Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 98

Chapter 91 : Li Jingsi has no way, the beautiful an

Du became this little beast. If it weren’t for Li Wenyu, Luo Yan could crush ten of them to death with just one finger.

At this time, no words can really describe the anger in Luo Yang’s heart.

He is also a great official in Xinjiang, but it is a shame that such a humble little **** is so rudely slapped in the face.

He still had a smile on his face, but his eyes were cold, and he leaned into Chen Ping’s ear and said: “Then you also tell Du Bian that little evil animal, Li Wenyu can protect him for a while, but he can’t protect him, and you are even more so. ”

After that, Luo Yan no longer had the heart to perform benevolence, so he turned around and returned to the governor’s office.

After entering the yamen, there is no need to act, the governor Luo Yan’s face instantly became fierce, and then he began to smash.

Next to Gui Dongyang, Zhu Wuya, Ouyang Tan and other big guys looked on indifferently, without a word of dissuasion.

After venting for a quarter of an hour, Luo Yan calmed down, his face was as usual, as if nothing had happened before.

“Come on, go and inform Li Jingsi there.” Luo Qiang said.

Zhu Wuya said: “No need to notify, Lin Zhenqiao won’t know if such a big thing has happened.”

Luo Yan said: “He knows it is one thing, but whether we notify it is another.”

Zhu Wuya said: “Perhaps it is too late to inform, Du Bian has already taken it.”

“Lin Zhenqiao decides whether it is late or not.” Luo Qiang said.


Lin Zhenqiao has already learned the bad news in Guangxi’s Lijingsi Town Soothing Yamen.

At this time, his face was blue and his hands were cold.

The Cui family manor was smashed and burned, the Cui family was sacrificed and abandoned, and Luo Yan and others changed their faces.

Now, he was left with the support of Li Jingsi and his family.

Luo Yang, Gui Dongyang, Zhu Wuya, Ouyang Tan may be fine, but he will definitely be fine with Li Jingsi.

It was his Li Jingsi who entered Dongchang Prison directly.

This kind of feeling is really bad. Obviously a group of people are going to beat the wicked person. Li Jingsi rushed in, only to find that everyone behind him had withdrawn, leaving him alone.

What’s next?

will also retreat, or continue?

Without any hesitation, Lin Zhenqiao decided to continue. Since he had already started, he simply did not stop.

People who master the force are sometimes like pawns in chess. After crossing the river, they can only move forward, not back.

Since the enmity has been settled, he will simply kill to the end. Anyway, after this incident, Li Jingsi in Guangxi was about to encounter an earthquake.

“How’s Lin Yuanli’s doing?” Lin Zhenqiao shouted loudly.

Outside Li Jingji Bushi said: “I have already gained the upper hand, but I haven’t captured Dongchang Prison, nor have I taken down Dubian. Master Lin Yuanli said it’s coming soon.”

Lin Zhenqiao’s face twitched, and then he said grimly: “Tell Lin Yuanli as quickly as possible, no need to catch it. Give him half an hour, no matter what the cost, to kill Du Bian.”

The previous order was to catch Dubian alive, now he kills it directly.

“Have you heard?” Lin Zhenqiao shouted loudly: “For half an hour, at any cost, kill Dubian that wicked animal.”

“Yes!” The warrior Li Jingsi rushed out, mounted a fast horse, and galloped towards the prison of Guilin Dongchang.


The fierce fighting in Guilin Dongchang Prison continues.

Although the Tochang Warriors are fierce and occupy a favorable geographical position, they are too few in number after all, only one-ninth of Li Jingji’s.

After three hours of fierce fighting,    began to fall in the wind.

Also, there were casualties on both sides.

Lin Yuanli was also very annoyed, because the godfather’s order was to arrest Du Bian, so he couldn’t kill him. As a result, he was a little stubborn.

It’s too fast, the outer defense line of Dongchang Prison will soon be breached.

Once a breakthrough occurs, Cui Nian and Cui Pingting are rescued, and it is only a matter of time before the arrest of Du Bian.

Li San was covered with blood, and came to Du Bian’s side and said, “Master, my brothers won’t be able to hold on for long. If you hold on for another two quarters of an hour at most, the courtyard wall will collapse. Warrior Li Jingsi is about to rush in. You need Leave quickly, leave here from the secret road, my brothers will cover for you.”

Du Bian’s face was as cold as ice. It is said that countless candidates besieged the governor’s Yamen. The siege of Cui’s Manor has been completed, and the opponent should give up. However, the samurai of Li Jingji still attacked frantically.

He has already won this fight, but Li Jingsi is still struggling.

Du changed his way: “Brothers are fighting **** battles, how could I run away privately, so how can I see you brothers in the future?”

Indeed, if Dubian left everyone behind and escaped at this time, then his prestige in the East Factory would be devastated. After all, these nearly a hundred brothers had to completely obey his orders to encounter this battle, and only then would there be casualties.

Li Sandao: “However, the courtyard wall will soon be breached. Once breached, we will lose our geographical advantage. If the enemy is ten times greater than us, you will be in danger.”

Du changed lanes: “Once the outer defense line is breached, we immediately retreat to the dungeon. Wherever it is narrow and cramped, no matter how many people there are on the other side, it will not be able to give advantage.

Li Sandao: “Once you enter the dungeon, the enemy can completely seal the entrance to the dungeon. It is easy for us to defend, but the enemy can also catch turtles in the urn. If they are cruel and directly set the dungeon on fire and choke us with heavy smoke, it will be even worse. .”

Du Bian said: “In addition to us in the dungeon, there are also Cui Pingting, Cui Nian and others. They will not set fire if they are not a last resort. And I dare to conclude that Lin Yuanli’s time is running out, not at the latest. For more than half an hour, he must retreat.”

Du Bian guessed right, Lin Zhenqiao really only gave Lin Yuanli half an hour.

Even, it was less than half an hour, because if Dongchang Town’s ambassador Wang Yin was not stupid, he would immediately send troops.

Luo Yan, Zhu Wuya and others have already given up. If Wang Yinruo is still insisting, then he really has become a thunder-resistant, and in the future will bear the anger of Li Wenyu alone.


At this time, the messenger from Lin Zhenqiao outside galloped over.

Lin Yuan said sternly: “What is your godfather’s order? Don’t worry, you will be able to take down the Dongchang Prison soon, and you will be able to catch Dubian soon.

Lin Zhenqiao’s messenger said: “Things have changed, and the town caremaster ordered that within half an hour, at no cost, kill Du Bian. If more than half an hour, immediately retreat and return to collect the crime.”

Lin Yuan was shocked, half an hour?

It would take two quarters of an hour to break through the prison line even with a play that does not count the casualties.

Even if the prison line is breached, the opponent must desperately protect Dubian and retreat to the dungeon to continue fighting.

It is almost impossible to kill Dubian within half an hour by normal means.

Lin Yuan’s sharp eyes suddenly became cruel and said: “Can you use any means?”

The messenger said: “Yes, by any means!”

Lin Yuan said sternly: “Don’t worry about the life and death of the hostages in Dongchang Prison?”

“Yes.” The messenger said.

Lin Yuan said with a fierce face: “I see.”

Then, he ordered: “All the samurai of Li Jingji, retreat 30 steps and continue to surround Dongchang Prison.”

As soon as these words came out, more than 700 samurai Li Jingji were astonished. They were about to break through the outer defense line. Why are they retreating now? Isn’t it a waste of all previous efforts?

Inside, the Tochang Warrior faced nearly ten times as many enemies, even if he had a geographical advantage, he was still in danger. They didn’t expect that the Warrior Rijingji would then retreat, and suddenly they cheered.

Only Du Bian’s face changed and said: “No, they are going to kill all of us, including Cui Nian and Cui Pingting.”

This Li Jingsi’s Lin Zhenqiao is really ruthless, Luo Yan, Cui Shi, Zhu Wuya, Ouyang Tan and others all gave up. He didn’t retreat, instead he did nothing, he wanted to kill Du directly. Become with all the Tochang samurai around him.

Really killing and decisive, cruel, and after losing strategically, he chose to kill him directly.

Suddenly, Du Bian ordered: “The enemy will use fire to attack and poison us and carry out a complete killing tactic. Taking advantage of the enemy’s short retreat, he immediately led Cui Nian, Cui Pingting and others to retreat along the secret road.”

“We have won this fight. We just caught the enemy and rearranged it. All the precious time of the short suspension of the battle was retreated. There is no need to die with Li Jingsi. Lin Yuanli has already reported his determination to die.”

Li Sandao: “Everyone?”

“Yes, everyone retreat.” Du Bian said, “Also let the injured brother retreat first, and you, me, and Li Si three will retreat last.”

Li San’s expression changed: “The young master retires first, this is going to die, it will die!”

Once Li Jingji attacked with kerosene or poisonous oil bombs, it would be okay if he was in an open battlefield. But in a narrow building like Dongchang Prison, there is really nowhere to escape.

Suddenly, Li San, Li Si, and Li Baihu knelt down and said: “Young Master, please go first, please, you will die. After the master returns, we can’t explain to him even if we are in the Yin Cao Jifu.”

Du changed his way: “This is an order, execute it immediately, Li Baihu, you immediately take the brothers to retreat from the secret road!”

“Yes.” Li Baihu ordered: “All brothers, the injured are in front, come with me…”

Taking advantage of the precious time Li Jingji was preparing, Li Baihu took the injured dozens of Dongchang warriors into the secret road one after another to retreat.

This secret road is too narrow, so the retreat speed is very slow.

Time is very tight, one minute and one second are passing by.


Outside, more than 700 warriors Li Jingji still surrounded the Dongchang Prison in an airtight manner.

The boxes were opened, and the poison arrows, rockets, kerosene bombs, and poison bombs were taken out.

“All the archers prepare and put on the rocket.”

“All trebuchets are ready to load poison bombs.”

Lin Yuanli was trembling all over, his eyeballs were almost bloodshot, he knew how crazy his orders were.

Such extinct weapons can only be used in foreign wars. Used in the internal struggle with Dongchang, it was completely frantic.

But time is too tight. Even if he breaks through the outer wall of the prison, Du Bian will definitely retreat to the dungeon. So even if he had more than 700 people in his hands, ten times the size of Dongchang, it was impossible to kill Du Bian within a quarter of an hour.

Therefore, I can only use this kind of destructive weapon.

Half a quarter of an hour later, all ten small catapults were loaded, and the rockets for hundreds of archers were all ready.

“Ignite!” gave an order.

Hundreds of archers all lit their rockets.

As long as an order is given, Dongchang Prison will be devastated!


At this time, the secret road retreat in Dongchang Prison is still continuing, and one third of the people have not evacuated.

Time is too late, Li Jingsi will do it soon.

At this time, Li Baihu appeared in front of Du Bian again.

Du changed his way: “What are you doing here? Didn’t you lead the brothers to retreat?”

Li Baihu knelt down and said, “I asked Mr. Mu to retreat with his brothers. After I follow you, you will not go, nor will I go!”

Du changed his eyes and said, “Good brother.”

Then, after he took out a box and opened it, it was filled with wet masks, all dipped in potion.

These masked medicinal towels are specially designed to prevent vicious oil and poisonous fumes. He was just prepared for it. He didn’t expect to actually use it. He didn’t expect that Li Jingsi was really frantically using oil bombs.

Dividing the only five masked medicinal towels among a few people, Du Bian said, “Don’t worry, we won’t be able to die for the time being. But get ready for the fire and poisonous smoke, and give up half your life to stand for your brothers. The last squad must withdraw all of them, and none of them can be missing. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM”

“Yes!” Li San, Li Si, and Li Baihu looked at Du Bian with extremely hot eyes.

This young master is worthy of everyone’s follow, and is qualified to become the future owner of the East Factory.


“Prepare!” The town solicitor Lin Yuan raised his left hand sharply.

Suddenly, all the rockets aimed.

The tension of all the trebuchets is at its extreme.

He just needs to slam his hand down, and he will strike a devastating blow to Dongchang Prison.



He hasn’t yelled out yet.

From a distance, a sharp arrow shot like lightning, and he quickly avoided.

But then the second, third, fourth…

turned out to be five consecutive arrows.

“Puff puff puff…” Lin Yuanli’s arm was shot directly through.

Then, from the darkness not far away, one person and one ride suddenly emerged, sprinting like lightning.

This is Princess Yuzhen.

Even if she can’t see her face clearly at such a distance, she can only be recognized by the devil’s bursting figure on her horse.

After a while, the hundreds of cavalry behind her came into the field of vision, rushing for thousands of meters behind her, and then followed.

When she left the Xuezheng Yamen, she had only less than a hundred guards by her side. After learning that Li Jingji had dispatched eight hundred samurai, she immediately went to the nearest guard station to transfer troops, and then came as fast as possible. Finally there was none. Late.

Ranging from the cavalry unit behind, this jealous and glamorous Yuzhen princess killed more than 700 warriors one by one.


Note: The second one is another four thousand-word chapter, brothers, recommended votes! Breaking through the recommended ticket record may be today, help me!

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