Evil Abyss Mage

Chapter 25: Breakthrough to 3rd Star

Within the Outer Layer of the Forest, a small group of new students had just finished killing a Low-High Class Monster, a Youngling Armored Cretaer. Their breaths were heavy as they laid on the ground. A few even had minor wounds on their body which bled slowly.

"Why the fuck was that so hard?!" A loud mouthed and dirty blond haired student said, looking like a typical delinquent. He was breathing the hardest and had a small cut on his ribs and cheek. His body was spread out on the grass and his eyes closed as he complained.

"Ugh, I never should have come out here." Suddenly, a rough hand slapped him on the stomach, making his eyes pop open as he groaned in pain.

"Oh quit your whining! You sound like such a pussy!" A muscular teenager laughed as he said that. He was sitting right next to him, his breath labored and body more damaged than the others.

"Screw you faggot." The blond haired boy roughly shoved him, making the muscular teenager fall over.

"You fucker. When I get up, I'll really show you to respect this older brother of yours." But he didn't rise up again or even fight back due to his exhaustion. He was fully content with lying there on the soft grass.

"Older brother? We're not even related moron."

"Hah? How dare you speak to me in such a tone. The older part is true though. You should respect your elders boy!"

"Elder? Older? Still on with that bullshit? Only born ten minutes before me and you act like hot shit."

"Don't make me come over there!"

"I'm so scared! Really got me shivering in my boots!"

"Can you guys quit your nonsense and help us with this or what? This thing's armor is tough to cut through." A brown haired girl said impatiently, a tight robe on her body which showed her curves. There was also a long wooden staff in her right hand.

Next to her was a handsome young man and the only 2nd Star among their group, the others being at the peak of 1st Star who would likely advance later today. His face was emotionless as he tried cutting through the armor of the monster they had killed with his skinning knife. It was a six legged armored beast, with very few gaps in it's powerful defenses. Their weapons had almost broke against it’s body and a few were even cracked beyond repair.

The main and only weapon of a Youngling Armored Cretaer was the long mace-like tail it had. With a single swing, it would easily break bones and shatter a tree into splinters. At the same time, it could also launch the spikes on the mace at it's enemies, using it as a long ranged weapon. These weren't as dangerous as it's melee attack, but it would still cause a great amount of damage if unprepared.

The handsome black haired boy cared little for their squabbling and simply chose to carve the beast's flesh open. After a few more seconds, he had finally split it open and revealed the Core hidden inside. Taking it out, he gently cleaned the blood off and stored it inside his Spacial Ring.

"We should leave." He stood up and said cooly, causing the other three to halt their arguing. The brown haired girl swiftly came up to him, her form coquettish and shy.

"Of course Hathorn! Where are we going?" She had sparkles in her eyes looking at the handsome and mature teenager in front of her. He looked like a main character straight out of a novel, causing her to develop a crush on him. Being a nobleman might have helped as well. Just a little bit.

"The fuck are you talking about? We're exhausted and injured. Let's just take a break." The delinquent said, whining and complaining. His friend chimed in as well.

"Exactly! How about we get a fire started and cook us up some food? That bastard over there is looking mighty tasty!"

"Oh! Great idea man!" The muscular teenager scratched his nose and pumped out his chest.

"I know, my genius astounds even me!"

"Okay, maybe not that far. Didn't Ms. Gee fail you because you forgot your name?"

"How the fuck do you remember that? Wasn't that like ten years ago? And so what? Is a name really that important?!"

The loud voices of the blonde and his friend broke their 'connection', which caused the girl to look at them venomously. She was about to insult the duo when Hathorn spoke up.

"Because all the blood from us and the Cretaer will attract other creatures. And what if the mother or father is nearby? We should leave now before they arrive." Both the delinquent and his friend looked at each, enlightened.

"Yeah, that makes sense."

"A little I guess. Shame we can't take a real break though and get a barbecue going." 

"Barbecue? Oh man, really missing your mom's cooking right about now." 

"Thanks for reminding me, dickwad."

"I live to serve, asswipe."

They started getting up with a grunt, when a noise came from behind them. As if something stepped on a branch.

Before they could turn around, two silver wolves swiftly jumped out of the bushes. Their jaws were wide open as they clamped down around both of their throats, sending them tumbling to the ground. The other two were shocked and momentarily stunned, unable to react to the three other wolves who came out of nowhere.

Only Hathorn was able to barely wake up in time and dodge, but his right arm was torn open by a wolf's claws. Unfortunately, the brown haired girl was too shocked and scared, soon pinned down by two wolves and torn apart. She tried to fight back, but her physical strength was leagues below their own. One of the wolves used their jaw to tear open her stomach and pull out her guts while the other ripped out her eyes.

"AHHH! HELP ME!" Her screams frightened Hathorn, who lost his usual cool. As much as he wanted to save her, he knew she was already gone.

Without hesitation, he turned around and ran away as fast as he could. A Yellow Aura surrounded him which increased his speed. The wolves who saw their prey run immediately chased after him. Because they were faster, they caught up in less than a minute. However, they didn't strike and were casually following behind. It almost seemed as if they were guiding him towards a certain direction.

Hathorn didn't notice this and was preoccupied with running. If it was normal, he would have caught this abnormality and known something was wrong. But his mind was consumed with fear. Although he wasn't too close to his team, being together with one another for a period of time made him have a favorable impression on them. Watching them die so horribly like that right in front of him, terrified him badly.

Suddenly, a figure popped up right next to him out of the bushes, swiping at his legs. Because he was so focused on running away, he didn't react in time and tripped. Luckily, his aura protected him from serious damage.

On one knee, he hurriedly pulled his sword out of his waist, lit it on fire, and swung it towards the wolf who tripped him. However, it nimbly jumped away like a feather. A burst of pain erupted from his back, causing him to swiftly turn and swing horizontally. Yet again, he hit nothing but air as the wolf who clawed his back had dodged.

'This is bad...'

By now, the other wolves had already arrived and encircled Hathorn who realized how terrible the situation was. They kept their distance, waiting patiently as their prey made a chestplate of fire appear on his body. Suddenly, a wolf charged at him, causing him to swing towards it. However, it stopped it's charge and jumped to the side, as if it had been planning to do so from the beginning.

At the same time, two other wolves attacked his blindspot, creating fresh new wounds on his left arm and leg. Over the course of the next few minutes, the cunning wolves constantly attacked Hathorn over and over again using this tactic. While taking no damage themselves, they whittled their prey down. Eventually, the flames on his sword and body were extinguished as he fell powerlessly to the ground.

His body was full of large wounds, each bleeding massively. The left arm was hanging on by a thread of flesh, barely connected. His breath was low and labored as he tried to keep his blurry eye open. The other was brutally ripped out and eaten. Within his darkening vision, the last thing he saw was a wolf's open jaw growing larger and larger.

'I never got to save my family. Forgive me...'

When the Silver Wolf tore off it's prey's head, it kept it within it's jaw as the others dragged the body back to the scene of the crime. Each person was dead and gone, with the first two having their throat completely ripped out. The wolves had been watching them in secret for the last hour, following the group discreetly as they carelessly walked through The Forest.

After the team had killed the Youngling Armored Cretaer, the hidden wolves knew it was the best time to strike as they were injured and tired. Not only that, but the prey had constantly demonstrated just how careless they were. Using five of them, they surrounded the team while they joked around and left one hidden just in case they ran. Everything had gone smoothly.

Every wolf there tore into the bodies, eating them halfway before leaving. One thing they did however, was grab every Storage Bag and the one Spacial Ring. Bellies full, they swiftly left the area and returned to their Den . Along the way, they would suddenly diverge out of nowhere and stay in a single place for a period of time. They made sure their scent was everywhere and easy to find before leaving once more. They did this another four times before finally arriving home.

There, they saw their young and evil Master with his head lying against the female Silver Lightning Horned Wolf's fur, who was now called Silva. They too were laying on the ground, a bad expression to her face. The wolves came up before their Master who had his eyes closed and patiently waited for him to be done.

Meanwhile, Kaido was rapidly forming stars within his body. They were bright white and filled with power as they spun quickly. When getting to the 6,000th one, it took an extra few moments but he eventually formed it smoothly. Once he did so, a vast magical pressure exploded out of his body. At the same time, a small shockwave spread out, the power throwing the nearby wolves away except Silva who used all she had to stay put.

As she sensed the pressure rolling off her Master, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of fear. It wasn't any weaker than some Medium-High Class creatures. As she saw his eyes open, she was momentarily mesmerized by those empty, yet swirling vortexes within. But she woke up and looked away, not wanting to look at him any longer. It disgusted her each time and reminded her she was now a slave to the devil.

After stretching and sighing in relief, Kaido noticed the blown away wolves that were getting up. They looked at him with fear, tails tucked between their legs. Understanding, he quickly took back his pressure and activated the technique taught by the Headmaster. It was as if he had turned into a normal person without a shred of power.

"Oh? Team 2 is already back? Come here. Hopefully you found something worthwhile." While they did so, his uniform suddenly shined brightly. It obstructed his vision for a few seconds before disappearing. In it's place was a tighter robe, now a beautiful dark green.

"Not too shabby. Quite nice even." Satisfied with his new fashion, Kaido took the Storage Bags and Spacial Ring from the wolves mouths. He casually waved his hand, not even glancing at them as he shooed them away.

"Go for another hunt, strictly food this time. Avoid any students for the next few days." They nodded and ran off to complete their mission.

Kaido quickly went through the Bags as he thought about his current actions. At the moment, he had divided the forty eight male Silver Wolves into eight separate Teams. Each Team would have six wolves who would work together to take down any exhausted or injured student and steal their belongings.

He specifically instructed them not to engage with a target if they seemed completely fine, as they might get injured themselves or even die. Thus far, there have been no problems but he knew it was only a matter of time. As for the females and Silva, their job was to guard both the Den and the cubs. Though, there was one less cub when Kaido returned.

As for why he was doing this, there were two parts. The first is to let the wolves get used to fighting against humans. Eventually, he wants them to 'take care' of any student that needs to go away in an 'unfortunate accident'. Second were the Storage Bags which he hoped would contain useful items. 

"Couple of Cores, decent herbs for Alchemy, oh? Fire Lizard's Bane and Hibernating Cave Mandrake? Good find! Even Patho-Steel? This'll be good for the collar. Wait a moment..."

"Muscular Oil for Men? Hair dye? And… a porn magazine?" He pulled the thin magazine out of a certain delinquent's Bag. On the cover was a scantily dressed female Dark Elf, her nipples barely covered by the tiny bikini she wore.

While Light Elves had generally petite bodies with small assets, Dark Elves were the complete opposite. Each one of them had massive breasts and fat jigglely asses with a sadistic and sexual aura around them. One thing they both shared in common though, were otherworldly and stunning appearances far above any other race. It was generally for this reason Slavers would target them since they sold at such a high price.

Kaido opened up the magazine and flipped through the pages, just in case anything was hidden here. Though, he did so reluctantly. Silva who watched this, looked on with curiosity. Suddenly she was startled as her Master burnt the entire magazine with fire.

"Trash. Now, let's see what else we got" Searching through the last Bag, Kaido was about to give up after finding the fifth nail polish when he saw something. It was so incredulous it made his eyes widen to cartoon levels.

"Fucking dildo? What is wrong with these people?" In his hands was an XL Blue Dragon, a 13 inch dildo popular with perverted women. It had rubbery spikes and bumps all over the surface designed for maximum pleasure. The dildo itself was shaped exactly like a Dragon's phallus and even had the ballsack.

"No wonder they died with such nonsense inside their Bags." Kaido shook his head as he mocked them, burning the dildo in his hands with fire. Hearing his words, Silva reluctantly agreed with her Master. From what she saw, such unprepared people deserved their deaths.

"Spacial Rings are expensive, so don't let me down." Sending his consciousness within, Kaido was a little stunned. It was neat and orderly, with each corner dedicated to a specific resource.

For example, there was a corner simply for currency such as copper, silver, and gold which is for the common people. Directly next to it was a neat pile of Mana Crystals, the currency used by both Knights and Mages. Kaido didn't need money, but no one would turn down free cash.

As for the Cores, he saw a few Low Class and one which was on the cusp of becoming Medium Class. He wouldn't take a single one of them, instead giving them to the Silver Wolves. The reason he did this was to strengthen them up so they could better hunt for him.

"Much improved than the previous retards. I wonder if he was a nobleman-" He answered his own question when finding a grey nameplate, 'Iron-Guard'.

"The Iron-Guards? I know of them, the sword and shield of Caruuso Kingdom. Famous for holding back a Monster Horde for two straight months and saving the Kingdom. Though, I've heard they've come into some hard times recently. Especially with the newer generation unable to replace the old."

Kaido chuckled a bit as he played with the nameplate. Such a thing had happened to his own family once, over thirty thousand years ago. During that time, their family was at it's weakest stage, with only four Demi-Gods and two dozen 11th Stars. It was a dark time for them. However, it didn't last for too long and they reclaimed their place as one of the strongest families in the world.

As for the nameplate, he chose to keep it for now. It might come in handy later on if he develops a rather high-level shape shifting spell. Kaido threw everything he wanted to keep inside his Storage Room and rested his head on Silva's fur. He could feel the disgust roll off her, but he simply chuckled.

"A shame about the points." Kaido sighed to himself, shaking his head from side to side at the loss.

The reason he didn't steal the points from the uniform's was because even if no one notices at first, people would eventually see the problem. His points suddenly jumped by a thousand, and little Timmy over there died and lost a thousand. Even though he despised people and thought them morons, he wouldn't take such a risk.

Not only that, but the Academy had a force called the Retrievers. These people, who are all minimum 6th Stars, go into The Forest whenever a student is recorded to have died and fetch the body to return to the family. The Academy gets alerted every time a student has died through their Life Plates, which was connected via their uniform when they arrived on the first day.

As for the Jagged Snake, the Academy was truly at fault. They were aware of something happening, but were simply slow to respond. That was the reason Farsi was there to catch Melissa, because he and some instructors were sent to deal with the threat.

This was also why Kaido had instructed the wolves to only partially eat the body, to give the impression it was simply a wild monster attack. However, he was sure they would be suspicious of the Storage Bags, Sub-Space Backpacks, and Spacial Rings going missing every time. Which was why he had to space out every kill. Though, it was inevitable some eyebrows would be raised in the future.

Suddenly, his phone began to ring inside of his Storage Room, a familiar name on the screen. Taking it out, he casually replied with a smile.

"Yes father?" Out of nowhere the loud voice of Jaxith made Kaido move the phone away.

"Great news Kaido! Joyous and amazing news! Wawawawa!" Clearly, his father was beyond happy. After waiting almost two minutes of that loud and strange laughing, he finally brought his phone back to his ear.

"What might that be?"

"Your grandfather has finally, finally, become a Demi-God! He's only 3,853 years old too! He still has thousands of years ahead of him!" Kaido was ecstatic at this new information. His grandfather was someone he always liked because of the stories he told when Kaido was younger.

"That's fantastic news! I imagine grandfather is quite happy right now."

"Damn straight he is! We're going to be holding a celebration for the old man in a few days, even the other fossils will make an appearance! Well, those on this Continent anyway."

The old fossils his father was referring to were the other Demi-Gods in their family. In total, including his grandfather, they now had fifty one of them. Then there's counting the Demi-God monsters and beasts inside the Ominous Woods, which were under their control. Though, their numbers were far smaller and only around twelve.

In comparison, the Imperial Family only had four less, on the surface at least. There was a reason why the Vairathuls were recognized as one of the strongest in the world. Even without The Great Empire, they would be ranked top five easily. Especially since almost each member was basically invincible within their own Rank.

"Oh, by the way. Your grandfather said he wanted to meet the rising star of our family. He'll be making a trip to the City of New Beginnings after the celebration and some personal business he said he had to take care of. He'll probably arrive in a week or two? Something like that. Make sure you answer his call, or he'll break down the Academy walls and whisk you away." Kaido chuckled, happiness in him as he replied.

"Is he? Good, it's been years since we last talked." The two of them spoke for a few more minutes before hanging up.

Kaido looked up at the sky, a smile on his face as he watched the clouds move slowly.

"Everything is going perfect. Oh…" He made a strange face as he scratched his nose.

"Hope I didn't jinx myself." Unknown to him, the little Golden Eyeball still watching him seemed to giggle lightly. As if they knew something.

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