Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 112

Chapter 103 : The princess admits defeat and respect

It was the first time that Princess Yuzhen looked at Du Bian’s face seriously and put aside all prejudices.

There is no doubt that Du Bian is not what she likes. For a man’s face, Du Bian is too beautiful.

What he likes is that kind of heroic male face.

But there is no doubt that Du Bian’s face is not frivolous, but a little mysterious.

Although his eyes are very smart, they are not light and even sharp.

After a long time, Princess Yuzhen dismounted, bowed to Du Bian and said, “I’m sorry, I was wrong. I apologize deeply to you for my previous prejudices.”

Then, Princess Yuzhen bowed to Ning Zongwu and said: “Master Ning, please stay and know Du Fan. You are right. You may be a brave swordsman on the battlefield. But cultivate an outstanding swordsman for the empire. May be more useful.”

This is how this princess Yuzhen is, right is right, wrong is wrong, and there is no sand in her eyes, including her own sand.

He took the Cangtian sword beside him, and gave it to Du Biandao with both hands: “This sword was given to me by your majesty. It is suitable for martial arts swordsmanship. It is a superb sword forged by secret gold. It is sharp and tough, and has a smooth inner energy. I want it. On the battlefield, this kind of sword is not suitable for use, so I will give it to you.”

Du Bian took the sword with both hands and drew it out.

Suddenly, the sword blade groaned, and after being blown by the mighty wind, the sword body faintly vibrated.

The blade is like water, even though there is no blood on it, it is still murderous, and it is indeed a superb sword worth tens of thousands of dollars.

“Thanks to the princess for giving the sword, I will not insult this sword.” Du Bian said.

Then, he found that Princess Yuzhen seemed to be hesitant to speak and stopped, and said: “Princess Yuzhen has something to say, but it doesn’t matter.”

Princess Yuzhen said: “How did you do it? Yesterday, your archery skills were very poor and it was not a fake. Why did you have such a drastic improvement day and night? I have never seen it before, unheard of, and even feel it is very unusual. unreasonable.”

Du Bian said: “Awaken mental power, use spiritual power to lock the target, and then shoot with concentration.”

Suddenly, Princess Yuzhen’s beautiful eyes showed even more incredible light.

Her mental power was also awakened, and of course she knew to shoot attentively. Once the target was locked with mental power, it was almost a hundred shots, and he was directly promoted to a vulture shooter.

But mental power awakening is much more difficult than archery improvement.

Princess Yuzhen’s mental talent is 70, which is already a very, very high level, exceeding 99.99% of the people in this world. But even so, it took a full five years for her mental power to awaken.

And Du change, it only depends on one day.

This… This is too shocking.

Princess Yuzhen said: “When did Master Ning start teaching you “Spiritual Awakening Technique”?”

Ning Zongwu next to him said: “I haven’t started teaching yet, I just showed him this secret book, and it was six hours ago.”

Suddenly, Princess Yuzhen was shocked again to make no sound.

It took a long time to say: “You, how did you do it?”

Du Bian said: “Master Ning’s “Spiritual Power Awakening Technique” secret book is very obscure, but after I enter the world of meditation, I will enter a very strange state. The energy world described in Master Ning’s secret book was originally based on imagination. In my meditation world, it will become a three-dimensional image displayed in front of me, which can be seen and touched, so the learning progress is rapid.”

Princess Yuzhen is still amazed.

Then, she didn’t say anything more, and directly said to Du Bian: “There will be a period later.”

“There will be a period later.” Du Bian said: “Princess take care.”

“Go.” Princess Yuzhen gave an order and led dozens of guards to leave the Lotus Temple.

In the evening, Grand Master Ning Zongwu completely settled up before seeing Du Bian again.

The wooden signs of Chinese culture and fixed target archery have been crossed out.

With a total of eleven subjects, in just over a month, six subjects have been completed, and only five subjects remain.

And there are still about a hundred days before the graduation test of the Eunuch Academy.

“Huh?” The Grand Master was surprised, why did he say that there are still a hundred days, shouldn’t it be that there are only one hundred days?

Ning Zongwu said, “Is the meditation world you told Princess Yuzhen during the day true?”

Du Bian nodded and said: “It’s true, and in the world of meditation, time has slowed down ten times, and my brain’s comprehension has increased tenfold.”

Du Bian tried his best to explain in the most reasonable way. It can’t be said that he has a dream system.

Ning Zongwu sighed and said: “I have only heard about the meditation world, but I didn’t expect it to actually exist… It’s incredible, amazing, amazing.”

Then, the great master became excited again and said: “Du Bian, it seems that you are really a genius sent by the heavens to save the castrated party! Li Wenyu did not mistake you, no wonder he did everything he could to train you! ”

Then, Ning Zongwu said: “The learning progress is a little bit beyond the plan. Next, we will learn about riding.”

The Daning dynasty has been fighting against the northern peoples for almost hundreds of years, so the cavalry is especially important, and the cavalry is also very important.

Whether it’s the martial arts exam, or the martial arts dojo, including the **** academy, riding is a very important part.

Therefore, in the graduation entrance examination of the Eunuch Academy, riding skills alone accounted for 50 points and 15 points for riding and shooting. It is to train horseback talents extensively and to ensure that everyone can go on horseback when fighting in the north.

The entire riding test is divided into three parts, 20 points for speed, 15 points for crossing obstacles, and 15 points for avoiding shooting.

And riding is the most unfair test item, because each student can prepare his own horse or choose one provided by the academy.

Therefore, some outstanding students, with backgrounds and backers, had a horse of warrior as early as a few years ago, and then fed it every day, bathed it and brushed its hair, and trained it every day.

In the past few years, these people and the horses have a high degree of tacit understanding, and they have already won on the starting line.

And those ordinary colleges who have the ability to raise war horses can only choose the ordinary war horses provided by the academy, and it is not rare that they are kicked off their horses during examinations.

For example, Tang Yan’s horse is extremely intelligent, and he takes it wherever he goes. Du Bian had also seen him. There was no miscellaneous hair on his body, his eyes were as bright as gems, and he was half a head higher than an ordinary war horse, and his legs were a few inches longer.

This kind of horse is worth more than tens of millions on the modern earth.

You said that Tang Yan riding such a horse of the gods, can he not crush other people in the graduation entrance examination?

This is equivalent to racing on the Qiu Ming Mountain. Others drive a Ferrari, but you drive Wuling Hongguang. Can you win?

Therefore, Tang Yan, Yan Shi and others have been ahead of the starting line for several years. Anyone taking the test is a very high score, especially Tang Yan must be close to full marks.

Of course, our Du Bian classmates also have backers, and they are still very hard.

There is a good horse that is gaining strength in the graduation exam, and Li Wenying had already done it before Du Bian had even thought about it.

As soon as the Three-University Mansion Tournament was over, he sent people to buy horses to the north, and brought a full fifteen thousand taels of silver tickets.

The truly valuable Maxima, guaranteed to be no worse than Tang Yan’s one, is now being transported to Guangxi at the fastest speed.

If nothing else, the Chollima will be here in these two days.

“Du Bian, where is your Chollima?” Ning Zongwu said, “How can I learn riding without a horse?”

Du Bian said: “It should be fast, now it should be at sea.”

He is also extremely eager and eager for his Maxima, which is even more powerful than a super sports car in later generations. The key is that with it in the graduation exam, you can get high scores and not lose to Tang Yan.

On a large ocean ship, although several agents from the East Factory sat on the ground to sleep, their ears were always pricked up.

Next to them lies a horse, which has been dressed up from beginning to end, making it look like an ordinary horse, only slightly taller.

These people are the Dongchang secret agents sent by Li Wenhua to buy horses for Dubian in Mongolia. They spent 13,500 taels in total, and they were the exquisite Chollima stolen from the court of Mongolia.

It is ridiculous that this Maxima was bought by the Mongolian king’s court from the distant Western Regions for a thousand taels of gold. As a result, some people secretly sold it to Dongchang spies, and it turned out that corruption is everywhere.

After buying Chollima, these East Factory spies immediately dressed up, walked overland to Tianjin Port, and then took an ordinary sea boat southward and landed at Lianzhou Port.

The reason why I took an ordinary sea boat instead of a warship of the castrated party was because neither the city ship division nor the castrated navy division belonged to the Li Wenhua faction.

This time, Li Wenying spent more than ten thousand taels of silver to buy a horse for Du Bian. It was not a glorious thing. It needed to be especially low-key, otherwise it would easily become the handle of the enemy’s attack.

Hidden identity along the way, taking an ordinary merchant ship is the best choice.

On the way, the four East Factory spies were cautious and cautious, lest the Thousand Lima, who had been changed, made a mistake.

Today, the sea-going ship is about to sail into the Guangxi waters and will be able to dock tomorrow, and finally can breathe a sigh of relief.

The owner of this ship is Wu Zhengdao, a sea merchant in Wuzhou Prefecture.

Most of the goods on board are illegal salt, silk, ginseng, etc., and most of them are smuggled goods. However, the ups and downs have been dealt with, and every maritime merchant smuggles.

On the deck, a young man looked into the distance, trying to find a shadow on the land. After floating at sea for so many days, I am finally going home.

He is Wu Yanming, the son of the great merchant Wu Zhengdao. He is quite handsome, but his skin is a bit dark because of the sea breeze, but he is still rich and powerful.

The big sea merchant Wu Zhengdao walked out and said, “If you don’t sleep at night, what do you do with the sea breeze outside?”

Wu Zhengdao is considered a rich man, and he is tall, but his face is dark, his dress is simple, and he looks a bit unsurprising. Anyone who only knows will know that the jade around his waist is worth a few houses.

“Father.” Wu Yanming said: “I can’t sleep a bit.”

Wu Zhengdao smiled and said, “Do you miss a wife?”

Wu Yanming blushed and said, “I really think about it.”

Then, the pungent and beautiful face of his wife Du Ping’er appeared in his mind, and he suddenly became a little silly.

That’s right, this man has another identity, that is Du Bian’s cheap brother-in-law.

And at this moment…

“Swish swish swish…”

Suddenly, a few sharp arrows were shot from the dark sea.

Several fierce warships slashed the wind and waves, and pounced fiercely.

Then, a fierce voice rang Stop the ship, stop the ship. ”

“Check the smuggling vessels, check the smuggling vessels.”

“Everyone gathers on the deck, and must not make any resistance actions. Offenders will be killed.”


Then a fireball was thrown from the trebuchet of the warship, and across a long line of fire, it landed on the side of the ocean ship.

This is not an attack, but a deterrence.

Note: The sixth watch is sent. I couldn’t fall asleep last night. I drank two glasses of wine and only slept for three hours. After I got up, I sat in front of the computer with codewords. I went to eat something and continued with codewords.

Brothers, where’s the monthly pass? Please!

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