Evil Abyss Mage

Chapter 1: Uh… Master?

On the Myriad Continent, deep inside the heart of The Great Empire, a majestic and gorgeous manor could be seen. It's size eclipsed nearly every other nobleman's home, seemingly able to house thousands of people within it's Dragon-Scale Wood walls with ease.

There was an endless forest surrounding the manor, with only a single pathway through it. One could easily get lost if they strayed too far. Occasionally, the sounds of growls and low roars could be heard inside. If one ventured within, only the Gods could save them from their fate.

Directly in front of the doors leading inside the manor, seven people were standing there talking to one another. Five of them were all facing a tall and handsome young man around the age of 16, and an old unassuming butler standing behind him with his head down. However, this kind looking old man had a beautiful rapier strapped on his waist, the hilt of the blade encrusted with colorful gems. Despite his age, developed muscles could be seen beneath his black suit.

Down the stone pathway, a stunning and already running blimp was waiting there, humming loudly. Solemn Knights clad in full metal or lean body armor and Mages in gorgeous robes with staffs in their hands stood beside it patiently.

"How long will you be gone big brother?" Two twins that looked exactly alike spoke out with a sad tone, both around the age of 12 years old.

Both of them had strange colored hair with one side being grey and the other blue. Their eyes were a bright orange, stunning to look at. Despite being children, their bodies were far more developed compared to others their age. It was clear they went through rigorous training. Right over top their left eye was a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt, which had been there since birth.

The tall young man, already 6ft 4in, patted his two younger brothers on the head, a fond smile on his face.

"Don't you remember? Raeve returned after a year had passed, right after The Gathering. So you just have to wait until then, okay?" The two brothers sadly, but obediently nodded their heads. Suddenly, he turned to the one on the left.

"Cin, stay out of my room while I'm away. I know you love to sneak in and all, but I'm warning you. Don't go in there, understood?"

Despite the same smile on his face, Cin felt a cold shiver go down his spine when looking into his big brother's cold and emotionless black eyes. He had a strange feeling he wouldn't like the consequences if he disobeyed him. He stood up straight, saluting him like a soldier.

"Yes sir!"

However, the twins were confused and turned to look at each other. It was as if they were communicating with one another using telepathy. When they looked back at their brother, they spoke at the same time. Even their voices were identical.

"How did you know who's who?" They were infinitely curious because not even their parents could tell the difference.

Yet all they saw, was their brother point up at his eyes.

"I can see the flow of magic and the mysteries of the universe. Something like this is child's play for me." Cin and Fin pouted at his vague answer, crossing their arms together.

The youth, Kaido, wasn't exactly lying despite his joking tone. He could genuinely see the tiny amount of mana within them was only slightly different. To put it into words, Fin's mana was almost shy and reserved. While Cin's was more rambunctious and excited.

'However, they truly are unique twins. Even I could just barely tell the difference.' He thought to himself as he moved away from them and to his father.

The giant of a man, which explained Kaido's height, stood at a massive 7ft 9in tall. There was a proud and joyful smile on his middle-aged face as he walked up to his genius son and roughly patted him on the shoulder.

A single scar went down his right eye in a vertical manner all the way to his chin. Plenty more could be seen across his arms as well, each one telling a glorious tale. There were countless others, but they were currently hidden underneath his clothing. His long braided hair was black, with hints of grey mixed in. There was a long, also braided, beard on his face which went down to his chest.

From what Kaido could see, his mana was overbearing and seemed to be so abundant it threatened to destroy the world. It weighed down on him just slightly, not enough to effect him but was moreso there as a reminder. If his father didn't have such perfect control over his power and aura, it would have crushed him into actual dust. 

"Go out there and make me proud son. Show all those bastards, the might of the Vairathuls!" His father squeezed his shoulder tightly, making his bones creak under his titanium grip.

Jaxith, seeing his son's pained face, released him when feeling a glare burn a hole into the back of his head. He smiled apologetically, along with a hint of awkwardness.

"Sorry about that son. You know how… excited I get." Kaido shook his head with a smile.

"It's fine, I am not that brittle. But you do not have to worry. I will show them all the gap between us." There was a dark light in his eyes that went unnoticed by everyone. His tone betrayed none of his intentions and was as steady as a rock.

Seeing his father nod as if the happiest man on Astria, he felt a small amount of joy within him. Making him proud filled him with a sense of achievement. Next, he moved on to his mother.

An absolutely stunning woman that would make countless men ruin their lives for the chance to wed her. Even without makeup, her perfect face could topple an entire kingdom. Her raven black hair went down to just above her perfect, jiggly ass. Her breasts were larger than an average woman's, begging one to grope them.

Her thick thighs, and wide hips were practically made for having children. Despite her age, her mature aura seemed to only heighten her charm to a higher level. However, the part that Kaido found the most attractive, were her ruby and sapphire colored eyes. No matter how many times he looked into them, he found himself getting lost inside their allure.

"Mother." The slight smile on his face turned loving when standing in front of his 6ft mother.

He witnessed as she spread her arms out for a hug, her big tits swaying at her movement.

"Oh, my handsome son." A reluctant tone was in her voice as Kaido embraced her tightly. She hated seeing her beloved son leave, but knew it was time for the baby bird to fly from it's nest. Even though she had done this twice before, it never got easier.

Kaido leaned in deeper, a fire burning within in his heart when smelling her scent. A dark desire began bubbling to the surface as his cock started growing. He wanted nothing more than to push her down now and ravage her. Willing or otherwise. However, he couldn't cuck his father.

Even though he was an evil bastard with few morals, Jaxith was a good dad who had cared for him every step of the way. There was evil, then there was being a douchebag no one loves.

His mother, Elva, could feel the large object poking her stomach. A sigh went off in her own mind. Of course she knew about her son's lust for herself. She had lived long enough to see the signs, and she reckoned his father had as well. He might be a little slow at times, however he was no fool. But she knew he wouldn't admit it to anyone, not even himself. Her husband was a good and justice aligned man who believed their children were the same.

However, despite how wrong it was for a son to lust after his own mother, she didn't have the heart to tell him how wrong it was to think in such a way. Because of what had happened previously with another of her children.

'Though based on it's size, he will definitely make his future wife, or wives, very happy. Very happy indeed...'

She had no idea who he got that from, because it certainly didn't originate from her husband. He wasn't small to be sure, but he was barely over half the length of the monster poking her. And Kaido still had time to grow, which she found ridiculous.

Suddenly her thoughts began drifting off to the past, to when she first noticed his darkness. The evil within his heart that he so desperately tried to hide.




It was a clear and sunny day. Such weather could fill one with hope for the future. Inside the Vairathul Manor, Elva could be seen walking around the stunning hallways, gorgeous paintings with moving pictures lining them. Her head turned side to side as she called out.

"Kaido! Where are you honey?!" Just then, she saw a beast-woman maid carrying some laundry. She looked like a humanoid wolf and only resembled a human in shape.

"Excuse me, do you know where Kaido has run off to?" Being questioned by the Matriarch, the maid was startled and bowed low.

Thankfully, unlike other nobles, she had a great reputation for being a kind soul. Then again, so did all the Vairathuls besides a certain fiery witch.

"Yes Matriarch! The last time I saw him was 15 minutes ago, playing near the forest on the East side of the Manor." Elva smiled sweetly, making the maid's heart warm. Her wolfy tail wagged unconsciously, making Elva chuckle.

"Thank you dear." She happily walked away. After asking a few other butlers, maids, and guards who all said the same thing, she made her way to where they saw him last.

Unfortunately, she didn't find him. Although there was evidence of him playing here what with his toys thrown about, he seemed to have wandered off. A worried look was on her face as she headed off into the forest.

"That stupid husband of mine! This is why I wanted a guard on him at all times! 'Don't worry' he says, 'The forest is filled with tamed beasts that wouldn't dare harm him. Don't coddle him so much'. I'll show him a thing or two later! Break my foot off in his ass!"

Her angry emotions made the surrounding plants burn and freeze due to her magic. It was a strange contradiction that shouldn't have happened, but did.

Little orbs of fire and frost began circling her, threatening to destroy anything in her path. Fortunately, her mature mind built up over centuries calmed her down nearly instantly and they disappeared.

Inside his office filing reports with a bored face, Jaxith felt a chill go down his spine. He looked around the place, as if searching for an enemy.

"Something wrong milord?" An old butler with a beautiful rapier said, stacks of paper in his hand.

"I felt a disturbance. Trouble is brewing on the horizon, and might make my life hell soon..." The serious tone made the butler frown. He placed the giant stack of papers in his hands on the desk, bewildering Jaxith.

"Well then! We had better finish our work quickly. First, sign here-"

"Wait hold on!"

The butler grinned, a joking tone in his voice.

"Now now Patriarch, you wouldn't be afraid of a few papers would you? Besides! Joyous news! We have 7 more just like it!" Jaxith looked at the mountain in front of him. They were so high they would tower above him even if he was standing up.

Suddenly, his form deflated as he laid back in his chair, eyes devoid of any life as his hands moved automatically.

While her husband cried at the injustice of the world within his heart, Elva found a giant red furred bear lazily resting on a tree. Beneath him on the ground, three man-sized cubs fought against each other playfully.

"Ahem." The bear angrily looked at the one who interrupted his rest, but soon became frightened seeing the unamused Elva.

A whimper came from his throat as he fell from the branch he was on and landed on the ground, making it crack open and deform. Instantly, he got down and crawled towards her on his stomach in a submissive manner.

It was a comical sight seeing a 10 meter tall Killing Mountain Bear acting so scared in front of such a 'frail' looking female human. The 'little' curious children walked towards her with no worry inside them, sniffing her as the papa bear growled at them threanteningly.

"It's alright. Come here my darlings~" Her loving voice shut the father bear up quick as the man-sized cubs came over and rubbed their heads on her.

As she ran her fingers through their blood red fur with a smile, she looked at papa bear and made her thoughts known.

"Have you seen a human child recently? He would be about this big, with midnight black hair and similar eyes." The bear made a thinking expression before growling out and nodding. 

"Y-Yes Matriarch." His voice was primal and deep, nothing at all like a human's.

Elva became happy, making the unbearable pressure on the papa bear disappear as she took her magic back.

"Well? Lead the way!" Thus, they walked together for almost 20 minutes. Any creature that saw them immediately bowed when seeing the powerful Matriarch. Even the rare ones that were stronger than her still became submissive. They weren't dumb enough to dare disrespect her.

As for the mother herself, she became more and more worried as they walked deeper into the forest. 

'Oh Kaido honey. Please be safe.' Thankfully, her fears vanished when coming to a wide open clearing. There, sitting next to a lake, was her beautiful child playing with something.

She breathed a sigh in relief, love and warmth within her eyes. Her hand waved the papa bear away, who became thankful at her next words.

"Thank you for your help. You may go now. Bye bye little ones~!" He brought his unwilling children away as Elva walked closer to her son.

However, she wondered what he was focused on so intently. Another thing was how barren the place was. It should be crowded with monsters and beasts during this time of the day. But those thoughts were buried away.

"Kaido? Sweetie?" She saw him flinch slightly at her words, before turning around. Instantly, she became mortified at the massive amount of blood splashed on his face and clothes.

Elva hurriedly ran up to him, squatting down next to Kaido and holding his cheeks.

"Are you okay?! What happened sweet heart?!" Suddenly, she felt his tiny, bloody right hand go over her own. Looking into his black and lifeless eyes, a hint of fear crept up within.

"Don't worry mommy. It's not my blood. It's theirs." That fear climbed her spine when looking over to where he was pointing. She was so focused on her son, she didn't notice the half dozen bodies next to him. That, along with his happy tone and smile only heightened her terror.

The corpses of little bunnies and other small creatures were split open, their guts on display. All of them had their organs pulled out, pinned to the ground in an orderly manner. By the water, Elva saw seven pairs of eyes looking their way. The way they were placed was as if Kaido wanted them to watch what he was doing.

An audible gulp came from her throat. It wasn't the gore of the scene that bothered her, she had seen too much for that. However, it was the fact this was caused by a 5 year old child.

"Why… would you do this?" Her son's head tilted to the side, as if he didn't understand.

"Because it's fun?" Her breath hitched. Such an innocent tone and answer, for such a demonic deed.

"You can't do this Kaido! It's wrong to harm others like this! Think about you'd feel if this happened to you?!" There was a frown on his face at her scolding.

"But they deserve it. I'm stronger than them. Better than them." All of a sudden, his face became sad as tears threatened to fall.

"Do you hate me mommy?" His choking voice made her heart melt. She couldn't help but hug him tightly, staining her expensive robes.

"Of course not sweetie! I love you more than the world." Elva saw the knife in his left hand fall to the ground, his arms wrapping around her.

"I love you too mommy! I'll love you forever and ever!"




Back to the present, Elva came back to her senses. She knows she should have tried harder to curb his evil thoughts, but it was difficult for her. Every time she thought about doing so, that expression of pain on her son's chubby face appeared in her mind.

'Do you hate me mommy?' She couldn't bear to hear that again. There was one other reason. Her eldest daughter who had a similiar problem. Although their relationship has healed somewhat since then and is not as rocky, it was a… stressful time. One she never wanted to revisit.

"Be safe my son. And…" Elva whispered into Kaido's ear, making the fire within him grow at her hot breath.

"Try to be good." But her words made his arousal drop to almost nothing.

"Of course mother. Anything for you." A pained look was on his face as he said that. He hated lying to his mother like this, but he loved being who he really was. It was like an addiction. Something he couldn't stop.

Well, that was another lie told to himself. He could stop, he just really didn't want to.

He separated from her and moved on to the last person waiting. His 8 year old little sister. There was love in his eyes as he kneeled down next to her. Of course, there wasn't anything sexual in his mind looking at her. He might be an irredeemable evil and sick psychopath, but he was not a pedophile. Never understood why people would be attracted to them. Personally, he despised the annoying little bastards, besides his little sister of course.

Kaido patted her on the head, tears in her eyes as she looked up at her big brother.

"Do you really have to leave? Can't you stay here?" Gwen's sad voice made his heart churn in agony.

"I'm so sorry little minx, but I must go." Suddenly, she ran into his chest, sobbing deeply as her arms wrapped around his back. It was like she never wanted to let him go.

"Do you not like me anymore?! I'm sorry big brother! Don't hate me!" Kaido rubbed her back lovingly, trying to soothe her. Despite that, there was a proud smile on his face as he whispered into her ear.

"Good job Gwen. Almost had me there for a second." The crying young girl backed up, a pout on her face as Kaido wiped away her tears.

"I did everything you said big brother and it works on everyone else, but why not on you?" The teasing smirk on his face only made her angrier.

"That's simple. The student will never surpass the master. Now-" He held her nose between his fingers.

"Keep training young one and maybe you'll impress me one day." Gwen tried biting his hand, but he saw her coming from a mile away and lightly smacked her on the cheek.

Her eyes glared at him like an enemy as she raised her hands and punched him in the chest with her tiny fists.

"Stupid brother! I won't marry you anymore!" Suddenly, Gwen saw a hurt expression on her brother's face. His voice quivered slightly, making her punches stop.

"But... I thought you said you'll love me forever? You... lied to me?" The young girl knew her brother was messing with her, but his sincere tone made her think he was being truthful.

"No no! I still love you! I'm sorry big brother." His whole vibe changed, his fond smile returning.

"And I you Gwen. When I return, I'll teach you my secrets of lying you asked for." Kaido saw his little sister jump in joy, hugging his neck and kissing his cheek.

"Thank you big brother! You're the best!" He backed up away from her, coming next to the old butler.

"Are you ready to go, Young Master?" Kaido looked back at his family and waved his hand before turning around.

"Yes, let's go." The butler bowed his head and closed his eyes, lifting his hand towards the blimp and waiting for him to pass.

As Kaido walked along the stone pathway, he had high hopes for the future. Thinking of all the nefarious deeds he could get up to, and all the young nobles for him to play with, he couldn't help but let a dark and evil smile grace his lips.

'Oh! I can't wait to have some fun with some new toys! Just like when I was a child! I hope they don't break too quickly though.'




"Master~ Your slut is ready to be filled again~"

Inside Kaido's locked room, a naked and bruised Light Elven woman laid on the bed, a collar around her throat. Her eyes were blindfolded, legs and arms tied to the ends of the bed with a custom designed rope made of Anti-Magic. Thus, no matter how hard she tried, she would never be able to escape.

Sweat dripped down her beautiful and soft battered form, mixing in with the cum splattered across her body. Her breaths were heavy as her pussy constantly leaked out a mixture of her own juices and her Master's spunk.

However, as the seconds pain stakingly turned into minutes, a terrified feeling crept up inside her heart. She knew today was the day he would leave for the academy. But surely, he wouldn't leave her here? Right?

"Uh… Master?" 

Suddenly, the doorknob began turning slowly, frightening her deeply. If she was found like this, she couldn't even imagine her fate despite the Vairathuls unusual kindness to non-humans. She tried to break free of the ropes, but they were unmoving. Their Anti-Magic properties basically made her a normal person, albeit much stronger than one.

Then, the door slowly opened with a creak...

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