Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 108

Chapter 100 : Create greater miracles

How could Grandmaster Ning Zongwu say this so tragic and desperate?

Next, the Grand Master began to teach Du Bian the use of spiritual power.

“First of all, let you feel the magical effect of mental power, and the basis of focusing on shooting.”

“From now on, you use your eyes to lock a drop of water in the waterfall, from the beginning to the end.” Ning Zongwu said: “Once you lose it, it means the lock has failed. Once the lock is successful, it means you can lock the arrow. Target, archery will be greatly improved, and even jump directly to the eagle shooter, then the archery exam is completely unnecessary.”

(The theory of focused shooting is the same as the previous book, but the theory in this book will be improved a lot, and the plot performance will be much better)

The name eagle shooter comes from Mongolia, and only the most powerful archer can be called an eagle shooter. Even in the Mongol army, there can only be five or six eagle shooters in an army of 10,000 people, and even fewer in the army of the Daning dynasty.

“Start, lock the drops of water.” Ning Zongwu gave an order.

Du Bian took a deep breath, stared at a drop of water, stared at it since it appeared, and then used all his mental energy to lock it and watch it.

However, it failed in less than half a second.

Because the water droplets fall too fast, and the waterfall is pouring down, the water droplets are too messy. Either split or coalesce, and there is no way to lock it.

Try the second time, the third time, the fourth time…

In the end, I tried dozens of times and all failed, and my eyes and brain seemed to burst out.

“All failed, right?” Ning Zongwu said.

Du Bian nodded.

Ning Zongwu said: “Failure is normal, because your spiritual talent is too low. To succeed, you must complete the awakening of spiritual power. Therefore, it will become the most important threshold for a high-level warrior.”

Ning Zongwu said again: “Theoretically speaking, this is because you cannot perceive your mental power, nor can you control it to condense it. Now you close your eyes and I will lend you your spiritual power to use it.”

Du Bian closed his eyes.

Ning Zongwu pointed a finger at the center of his eyebrows, and Du Bian suddenly felt the pineal gland light up in his brain, and everything changed.

An incomparably wonderful thing happened.

At this moment, even if he closed his eyes, he seemed to be able to see and perceive everything around him.

I can feel the wind and grass moving, I can sense the pine trees running by, I can feel the expression of Ning Zongwu behind him, and even the grass growing on the ground around me.

“Open your eyes.” Ning Zongwu said.

Du Bian opened his eyes.

“Lock the water droplets in the waterfall again.” Ning Zongwu said.

Du Bian concentrated his energy, and immediately clearly felt a special energy converging in the pineal gland and then released through his eyes. He began to lock onto a water drop in the waterfall, the fast falling water drop, the most common one among the countless water droplets.

Then… the miracle happened again.

The time he perceives has slowed down, and everything around him seems to be like slow motion in the movie.

In his field of vision, there seemed to be nothing but the drop of water. The water droplets that had fallen quickly became very slow and slow, and he could lock it easily.

The speed of time flow seemed to be four or five times slower.

Ning Zongwu moved his finger away from the center of Du Bian’s eyebrows.

Suddenly, the pineal gland in his brain darkened, this wonderful slow motion was over, and the slowing of time was over.

“How does it feel?” Ning Zongwu asked.

“Very very strange, completely incredible.” Du Bian said: “You can condense all your vision in one point, and you can slow down time four or five times.”

Ning Zongwu said: “Time slows down, this is the most important sign of spiritual awakening. It is also the most important moment for a warrior. Only after the spiritual power is awakened can the spiritual power be gathered, the target can be locked, and the enemy’s attack direction can be predicted. , Can sense the crisis and so on.”

In short, it is not an exaggeration to use any words to describe the awakening of spiritual power. This is definitely a great moment and the most important threshold for a warrior.

No wonder, this is a sign of a high-level warrior, no wonder that there is no such thing as a warrior who has awakened spiritual power.

This is simply a bug.

“Just now, I used my mental power to help you enter the state of slowing time. It’s not that your spiritual power has awakened.” Ning Zong said.

“Of course I know.” Du Bian said.

According to what Ning Zongwu said, relying on Du’s spiritual talent, he would never dream of awakening his spiritual power for the rest of his life.

“Your spiritual talent is too bad, and it is meaningless to practice forcibly.” Ning Zongwu said: “But since you insist, then I am willing to teach you, but you should not have any hope for the result. This is manpower. Irreversible, even I can’t let you complete your spiritual awakening within a few years.”

Next, Ning Zongwu took out a secret book and said: “This is the “Spiritual Awakening Technique” I wrote. You can slowly realize it when you have time. Don’t be greedy. It is a victory if you can read one page in a day. It will take years for the most talented person to read it and understand my secret book.”

Then, Ning Zongwu said: “Then I will leave first. You can stay here alone. Remember to go back when the sun sets. You and I need a goodbye. Of course, if you don’t want to get the one hundred whips , You can also leave secretly, I won’t blame you.”

After all, Ning Zongwu really left, and Du Bian began to read this “Spiritual Awakening Technique” secret book.

This cheat book has a total of three hundred pages, and Du Bian’s head is about to explode after turning the first page.

Because, it’s too…it’s too difficult and complicated, too esoteric, it’s completely a heavenly book.

Du Bian thought that “Basic Martial Arts Theory” and “Basic Alchemy Theory” were very profound, but compared with the current “Spiritual Awakening Technique”, it was as simple as a primary school textbook.

This mental awakening technique involves the macroscopic world, as well as the microscopic world, the rotation of the stars in the universe, the mysteries of the deep brain, and so on.

Where is this cheat? It is simply an academic book about the mind, brain, energy, and the universe, and it can go to participate in the Nobel Prize.

And this secret book is still written by Great Master Ning Zongwu.

He is really awesome. He really started a school and has his own martial arts doctrine. He really deserves to be a master of martial arts.

Although he was sentimental, even though he was very temperamental, even though he was depressed at every turn, even though he was sometimes full of childishness, and even after being castrated, he had an unsuccessful relationship with a married woman.

Although he was not standing still, he looked like a grandmaster like Taishan.

However, he is indeed a top martial arts genius and a true master. Just like some literary masters, science masters, and art masters on another earth, they are extremely talented in their professional talents, but their emotional intelligence and personality are in a mess.

Ning Zongwu did not lie. This “Spiritual Awakening Art” is just like Einstein’s “Special Theory of Relativity” and “General Theory of Relativity.” It is even better to finish reading this year.

Once the “Spiritual Awakening Technique” is fully understood and mastered, then the spiritual awakening will naturally be completed.

Du Bian didn’t plan to read it carefully. If you read it carefully in the real world, it would take at least two years to fully grasp and understand. He started turning page by page, just to leave a memory picture in his brain.

About two hours later, Du Bian turned through every page of the “Spiritual Awakening Technique”, and then he closed his eyes to rest his mind and forced himself to sleep.

After a while, he fell asleep.

Sure enough, he once again entered the dream world, and then the “Spiritual Awakening” that he had read before began to be replayed like a slide in his brain.

Du Bian began to study page by page.

In the real world, he could not learn a page of content for two days. However, in the dream state, his brain development has exceeded the reality ten times, which is a qualitative leap.

In the real world, it takes two days to comprehend the content of one page of the cheats, but in the dream world, it only takes more than an hour.

After understanding and comprehending the content of the cheats, the dream world changed.

Du Bian’s body disappeared, but turned into a void of spiritual energy.

The space explained in the secret book on the first page really appeared beside him.

In reality, this is impossible, because this is a microscopic space of energy, which can only be relied on by imagination and cannot be truly revealed.

In the dream, everything is shown as it is. No matter it is the cosmic space, the energy space, the micro world, the energy world inside the brain, and so on.

As a result, Dubian’s learning and comprehension speed has increased by leaps and bounds.

In this way, Du Bian studied this wonderful and profound “Spiritual Awakening Technique” with fascination.

It takes an average of two hours to thoroughly master the content of a page.

The time in the dream is constantly passing by, one day, two days, three days, five days… ten days!

Du Bian is totally tireless, madly indulging in the secret world of “Spiritual Awakening”.

In the dream, more than three hundred hours passed, Du Bian read all the two hundred pages of cheats, recited them all, comprehend them, and mastered them all.

Even if it is a genius, it takes several years to learn this cheat book. However, Dubian in the dreamland has developed his brain ten times more than reality, so he only used half a month of dream time and nine hours of real time.

Time flies quickly in the dream In the afternoon, Du Bian opened his eyes.

After waking up, he couldn’t wait to try his learning results.

Because once the mental power awakening is completed, the concentration shooting is also completed.

Then, the so-called fixed target shooting ninety points is not a problem at all.

It was already dusk, and the light was dimmed, and it was even more difficult to lock the water droplets in the waterfall.

Once the lock is successful, entering the state of slowing down time means success.

Du Bian took a deep breath, reducing his body energy fluctuations to the extreme.

Suddenly, everything around him became quiet and entered a state of no self.

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