Evil Abyss Mage

Chapter 20: Date in the City

The City of New Beginnings, Capital of Nirvana Kingdom and it's birthplace by the Founding Queen. Nobody knows why she named it this way. Some say she was born on the land in a ball of fire. While other believe she came here after escaping from some unspeakable tragedy. Perhaps only the Royal Family knows the true reason.

It was however, for good reason, the most populated and beautiful city in the entire Kingdom. The wide streets were always busy, filled with merchants, shops, and hagglers selling their wares. Carriages were going to their destination and Tamed beasts wandered the street with their master atop their back.

Flying through the sky, far above even the tallest Mage Towers and Air Traffic, were bright red illusionary Phoenixes. Occasionally, their cries could be heard all throughout the city. From their large wings, little snowflakes made of fire dropped harmlessly onto the buildings and people, making them feel a comfortable warmth spread through their body.

Down at the street level, walking with various other people, were Kaido and Caerwyn. Yin, still around his neck, would look around with bright eyes, fascinated by the architecture. Ever since she had been born in The Ominous Woods of the Vairathul Family, she had never left it to go and explore. To her, there was no reason to do such a thing.

However, now that she saw the glorious and prosperous city in front of her, Yin suddenly felt she had been wasting her life away. She turned her attention to Kaido, smacking him lightly upside the head with her tails.

"Ow! What was that for?" He asked, confused as he turned towards the angry Yin. She simply snorted and turned away from him, upset he hadn't taken her out like this before.

Ignoring the oddity of the white fox, Kaido focused on his date who was looking around the city curiously. Yet her eyes were cold and blank, devoid of anything inside them. He stepped closer to her, making her turn his way.

"Beautiful city, almost on par with Radiva. Tell me, have you ever been to the Imperial City before?" She shook her head.

"No, I've always stayed in the Capital of Ice-Fall. Mainly within the Frozen Palace. But-" She once more took a look around, watching the many people come and go.

"It's so different. The two cities, and Kingdoms in general, have such different cultures. It's fascinating."

"Maybe you could show me around some time? I'd love to visit." Caerwyn took a look at him before snorting lightly. How could she not sense the true intentions behind those innocent words?

"Playboy." She muttered under her breath, making Kaido grin and chuckle a bit as he changed the topic.

"You know, you're not far from 2nd Star at this rate. If you put in some effort, you could get it done tonight." Once more Caerwyn was shocked at how he seemed to know everything. As if he could see straight through her. It made her feel a bit uncomfortable at the thought he had some sort of x-ray vision.

Eventually, after walking and talking for a few more minutes, they paused. In front of them was a small square, many people stopping before the statue of a absolutely stunning woman. Feathers adorned her hair, and her eyes were replaced by sparkling red rubies.

In front of the statue of this mystery woman was a crowd of people, numbering around three hundred. They were very diverse, with men, women, and children of all ages and skin color. There were also multiple Races, including Elves, Dwarves, Beastmen, and even a few Orcs. Though, they were on the other side of the crowd, occasionally glaring at the Dwarves who did the same. This was a common occurrence whenever these two Races met.

Directly under the statue and standing atop a small wooden platform was an average looking man, speaking with emotion about the person behind him.

"Her name was Cynthia Sunfire, nicknamed The Wise Lady. She was the Founding Queen of Nirvana Kingdom and a Demi-God of Fire and Life. Nobody truly knows her past, where she came from, or why she came here to settle down. What is known however, was the fact she was a beloved ruler by all." The more the speaker talked about Cynthia, the more enthusiastic he became.

"It's said she was born on a bed of fire, with the sun shining down on her form and blessing her with it's power. She-" Kaido tuned out the emotional man as he constantly praised her as the best thing to ever exist. After a few minutes however, he spoke about something interesting.

"Her talents were immense! Rumors say she was born with ability to manipulate fire to near perfection! Not only that, but there are actual records of her raising the dead and giving them new life!" The crowed clapped, astonished by what they had heard.

Raising the dead wasn't exactly unheard of, especially since Necromancers were a thing. However, it still was an impressive feat to be sure. The commoners and those who hadn't dabbled in magic were filled with worship. To them, raising the dead meant they were an Evil Mage / Witch or a Saint who walked among mortals.

'Is that all?' Kaido wasn't too impressed himself. To him, it seemed like this Cynthia lady was a powerful Mage who commanded the Elements of Fire and Life. She might have had some stellar achievements, but he didn't see it as anything too ground breaking when compared to his own family.

Bored, he looked towards Caerwyn and saw her staring at the statue with an interested gaze.

"What's wrong?" His voice broke her out of the strange daze. Looking his face, she regained her normal coldness and replied.

"I've seen her before, in the Royal Study. There were records of her and my ancient ancestor being best friends. But something must have happened between the two."

"What makes you say that?" Caerwyn looked at him deeply.

"Because during her reign, my ancestor suddenly forbade anyone from speaking her name. And any who did, were immediately executed. I wanted to find out, but her diary has been locked by a powerful ward. Likely set up herself. And since she was a Demi-God, not many can break it."

She shook her head and sighed lightly. The topic was entertaining for the younger her. But unfortunately, she could never find out the reason for the two best friend's sudden break up.

"What a mystery. I wonder what the true reason was?" Kaido said, rubbing his chin in thought. But he soon shook his head. There were many reasons as to why such a thing might happen, so speculating was useless without more facts.

Soon enough, the duo left the statue and moved on to their actual purpose in coming to the city. However, although making small talk with Caerwyn and seeming nonchalant, Kaido's eyes were working double time as he hurriedly looked around for a good restaurant.

Whenever they passed such a place, he used nearly his entire genius in studying their face and mannerisms. Unfortunately, none of them wowed him. Sure, many patrons seemed content upon exiting, but why would he settle for mediocre? He needed to sear this date into her mind, so she would never forget it.

Luck was something Kaido hated very deeply. It required no skill or thought, leaving everything up to chance. He found it idiotic to rely on such a whimsical law of the universe. But for this day, he decided to give it a chance and leave it up to luck.

'If any Goddess of Luck can hear me, answer my… prayer… and bless me with some good luck!' Kaido took a deep breath and looked to his partner who was beginning to suspect things.

"Here we are." Despite having never seen this building before in his life, his acting ability was unparalleled.

He motioned his hand towards the tiny little unassuming shop to his right. The windows allowed one to see inside where barely any customers could be found, only three in total. Hanging from a sign were a couple words. Careless Café.

"This place? Are you sure?" Caerwyn asked, doubt written all over her face. With a chuckle and enough confidence to kill an Outer God, Kaido shook his head. Almost as if she were an ignorant peasant.

"Trust me, it's quality is unmatched within the entire Kingdom. Come." He turned around and walked towards the door without hesitation. The way he acted was as if he had truly been here before, getting rid of the doubt Caerwyn had.

As the two entered, and unseen by everyone, a small golden light appeared behind Kaido. It moved up and down, before suddenly manifesting a single beautiful eye. It seemed feminine and focused on him, following after his footsteps. As it paid close attention, a soft and light giggle could be heard from it.

Unaware he was being followed by something he would never believe, Kaido sat down with Caerwyn in a small little booth. As they waited for someone to come and take their order, they took a quick glance around.

The walls and flooring were made of wood, a shade darker than most. The ceiling was some strange grey material, but it fit well with the darker wood. Beautifully designed carpets were laid across the floor here and there. The booths were comfortable, letting one sink into their softness and sigh in relief.

A fireplace was near the end of the Café, made of stone brick. It was as if it had weathered through the countless years of time. Currently, it was empty and the flames extinguished. Instead, despite most of the windows being closed, a cool wind could be felt against the patron's skin.

A delicious smell spread throughout the entire shop, teasing the nostrils of those within. Overall, Kaido and Caerwyn both liked the atmosphere of the Café, finding it very relaxing. Yin couldn't get enough and desired to explore it entirely, but held off. Leaving Kaido's neck didn't feel worth it to her.

"Good afternoon. May I take your orders?" A somewhat pretty brown haired woman came up with a notebook in hand.

"Yes, may I please have…" Kaido's eyes glanced over the menu, trying to find something that sounds good. At the same time, he needed to be as quick as possible, to leave the impression he had been here previously.

"The Phoenix Eggs please?" Writing it down, the server turned to Caerwyn.

"And you Miss?"

"The Frozen Supreme." After taking down her order, the server left. While waiting, Kaido decided to make some light conversation.

"You know, I'll be taking the Ice Class soon. Which means we'll see each other even more." He grinned as Caerwyn looked at him with surprise.

"Another Element? Don't you have your hands full with Space, Soul, and Time?" He wasn't shocked she knew those things. Probably half the school did as most paid attention to every action he took.

Some even believed he was taking on more than he can chew as those three Elements were known for their difficulty. Especially Space and Time, which along with another were infamously called 'Genius Killer'.

"The curse of being a never before seen genius. Everything I try just comes so naturally to me." His head shook side to side as he sighed in regret, acting as if he was plagued with misfortune. She chuckled a little bit.

"Wow, real humble aren't you?" Kaido supported his chin with his hands, elbows placed on the table as he grinned.

"One of my great personality traits. Not to worry." He waved his hand and leaned back. Though, she noticed how his eye glanced at something behind her.

"You'll find out on our next date." She raised an eyebrow, a little stunned at his cockiness and boldness. At the same time, wasn't his voice a little too loud?

"Next da-" Before she could continue, the woman who took their orders returned with a smile on her face. A tray was in her hands carrying their food.

"Date huh? I must say, I thought something was between you two from the beginning. You make the perfect match." She placed Kaido's plate in front of him and the stunned Caerwyn's ice cream sundae in front of her.

She waved her hand quickly and tried to hurriedly explain their true relationship.

"Wait-" Unfortunately, Kaido suddenly spoke up and grabbed her dainty pale hand, squeezing it gently and speaking with a soft loving voice.

"You have good eyes there. This is my gorgeous, lovely girlfriend. I should be thanking my lucky stars for pulling someone like her. Did you know this is our tenth date?!" Caerwyn was shocked at how easily he slipped into his new role.

He even gossiped with their waitress like it was nothing, coming up with romantic things they had never even done together. Before she could pull away from his hand and explain everything, the woman had to leave as another customer wanted his drink refilled.

"Haha!" Kaido laughed to himself as Caerwyn roughly pulled her hand away. A slightly angry look was on her cold face as she took her spoon and ate her sundae.

However, those feelings of rage disappeared when the cool ice cream went down her throat. She initially had her doubts about this place, but this single bit of dessert cleared them up immediately.

"Good isn't it? Forgive me for my impudent actions by introducing you to such a great little place?" She stopped for a brief moment, before snorting and going back to her ice cream.

"Maybe a little."

Curious at how much she seemed to enjoy the meal, Kaido took a bite of his own Phoenix Eggs and was wholeheartedly surprised at the level of quality. It was on par with some of the most famous restaurants he had been to. Not only that, it was a tenth of the price with almost no wait time.

Soon enough, the two of them finished their meal and were waiting for their waitress to return with the check. While sitting there, Kaido suddenly had an idea and transmitted his thoughts to Yin who was licking his plate. Of course he gave her some. He wasn't some kind of monster after all.

But upon hearing Kaido's words, Yin immediately rejected it through the use of emotions. Even after all this time, she had yet to actually say anything to him. It wasn't the fact she didn't trust him enough. It was actually very simple and happened to many beasts and monsters. She wasn't strong enough yet to speak.

Which was something Kaido found ridiculous, considering she was far stronger than the Jagged Snake. This meant Yin's potential was immense, perhaps almost on the level of his own. 

'Well, a little lower surely.'

After coaxing Yin several times, she finally relented and accepted.

"Hey, before we go, do you want to pet Yin?" Kaido suddenly asked, stunning Caerwyn who recovered quickly. She seemed very nonchalant.

"Why would I want that?" But as she saw the adorable white fox look at her, a tilted head and innocent eyes, Caerwyn felt her cold heart melt.

"Is that so? Well, another time then." He shook his head and moved to pick Yin up.

"Wait!" Caerwyn stopped him, grabbing his wrist forcibly. Catching herself, she coughed and let him go.

"May I? If you don't mind." He grinned a bit and handed Yin off like she was merchandise.

"Of course. Be gentle though." Caerwyn carefully received the white fox, cradling her in her arms. With gentle strokes, she ran her fingers through the soft fur.

A small smile adorned her face, one that was barely discernable. In her eyes was a happy look as Yin purred at her touch. For almost a minute, she silently pet the white fox. Suddenly, Kaido noticed her mouth open to speak.

"My mother… never let me have a pet. No matter how much I asked, she always said no." He noticed her tone of voice was very different. It still had a layer of frost to it, but she seemed much happier now.

"When I was younger, I had secretly bought my very own bunny rabbit and even Bonded with it. Penelope, my closest and only friend. But then-" Her voice turned colder than a frozen wasteland.

All emotion seemed to fade out of her as her magic came out unconsciously. The surroundings around her suddenly froze solid. Yet, she still had the sense to try and protect Yin. Even though she didn't need it, Caerwyn didn't know that.

"-she found out. My… mother. Without caring about my feelings, she froze her in front of me, killing Penelope instantly. If that wasn't enough to teach me the lesson, she smashed her onto the ground to shatter into a thousand pieces."

"What was the lesson?" She looked up, her eyes and face devoid of anything.

"To never love anything. To stay cold forever. Only the weak embrace love and friendship." Suddenly, she smiled warmly at him.

"Thank you, Kaido. For doing this for me." For a brief instant, he felt his heart skip a beat. But clearly, he must have been mistaken.


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