. Chen Ping has nothing but gratitude in his heart.”

Princess Yuzhen looked at him for a long time, but after all, there was no attack.

After all, because of the imperial examination fraud case, the last hospital examination was invalidated, so Chen Ping’s first name was gone. And at this time, his face was all covered with blood spots, and he had no chance to take the imperial examination again.

Therefore, it is meaningless to blame Princess Yuzhen.

But she really didn’t expect that the poems and poems at the time of Chen Ping’s examination were actually made by Du Bian.

Although Princess Yuzhen only loves martial arts and doesn’t like literary things, the song “Rolling the Yangtze River East Passes Water” is really excellent, and it really amazes her.

This Du Bian’s literary talent is really amazing.

However, she still dislikes Du Bian very much.

It was almost the first time she saw Du Bian, she disliked it very much. It should be a horoscope, a conflict on the aura.

Du Bian is very beautiful and his eyes are smart, and he knows that his cunning is changeable at a glance.

This was even more proved in the fraud case struggle in Guilin Mansion. Although Princess Yuzhen assisted her, she absolutely did not like Dubian’s behavior.

Princess Yuzhen admires the heroes who stand up to the ground. She also vowed to marry a hero who is unparalleled in the world if she wants to marry, otherwise she would rather not marry for life.

The temperament of Dubian seems to be contrary to this kind of heroic hero.

However, on the contrary, she admires Princess Yuzhen very much, and even likes her very much, her justice and heroism, and there is no room for half a grain of sand in her eyes.

This kind of woman, unless you conquer her in the martial arts, she will always look down on you.


Ning said to Du at noon: “In your graduation exam, you need to shoot 15 arrows in a row. Shooting the bullseye is 1 point, shooting the target circle is half a point, and the rest are 0 points.”

The bullseye of this archery target is one inch in diameter and the target circle is two inches in diameter. Hitting the bullseye is equivalent to the ten rings of the modern Olympics, and the target circle is equivalent to more than nine rings.

“You don’t need to shoot fifteen arrows in a row this time. Ten arrows will do. Don’t have psychological pressure. You can play at any level. It doesn’t matter how bad your performance is.”

“Start!” Ning Zongwu gave an order.

Princess Yuzhen’s beautiful eyes finally looked towards Du Bian.

Just one glance, she knew Du Bian was a rookie in archery, and a rookie who couldn’t be more.

Du Chang took a deep breath, aimed at a target fifty meters away, bent his bow and shot the arrow violently.

“Bang!” The first arrow missed the target.

Du Bian adjusted himself, then shot the second arrow, still missed the target.

The third arrow hit the target.

The fourth arrow, missed the target!

In this way, Du Bian shot ten arrows in succession, feeling that his arms were about to be broken.

His grades are very, very bad, only one hit the target for ten arrows in total.

And that arrow hit the target with a lot of chance, not the result of aiming. But even if he hits the target, his score is still zero, because he didn’t hit the center of the bullseye and didn’t hit the target circle.

After    Du Bian lowered his bow, he couldn’t help but shook his right arm, because it was really painful, and the veins seemed to be broken.

Ning Zongwu stepped forward to hold Du Bian’s arm and input a burst of internal energy.

Suddenly Du Bian felt a warmth in his arm, and all the soreness disappeared without a trace.

Grand Master grinned and said, “I knew it would be worse, but I didn’t expect it would be so bad.”

“Your archery foundation is really bad, bad, bad……” The Grand Master said again.

Du Bian is a bit silly, so I don’t need to say it three times.

At this time, Princess Yuzhen didn’t even bother to make an expression of contempt. Because she did not expect that Du Bian’s archery foundation would be so bad?

Dang Party Academy also learned archery, what is he doing? At his level, except for his greater strength, the rest is completely at the level of a seven or eight-year-old child.

Do you want to complete the fixed target shooting in three and a half days? Still want to get 90 points? That was really daydreaming.

“Have you never studied archery in the Eunuch Academy?” Ning Zongwu asked.

Du changed his way: “The first time I learned, I couldn’t pull the bow, and my arm seemed to be broken. After that, I didn’t learn anymore and skipped class every time.”

As soon as the words came out, Princess Yuzhen felt even more cold, and left without saying a word.

is simply unsightly, so she still bet with Master Ning for Du Bian? Still betting with your own Heavenly Sword? It really desecrated this sword.

Is it the Ning Master who still didn’t join the army for him? Princess Yuzhen was very angry.


Taking a deep breath, Grand Master Ning Zongwu said: “Although your archery foundation is much worse than I thought, we can’t give up, let’s start learning.”

Du Bian rushed for a day and two nights, only thinking about going to bed, but he could only nodded in agreement.

Next, Grandmaster Ning Zongwu tried his best to teach Dubian how to shoot arrows.

First of all, it is the mental meditation formula.

When shooting arrows and aiming, you must have no distractions, as calm as water.

Secondly, we must be good at using air, not force.

At the moment of pulling the bow, the tension of the whole body must be used, not just the arm, otherwise the muscles and veins of the arm will be damaged.

Regarding this formula, Ning Zongwu taught Du Bian the “Train and Vessel Relaxation Jue”.

After drawing the bow, Ning Zongwu gave Du Bian the Jing Shen Jue again.

At the moment of aiming and shooting, keep the body absolutely still, as still as a rock, without shaking the arms, and the whole body. Otherwise, as long as you move a millimeter a little, the arrow will be shot out with an error of thousands of millimeters, and your previous efforts will be lost.

The aiming process must be fast, accurate, and ruthless.

For two hours, Ning Zongwu told all the secrets of archery.

is just shooting arrows with a fixed target, he wrote three cheats, one about the spirit and two about the tendons.

Under such teaching, anyone learning archery will get twice the result with half the effort.

Under the guidance of Ning Zongwu, Princess Yuzhen completed the top level of fixed target shooting in just over nine months. Even if the talent is high, the other people must be at least three or four years old.


In this way, under the careful guidance of Ning Zongwu, Du Bian studied from morning to evening.

are all learning “Jingxin Jue”, “Train and Vessel Relaxation Jue”, “Quiet Body Jue”.

After a few hours, Du Bian learned these three simple and wonderful archery secrets.

“Okay, the theoretical guidance on archery is all over. The next step depends on your talent and hard work.” Ning Zongwu said: “Next, you will try to shoot again based on what I have taught. , Still ten arrows.”

“Yes.” Du changed.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and used the “Meditation Jue” to completely calm himself down.

Then, I used the “Tin and Vessel Relaxation Jue” to yank away the strong bow of one stone.

My arm doesn’t hurt anymore, and it’s not as strenuous as before.

Great Master Ning Zongwu is really amazing.

After pulling the bow, Du Bian quickly aimed, and then used the “Quiet Body Art” to make his whole body motionless, and the arrow in his hand also motionless.




Du Bian followed this procedure for every arrow and shot ten arrows in a row.

This time, the arm still hurts a bit, but it is not as severe as before.

Looking at the test results again, there is a huge improvement compared to before.

Ten arrows hit the target with three arrows, and it was entirely on his own strength, not luck.

But none of the arrows hit the target circle, let alone the bullseye.

So, still…zero points.

Now, even Ning Zongwu is frustrated.

Du Bian’s previous manifestations were so outstanding that Ning Zongwu had extremely high expectations of him, and even lost his self-confidence. Feeling that Du Bian is a genius, he can learn everything soon, so he made this four-day bet with Princess Yuzhen.

However, there are only three days left.

Du Bian’s performance is so poor, there is really no hope of winning at all.

And in this archery learning, the first day is the most progress, and every day after that, the progress is getting smaller and smaller. In the end, it is completely accumulated over time. It usually takes several years of training to reach a high level.

And Du Bian’s performance on the first day can be described as very mediocre.

Yes, very mediocre!

According to this kind of progress, according to this kind of archery talent, it will take at least three to five years or more to reach the 90-point level of fixed target shooting, because this requirement is too high.

In the annual archery test of the Eunuch Academy, the fixed target shooting score is 15 points. It is not difficult to get 9 points, it is extremely difficult to get 11 points, and it is almost impossible to get more than 13 points.

The 90 points required by Ning Zongwu, when converted into a graduation exam, is 13.5 points.

Since its establishment, the Guangxi Eunuch Academy has had the highest score for fixed-target shooting in the graduation exam, which is 13 points, and no one has reached 13.5 points.

Just kidding, this is after all the level of a modern Earth Olympic champion.

“My child, maybe I had too high expectations of you before.” Ning Zongwu sighed, “Everything depends on God’s will.”

At this time, Ning Zongwu found that Princess Yuzhen had all worn out, put on an armor, and led the war horse, walking towards the lotus temple.

“Yuzhen, what are you doing?” Ning Zong said.

Princess Yuzhen said: “Of course I am going back to Wuzhou. I really have important military affairs. Is it possible that Master Ning still wants me to waste three days here? Is our gambling agreement still necessary?”

Suddenly, Ning Zongwu was speechless.

Du’s lane change performance really made his face dull.

According to his talent and progress, let alone three days, even if he was given three years, it would be no use.

Princess Yuzhen stayed here again, it is indeed a waste of time, and there is really no need to continue that gambling agreement.

Princess Yuzhen said: “Master Ning, you are extremely disappointed with the world, so you are not willing to serve the empire anymore. I understand very well, and you have paid too much for the empire. It is the empire that has let you down again and again. You want Traveling around the world, then you go, I have no right to force you to join the army, but you should not perfuse me with ridiculous reasons.”

Du became an absurd reason.

Then, Princess Yuzhen offered his Heavenly Sword with both hands, and said, “I’m going to the battlefield. I use a battle sword. This sword is really not very useful. Master Ning likes me to offer it. You will have it in the future. A true genius disciple gave him this sword as a gift from my senior sister.”

“Papa Papa……”

Every word of Princess Yuzhen slapped Du Bian’s face like one trick after another.

What does it mean to have a real genius disciple? That means that Du Bian is a parallel importer?

Put the Cangtian Sword in Ning Zongwu’s hands, and Princess Yuzhen left directly.

Ning Zongwu wanted to stay, but couldn’t say it at all.

“Stop!” Du Bian shouted.

Princess Yuzhen turned a deaf ear, and continued to leave.

“You can look down on me, or you can doubt me, but you can’t doubt Master Ning.” Du Bian said coldly: “Since you have a gambling agreement with Master Ning, then there is no common gambling agreement between us.”

“I don’t need you to wait three days, UU reading will only be one day.” Du Bian said: “Tomorrow before the sunset, if I can not complete the archery fixed target shooting, and get ninety points. I take the initiative to get out of here. Guilin, no longer waste Master Ning’s time. If I finish and get ninety points, then I will laugh at your sword, and please apologize to Master Ning.”

Ning Zongwu was shocked when he said this.

Dubian, is this crazy? He couldn’t do it for three to five years. The three-day gambling agreement was ridiculous. He changed it to one day?

Princess Yuzhen said: “Sorry, I don’t want to waste a day because it doesn’t make sense.”

Then, she jumped directly on the horse to gallop down the mountain.

Du Bian said: “If I lose tomorrow, I will give fifty thousand taels of silver as the military expenses for the Duke of Zhennan to go south. If I win, you will not only apologize to Master Ning, but also to me because of your rudeness. And prejudice.”

Princess Yuzhen turned his head and said, “Five thousand taels of silver?”

“Yes, fifty thousand taels.” Du Bian said, “If I lose, no matter how big the price is, I will give you fifty thousand taels for military expenses.”

“A word is the final word.” Princess Yuzhen said: “Then wait until the sunset tomorrow, and I will wait for you to offer fifty thousand taels of silver. If you break your promise, I will use military law to draw you a hundred whips.”

“A word is a fixed word, and a character is a basis.”

Du Bian didn’t have fifty thousand taels of silver, but he was uneasy, and the young and energetic pushed himself to the cliff.

Everything depends on the dream cultivation tonight, little lady Yuzhen, let you see what a real genius is tomorrow!


Note: The second one is nearly 4,000 words, and today’s free public chapter of nearly 8,000 words, everyone rewards the recommendation ticket!

Tomorrow, it will be on the shelves at 0:00 on January 1st to guarantee the bottom line, and there will be a testimonial on the shelves at around 8pm. Please remember to check it out.

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