Everyone’s job change: I am a world-destroying berserker

Chapter 9

Su Yi, who was still swiping his mobile phone, suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and instinctively shrank to the ground.

The blade shimmered in the sun.

And at this moment, the two blades were staggered above Su Yi's head.

The agility of 3620 made Su Yi extremely fast, and he instantly got out of his position, and distanced himself from Xian Jing and Xian Mei.

"I actually dodged it!"

"The response was good.

Not far from Su Yi, the two sang and said in harmony.

"Chen family, so fast, I thought I would wait for me to stay away from the city gate, but now it's only three or four kilometers away.

Su Yi raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the two women in front of him.

The two men were dressed in somewhat shabby black robes, and each held a black dagger with strange carvings in their hands.

It is worth mentioning that Su Yi could clearly see the carved patterns on their daggers because these two people rushed over again when Su Yi looked at them.

One slid on his back and knelt, and Su Yi narrowly avoided another attack from these two people.

Then with a backhand blow, Su Yi turned around and slashed the two of them with the big knife in his hand!

But just as he was about to seriously injure the second daughter, he saw that the black robe on the second daughter's body seemed to be a little deeper.

Then the two women actually turned into black shadows and shrank into the ground

! They used the ability of the shadow to dodge Su Yi's

blow! Before Su Yi could finish the blow, these two people attacked Su Yi's face and body respectively in the state of black shadows!

Xian Mei, Xian Mei's original plan was to cut off Su Yi's head cleanly and take it back to hand it over.

But Su Yi's speed and reaction completely exceeded their expectations.

I almost hurt them just now.

To be on the safe side, it is now possible to attack only from two directions.

In a hurry, Su Yi could only barely stand up and block.

The next moment, the sound of gold and iron broke out, although these two women were assassins, the power of their attacks was indeed extremely great.

Su Yi was directly hit by this blow and fell back a few meters away.

When Su Yi stabilized his figure, a piece of bad news came again.

There is a problem with the novice broadsword issued by the school.

It was actually shattered! It

had already consumed a lot of durability because of Su Yi's use of the Mountain Splitting Ground, and it finally died after withstanding this combined blow.

Su Yi looked at the handle of the knife in his hand and showed a surprised expression.

To be honest, he really didn't expect the knife to break.

Then he suddenly smiled with relief.

"I knew that I would spend money at the equipment store when I went out of the city, and I still saved too much.

Su Yi smiled and shook his head.

At this time, Su Yi was at a disadvantage due to the loss of his weapon, but he didn't seem to have any burden on his face.

On the contrary, it was a demure, and the charm showed a solemn expression.

Before, Xian Mei also felt that Chen Bo looked down on her by letting Xian Wei go on a mission with her.

How threatening can a seventh-level berserker be?

Unexpectedly, they felt tremendous pressure after the hand-to-hand encounter.

Even the advantage he has gained now is actually because Su Yi's weapons are not good.

But thankfully, although Su Yi is a monster, this monster has not yet grown up.

can't threaten the Chen family, and their sisters still have the ability to deal with it.

Thinking of this, the solemn expression on her face gradually dissolved, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

At this time, Su Yi also threw the handle of the knife in his hand casually, unfolded his hands, and opened the door in his body.

It seems that he has accepted his own death.

Xian Wei and Xian Mei looked at each other and nodded, and the two of them hit a joint blow again

! This was Su Yi's fatal blow!

However, when they hit Su Yi.

The imaginary sound of flesh tearing and bones breaking did not come.

Instead, there was a sound like the collision of steel!

" I just bought this dress yesterday when I accompanied Jiang Hai shopping, but I didn't expect it to be saved. Xian

Mei, Xian Mei was stunned in the air when she heard Su Yi's words.

The two of them were wrong from the start.

Su Yi's evasion, Su Yi's resistance, everything is not for the so-called survival.

It's just to prevent the second daughter from cutting her clothes.

This dress was a set that Jiang Hai bought because he felt that Su Yi was too cheap.

Su Yi still cherishes it.

At the end of the end, the second daughter raised her head after hearing Su Yi's words.

And what greeted them was Su Yi's expression that seemed to be smiling.

And also.

Strong hand split skull!

By the time the second daughter woke up again, it was already past noon.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Su Yi sitting on the ground not far away.

A piece of barbecue was being inserted with the black knives of the two of them.

The source of this barbecue is, of course, the hapless Steppenwolf.

"Wake up, it seems that the Chen family still underestimated my strength.

"I thought the grade I made would be a bit of a deterrent to you.

Su Yi was just gossiping like nothing while eating barbecue.

It's like he didn't fight with Xian Wei and Xian Mei just now.

I just happened to meet in the wild, so we had a meal together while resting.

The premise is that at this time, if the charm is not firmly tied.

Xian Mei, who woke up, fell into a panic, she really didn't expect that she would lose to Su Yi.

At this time, she was constantly writhing trying to break free from the rope.

The avatar is not their own skill, but the skill they are equipped with.

But their equipment had already been cleaned by Su Yi.

Now their gear slots are spotless.

And Xian Wei calmed down a lot.

"It seems that you are very smart, Su Yi, you are not just a martial artist.

Su Yi, who was eating meat, turned his head.

"Killing you will do me all kinds of harm and no benefit, with you in my hands, I can send it to the Jiang family, or the martial family. "

You are very strong, it is impossible for the Chen family not to redeem you, and I can get a large sum of money."

"And then because I defeated you guys, I also proved my strength. Both the Jiang family and the martial arts family will recruit me.

"At that time, the Chen family was forced by the Jiang family and the martial family, and it was impossible to kill me again.

"And if I kill you, then the Chen family and I will have no room for maneuver. "

Do you think so?" Su

Yi said all the thoughts in Xian Wei's mind as he ate.

Xian Wei nodded, and Xian Mei also calmed down.

Analyzed in this way, it is unlikely that Su Yi will kill them.

Su Yi, who was well-fed, smiled, stood up and tore off a large piece of fabric from Xian Wei's body.

As a result, a large piece of skin was exposed, and her graceful figure was undoubtedly revealed.

Then Su Yi wiped the dagger in his hand casually.

"Thinking too much, you are very good-looking and in good shape, it's a pity to kill the monster directly.

This answer was too abrupt, and the two girls were stunned when they heard it.

The graceful man who reacted immediately showed a charming smile and stretched out his jade foot against Su Yi's calf.

Climb up little by little on your toes.

"Then I guess, you want to taste us now?"

Su Yi looked at the long legs of the delicate and showed a rare smile.

But suddenly, the two girls only felt a strong wind sweeping across their necks.

In an instant, blood gushed like a fountain.

"I guessed wrong, I lost my appetite after killing someone, so I just wanted to eat enough and kill again. "

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