Evil Samurai In Cultivation World

Chapter 111: Real Reason

"Senior! Why are you staying behind? I thought you wanted to show me how great you were!" Claude, who had defeated the four lackeys, said with a sinister smile as he looked at Ian, who felt a cold shiver run down his spine when he heard his voice.

Although he was two ranks higher than Claude, Ian couldn't help but feel that continuing to fight Claude was not a wise action.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you! I'm just going to hurt you really badly!" But before Ian could say anything, Claude's figure disappeared from the spot where he stood and reappeared right on top of Ian, his katana swinging downwards as Ian tried to block the attack!

"You're going to regret attacking me!" Ian, who realized that he couldn't reason with Claude, gritted his teeth and summoned his saber, narrowly able to block Claude's powerful strike!


There was a loud boom in the air, which resulted in dust and debris flying everywhere, and Ian was flung backwards, taking a few steps before he stabilized himself on the ground. 

He looked at his right arm which he had used to hold the saber and realized that it was trembling violently; not due to fear but due to the immense power that was present in Claude's strike. It wasn't something that Ian could handle with ease. He wasn't even sure if he could take on the attack a second time!

"Huh? senior? I think you made a mistake. Perhaps you judged my position wrongly and jumped over there, but as you can see, I'm right here!" A voice came out of the whirlpool of dust as a figure walked out, revealing Claude, who was staring at Ian.

His indifferent face revealed a crafty smile as he pointed at Ian and spoke, "Or perhaps, you got scared? Is that it, senior? But that couldn't be true, right? Did you actually get scared of your junior disciple?"

Enraged and frustrated by what was happening, Ian turned his gaze towards the spot where Claude was standing, and a burst of deadly aura began emitting from his body, revealing killing intent with his eyes burning with hatred as he spoke, "You think this is over? Think again!"


As soon as he finished speaking, countless blade lights that were emitting saber qi manifested in the air silently and shot forward, hacking the air apart, heading in Claude's direction, who simply smiled in response.

"Now that's what I'm talking about! I was hoping that you wouldn't give up that easily. There'd be no fun in that!" Claude laughed loudly as behind him, countless astral blade lights manifested, shooting towards the saber lights that were aiming for Claude, colliding with them!

A loud explosion occurred, creating strong gusts of wind that blew up the dirt on the ground as dust filled the air surrounding them. 

Claude's voice echoed in the dust filled air, "You know, there really isn't a problem with talking big about yourself. You just have to be able to back it up!"


Claude's figure flashed forward through the dust and debris filled air and rushed towards Ian, reappearing right in front of him, causing Ian to freeze for just a split second. Claude sensed it and used the chance to whip his fist, reinforced with body strengthening technique, right into his chest, hammering a heavy blow onto him viciously!


The huge force slammed into Ian and his internal organs were all shaken, and he could not help but vomit a mouthful of blood. He gasped for air as he lost his balance and went down on to his knees, and Claude immediately jammed his palm onto Ian's face and smashed his head down as he executed the palm strike!


The impact of Claude's attack was so powerful that Ian hit the ground and bounced back into the air like a rag doll, handing motionless in the air for a brief second before crashing down on the ground once again, unconscious.

The spectators were deathly silent.

The crowd of disciples who were watching the fight between Ian and Claude, now stared at Claude, dumbfounded by what just happened.

"Don't worry, he's not dead.." Claude muttered as he stepped over the unconscious body of Ian Jefferson, and began walking towards the Headmaster's residence as if there was nothing wrong. "But it would be better if you get him to a medicinal doctor though..."


The new Headmaster was sitting on the balcony of his residence, taking a sip of tea as he watched the commotion that was happening in the Inner Disciple Division.

A smile appeared on his face as he placed the cup down after taking a sip, looking at the figure of the young man who was fast approaching his residence with intrigue in his eyes.

Elder Kenneth, who was now serving as an attendant to the Headmaster, was standing next to him and let out a light laugh, "I always thought that this boy, Ian Jefferson, was too much of a bully. He always thought that he was special, even after losing to those who were more talented than him, writing it off by simply telling himself that it was because he was younger. I wonder, what kind of lies would he tell himself this time around?"

"Although I think that Claude was a bit too ruthless, perhaps this might exactly be what Ian needs to open his eyes to the truth. He's arrogant because he's been spoiled by his parents since birth, and sooner or later, he needs to learn that he's the one who needs to change, and not others. If he comes to the realization that the problem resides within himself, then he can work on himself to become better." The new Headmaster took another sip of tea as he looked at the fast approaching boy with a gaze that was as deep as still water.

Elder Kenneth glanced at Claude for a second and then turned his gaze towards the Headmaster, "Master, should I leave the two of you alone?"

The Headmaster nodded his head and spoke expressionlessly, "It would be much appreciated."

"Very well." Elder Kenneth nodded his head as he disappeared, leaving only an afterimage. 

"You can come in. I am on the balcony," The Headmaster whispered softly, and his voice was amplified through the air using his spiritual energy, and reached the ears of Claude Rayforth, who was about to knock on his front door. 

The whisper caught him off guard for a second before he realised that it was the Headmaster's amplified voice, and he opened the door without knocking, entering the Headmaster's residence.

As he had not moved to the previous Headmaster's residence, which was above the faculty building, he was still residing in his old residence. 

Without wasting any time, Claude walked up to the balcony of the building, where he found the new Headmaster sitting on a beautifully crafted wooden chair and sipping tea as he stared at the surrounding area.

"So, did you make a decision?" The headmaster turned his head and looked at Claude. "Are you ready to take on the role of a leader?"

"I did think about it," Claude nodded his head, and he continued. "And I think I'll take on the role only if the position of the leader isn't really a position."

"What do you mean?" The Headmaster tilted his head to the side, confused by Claude's words. 

"Create a tournament to decide who is the better martial artist and cultivator rather than to decide who the leader should be," Claude said as he folded his arms. "It's not likely that everyone would be on board with someone being the leader just because he's the best cultivator among them. The position of the leader should come naturally, as it is how most people would accept it. Being the better cultivator would give you an edge over others, but it doesn't make it a sure thing." 

Claude then turned his gaze towards the Headmaster and continued, "And besides, if it is not a position that's announced to everyone, then it wouldn't be a big deal if I chose to step down from being a leader if I really wanted to either. After all, it wasn't a real position."

"Why do I feel like that was the real reason for your request?" The Headmaster let out a soft chuckle and Claude shrugged his shoulders in response, answering the Headmaster's question with an indifferent voice. "I just don't wish to be dragged down by a position. I prefer to have control over my actions."

"I can see that," The Headmaster nodded his head with a smile as he spoke. "Very well. I shall grant your request. But I need you to give it your all and not simply half-a*s it."

"I'll try my best," Claude nodded his head, and the Headmaster leaned back and turned around to gaze at the surroundings as he grabbed his teacup, waving his hands towards Claude, motioning him to leave.

Claude bowed his head and immediately left the residence, leaving the Headmaster alone.

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