Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 75

Chapter 70 : Unrequited love kiss goodbye, charge f

The audience was silent, no one questioned it, because there was no question at all.

And, the referee tonight is Princess Ning Xue.

Du Bian’s four poems completely crushed the poems of Cui Fu and others, but the poem by Tang Yan still retains a bit of color.

took the golden dagger, Du Bian held it in both hands. This dagger has been following Ning Xue for a long time, as if her scent had already penetrated into the dagger, and at this time a charming fragrance was faintly smelled.

At this time, Du Bian’s brain was bright: “When the mission is completed for the first time in life, Princess Ning Xue’s favorability increases by 15 to 20.”

“The vitality of the host Du Bianyang increased by 10, reaching 15.”

I don’t know why, Du Bian’s heart twitched slightly, and there was a burst of heat from deep in his belly. Could this be the legendary Yang Qi?

really makes people feel excited!

After Du Bian took the golden dagger, he didn’t make any stop, and he bowed directly to princess Ning Xue and said, “His Royal Highness, then I will leave first.”

Princess Ningxue did not take a seat, but said: “My father is also anxious while waiting for me to return to Beijing. Although it is midnight, I might as well leave it alone.”

After that, Princess Ning Xue walked directly outside.

At the same time, the **** who passed the decree outside and escorted the army, kneeling down neatly.

Gui Dongyang, Luo Yan and others were surprised, and they also got up and saluted: “Send your Royal Highness the princess.”

Princess Ningxue beckoned: “Du Bian, you come and see me off.”

When these words came out, Fang Jianzhi, Yuan Ting and Tang Yan’s expressions were a bit ugly.


Du Bian and Princess Ning Xue walked down the steps, and the dense army followed several hundred meters behind.

At this time, the two were close, and even the delicate fragrance on Princess Ning Xue’s body was clearly scented, and the fragrance was mysterious but long, which made people fascinated.

Under the moonlight, Princess Ning Xue’s skin was really snow-like, even reflecting moonlight, her face was exquisite and luxurious and charming, she was truly a masterpiece of the Creator.

“Du Bian, did you make these poems yourself?” Princess Ning Xue asked seriously.

Du Bian thought for a while, shook his head and said, “I don’t know how to say it.”

Princess Ningxue said: “How can I say what I want?”

Du changed his way: “I was in a dream, as if someone whispered these poems in my ears, so I couldn’t tell the truth from the false.”

When these words came out, Princess Ning Xue smiled.

Du Bian’s brain area lights up again: Princess Ning Xue’s favorability increases by 5, reaching 25.

Princess Ningxue said: “Actually, I don’t like poems and songs.”

“Me too.” Du Bian said, “I love those great poets very much, but today is not forced by circumstances. I would rather never chant poems for the rest of my life and focus on other more meaningful things.”

“Yes, poetry articles are always a trail. It coincides with troubled times. Wenzhi martial arts is the king.” Princess Ning Xue said: “I hope that when we meet again next time, your martial arts will surprise me.”

“Yes!” Du changed.

“See you in the future.” Princess Ning Xue said.

“See you in the future.” Du Bian.

Princess Ningxue stepped on the snow-white horse, covered in the moonlight, and walked down the mountain. Thousands of palace guards speeded up and escorted the princess to the capital.

The beautiful lady went away, leaving a lingering fragrance. Apart from the beating heart, he was a little confused.

Facing the princess’s back, Du Bian gently kissed goodbye in a void.

“Goodbye Ning Xue, I hope that when I see you next time, I will amaze you.”


Princess Ningxue left, Fang Jianzhi followed, Yuan Ting also left, Cui Fu, Tang Yan and others all left.

Before leaving the Guangxi Township of the East Factory, he asked Ning Zongwu: “Master, what is the martial arts talent of this Du Bian?”

“It’s a mess.” The Grand Master said.

He didn’t lie, he could be too strong or messed up.

Wang Yin got the answer he wanted, and then asked: “Then do you plan to accept him as a disciple? As far as I know, Li Wenzhen seems to be helping you with something.”

Ning Zongwu said: “I can’t afford a student like him.”

After that, Grand Master Ning Zongwu turned and walked away, and Wang Yin also left with peace of mind.

Du Bianqin, chess, calligraphy, calligraphy, poetry and songs are very impressive, even to the point of stunning, Wang Yin is also very shocked. But none of these things are taken for graduation, so no matter how good they are, the most important thing is martial arts.

Why did Li Wenying bring Du Bian to Ning Zongwu? It’s not because I was desperate for his martial arts achievements, so I wanted to follow Ning Zongwu as his teacher, and see if there will be miracles? Can Ning Zongwu, the great master, turn stones into gold?

But Ning Zongwu had already told him the answer just now. In the graduation exam five months later, Du Bian’s results were basically hopeless.

Budo can never be accomplished overnight, even if it is a genius.

Moreover, Wang Yin also sent someone to ask the monk in the Lotus Temple to inquire about it. Grandmaster Ning Zongwu didn’t care about Duchang at all and let him fend for himself.

Du Bian is actually practicing “Xingyi Swordsmanship” by a three-year-old child these days, which is equivalent to the broadcast gymnastics of the modern Earth Elementary School.

The key point is that Du Bian has also practiced ugly to the extreme. In the words of the monk, it is not as good as a three-year-old child, which makes people blind.

So Du Bian’s martial arts level can only be described in one word, that is shit! Three to describe, one shit.

At this time, Tang Yan’s expression was a little ugly. Princess Ning Xue’s golden snow dagger originally belonged to him, but it was taken away by Du Bian. This was a great loss for him.

Wang Yin said: “Tang Yan, don’t be unhappy. This golden snow dagger will only become a prestige weapon in your hands, and it will be of no use in Du Bian’s hands. He will be beaten back to the prototype when the graduation exam is over. Li Wenyu This person must do what he says, and Du becomes a feces eunuch, so he can’t pay attention to the wind and the snow.”

Tang Yan didn’t speak, to be honest, he really didn’t regard Du Bian as an opponent in the graduation exam, never.

Speaking of, Wang Yin felt that Du Bian really did it by himself. Originally, with his credit, even if his graduation test scores were poor, he could be awarded a good job. He just wanted to make a bet with Yan Shi, and he really killed himself.

Tang Yan said: “Unfortunately, he is not in the civil service group, otherwise he will have a good future with his ability in poems, songs, music, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy.”

Wang Yin said: “Who said no? Our eunuchs are most interested in martial arts. With your Tang Yan’s martial arts, Du Bian probably can’t even reach the soles of your feet.”

It is true. In terms of pure martial arts, the current Du Bian really can’t even touch Tang Yan’s heel. So Tang Yan didn’t want to talk about this topic at all, the disparity was too big, and it was a shame to compete with Du Bian in martial arts.


In the Lotus Temple, everyone walked cleanly, except for Ning Zongwu and Du Bian, as well as the old servant.

“Everyone is gone, and the princess is gone.” Ning Zongwu said: “I will be yours for the next five months.”

Du Bian gave a chill. At your age, don’t say such misleading words.

Ning Zongwu’s face was very serious, and said: “The five-month **** trial, the devil course has officially started, I hope you don’t regret it, of course it’s no use regretting it, because it’s too late.”

Hell Trial? Devil course? The aura of the good middle school, it’s really against the peace to say it from the big master’s mouth.

Next, Grand Master Ning Zongwu’s tone became very fast and intense.

“Throw away all your piano, chess, calligraphy, paintings, poems, songs, and songs, because you don’t take the exam for graduation, and these things are worthless to the eunuch.”

“All for the graduation exam, all for the exam-oriented education!”

“On average, you have to complete a small subject in ten days, only one-tenth of the time of a normal person. Then take a mock exam, and I will drive you away if it reaches ninety points, so as not to waste each other’s time.”

“In order to improve your grades, you need to use all means to study day and night. I will give you an unprecedented way of education and leave you with unforgettable memories for life.”

“Remember, take an exam every ten days. If you don’t reach ninety points, you will get out. Did you hear that?”

Du became louder: “I heard it.”

I don’t know why, he has the feeling that he has entered a militarized management college entrance examination cram school, and he will directly become an examination machine.

“Okay, then start with the first subject now.” Ning Zongwu said: “How is your basic theory of alchemy?”

In the graduation exam, Du Bian chose a full score of 50 for alchemy, including 20 for the written test of basic theory and 30 for practical alchemy.

Du became interested and said: “I have completely mastered it.”

“Are you sure?” Ning Zongwu’s eyes revealed a hint of danger and said: “If you are sure that you have mastered it completely, you will have the exam tomorrow.”

The thick books of “Basic Theory of Alchemy”, he has already memorized so thoroughly, the theory test is absolutely perfect.

Du Bian was a little nervous, but he nodded and said, “I’m sure.”

“Okay, I will take the “Basic Alchemy Theory” exam tomorrow, with a full score of 100.” Ning Zongwu said: “You only need 60 points on the test, and you will definitely get a full score for the graduation exam But what I want from you is Ninety points, once we reach the next subject, we will save ten days.”

“Yes.” Du changed.

Ning Zongwu said: “But if you do not score 90 in the test, you will be fined to wash all the latrines in the entire temple.”

Du change can’t help but chill. This lotus temple is a big temple. Before there were hundreds of monks, and there were seven or eight latrines.

Du changed his way: “Master Ning, what if I get a score of 90?”

Ning Zongwu said: “Hey, then I will wash all the latrines in the Lotus Temple.”

Du changed his way: “A word is a deal!”

A book that Ning Zongwu threw to Du Changchun said: “Take a good look tonight, I will take the exam tomorrow, and see you tomorrow.”

Then the Grand Master laughed triumphantly in his heart, because many of the basic alchemy theories to be tested tomorrow were not taught by the Eunuch Academy, and all of them were textbooks compiled by him. They were so high that they were higher than those of the Eunuch Academy. And it’s “Intermediate Alchemy Theory”. Du Bian has never studied, so tomorrow his exam will be dead.

“Du Bian, you are such an arrogant little boy, you must give you a head-on, let you know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, so that you won’t be too proud of yourself in the future.” The great master said in his heart.

Give outstanding students a disarm, combat their arrogance, and help enhance the prestige of the teachers. Every teacher knows this well, especially Ning Zongwu.

“Du Bian, you just wait to wash all the dozens of latrines in the Lotus Temple tomorrow, there are a lot of old shit, hahahaha!”


Note: Today, I feel a little bit down inexplicably, but I am still madly drinking coffee to get myself excited, so that the plot is cool. Ask for recommendation votes, thank you everyone!

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