Evade The Hero and Flee!

Chapter 328

Chapter 328

  1. Flee from the Heroes (1)

I check my equipment. 

I secretly snatched two lightweight swords from the dwarf’s warehouse. 

They weren’t any special magic swords, but being lighter than ordinary swords was their distinguishing trait.

“Good, good.”

In the past, people used heavy swords to pack more power into a single strike, but as I got older, I inevitably lost some strength.  

When I tried to swing the sword I used in the past, I almost broke my back.

If I didn’t accept this reality and kept trying to swing that thing around, I would have embarrassed myself by losing my back before the fight even began.

“Hmm, everything else looks good too.”

I put on armor pieces here and there on my body and jump lightly to balance the weight.  

“Is it a bit heavy?”

In the past, I was armed to the teeth, but after starting to farm with my daughter, I only kept a dagger in my clothes and two hidden blades for convenience. 

The 10 hidden daggers I prepared for emergencies made my body feel heavy.

“I should take some off.”

I prepared these hidden blades for emergency situations, but they were limiting my movement in said emergency situations.

I lightly jump around, discarding hidden blade after hidden blade, balancing my body.

“Just 3 left…”

I intentionally packed light, but I didn’t expect to discard 3 more.  

“I really need to rest after this is over.”

With the real-time tracker, I could execute my escape plan if I could just take out the Demon King.  

If worse comes to worst, I even considered digging tunnels and underground bases in caves to live in.

Yeah, with no flies buzzing around my daughter there, it would be the best place!

“Master? Then who dug that hole?”

The metal bat glares at me with narrowed eyes. Her expression was filled with suspicion. 

“Of course I did it.”

Why else would someone go to an unpopulated area?  

It was to get rid of witnesses.

If I wanted to mobilize people, why would I run away to a place no one lives in?

“You, Master? In your condition?”

The metal bat looks me up and down and frowns.

“In what era?”

As the metal bat says, I’ve gotten old and lost strength. There’s no way I alone could make something like a cave tunnel.  

Through ordinary means, at least.

“But I have the metal bat!”

“I knew you were planning to use me to dig holes!”

The metal bat glares at me with an I-knew-it expression.


I shake my head at the metal bat’s thorough misunderstanding.  

“Really? It wasn’t your plan to use me to dig holes?”

“Of course not.”

Using the metal bat?  

I’m not that stupid.

“You have to dig it yourself.”

In the past, I worked efficiently by using her labor to conserve my magic power.  

But the truth is, she is an evil god, an existence that broke the laws of this world, so I found out she can’t use magic power at all!  

In other words, all this time, feeding her magic stones was a complete waste!

I collected magic stones from here and there trying to get her to recover her magic power more quickly!

With the money from selling those magic stones alone, I could’ve opened a shop in the imperial capital!

“In the past, you  just thought I was an iron club, so I let it slide, but aren’t I technically a goddess?  Don’t you think it’s weird for a goddess to dig through the ground with her head?”

The metal bat raises her voice with an absurd expression, but I don’t care.  

“You gonna do it or not?”

“Master’s personality!”

She says this a lot, but an evil god has no right to lecture anyone’s personality.  

And even if she did have the right, it would be the same.

Getting told off by the embodiment of evil itself.  

It means the exact opposite to the world.

“I guarantee the world’s interpretation is that the Master is trash!”

“No way.”

Who was it that stopped the advance of this evil god that no one else could stop?  

It was the small frontier kingdom of Beresseryl that stopped it.

And the driving force that allowed the Beresseryl Kingdom to stop the evil god’s forces was all thanks to me.

In other words, I’m protecting the world by stopping the Demon King and the evil god’s armies.   

“Wasn’t it the dwarves?”

“I’m the one who made the dwarves build those weapons.”

If it wasn’t for me, the Black Anvil clan who refused to build weapons meant for killing wouldn’t have built those weapons, would they?

“They definitely wouldn’t have made them.”

Yeah, exactly.  

They wouldn’t have even imagined weapons with that kind of firepower before.

“As expected, Master. You have a talent for destroying things.”

“Uh uh! Say I have a talent for protecting the world!”

The metal bat stares at me with cold eyes, but no matter how much she complains, she just sells the place where my daughter and I live.  

“Re, really? I’m the only one digging?”


I’m not the type to talk twice.

“Yeah, not the type to ask  twice. But the type to speak five or six at once.”

“You’ve gotten mouthy lately?”

“I get mouthy when Master’s personality explodes!”


Ignoring the sulking metal bat, I start checking my equipment again.

I really wish I had my dagger-shooting shoes that I used often in the past, but just judging weapon quality, now was far superior to the past.  

“Since you raided the dwarves’ warehouse, the gear quality must be top notch.”

“Right. Selling just one sword would fetch enough to buy a rural village.”

Just taking one or two daggers instead of swords would still be very useful as an emergency funds.

“Of course, to do that…”

“I need to take down the Demon King first, right?”

Everything I’ve said so far is about after taking down the Demon King.  

“So if I die by the Demon King’s hand, you won’t be digging any holes, right?”

“The wooden bat, your sister, will seal you again after that but…”

“Wahhh, our sister would never do that!”

“It’s harder the first time, easier every time after that.”  

I guarantee it as an instructor of an evil organization.

The guys who shouted they couldn’t do it at first did it so easily after trying it once!

“You saw that too, right?”

Especially the 3rd generation guys, there were many cases where they used the metal bat to resolve when they said they couldn’t do it.  

“Th, that’s a bit different!” 

“Is it?”

“It, it’ll be different!”

Why is she avoiding my eyes when she says it’ll be different?  

Say it while properly meeting my eyes!

“Ugh… Th, there’s no way…”

In the end, the metal bat couldn’t properly meet my eyes and hung her head.  Looking down at her, I gave her a chilling smile.

“Know that, so work hard.”

“Wah… My sister won’t… My kind sister would never…”

The metal bat sobs, looking just like a young girl on the outside, truly pitiful.  

But who was it that pushed that kind sister to that point?

I didn’t feel sorry for it at all if I think about it. Rather, thinking about the nuisance it caused to the world and me, it was not enough.

If the gods could see me, wouldn’t they be cheering while eating popcorn?

‘Cry more!’

‘Because of that damn woman, I got circular baldness!’

‘This is not enough! My grudge is not resolved with this!’

They must have been shouting like this.

“Bad master…….”

The metal bat looked at me with eyes full of resentment, but I was originally a bad guy.

If you are a member of an evil organization, you must be a bad guy.

There are guys who give up everything and turn over a new leaf with many excuses, but the person’s sin does not disappear.

Where in the world is there a person without a story?

There are as many excuses as there are countless people.

Did my parents sell me to the organization?

Was I brainwashed by the organization at such a young age that I didn’t know anything?

I had no choice but to live?

It was all nonsense.

Even in the same situation, there have always been existences who shouted that they could not work in places like evil organizations.

Those who eventually disposed of their beliefs without giving up.

Compared to them, the Demon King who became a brave man in an evil organization, or other disciples living well and eating well now, were just guys who forgot the past and laundered their status well.

There are no good people with stories who joined evil organizations.

Evil organizations are not stupid enough to accept good guys.

I could assure you because I saw the children who were disposed of as instructors of the evil organization.

There is no good guy among my disciples.

Only those who chose themselves at the crossroads could reach me, that’s why.

And I, who taught such bad guys, was definitely a bad guy.

I chose an evil organization before them, and I don’t regret it.

There were a lot of annoying tasks, and that’s why I’m being chased now, but everything was due to my choice.

I have no intention of denying it.

“Huh? The words are different? The guy who always shouts that it’s not my fault!”

I nodded at the metal bat’s words.

Yes, I always said that.

This is not all my fault.

“I never denied that I was a bad guy. But the situation is different!”

I have no intention of denying myself, but I am full of intentions to deny the situation itself.

“In fact, you did most of the incidents!”

The heroes, the Demon King, and the other students would not have existed if the metal bat had not caused accidents.

If this guy had not opened Pandora’s box as his name suggests, evil would have just been sealed in the corner of the world, and the heroes and the Demon King would not have existed.

The release of the fragments of evil, accumulated evil in the world and created the Demon King, and in order to prevent it, the gods intervened in the earth and the heroes were born.

“That is, it’s all your fault.”

That’s right. It was all the metal bat’s fault.

“No matter how bad I am, if there were no fragments of evil, the imperial princess would not have noticed me. Even if the Demon King is my disciple, if there were no fragments of evil, he would not have become the Demon King. Although the hero is my disciple, if the Demon King did not exist, the hero would not have been the hero.”

It’s all the evil god’s fault.

I’ve heard some denominations use this word before.

When I was a villain, I remember clicking my tongue while looking at people who blamed the evil god even for their own mistakes.

Thinking about it now, it was a very embarrassing thing.

I didn’t know the deep meaning of the great sages who awakened me to the truth of the world and clicked my tongue!

“It’s not my fault! It’s the world and you that went wrong!”

At my proud declaration, the metal bat cry stopped.

No, to be precise, did her eyes die?

“Oh, okay.”

The metal bat sighed deeply and quietly started moving his steps.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to follow my master’s example.”

What is it? Only bad things come to mind when she says she will follow my example?

“That’s what other people feel when they think of the master.”

The rear figure stumbling along looks very ominous.

I quickly jumped out and grabbed the door handle first before the door opened and leaned against the door.

“What are you trying to do?”

The metal bat expression was so stiff as she stared blankly at me.

“I decided to recognize myself like the master taught me.”

Oh my, I see.

Muttering like that, the burning flames were burning in the metal bat two eyes as she raised her head.

“Yes, I am Pandora, the (former) goddess of greed and desire who plunged the world into an abyss of evil! (Now) As an evil god, I will act like one!”

“Oh, like the evil god?”

It was a remark full of bad feelings.

“What is it?”

“Chaos ☆ Destruction ★ And blocking the master’s way ♡?”

“The last one is not a evil god-like act at all?”

Before that, what is ♡? What the hell!

“Oh, I don’t know! I will fly freely now!”

“Uh, specifically?”

“First of all, I am the evil god! I will squash everyone in the city of Beresseryl while shouting that. And saying.”

“What, what?”

As my expression rotted more and more, the metal bat smiled wickedly and shouted proudly.

“My master is Hectare!”

“Oh! The whole kingdom of Beresseryl will try to kill me!”

The weapons made through the dwarves will come pouring down on me.

Damn it, those things were made to prevent even the Demon King from approaching by focusing on physical strength.

Since the Demon King has fragments of evil, attacks using magic do not work. And for the same reason, magic did not work for me either.

On the other hand, an attack that was a valid hit for the Demon King meant a valid hit for me as well.

No. Unlike the Demon King who can use special abilities with fragments of evil, my ability was a non-combat ability that increased the probability of gaining favor with rationality, so what was just painful for the Demon King became a matter of life and death for me.

By the way, the dwarf’s weapon was a weapon that even the Demon King would die if hit directly, and I would die just by grazing it.

Damn it!

“Um, Goddess?”

“Not a goddess? I’m an evil god?”

“Evil god have gender! Goddesses are goddesses.”


I wanted to give up at the metal bat’s chilly gaze, but if I did, I wouldn’t be able to meet my daughter and die.

I can’t do that.


With a hardened heart, I barely reached an agreement by flattering on the condition that ‘I will not use the metal bat for digging in the future’ by giving up even my soul.

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