Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

Chapter 11: A Morning of training.*

The early morning was thick with new beginnings, but also a subtle sense of unease. Today marked a shift in my life, one where my family was no longer part of the routine that shaped my mornings. Luyira, my younger sibling, seemed downcast, his usual spark dulled by the absence, while our mother remained mysteriously calm, as though she knew something the rest of us did not. There was always something up her sleeve, a quiet secret lying just beneath her serene surface.

Walking alongside royalty now, with Princess Sasari and the ever-enigmatic Holy Mary, felt surreal. It was even stranger when Mary, in her soft yet commanding voice, requested I drop the formality of calling her "saint" in private. Her tone was gentle, but her eyes conveyed a deep understanding of power dynamics, the kind one could not ignore. The whole atmosphere felt heavy with unspoken things, mysteries lingering in the air as we arrived at the training camp earlier than usual, a shift from the familiar afternoon routines.

King Arthur’s announcement that the focus would now be on combat experience rather than theory stung a bit. I felt vulnerable, exposed without Destroyer by my side. My entire fighting strategy leaned heavily on distance combat, relying on the safety that Destroyer's presence once afforded me. And now, in this new chapter, that security was missing. A creeping realization settled in—I could bleed, while my mother and Luyira never would. They were untouchable, in ways I never could be.

As if to unsettle me further, Alidia made an offhand comment about my attire, her words cryptic, as though something was hidden in plain sight. My mind buzzed with unease.

"Why all the secrecy, then?" I asked, voice edged with frustration.

Destroyer’s voice, emanating from the armor I had come to rely on, responded with calm authority. "The secret is necessary to protect your instincts and ensure your safety. As the saint mentioned, you’re still learning to control your powers. If you're not careful, a calamity could occur."

Luyira’s voice broke the tension. "Why can't you always be by his side?" His tone was tender, almost pleading.

Destroyer sighed, a sound both metallic and sorrowful. "I have my own limitations, ones I cannot overcome. Just as a Retter Messiah cannot feel malicious intent or harm living beings."

Sasari, ever curious, tilted her head, her sharp mind always seeking loopholes. "If Retter Messiahs can’t kill, then what about eating? I’ve seen Saint Mary cook plenty of times."

"Ah," Destroyer replied, his voice carrying the weight of ancient knowledge. "Eating is different. When you consume something that was once alive, it's a necessary act of survival. Someone I once knew used to say that evil is the force to survive, while good is the force to live. True happiness comes from balancing the two. But if either becomes too much, if it causes harm, then they twist into something destructive."

Sasari’s brows furrowed, deep in thought. "Can goodness have a dark side?"

Luyira, always one to lighten a mood, grinned. "Ah, my young princess, that's the delicate dance of yin and yang."

I couldn’t help but add my own thoughts, my voice quieter, more reflective. "It's not just about good and evil. As Destroyer said, too much of anything can lead to destruction."

Luyira, ever the playful spirit, winked at me. "Except too much of you, Aido. That could never be a bad thing."

Sasari chuckled softly, the tension easing as we fell into our usual banter. But her curiosity wasn't easily sated. "It’s fascinating," she mused. "How Destroyer embodies both a sturdy man and transforms into this armor, each piece of clothing playing a vital role. It's like magic."

Destroyer’s voice, warm with amusement, rumbled from within the armor. "As an immortal, I’ve had much time to learn many things. Magic, yes, but also wisdom that doesn’t reveal itself easily."

Luyira, ever the theatrical one, began to move his hands in delicate, semicircular gestures, his fingers weaving invisible patterns as he whispered the word, "Magic," in a soft, almost reverent tone.

"Or," I said, trying to ground the conversation, "we could acknowledge that much of what we consider magic is just technology, remnants of a time long past, shrouded in mystery."

Javier, standing nearby, interjected. "That’s why recovering lost knowledge is vital. There’s so much we don’t understand, like the androids in the industrial zone. When they break down, we may lose them forever because we don’t know how to fix them. And that’s tragic, my dear Sasari."

Sasari nodded, her expression solemn. "I do understand the gravity of it."

Luyira, in his usual teasing manner, suddenly turned his attention back to me. "You know, Sasari, you look remarkably like an older version of Aido. Can you change your apparent age?"

Sasari, ever poised, smiled faintly. "What age do you identify with, Destroyer?"

Destroyer’s voice hummed with ancient knowledge. "That is a fascinating question. I exist outside of time. Aging, as you understand it, doesn’t apply to me. I recall numbers, yes, but they hold no meaning for a being like me. I am not of flesh but of armor—an entity timeless, immortal, and ageless."

The air around the training grounds was heavy with a mixture of anticipation and routine, a day poised between the familiar and the unknown. Alidia, her expression thoughtful, broke the silence as she pondered aloud, her voice steady but laced with curiosity.

"Why are you unable to harness your abilities, Destroyer? How do you grasp the notion of wickedness when you are not alive? Your senses are different from ours. How do you understand the subtleties of something as simple as dining—the timing, the ritual of it?"

Destroyer's response came with the weight of hidden knowledge, his voice calm and controlled as it resonated from the armor that encased him. "At present, I cannot access my abilities because it is not yet the appropriate moment to reveal them, my lord. Adjustments may have been made to my functionality for reasons I do not fully comprehend. I have a specific role to fulfill within the larger design, and patience is required. The opportune moment will come."

I couldn’t help but smirk at the absurdity of it all. "The bizarre sight of my talking clothes has become so normalized that few even bat an eye anymore at how sophisticated and adult-like the voices sound. Even the king’s tone feels less formal compared to theirs."

Luyira, always ready to inject some levity, grinned and added with a flourish of his hand, "It’s like telepathy! You can sense the vibrations of his voice. それはたんに素晴らしいです!" (It’s simply amazing!)

I nodded in agreement. "That’s true. I can hear the vibrations in my skull; it’s not quite like spoken words, but close enough for me to understand."

King Arthur, who had been listening quietly, chuckled as he weighed in. "Within the walls of the academy and the palace, Destroyer is a well-known figure, almost like an android to those who’ve seen him. For your year group, though, he's more familiar as your armor, so the idea of ‘talking clothes’ doesn't seem as strange. I’ve seen your mother and Frenia in battle enough times to know that their power can make even the strongest warriors’ legs tremble. There's little that surprises me now."

As we continued walking, I became keenly aware of the royal presence beside me. Mary, as on other occasions, was holding onto my arm, her warmth oddly comforting. Luyira mirrored her, always by my side, his hand lightly resting on my shoulder. Alidia, meanwhile, strolled beside the king and queen, her quiet contemplation adding an air of mystery. We were moments away from reuniting with the rest of the students, and despite the familiarity of it all, there was a strange undercurrent to the day—something unsettled.

Mary broke the silence with an almost playful boast, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "I have the power to leave you breathless in awe!" she declared with a grin.

Luyira, never missing an opportunity to tease, leaned in with a playful smirk. "Only for your looks! You’re so cute when you blush."

Mary’s cheeks flushed, and she swatted at him lightly. "Ahhhh, you’re always the tease!"

The whole royal family broke into laughter, the sound lightening the weight that had hung in the air moments before.

"The young saint Mary is trying to hide her embarrassment," Luyira teased again, his voice full of amusement. Even Mary couldn’t suppress her smile.

As we approached the cluster of students, the familiar figures of Sakura and Carlos came sprinting towards us, adding a touch of predictability to the moment. "Sakura, my love!" Sakura’s voice rang out as she launched herself into Luyira’s arms. He caught her effortlessly, lifting her with the kind of ease and affection that bordered on paternal.

"Now the morning feels complete," she said, grinning down at him.

Everyone’s attention turned toward them, curious but not surprised. Their customary exchange had become something of a daily ritual, and I couldn't help but wonder if there was more between them than just friendly affection. The way Luyira’s eyes softened when he looked at her, the subtle tension in the way Sakura teased him—there was more there, lurking beneath the surface. With Luyira, I sensed something deeper, but with Sakura, there was a blend of lust and affection, a complicated knot of emotions she was either too shy or too bold to untangle.

"You look radiant as always!" Sakura exclaimed, still wrapped in Luyira’s arms.

Luyira grinned, his playful charm in full force. "Thank you, my sweet. You look beautiful as ever."

"You two have such an interesting dynamic," I remarked, watching their easy rapport.




Sakura, now standing back on solid ground, gave Luyira a sly smile. "Luyira, it’s a pleasure to see you again."

He raised an eyebrow. "And why wouldn’t it be? It’s not like I’ve gone anywhere."

She laughed, a bright, infectious sound. "Of course not, but it’s good to know that we’re together again. Right, Carlos?"

Carlos, always the steady presence, nodded. "Yeah. You don’t realize how much you miss a routine until you can’t do it. The important thing is, everything’s fine now."

Sakura, her mischievous grin returning, teased, "But why didn’t you invite us? I could’ve had a delicious breakfast with you. Now I’m starving!"

Luyira chuckled. "Don’t worry. If you want, we can share something. The kitchen staff can always prepare something."

Sakura beamed. "Oh, thank you! You’re the best!"

"But you know," Luyira added with a mock-serious tone, "you’ve got to learn to eat without relying on others all the time."

Sakura pouted dramatically. "But that’s your job!"

Luyira sighed in mock exasperation. "I’m not always going to be around, you know."

"Ahhhh, you’re so mean," Sakura whined, though her smile never faded.

Carlos chimed in, ever the voice of reason. "Don’t worry, Sakura. You know how things are. We’ve got a busy day ahead, so we’ll have something soon."

"It’s not the same!" Sakura replied, half-joking, half-serious. Then her eyes fell on Destroyer, still standing at my side. Her expression shifted from playful to wide-eyed curiosity. "Wait, is that him? Destroyer... he’s here today?"

Her wonder-filled gaze swept over the armor, her voice filled with awe. I could see it—the same mixture of amazement and fear that Destroyer evoked in everyone, even those who knew him well.

Princess Sasari tilted her head, her eyes narrowing with curiosity. "How did you know who we are? We haven't introduced ourselves yet."

Sakura, always quick with a response, gave a small laugh, though her voice was a bit uncertain. "Ah… it’s because it’s easy to identify you all. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen people like you, and the Saint is our home teacher now."

Destroyer, standing tall and silent as ever, broke his silence with an approving tone. "A good answer."

Carlos, still trying to wrap his head around Destroyer’s presence, spoke up next. "So you’re the Destroyer? You look like one of our uniforms. Aido, you’re wearing him for today’s training?"

Alidia, my mother, turned her attention to the group, her voice firm and commanding as always. "That’s right. Listen, everyone! As you can see, the royals will also be joining us for training today. I’m sure that teacher Alfredo and teacher Irma have already mentioned that starting today, we’ll be having practical classes far more frequently to prepare you. What you weren’t told—but should keep in mind—is that this isn’t just an exam. You might have heard people refer to it as a ‘rank exam,’ but it’s much more than that. It’s always been a way to see who is truly capable of protecting a territory. Until now, we’ve had only a few who didn’t possess the qualities of hunters, but times are changing. We need not only protectors but adventurers, more than ever."

As she spoke, we walked into the group of students, the tension in the air noticeable as the royals—King Arthur, Queen Jessica, and even the princess—took their places among us, dressed in the practical hunters' clothes and armor. I hadn’t expected the queen, princess, and Marceline to participate, and seeing them now only added to the gravity of the day.

Teacher Irma’s voice cut through the quiet murmurs of the students. "This is not a competition," she reminded us, her tone serious, "but it won’t be easy. The more we can train, the better. If there’s any way to improve our abilities—or even our weapons—now is the perfect time."

Teacher Alfredo, ever the encouraging one, chimed in. "That’s why I’m glad to see you’ve made good use of the materials we’ve provided. But there’s always more to learn."

Then, Alidia posed a question to the group, her voice a mix of challenge and instruction. "Who here knows what magic is?"

A student eagerly raised their hand and replied, "Magic is a science we don’t fully understand yet, but we’re able to use it."

Alidia smiled, her gaze sweeping across the gathered students. "That’s right. Many of you have heard the stories of how we came to know magic exists in our world, when, in ancient times, it didn’t seem to exist."

Francisco, one of the more diligent students, spoke up, reciting what he had learned. "Several centuries ago, a blacksmith was crafting tools, and the flame of his forge grew weak. He began to wish for more heat, and without adding more material, the metal began to heat up on its own."

Alidia nodded, gesturing for him to continue. "For some reason, visualization is important for magic—or, as you’ll later learn, for many things. Go on."

Francisco continued, "The blacksmith, realizing what had happened and remembering old stories, tried to summon fire from his hands like a hero from legends. Though he could feel something happening, it wasn’t until he thought of reciting a spell that things changed. He said, ‘I command nature to listen to my request, and to form flares from my hands.’ But the result wasn’t what he expected. Instead of flames projecting outward, they formed inside his hands, causing severe injuries. Luckily, he lived in the capital and sought out an audience with the Saint to heal his wounds."


Saint Mary, who had been listening quietly until now, nodded in agreement. "That’s right. The young blacksmith came to us with an unbelievable story, unlike anything we had heard before."

Alidia took over again, her voice calm but intense. "The truth is, no one believed him at first. No one had ever heard of magic before. But when the Saint examined him, she saw his injuries were real and noticed something even more significant—his vital signs were erratic."

Mary stepped forward, her voice gentle yet filled with ancient wisdom. "Most people have energy radiating from their bodies. The healthier a person is, the stronger that energy becomes."

Destroyer added, his voice deep and thoughtful, "Vitality is the essence of all living things."

Alidia continued. "However, the blacksmith had less vitality than a noble, which shouldn’t have been the case. This was the first sign that something had changed."

Teacher Irma, standing off to the side, spoke up. "Everyone is born with the same amount of vitality, though it grows with time and experience. However, there are exceptions."

Mary, her expression serious, finished the thought. "In the blacksmith’s case, he had depleted some of his vitality without realizing it."

Alidia’s voice softened as she recalled the key moment in history. "That was when we knew the world had shifted. But what surprised everyone the most was what the Saint said after healing him."

Mary’s voice was soft but carried an eerie weight. "His energy was erratic, yet his will was strong, driven by desire. Though the injury wasn’t life-threatening, it was incredibly dangerous for him to have attempted such magic without guidance."

Alidia continued, her voice taking on a darker tone. "The blacksmith, still eager to prove himself, asked the Saint to observe him again. This time, he altered his spell, being more specific: ‘To the power of nature, listen to my request. Let flares form beyond the palms of my hands.’"

Mary smiled faintly. "Incredibly, flames erupted from his palms, just like a flamethrower. He was overjoyed that it worked."

"But," Alidia added, her eyes narrowing, "when the Saint checked him afterward, his vital energy had been consumed even more. He was tired, and though the flames were impressive, they were hardly useful for a blacksmith. His magic had a price."


Alidia stood before the group, her gaze sweeping across the gathered students, royalty, and teachers. "So, when you hear the blacksmith’s story, what do you think?"

Sakura, always one to speak her mind, rolled her eyes slightly before answering. "That was silly. If the blacksmith wasn’t a noble, he probably didn’t have much vital energy and put his life at risk for no reason."

Alidia nodded approvingly, a small smile forming on her lips. "Exactly, my child. It does seem foolish, doesn’t it? But fortunately, with some rest and food, the blacksmith recovered. Still, he could only manage one to three spells before risking his life. However, there was something special about him. Can anyone tell me what that was?"

Carlos raised his hand, his voice confident. "It’s because he was able to use magic without any prior knowledge—something no one else had done until that moment."

Santa Mary, standing to the side, suddenly beamed and raised her voice in a playful shout. "Give this boy a beer and pleasures!"

The group was taken aback, staring at her in surprise. For a moment, Mary’s calm, saintly demeanor had cracked, revealing a more relaxed, almost mischievous side. Despite her outburst, her aura remained serene and powerful, unshaken by the display of personality. Laughter spread through the crowd, breaking the formal tension.

Alidia, unfazed, continued. "That’s right, Carlos. And that’s not the only thing that made him unique. What else?"

Carlos, encouraged by Mary’s reaction, responded quickly. "He was a commoner, and his magic was extremely rare. That’s what made it so remarkable."

"Exactly," Alidia said. "And how do you think the people reacted when they heard what he’d done?"

Francisco, always thoughtful, replied, "The world hadn’t changed yet, and there wasn’t a way to confirm whether what the blacksmith did was a miracle or something caused by the Saint herself."

Alidia smiled again. "Yes, that’s exactly right. It wasn’t until later that others began to demonstrate magic. Even then, it was rare, but the door had been opened."

As Alidia spoke, I noticed a shift in the air. Mary, standing silently at the edge of the group, stepped away from the crowd. Without a word, she raised her hands, and enormous flames erupted from her palms. The fire blazed outward in an impressive arc, bright and fierce. She hadn’t spoken any spell, nor made any dramatic gesture. Everyone, including me, was stunned into silence, their wide-eyed gazes locked on the Saint.

"Wow!" gasped someone in the crowd. "Amazing!"


The collective awe was almost tangible as Mary let the flames die down, her expression serene once more. She raised her arms again, and this time a glowing orb of light began to form between her hands. It grew quickly, expanding until it was the size of a person, floating effortlessly before her.

"Here we go!" she said with a playful grin, and the ball of light shot upward into the sky, disappearing into the clouds like an arrow.

The group was left speechless for a moment, before Alidia’s voice broke through the astonished silence. "Now, what’s the difference between the two spells?"

Francisco, quick on his feet, answered first. "I think the first one was an attack spell."

Sakura, her eyes still wide with amazement, added her own thoughts. "The second one seems like a detection spell, maybe something to help you avoid getting lost, like a beacon."

Alidia nodded thoughtfully. "Good guesses. But let me ask you this—what do you think the first spell really was?"

One student raised their hand tentatively. "I think it was just a spell to create flames."

"Close, but not quite," Alidia responded, her tone patient. "The key difference between the two, aside from their appearance, is the energy system each one used. In the first spell, Saint Mary consumed her own vitality as fuel to produce the flames. In the second spell, she used her boundless internal energy—a much simpler and more potent source."

Alidia paused, letting the students absorb her words before continuing. "Notice that in both cases, she didn’t need to utter any specific incantations, aside from ‘Here we go.’ So what does that suggest?"

Luyira, who had been quiet until now, raised an eyebrow. "Maybe spells don’t always require verbal commands?"

Alidia smiled, but her expression suggested there was more to it. "That’s part of it. But there’s more to consider."

Destroyer, who had remained stoic throughout, spoke up, his voice a low, reverberating hum. "The essence of spellcasting lies in the visualization of energy manipulation. In the first spell, Saint Mary sought external assistance to transmute the energy she provided, drawing on an enigmatic system to create the flames. In the second, she used her own internal reservoir of energy, converting it directly. It’s a delicate balance—one governed by the laws of conservation. While her vitality is nearly inexhaustible, it can still be affected by emotional strain."

His voice carried a weight of ancient knowledge as he continued. "In either scenario, she was the wellspring from which the spells drew power. The first spell relied on an external mechanism to channel that power, while the second was pure, controlled energy manipulation. For most, such feats would seem impossible, but for her, it is simply an extension of her mastery over the forces at her disposal."

The group fell silent, the weight of Destroyer’s words hanging in the air like a tangible force. The students exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of awe and contemplation. The demonstration had revealed just how deep and complex the nature of magic was, something far beyond the simple stories they had been told as children. The world was more vast and full of mysteries than they had ever imagined.

The students stood in a growing sense of intrigue, their minds buzzing with the possibilities Destroyer had hinted at—casting spells without words, harnessing one’s own energy system to achieve incredible feats. The notion of manipulating energy without the traditional forms of magic was stirring something deeper in all of them. They were beginning to see magic as more than just incantations and spells, but as an extension of their own internal strength.

Alidia, ever the teacher, pressed the lesson further. "As Destroyer mentioned, both types of magic seem similar, but let’s consider what would happen in a place where this magic system doesn’t exist. In that case, you wouldn’t be able to use the external magic you’re accustomed to. However, if the magic comes from within you—your own system transforming your energy into a result—then you could still perform feats, even without the external system to assist you. This takes time to learn, and not everyone is expected to master it. In fact, only two individuals are expected to harness this fully."

Her gaze landed on me and my brother, Luyira. She was talking about us—the Retter Messiahs. The moment she said it, I could feel the weight of expectation settle over me. If Mary could do it, Luyira could do it. And me? I wasn’t so sure. But every time I wore Destroyer, there was a strange confidence that flowed into me, as if confirming I had the same potential. We all had the same energy, but it manifested differently in each of us. The way we used it might be the same, but the end results varied. This was why we had to train—there was no shortcut to mastery.

Destroyer’s voice rumbled through the air, filled with the timeless patience of one who had seen countless lessons like this unfold. "Right now, it doesn’t matter why the system is here. We can use it, and that’s what matters."

Saint Mary, now back to her serene self, added her insight. "Despite the methods we currently use, they have proven to be insufficient. Those with extraordinary gifts, like mine or Frenia’s, are rare. Each person has strengths in different areas. I excel in healing, while Frenia is more skilled in battle."

Alidia turned to the group, her voice shifting from instructional to a playful challenge. "Let’s test this out in a practical experiment. I need a volunteer—someone with courage, an open mind, unshakable determination, and no fear."

Before she could finish, Luyira’s hand shot up, her voice bubbling with excitement. "Pick me! Me, me, me!" She jumped up and down, waving eagerly, her boundless energy radiating from her in waves. There was something infectious about her enthusiasm, and even though she often played the fool, there was no one more fearless when it came to these kinds of challenges.

Alidia smiled, a warm yet knowing expression. "Luyira, you possess incredible resilience, nearly impervious to harm, but physically, you're not as strong as most of the others here. Your abilities are impressive, only second to Aido’s, but your speed is just above that of an average citizen. While you're stronger than you appear, and your rabbit-like features mask that strength, your agility is like that of a regular person. Why do you think that is?"

Luyira grinned, unfazed by the slight critique. "Because I don’t need more than that."

Alidia laughed, nodding. "Exactly. As long as you’re content with it, your body doesn’t need to show more than you believe is necessary."

Luyira’s expression turned mischievous. "Then why should I push myself more?"

Alidia’s eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Because we’re on the verge of unlocking a path that could take you to the heights of the elite SS hunters. Watch closely, everyone."

She strode over to the arsenal and retrieved a large, sturdy shield. The moment she took it in hand, an imperceptible glow surrounded her. It was a subtle yet undeniable aura of protection, though many in the group couldn’t see it. The energy radiating from the shield seemed almost alive.

Alidia positioned herself in a defensive stance, holding the shield in front of her. "Channel your inner strength, Luyira, as you always do. Focus on the shield and try to push me back. But be warned—any malice in your intent will only weaken you, just as it always has."

Luyira’s eyes gleamed with excitement. "Let’s do this!"

She lunged forward, her fists swinging with a force that defied her small frame. The impact echoed across the training grounds, a loud thud resonating from the clash. But Alidia didn’t move an inch, and neither did the shield.

Luyira, momentarily stunned, looked up at Alidia, her brow furrowed in confusion. Alidia, unimpressed, shook her head slowly. "This won’t do. We need to raise the stakes."

A sly grin spread across Alidia’s face as she added, "If you can’t break through the shield, you’ll be without Aido’s company for the next 48 hours."

Luyira’s eyes widened in horror. "WHAT?!"

Alidia continued with a glint in her eye, teasing her even further. "That’s right. Mary will get all of Aido’s attention—romantic dates, sweet moments, everything. Kiss, kiss."

The students erupted into laughter, some pointing at me as I felt my face flush with embarrassment. Luyira was fuming, her eyes blazing with a playful yet determined fury.

Without another word, she sprinted toward the shield again, this time unleashing a punch with far more force. I could feel the shift in the air around us—the pressure changing with the sheer power of her blow. A shockwave rippled outward from the impact, but once again, the shield remained unscathed. Alidia didn’t budge, not even a fraction.

Even though Luyira didn’t usually demonstrate super strength, I knew her rage could unlock incredible power. I’d seen her lift objects weighing several tons, yet now, even her most forceful attack hadn’t made a dent. It was like witnessing a strange paradox—her seemingly small, delicate body capable of so much, yet unable to breach Alidia’s defenses.

Luyira sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping in frustration. "It didn’t work."

Alidia’s curiosity was piqued. "What didn’t work?"

Luyira hesitated for a moment, before shaking her head and muttering, "Nothing."

Despite her failure to break through, I could see the determination still burning in her eyes. This was far from over. As the other students murmured among themselves, I couldn’t help but feel that this was only the beginning—both for Luyira, and for me.

Alidia watched Luyira closely, her gaze piercing through the playful bravado as she sought to uncover the truth behind what had just happened. "That’s not true, Luyira," she countered, her voice firm but patient. "In a typical scenario, a solid hit would at least send something flying. So why didn’t it this time?"

The group of students fell silent, mulling over the question. They knew that no ordinary attack could pierce a Retter Messiah’s defense, but Alidia’s words hinted at a deeper layer. She was challenging them to think differently.

Alidia continued, "We all understand that attacking directly might not work. But have any of you considered that, despite their impenetrable nature, a Retter Messiah’s weight is not extraordinary? Perhaps, instead of trying to break through, you could focus on lifting or tossing them."

Destroyer, as always, provided further explanation, his voice echoing from the armor I wore. "When you unleashed your energy, Luyira, a fierce dance began between you and your mother—each of your forces pushing against the other like an unstoppable tug-of-war. It was as if you were trying to move a mountain with your bare hands. The simplest explanation: an unstoppable force met an immovable object."

Luyira frowned, clearly confused. "Hmm, I don’t know what you mean."

Destroyer’s tone softened. "You need to channel your energy with more intention and precision. It’s not just about raw power; it’s about focus."

Alidia, stepping in again, offered reassurance. "Don’t worry. We’ll guide you, but only you can make the change. It’s like learning to walk—people don’t think about the mechanics of their muscles when they walk, and if they’re injured, they trust doctors to heal them. You may not fully understand this now, but I know you can do it. All that remains is for you to find your way."

Luyira’s determination flared back to life. "Okay, okay! Imagine it! I am stronger, I am powerful... I will punch my mother!"

The mention of punching our mother caused a ripple of nervous laughter among the students. I couldn’t help but feel a little worried. Luyira was strong, but I trusted she wouldn’t harm her. Right?

Suddenly, Luyira’s eyes turned ghostly white, her body glowing faintly as a barely visible light emerged from her hands. Her whole form was covered in a radiant glow, and within it, the shadow of a colossal figure loomed. The sight was awe-inspiring and unnerving at the same time.

Luyira roared with determination, "Take this!" and launched herself at our mother.

Alidia, ever prepared, shifted slightly to absorb the impact, and for the first time, she moved—just a few inches—but it was enough to leave a mark on the ground where she had been standing. The ground cracked beneath her feet, evidence of the power behind Luyira’s strike.

Yet, even as she was pushed back, Alidia remained steady, her expression calm. "Fear not, Luyira," she said soothingly, "for we shall be your guides. But remember, the power to transform lies within you."

Luyira, panting slightly from the exertion, asked, "How can I do that?"

Alidia’s reply was gentle but firm. "Just as a person walking doesn’t think about how their muscles move, you may not fully understand it yet. But believe me, you have the capacity. You just need to find the path to unlock it."

Luyira, still catching her breath, nodded eagerly. "Alright! I’ll keep imagining it. I’m mighty, I’m formidable. I will face any challenge head-on!"

The tension in the air was thick as everyone in the group absorbed what had just happened. Alidia turned to the students, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Can anyone shed light on what just transpired?"

Sakura, always thoughtful, took a moment to consider before answering. "I think it worked exactly as Luyira intended. She managed to move you without causing any real harm to you or the shield."


Alidia smiled approvingly. "That’s right. This time, Luyira used her strength to move me rather than trying to harm me. But remember, in battle, the goal is to damage your opponent. Even Frenia, despite her restraint, can incapacitate her enemies. While Retter Messiahs are bound by a restriction preventing them from killing, they can still bring an opponent to the brink of defeat, leaving the final blow to others."

Luyira, beaming with pride, turned to me. "You see, Aido? I may be the best, but I’d never dream of hurting our mother!"

I couldn’t help but smile at her exuberance. With a slight beckon, I said, "Come here, Luyira, and you shall receive your well-deserved reward."

With a giggle, she ran over to me, her energy still buzzing, and I gently patted her head, a sign of affection that she clearly relished. As I stroked her hair, Alidia continued her explanation to the group, her tone shifting to a more technical aspect of Luyira’s success.

"Luyira’s intention was key here. She pushed without malice, and that made the difference. Magic, much like any other science, follows rules. It’s not just raw energy—it’s how you direct it. With practice, anyone can learn to harness that power, just as Luyira is beginning to do now."

The students nodded in agreement, their eyes shining with newfound understanding. I could sense the shift in the group—what had once been a rigid lesson in theory was now a living, breathing demonstration of potential. The possibilities of magic, of energy manipulation, seemed endless.

Luyira, still standing beside me, grinned up at me. "I did good, didn’t I?"

I smiled back at her, warmth in my voice. "You did, Luyira. You did."

Saint Mary shifted the focus of the discussion, her calm voice piercing through the chatter of the students. "What do you think it takes to achieve a rank of B or higher as a hunter?" she inquired, her eyes resting on the group, waiting for a response.

Sakura answered confidently, not missing a beat. "It’s simple—kill many beasts and ensure the protection of others. The more you do, the higher your rank."

Saint Mary nodded but offered a deeper perspective. "That’s part of it. But there’s more. Visualization techniques, like the ones used by warriors such as Frenia, have helped hunters elevate their skills. Even Rank E hunters, who focus on protecting civilians, benefit from these methods."

Alidia took over, explaining the nuances of the different ranks. "D and C-ranked hunters are seasoned warriors. They’ve slain a substantial number of beasts, and their path to progression always involves more kills."

Mary’s expression grew thoughtful, her words carrying more weight. "Rank B, however, is reserved for those who not only hunt but also use magic in ways that set them apart. These individuals demonstrate unparalleled abilities within the hunting community."

Alidia’s voice took on a mystical quality as she transitioned to the next part of our training. "Now," she instructed, "each of you should take up a wooden sword and position yourselves in front of the shimmering wooden targets in the field."

We all moved in unison, approaching the rows of wooden swords laid out before us. They were beautifully crafted, each one resembling a majestic weapon waiting to be wielded. The practice targets—simple pieces of wood—stood in the field, glowing faintly under the sunlight, as if calling us to test our skills.

Luyira, true to her impulsive nature, wasted no time. Without hesitation, she swung her sword with precision and power, slicing one of the targets clean in half. The wood split effortlessly, a clean cut that left us all stunned.

Saint Mary raised her eyebrows in surprise, a smile forming on her lips. "Oh my, Luyira, it seems you’ve become quite skilled at wielding a sword."

Luyira, grinning with pride, nodded. "Hehehe, I’m actually Barbara," she joked, her mischievous spirit shining through.

Sakura, always eager to praise her, exclaimed with excitement, "Ah, my beloved, you truly are gifted from birth!"

Our mother, Alidia, watched the display with approval but tempered the excitement with a word of caution. "I don’t expect everyone to replicate Luyira’s feat within moments. The essence of this exercise lies in mastering the technique. You must learn to slice through wood just as you would with steel." Her eyes sparkled with intensity as she continued, "Now, observe closely as I demonstrate."

As if on cue, a hunter approached, carrying what appeared to be a strange item—an object that jiggled in his hands. It was a jelly-like substance, wobbling comically as he handed it to Alidia. We all stared in confusion, wondering what she could possibly do with such an unusual material.

Alidia held the jelly "sword" with grace and began her tale. "In my early days as a hunter, I once tried to uproot a tree using sheer force. I thought strength alone could conquer anything. But instead of tearing the tree from the ground, I only managed to splinter a small piece of wood. Reality doesn’t unfold like the tales of superheroes lifting buildings effortlessly."

Her grip tightened on the jelly sword, and to our amazement, the quivering mass transformed in her hands. What had been a flimsy, unstable substance now stood solid, as unyielding as any real weapon.

"You see," she explained, her voice filled with knowledge and mystery, "if you can harness your energy correctly, you can strengthen even the weakest materials. This jelly sword is now as strong as Vitrilium, a rare and powerful metal. Remarkably, a Vitrilium sword can be strengthened with far less energy, but here I demonstrate the possibilities with something as fragile as jelly."

Without warning, Alidia swung the sword. The jelly blade sliced cleanly through a stone block as though it were butter. The stone shattered, leaving the group in stunned silence. We could only gape at the sight of the jelly sword, now melting back into a sticky puddle at Alidia’s feet.

"And there you have it," she said with a chuckle, "though I trust no one was expecting a snack."

Nervous laughter rippled through the crowd, but the tension was palpable. Alidia had just demonstrated something extraordinary. She continued, "Now, it’s your turn to try. The key is not in brute strength, but in the precision of your energy control. Could you replicate what I just did?"

I stared at the splintered stone and the melted jelly. My thoughts raced. Could I really achieve something like that? Just as my doubt began to surface, Destroyer’s calm voice echoed through my mind, steady and confident.

"Certainly," Destroyer reassured me. "I possess ample power. Your physical form may not match mine, but together, we are a formidable force."

His words struck a chord. He wasn’t just armor—I had always known that. But now, it felt as if we were more than just partners. We were becoming one entity, capable of greater feats together than we could ever achieve separately.

I whispered to him, my voice low, "So you’re suggesting I believe we are one?"

"Indeed," Destroyer affirmed. "United in mind, body, and spirit, we are a singular entity. Trust in me, and you will accomplish much."

Feeling a surge of determination, I nodded to myself. "Alright," I said aloud, "let’s begin."

I stood before the target, trying to center myself, but my thoughts were racing. I gripped the wooden sword tightly, unintentionally tapping into the immense power of Destroyer. Without warning, the sword splintered in my hands, shards of wood flying everywhere. Despite this, the target remained mostly intact, with only a faint mark where my strike had landed—a stark contrast to Luyira’s effortless destruction of her own target.

Saint Mary, observing the result, smiled and said, "Well, Aido, you didn’t manage to cut through, but you did leave a mark with your strike."

I blinked in surprise, staring at the target. "What? Luyira was able to slice through it like it was nothing!"

Alidia, ever calm, stepped forward to reassure me. "Stay composed, Aido. You can do it if you focus."

Sakura, full of determination, stepped up next and demonstrated her skill, managing to make a small but clean cut on the wooden target. The attention then returned to me, the pressure mounting. I felt the weight of Destroyer’s presence, his power coursing through me—power I had only ever fully unleashed during combat simulations.

I couldn’t help but think aloud, "I sense Destroyer’s gaze upon me. I’ve relied on its strength, but only in training battles. This… this is different."

Destroyer’s voice, a steady anchor in the storm of my thoughts, responded. "The art of manipulating energy comes naturally, but mastery requires dedicated practice. Luyira is different—a prodigy, effortlessly excelling in every endeavor. Just as you have mastered life’s basic functions, she has mastered more advanced ones. Her brightness does not diminish your own potential."

Realization hit me like a wave. He was right. Just because Luyira excelled, it didn’t mean I couldn’t. I steeled myself, determination replacing the doubt. "You’re right, Destroyer. I must try again."

A strange sensation began to envelop me. My vision blurred for a moment as shimmering lights danced around me, mixed with shadowy figures from forgotten memories. I shook the images from my mind, gripping the new wooden sword I had retrieved. I focused all my energy, visualizing a perfect strike.

"Clean cut!" I declared, slashing at the target.

Suddenly, a blinding light exploded from the sword’s impact, accompanied by a deafening sound that echoed across the training grounds. As the light faded, I realized Destroyer had transformed—what had been a simple beret was now a full helmet encasing my head, shielding me from harm. The wooden target was gone, disintegrated, and a deep crater had formed around me, leaving us standing unscathed in the aftermath.


Sakura rushed over, her eyes wide with concern. "Aido, are you alright?"

Luyira, never one to pass up an opportunity to tease, hugged me tightly, grinning playfully. "What happened, Aido? You okay? Or are you just making an excuse to get me close?"

Alidia, ever composed, observed the spectacle with a raised brow but remained calm. "We theorized that energy could be harnessed in different ways. Your weapon was infused with a volatile, chaotic energy, Aido. To control it, you need calmness, and you must visualize cutting through something simple—like a loaf of bread—not an opponent."

She glanced at Luyira, who had perfectly sliced her target without harming anyone. "Luyira succeeded because her intent was pure. She never imagined harming a living thing."

I nodded, though inwardly, I was still reeling from what had happened. My mind was in turmoil, clouded by memories of the attack from my childhood and the loss of Ninaies Hernandez. These dark thoughts had taken root, affecting my ability to focus, to act with clear intent. I hadn’t realized how much they still haunted me, casting shadows over my every move.

The other students continued their training under the guidance of the teachers and Luyira, who flitted between them with her usual energy. Surprisingly, Sakura was the only one who seemed to fully understand Luyira’s bizarre explanations, using playful methods and onomatopoeias to break through to the others.

Luyira would say, "First, you mhm, then you gah! And when it lands, it's a big shooo!"

Sakura nodded along, giggling. "Yes, yes! I get it, Luyira! Like this?"

"That’s right!" Luyira chirped, pleased with herself.

Meanwhile, I stood on my own, feeling a strange mix of jealousy and relief. On one hand, I wanted to be included, to share in the camaraderie of the group. On the other, the pressure lessened when the focus wasn’t on me. Carlos, struggling just as much as I had, paused to take a breath.

"Phew… can I rest for a second?" he sighed, clearly exhausted. "I’m not an energy monster like you guys."

Luyira giggled. "Hehehe, you said it!"

Sakura smiled and nodded. "Yeah, take a break. You’ve earned it."

But Carlos shook his head, his resolve returning. "Thanks, but I’m keeping my eyes on you, Sakura. You’re not leaving me behind."

Sakura’s determination was evident as she pushed past the halfway mark of her target. Meanwhile, Francisco, another student, had been quietly improving. After six failed attempts, he managed to slice through his target with just two precise strokes, showcasing his steady progress.

Saint Mary, watching from a distance, smiled. "It seems Francisco is the diligent type. It’s just a matter of time for him. The students here display more talent than the previous generations."

Alidia nodded in agreement. "The energy and technique are improving. Still, there is much to learn."

"That is true," Saint Mary remarked, glancing at Luyira. "Though Luyira is already at a mastery level."

I, on the other hand, still struggled. While others improved, my targets continued to burst into fragments with each attempt. It was frustrating, yet… somehow exhilarating.

Destroyer’s voice echoed in my mind once more, steady and calm. "Behold, my lord, your wandering mind has led you to success."

I blinked, my heart racing. "Wait… what? Did I do it?"

And then it hit me—I had. Despite the chaos in my thoughts, I had managed to tap into the energy, to channel it through my sword. I stood in awe, realizing that the journey to mastery was only beginning.

As I gazed at the target, now split cleanly in two without the chaotic explosion from before, a deep sense of accomplishment washed over me. The realization settled in—this time, I had succeeded. My focus on controlling the power had paid off. No one was harmed, and the destruction was precise, not overwhelming. However, I also knew that my journey was far from over. This power, formidable as it was, needed refinement. I would need more training to fully master it, to wield it with both precision and intent.

Destroyer’s voice resonated in my mind, filled with pride. "I am delighted to witness your mastery over my powers, Aido."

Though the moment was mine, the feeling of triumph coursing through me, it wasn’t long before Princess Sasari gracefully drew the crowd’s attention. Her regal presence, magnetic as always, seemed to capture the admiration of the onlookers. The other students were still working through their own challenges, their progress slow but steady, as Saint Mary had predicted. In a few more attempts, I knew they would succeed, just as I had.

Luyira, ever the light-hearted soul, clapped enthusiastically. "Bravo, my dear! Encouragement is vital. Even for a genius like me, acknowledgment is always a welcome feeling, isn't it?"

She embraced me once more, her warmth and energy wrapping around me like a comforting shield. Her support was unwavering, her understanding of my thoughts and emotions always so accurate. She knew when I needed to hear that reassurance.

"Well done, Luy," I replied, sharing in her joy. "We did this together."

Luyira’s grin widened as she giggled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Hehehe, let’s not forget Mary and Alidia—they’re part of this family, too. They’re always watching over us."

It was as if her words summoned them. Both Mary and Alidia, standing a short distance away, turned their heads in our direction. They shared matching smiles, warm and knowing. They hadn’t needed to speak; their gaze was enough to tell me they were always there, quietly watching, guiding, even when I couldn’t feel their presence. Their subtle assurance filled me with a sense of comfort and belonging, reminding me that we were all bound together in this strange, magical journey.

With Luyira by my side, Mary and Alidia’s silent but steady support, and Destroyer’s ever-watchful power coursing through me, I felt ready to face whatever came next.


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