Evade The Hero and Flee!

Chapter 332

Chapter 332

  1. Flee from the Heroes (5)

“I will go.”

Seeing the Demon King lift up his sword, I couldn’t help but laugh. 

“Come on.”

– Caught by master’s spell!

The sanity he had left became poison to him.

Unlike previous Demon Kings, because he had sanity he was called the strongest, but unlike previous Demon Kings, because he had sanity he fell into a trap.

– According to master’s plan! 

– Yes, everything is going according to plan!

It touched on nostalgia from the past.

Just that was enough for him to draw his sword.

“I will kill you and destroy the world!”

Originally, Demon Kings are not supposed to talk this much. 

In the novels I used to read in the past, the traditional embodiment of evil, the Demon King, had more and more backstory over time, and in the end became one of the many heroines of the protagonist.

In other words, a Demon King is the king of all demons.  

It was the symbol of evil, the being that represented power.

The Demon King’s past was irrelevant.  

Without power, it is not a Demon King.

The image of the Demon King inside me was a formidable monster!

An existence I, an ordinary human, could never face!

That was what I thought a Demon King was.

“Is this all there is?”

“There is more!”

But this guy was not the Demon King I imagined.  

It would be more accurate to say that he fell as an ordinary human before he could become such a being.  

“You still have a long way to go.”

I acted out my past self when I was an instructor at Howling.

The days when I didn’t have the wooden bat, when I only had weights and trained my disciples.  

– I didn’t know master was such a strange person back then!

– It was very different from now.

It was the most difficult time as an instructor when I was teaching the 1st and 2nd year students.  

For the 1st years, they were my first disciples so I lacked the skills, and without the wooden bat the kids would rebel and I would have to stop them with all my might.  

For the 2nd years, although there was the wooden bat, it hadn’t been long since the Great War ended and the state of the organization was very complicated.  

On top of that, there were various incidents that happened during an infiltration mission into the imperial household, so I was also suspected within the organization at that time.  

After that, I taught the kids with seasoned experience and the wooden and metal bats, so my original personality began to emerge, but it wasn’t like that when I taught that guy.

I treated people heavily, oppressively, seriously and strictly.  

“You are still lacking.”  

These words now are just bluffing like my past self.  

In truth my wrist felt like it was about to pop out.  

Compared to two-handed swords, the force exerted is inevitably weaker with one-handed swords, but the impact exceeded that difference.

I barely blocked a blow I judged I couldn’t evade by crossing my swords. Just that, yet my shoulder nearly dislocated.   

“As expected, still insufficient.”  

The sword that was headed toward him bounced off with a recoil that made my wrist tingle.  

“Can you not win unless you use something like that?”  

It was a sarcastic remark.  

It was spewed with the full implication of whether I could not surpass him with my own skills.  


“Yes, it seems so.”  

He acknowledged it so innocently.   

“You are you, instructor. It seems you have not changed over time.”  

Yes, I haven’t changed much.  

My days gambling my life fighting every day in my past life and my days living in this world were similar.

I didn’t hold back on what I wanted to do not knowing when I might die, and I tried to enjoy life with light words and actions rather than serious and grave ones.  

– It was too light. As light as a feather! So light I wasn’t worth a hundred pennies!

– You who cannot count your age yet lighter than air have no place to talk!

Not worth a hundred pennies.  

In a sense, the metal bat was right.  

Adding up my past and present lives, I was really about a hundred years old, but I didn’t act or speak accordingly.  

It’s not that I couldn’t.  

When I was in my early 20s and 30s I acted out a serious character like I do now.  

If I set my mind to it, I really could have lived very seriously.  

“It seems with my lacking skills I cannot surpass you, instructor, with my own strength alone.”  

The proof is that Demon King over there.  

In just about 3 minutes of crossing swords he could say he seemed unable to surpass me.

Was it because that thing was too hard?  

“You taught me, instructor. Do not discriminate between means and methods. Those who survive can make excuses, but the dead have no words.”

Black energy began oozing out from the Demon King’s whole body.  

The Demon King and I have no magic power. So that is not magic power.  

However… It was just a trickier ability from my position.  

“I am the Demon King. One who has discarded his former name and become Demon King. So the power of the Demon King is also my power.”

“That’s just an excuse.”  

So don’t use it. It’s difficult.  

I muttered with a sincere desire but the Demon King just nodded.  

“That may be so. But as I said earlier….”  

The sword flies at me with speed incomparable to before.  


An impact strikes my shoulder I couldn’t deflect.  

Even though it was just swords clashing, my shoulder nearly dislocated.

“I learned from you not to discriminate between means and methods in order to win!”  

Truly useless things you taught, my past self!  

“Was that disciple so attentive to your words?”

“I was not.”  

“Right, you abandoned the organization and became an empty-headed hero, losing everything. Fool.”  

I provoke the trauma from the past.  

I planned to either dull his sword edge or make him go berserk by disturbing bad memories as much as possible.  

But the Demon King’s mentality seemed more robust than I expected.  

He accepted the trauma from the past so easily.

“That’s right. When I despaired after losing her… I recalled your words, instructor.”  


“Because they were all true words. If I had followed your words exactly… I would not have become the Demon King.”  

It was quite the regrettable situation for me as well.  

If you hadn’t attacked, I would have ruled the demons and my daughter would have spread chicken to the demon continent, living happily there.

“It’s too late for regrets.”  

“Yes. You taught me that regrets after losing everything are meaningless.”

“Right. Regrets are ultimately longing for something that cannot be returned. Like looking at the past that you cannot grasp with your own hands – nothing could be more meaningless.”

“That’s right.”

It was a gaze that seemed to look at a distant place. 

A gaze that seemed to look at his past self, not me.

Thanks to him, although very brief, I was able to take a short break.

-Try to block it better!

-It’s hard for me too!

I wipe the metal bat during the short break.  

I’ve been able to endure until now because I had the support of the metal bat.

No matter how good the armor I’m wearing, the moment the sword hits the armor, the impact enters the body.  

The reason I, who cannot enhance my body with magic, was able to block the authority of the Demon King was because the metal bat intercepted everything before it touched my body.

But still, quite a big impact was transmitted to my body.

-Can’t you receive it from further away! Isn’t it too dangerous to block it so barely?-

-This is the best I can do! Do you not know whose disciple he is? The attacks are so freaking tricky to block!

No, what does my disciple have to do with it being tricky?

-It’s an excuse! 

-It must be the despicable personality of the master that has been passed down to his disciples as well! The attacks that flew in a straight line suddenly curved, and the flashy deceptions suddenly changed direction and flew! Are you really  barely blocking them!

Yes, I appreciate you blocking those. But block them a little better next time.

“Regrets cannot be grasped, but the future can be held in your hands. That’s what you said.”

Damn! It seemed like the privileged time for reminiscing the past for the protagonist and surrounding characters has ended.  

Looking at cases like One P*, Naru*o, Blea*h, they reminisce about the past for months, but why does this bastard end it so quickly!

-It’s abnormal to do it for months!

-I can’t refute you because what you said is right!

As the metal bat said, there’s no way I could reminisce about the past for months. Memory was about bringing up months of events in an instant.  

Expressing that short time as long was for the development of the story in comics, not reality.

“So I… I will grasp the future with my own hands.”

But even with that short recollection, one can clearly recall what they want.  

Confirmation of purpose.  

With just that, a person can change plenty.


Damn! The boss monster is changing attack patterns even though I didn’t chip away that much HP.

“I will destroy this world with my own hands in the future!”


Just by leaping, cracks appear on the floor.

I can’t block that.

No matter how sturdy dwarf swords are said to be, my body isn’t sturdy.

Even if the sword blocks, it’s a fatal blow that would shatter my body.

“That’s a good choice!”  

As I chose only to evade, the Demon King shouted thus.

“Son of a bitch.”

The mask breaks.  

There was no longer a need to put on the facade of Instructor Naran from my Howling days. 

“Screw you!”

I throw the dwarf sword I held in my right hand.

It seemed to have caught the Demon King off guard a bit, not expecting me to suddenly throw my sword, but he lightly waves his hand to block the sword.

I didn’t have high hopes.  

A longsword like that doesn’t exist for throwing.  

Moreover, I didn’t even throw it properly, just picking it up and tossing it.

I didn’t expect that sword thrown without proper force would be able to do anything.

“Take this!”

Throwing the sword was to buy time to take out a dagger.  

This time, using the throwing skills learned from the organization, I shot out the dagger with tremendous force towards him.

“That’s pretty good, but surely you didn’t think you could defeat me with that much….”

“Shut up!” 


As he was speaking nonchalantly while lightly deflecting the dagger, I threw another dagger to cut him off.


Seeing my completely different self from before, he seemed a bit panicked.

I was changing a bit as a person trying to kill someone, and he’s surprised?  

How laughable.

“There has never been a story of an ex-member of an evil organization throwing daggers at the Demon King and capturing him.”

Although called the Demon King of fiction, the Demon King I knew could only be killed through the sacrifice of awakened heroes who went through bitter fights with heroes or the death of their lovers.  

If not that, then barely being sealed away by countless people sacrificing their very lives.

As time passed, no matter how the Demon King was treated worse than a heroine, I have never seen a Demon King be hit by a dagger thrown by a former evil organization member and die.  

My head’s not a flower garden to be finding fiction stuff happening in reality.

“Then why….”

“It’s none of your concern.”

The moment he tried to speak again, I aimed for the gap in his stance and threw a dagger.  

“Gah! Instruct….”


This time I threw a short sword.  

The stuff I’ve thrown so far, if sold as merchandise, could earn a fortune. Damn!

– Even in this situation, thinking about making money, as expected of master!

Money was always the best. Always new, always thrilling.  


Having his words cut off three times, the Demon King seemed quite angry.  

“Just what are you thinking!?” 

His voice sounded very pissed.

But you know, fighting the Demon King is traditionally the hero’s job.

My job is to lure you and buy time.  

If I just buy time like this, the hero will show up right on the precise timing.

Look now.  

The moment you get angry, doesn’t a hero aiming for your back appear?

Moreover, in a composition like those appearing in comics where a grim reaper shows up.

The so-called promised defeat scene of X Ri*ch, backstab.

“… Crazy?”

A situation where cursing would naturally come out.

But fiction is fiction, reality is dif… Like hell it is!


Seeing the hero flying far away from the Demon King’s surprise attack, I couldn’t help but sigh deeply.

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