Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

Chapter 14: A dream? or another reality?*

-Nina: Wake up! Wake up! Sion! Hurry up!

I can hear someone I know trying to wake me up. I can also hear the sound of fire and battle, people screaming, and the smell of burning flesh. I open my eyes and see a beautiful woman in church attire.

-Aido/Sion: Who are you?

-Nina: Finally, I found you. It's me, Nina. Do you remember me?

-Aido/Sion: Wait a minute. You're a more mature version of Nina. How can you be here?

The sound of a huge beast falling at few meters from us surprises me, and I can't help but turn around. Is it a dragon? A wyvern? What the hell is going on?

-Nina: What are you doing, Sion? We must get out of here now.

-Aido/Sion: What is this place? Where am I?

-Nina: Don't worry about that now, let's get out of here.

Nina urgently informs me to rise swiftly as our wounds should have healed by now. It is imperative that we evacuate as the army of the demon king has successfully invaded the kingdom's capital. Without delay, we must depart from this place.

Nina urgently informs me to rise swiftly as our wounds should have healed by now. It is imperative that we evacuate as the army of the demon king has successfully invaded the kingdom's capital. Without delay, we must depart from this place.

As we race through the bustling city streets, I am solely focused on following Nina. The chaotic crowd of people is frantically trying to flee as monstrous creatures descend upon us. Instinctually, I step in to fend off a few of the creatures, while Nina, always one step behind in combat, is leading the way to safety. The task ahead is daunting, and I know that I will need to take the time to assess the situation if we are going to make it to the safety of the tavern.

It appears Percival and Ramona are at the tavern, so we should make our way there. I do not have the luxury to question the circumstances as the church woman grasps my hand, compelling me to follow her. As we exit, the chaos unfolds before us - flames engulfing the surrounding area, soldiers engaged in combat with monstrous creatures of colossal proportions. Amidst the battle, some soldiers clad in armor wield swords and shields, while others brandish spears and bows. The tide seems to favor the monsters, and urgency propels us forward through an alley strewn with casualties until we reach the refuge of the tavern where two familiar faces await.

-Ramona: Look, she has located him.  Thanks the Heavens and the holy mother!

-Percival: What delayed you, Sion? Are you unharmed? I was worry sick for both of you, when she ran outside saying she was going to get you, I told her to stay, but she wouldn't listen.

-Ramona: I was worried sick too. You scared us to death!

-Aido/Sion: I am well, thank you.

-Ramona: Splendid work, my dear. Alright, let's make haste, time to hit the road. They don’t compensate us adequately to stay and engage in battle.

-Aido/Sion: I fear I must have hit my head quite severely; my recollections are a tad hazy.

-Percival: Pardon me, what did you say?

-Aido/Sion: Oh, it was nothing. So, where are we headed now? Surely, we are not going to face those monsters, are we?

-Ramona: Not us. Let the soldiers and adventurers handle that.

-Percival: Fret not about them, and spare your inquiries. I comprehend your thoughts, and no, we are not the world's saviors.

-Aido/Sion: But is this truly our fate? Are we merely going to flee like cowards?

-Percival: Do you yearn for death here? We are no champions; we are but hired swords.

His words ring true. Somehow, an uncanny feeling washes over me that we share a history. A bond has been forged during our shared escapades...

-Aido/Sion: You speak the truth. I must safeguard the woman I hold dear.

Ramona steps forward, planting a kiss. I had assumed my heart belonged to Nina.

-Nina: Indeed, your duty is to protect me. Ramona, we had an understanding about this.

-Ramona: I apologize, but this man has a way with words that stirs something in me at times. I admire his resolve.

I understand now. It feels like home to have Luyira, my mother, and Mary. I have multiple relationships in this world, and I had believed Ramona was with Percival as they seemed close. However, I have come to realize that Ramona is also my lover, despite my previous belief that Nina was my only one. I am still uncertain, but when Ramona kisses me, I feel warmth within me. This sensation is genuine and not deceptive; it is the love of Sion. At this moment, I embody Sion.

-Percival: Let us depart from here. The more time we stay the most likely we are going to end figthing some demon, and that would be the end of us.

-Ramona: Are you envious? Why not rush to the aid of those women you hold in such high regard?

-Percival: That matter does not concern you; they are mere instruments to me. Furthermore, the ladies always seek me out.

-Ramona: Of course. Lover Boy.

I reach out with both hands, feeling the strength and heft of Ramona's sturdy grip contrasted with the delicate, silky touch of Nina's slender fingers. Ramona may not be tall, but her presence is vast, cloaked in layers of ropes that somehow convey her enormity. Nina's hand, on the other hand, exudes a sense of fragility and grace. Both hands, though differing in size and texture, have the power to warm my heart while simultaneously filling me with a sense of unease.

As we depart the bustling city, a formidable army of monsters clashes with a determined coalition of soldiers and daring adventurers, standing strong in formation. Amidst the chaos and the cries of those fighting for their lives, the tragedy unfolds before our eyes - reminiscent of a savage assault by mutant beasts upon a peaceful village. The giants among the monsters leave behind only devastation in their wake, their sheer size and ferocity unmatched, equivalent to an imposing Rank 2. Without the powerful Destroyer by my side, I feel the primal instincts of Sion swelling within me, compelling me to act, for I refuse to be rendered inert in the face of this imminent danger.

-Percival: Remaining here is not an option; death beckons.

-Ramona: Where should we flee to?

-Percival: Let us simply depart; time is not on our side.

-Ramona: What do you mean?

-Aido/Sion: He suggests we have no other alternative.

-Ramona: Abandon them to perish, women and children included? Will you stand idly by?

-Percival: The kingdom is lost; attempting to rescue them is futile. Survival is our sole aim.

-Ramona: Very well, let us depart to safety and regroup.

As we journey onward, the battle ensues, and I cannot shake the notion that with the kingdom fallen and the army defeated, the world itself is on the brink of chaos. What of the woman resembling Nina and the others; could they have survived?

-Percival: Into the forest we go; the monsters shall not cease until all life perishes. Caution is our ally; we must distance ourselves from this place.

-Aido/Sion: Nina, come, I shall carry you.

-Ramona: Watch out!

As I hasten to transport Nina, an orc ambushes us, yet Ramona valiantly defends us. We are not alone; at least five assailants surround us, reeking of blood. Undoubtedly, our paths have intersected as they pursued another group.

-Ramona: These bastards are ruthless; we need your assistance, Percival and Sion.

-Aido/Sion: Fear not, I shall handle this.

-Nina: I beg of you, exercise caution.

With determination, I grasp my sword and confront the orc, while Ramona wields her spear and Percival strikes from the rear.

-Aido/Sion: Taste my steel, you vile creature!

-Ramona: Blast it all!

As we dispatch one orc, the others press on relentlessly. Nina watches from cover behind a tree, Ramona grimaces with an injury to her leg, and Percival valiantly continues the fight. Despite our efforts, we manage to slay three more orcs, but the final two prove to be formidable foes. I sustain a wound on my shoulder, Ramona grimaces in pain, and Percival succumbs to his injuries, falling to the ground, but he is not dead, and none are fatal, we can make it.

-Percival: I'm done, I can't go on anymore, Sion, take my sword, it's your turn, finish the last one.

-Aido/Sion: Come on, you are lazy, leaving all the job to me, you are just jealous of my powers.

-Percival: You are stronger than I, but we can do this together.

-Aido/Sion: Don't say that, we are going to survive.

-Percival: I'll just be slowing you down, it's too late, I can't go on.

-Aido/Sion: Come on, Nina, we have to help him, heal him with your divine power.

-Nina: By the Grace of the Goddess, heal my ally, return him to battle! Seina si li mu tan!

-Ramona: I love you Nina!

-Nina: We won't leave you behind, come on.

-Ramona: You are so stubborn, okay, I'll go.

-Percival: And I was to play the victim so you girls nurse me back, here I come, wait for me Sion.

-Sion: It was time already!

The final orc we faced was a battle-hardened warrior, making our fight challenging even with our combined strength. Thankfully, Nina's healing abilities breathed new life into us, her power limited to a few precious uses each day. Despite being a high priestess, I understood why Percival played the fool, wanting to save her powers for a true emergency. But this, this was an emergency.

After a strenuous battle, we emerge victorious, though not unscathed, having sustained minor injuries. My armor is ruined, and the others are disheveled, but we are alive.

-Ramona: That was a close one!

I can't help but wonder if we will ever get out of this forest, it's already night, and the trees make the moonlight hard to see.

-Nina: It's already night.

-Ramona: We can't make a fire, or it'll attract the attention of the monsters.

-Percival: Let's camp here, and keep watch.

-Aido/Sion: Nina, do you have enough divine power?

-Nina: Enough to keep you guys in shape.

- Percival: I'll go check the surroundings.

- Ramona: Wait, there might be more monsters out there.

- Aido/Sion: No, let him go, he'll be fine.

- Ramona: I'm not so sure about that.

- Aido/Sion: Then go, you go and bring him back, and we'll be fine.

- Ramona: I guess it can't be helped.

- Nina: Take care and come back soon.

- Aido/Sion: I'm counting on you.

- Ramona: Right.

- Aido/Sion: If anything happens to him.

- Nina: We should pray for him.

- Aido/Sion: You are right.

- Nina: Sion, are you all right?

- Aido/Sion: What do you mean?

- Nina: Well, your memories.

- Aido/Sion: Yeah, that's right.

- Nina: You were confused, are you better now?

- Aido/Sion: My head is pounding.

- Nina: Are you hungry, tired?

- Aido/Sion: Maybe I need to rest.

- Nina: Rest a bit.

- Aido/Sion: Good idea.

- Nina: Sleep well.

- Aido/Sion: Thanks. Come here, Lets rest together.

We are covered by a hollow tree, covering our smells with some dirt, even though Nina is smiling, but I can feel her tremble body, she is afraid, her world has changed so soon, My heart now is longing for Ramona, but Percival also weight on my heart. I hope both of them return soon to our side.

As I drifted off to sleep, my mind began to wander to a world filled with mystery and intrigue. The next day, as the warm rays of sunlight gently woke me from my slumber, I realized Percival was nowhere to be found. Ramona had returned alone, her eyes filled with a tale of a clandestine meeting with him. She spoke of his desperate plea for her to flee with him, declaring his undying love that had always been hidden beneath the surface. Yet, he restrained himself, sensing the depth of her affection for me. Ramona's confession brought forth a flood of emotions.

We share a bond that traces all the way back to our childhood days. I vividly recall why Ramona chose me over Percival back then. While he was busy entangling himself with half of the town's girls, I was by Ramona's side, playing and training together. It was during this time that she began to harbor feelings for me. After experiencing her first period, she solemnly whispered to me, "You are destined to be my first and only love. Cherish me, for I am yours to keep.

Now I understand that times he keep a distance, but being honest he never stop being a womanizer, even I have Nina and Ramona, I do not have another girl in my account, and he has hundreds.

-Ramona: I always saw Percival as a brother, but I confess, envy sometimes clouded my view of Nina. She enters into Sion heart too easy.

she revealed, her voice tinged with regret.

-Ramona: I cannot imagine a world without either of you by my side.

Nina's eyes glistened with unshed tears.

-Nina: Please, Ramona, do not speak such melancholy words. You know my love for you runs deep.

-Aido/sion: Let us depart and find out that idiot of us.

But just as they were about to move along, confusion swept over them.

-Aido/Sion: What in the world is happening?

In a fleeting moment, the memories of Aido and Sion danced together, intertwining in a delicate choreography of dreams and reality. Within the same heartbeat, Aido became Sion, and Sion became Aido. A tumultuous tango of emotions played out as Sion pushed away Aido's memories, and Aido pushed away Sion's. In the midst of this inner turmoil, they both found themselves lost in a sea of anguish.

A feeling a sense of disorientation creeping in. Nina, ever the voice of reason, inquired gently.

-Nina: Were you disturbed by a nightmare, my love?

-Aido/Sion: Not a nightmare, but a peculiar dream. He confessed: "In it, I was not myself, existing in a world parallel to ours yet filled with strange beings. I found myself battling against a horde of monstrous invaders, accompanied by a version of you who stood vigil in a church, alongside two other companions.

Nina's eyes widened with wonder. "A dream of a parallel world, similar yet vastly different from our own, populated by unfamiliar faces," she mused.

In those fleeting moments, it wasn't my voice that spoke, but Sion's. The lines between reality, dreams, and alternate worlds blur, leaving me to ponder: Am I living in Sion's dream, or is Sion a mere figment of my imagination? Yet amidst this confusion, vivid memories of Luyira, Alidia, Mary, and Destroyer flood my mind, along with recollections of my grandparents. Could it be that I am a soul, temporarily inhabiting the vessel of Sion?

-Aido/Sion: I was the main character.

-Nina: You've always been the protagonist of this tale, my dear, and no one can change that.

-Aido/Sion: Indeed, and you are the leading figure in the story of my life, my love.

-Ramona: You two are quite the tempting pair. We'll make it through this, and Percival will be fine. We always stick together. Before I fuck both of you!

-Aido/Sion: That is tempting too, but we must press on, find sustenance, and escape this wretched place.

-Nina: Hahahaha,Agreed, maybe too Ramona idea too.

As we journey on, the vast forest envelopes us, its thick trees masking any signs of life, save for a few ominous creatures. Still feels unnatural, I guess that is the reason most people flew to the other direction, this forest has some strange rumors If I recall correctly.

-Aido/Sion: Ramona, I feel the reason Percival did not come back has to do with this strange forest, don't you think?

-Ramona: Maybe he was scared, I don't know, it is possible, but if it was not monsters, maybe he met some other people, he was never good at keeping his mouth shut.

-Aido/Sion: Let's hope that's the case; otherwise, he is in trouble.

-Nina: This place gives me the shivers; I wish we were already out of here.

-Ramona: Don't worry, we will soon be out of here.

The forest is a very dangerous place, with the darkness masking the threats lurking within the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

- Aido/Sion: Something troubling you, Nina? Are you hungry?

-Nina: Just a tad.

-Ramona: Take mine, you need it more than I do.

-Aido/Sion: Allow me to hunt for us.

-Nina: No need, we'll be out of here soon.

-Aido/Sion: Let's move forward.

And so, we eventually stumble upon a quaint town.

-Nina: Hey, where are we.

-Ramona: Apparently this town is abandoned.


-Aido/Sion: This is too quiet, even the animals barely do some sound but I can hear them around us, I do not feel any monster or other people.

-Ramona: This place seems like a ghost town.

-Nina: Let's go inside and see if we can find anything.

-Ramona: I don't have a good feeling about this.

Nina whispered, "No signs of life, human or monster..."

-Aido/Sion: What mystery is shrouding this place? At least we can see some animals, I hear some cows, lets go there.

-Ramona: Stay vigilant, Sion. Perhaps we could seek refuge here for the night? But It give me the creeps.

-Aido/Sion: I sense an unsettling aura here. We might be safer elsewhere.

-Ramona: A refuge for rest and nourishment would be welcomed.

-Nina: It's perilous, and deserted. I vote for camping outdoors.

-Aido/Sion agreed, still we are going to check this house, I see chickens and cows, someone has to be living here, maybe they were hit by bandits or the Demon lord army.

-Ramona: I feel that is wrong, check the town, it is like they simple vanish, no traces of fight, neither a little dust on the table, it is like time freeze.

-Nina: Look at the kitchen there are a fire, and food.

-Ramona: Well, thanks the goddess!

-Aido/Sion: That is weird, Ramona, you are right, this is just a bad idea, but we need to eat.

-Ramona: But it looks like it was left here minutes ago, like something happen to them, and they had to leave fast. Still I am going well use of this.

-Aido/Sion: I do not feel any poison or something wrong with the food, lets dig in, Nina, you need food, we need food.

-Nina: Yes, but this is disturbing.

-Ramona: No, I am going to enjoy it, this is the best soup I ever had.

-Aido/Sion: I have to agree.

-Ramona: Maybe we should sleep here, I do not see the harm in that.

-Aido/Sion: What do you think, Nina?

-Nina: I'm not sure, but I am tired and scared.

After finish our meal, we heard some foot steps in the second floor, we approach with caution.

-Aido/Sion: Hello? it is anybody there?

-???: Are you travelers.

-Aido/Sion: That's right.

-Nina: Can you tell us where we are, this town seems deserted.

-???: I am the guardian of this place, there is a curse that protects the village, no monster will enter this place.

-Aido/Sion: So this village has been abandoned.

-???: I am the only one left.

-Ramona: Where is everyone, the town looks empty.

-???: The villagers left to try and defeat the invaders, but they never came back.

-Nina: I'm sorry, are you the only one here.

-???: There are no other survivors.

-Aido/Sion: How terrible, can you tell us where we are?

-???: This village is located in the forest, it's a very secluded place, and not many people know about it, it is not marked on any map.

-Nina: Are you really alone, you could come with us, we're trying to find a way out of the forest.

-???: Thank you for your concern, but I can't leave this place. I'm bound by a curse to protect it.

-Ramona: What kind of curse, is there any way to break it?

-???: If I leave this place, the barrier will be broken, and the monsters will ravage this land.

-Aido/Sion: Can we enter the room and see if you are ok?

-???: You are better without it, I can not be harm but my look could be quite shocking for people.

-Aido/Sion: I see, but thank you for your hospitality.

-???: You are welcome.

-Ramona: Can we camp outside the house?

-???: Make good use of everything in it, only do not open the door.

-Aido/Sion: We will rest here tonight, thanks for your hospitality.

-???: May the goddess be with you.

We left the house, after a quick look around, and found a well with some fresh water, this place has some nice gardens, with a small farm, so we rest in the well, but we could not sleep, the eeriness of the situation made us all restless, but it was better than staying out of the house.

-Nina: What do you think happened to the town.

-Ramona: I hear stories of Ghosts Towns before, most saying travelers venturing in are lost for a time but always returning, it will be another story if we found a settlement of Vampires, but they would attacked us already in this mist and sun forgetting place.

-Aido/Sion: Yes, this is very strange, even we saw this as a ghost town, but the food was fresh, and the water was clean.

-Ramona: What about the guardian, what is this curse he talks about.

-Nina: A sin? maybe, but they are protected of the monsters and Demons, maybe is not a curse, but a Sacred duty, it will be easier to explain to others as a curse, Fairies maybe? they are timid to humans but they are in the end good nature.

-Aido/Sion: I do not know, but I feel this is a very dangerous place.

-Ramona: But it is safe.

-Nina: This is a safe place, we just have to be careful.

Ramona's heart was conflicted as she expressed her desire to cherish their final moments in love. With a bittersweet urgency, she longed for the warmth of their companionship.

-Ramona: I know I've been complaining about the womanizer, but the truth is, if these are our last days, I want to remember them with love. I want to be with both of you tonight.

-Aido/Sion: Me too.

-Nina: Me too.

-Ramona: Let's make love.

-Aido/Sion: Are you sure?

-Nina: I want to do it.

-Ramona: Let's enjoy the warmth of each other's bodies.

-Nina: Come here, I'll warm you up.

Aido/Sion echoed her sentiments, each willing to embrace the passion that enveloped them. As they embraced, a sense of solace washed over them, the connection between them palpable. Ramona's touch kindled a fire within as Nina embraced them both, enveloping them in a tender embrace. Gasps of pleasure filled the air as they surrendered to the intimacy of the moment. Ramona felt the heat of their bodies mingling, a poignant reminder of their shared bond. Nina, with a longing in her eyes, expressed her deepest affections. Amidst the echoes of passion and unspoken truths, their union thrived in the face of uncertainty. Aido/Sion hesitated, questioning the depth of their connection, but Nina's unwavering love prevailed. In the midst of their embrace, Nina's heartfelt confession hung in the air, a testament to the enduring bond that tied them together. Aido/Sion were left speechless, the weight of her words sinking in. As the moment lingered, filled with unspoken truths and untold stories, Nina's love shone brightly, a beacon of hope amid the shadows of doubt. In that fleeting moment, they found solace in each other's arms, a reminder that love knows no boundaries.

-Ramona: Nina, your cuteness is what captivates me about you.

-Aido/Sion: Nina, I can't bear to disappoint someone who loves me like you do; I can't restrain myself any longer.

-Nina: If you want to, go ahead.

-Ramona: Let's make tonight unforgettable, I want to share this moment with Sion too.

-Aido/Sion: Then we'll have to take it in turns.

-Ramona: I'm sure that won't be an issue.

-Nina: Absolutely, he's quite the catch.

-Ramona: That's wonderful.

-Aido/Sion: Things are heating up.

-Ramona: It's not the only thing heating up.

-Aido/Sion: You as well.

-Ramona: Because I adore you.

-Aido/Sion: Same here.

-Nina: Feel free to go ahead, I don't mind at all.

-Ramona: Don't be hesitant; let's spread the love.

-Aido/Sion: Alright then.

Excitedly, I unveil myself and begin my performance, as Nina and Ramona share fiery kisses, their soft and delicate skin intertwining. Moving lower, they tenderly greet my masculinity, lavishing it with affectionate kisses and treating it like a delectable delicacy. Ramona, the playful one, enjoys teasing me, playfully nibbling on my most sensitive areas with a mischievous gleam in her eye, Ramona playfully pretends to nibble on them with her teeth, occasionally teasingly taking my testicles into her mouth. Meanwhile, Nina sensually licks and sucks on my most sensitive areas with a skill that only experienced women possess, knowing exactly how to pleasure me.

-Ramona: I have an idea I'd like to try, if you're open to it.

-Aido/Sion: I trust you completely.

-Ramona: Wonderful.

-Aido/Sion: Do what you need to do.

As I look down at Ramona, her lustful eyes meet mine before she sensually engulfs me with her warm, wet lips. Nina's gaze is fixated on the erotic scene unfolding before her, adding to the intense pleasure as she expertly caresses my length with her hand. Ramona's movements become more urgent and fervent, driving me closer to the brink of ecstasy. And with a final, powerful thrust, I release myself into her waiting mouth, marking her with my essence, she share her bounty with Nina, they both kiss with passion, and I can't wait to return the favor.

Ramona stands before me, her powerful form reminiscent of an Amazon warrior, her bronzed skin glowing under the soft light. With her short hair framing a determined face, she lowers her hips, inviting me in. Beside her, Nina watches eagerly, waiting for her own turn. A sense of longing and abandonment washes over me, even as my body responds eagerly to the intimate moment. Is this yet another dream destined to unravel before my eyes, leaving only illusions in its wake? The murky truths of the world, veiled in shadows, whisper of gods, demons, and mysteries unsolved. Must I, the supposed redeemer, accept a fate of tragedy and deceit? "Umm, Sion, you feel incredible," Ramona voices her pleasure as I lose myself in the sensation. My own moans mingling with hers, I thrust on, guided by the warmth of her embrace. "Your sweet... warmth," I manage in between labored breaths. Together we climax, Ramona rising gracefully as evidence of our shared pleasure glistens, a tender kiss shared before moving on to Nina. Nina, the embodiment of beauty and softness, steps forward, a vision of purity. Her curves and soft skin beckon, a stark contrast to the intensity before. The ecstasy continues, our passion mounting until the release is imminent. Moans blend into a symphony of desire, culminating in shared satisfaction. Ramona's warm touch aftercare draws us closer, her admiration and hunger for more palpable in the air. "We're far from finished," she hints, Nina echoing her sentiment with a mischievous smile. Entwined on the ground, indulging in kisses and caresses, our bodies hum with energy anew, another climax approaching. The softness of the girls against me is a blissful contrast to the raw intensity of moments prior, a testament to the wondrous contrast of desires fulfilled.

-Nina: Sion, do you remember the moment when you took my virginity? It was a time of sorrow and loss, but in that darkness, we found each other. I beckoned you, and you embraced me with a love that felt eternal. Ramona, I was the one consumed by jealousy, witnessed the passion between you and him in the forest. What she had, I too yearned for.

-Ramona: Your gift of yourself was a treasure beyond compare. I am filled with gratitude for this moment, and I pray that tonight will be just as magical.

-Aido/Sion: My heart is full of love for both of you. This night will surely be etched in our memories forever.

Nina embodies the primal energy of a wild creature in heat, while Ramona seeks my touch and embraces her alluring form against me, eager to witness the movements of the youthful girl. Both women dance in a tantalizing game, with Ramona entrusting me with control of her body as I explore her most intimate desires. Together, we revel in the pleasure of each other's company, constantly finding new ways to play and discover. Our cries of ecstasy reverberate through the desolate streets of the abandoned town, injecting a fleeting sense of excitement into the stillness. Nina, the Goddess of Love, I beseech you to hear the depths of my devotion to this man and his ways," exclaims Nina. "You're driving me insane, and I willingly plunge into the depths of pleasure with you. Sion, take us on a journey to the heights of ecstasy," declares Ramona. "We shall descend together," I answer, ready to lead them both on a passionate journey of shared pleasure.

As Nina gracefully descends to the ground with a look of satisfaction, I, driven by primal desire, lift the substantial figure of Ramona. Her legs wrap around my hips as we engage in a passionate embrace, moving in sync as we lose ourselves in the intense feelings of love and pleasure. Ramona exhibits the same level of passion as our first encounter, which took place in a barn after witnessing Percival's actions with the chief's elder daughter.

-Nina: He's incredible; he can do so many things at the same time.

-Ramona: Yes, he's quite skilled.

-Aido/Sion: Oh, you're too kind.

-Ramona: I'm serious! You've always been a good lover, but it's clear that your time with Nina has improved your skills.

-Aido/Sion: Well, I do aim to please.

-Nina: And you do a wonderful job of it.

-Aido/Sion: You know I only want to make you happy.

-Nina: I know, and that's one of the things I love most about you.

The three of us finally succumb to our exhaustion, but not before seizing the moment to pursue our desires without any lingering sense of regret. We huddle together in the warmth of the night, enveloped by the cool embrace of a well-covered blanket, momentarily escaping the weight of our troubles.

As I open my eyes, a sense of solitude engulfs me in this room, furnished with a bed, a desk, adorned with a mirror, a chair, and a nightstand. Seem they moved me to this room. Anticipation fills me as I leap off the bed, preparing for the worst, yet as I step out, I am welcomed by three familiar faces.

-Percival: The lover awakens at last.

-Nina: Good morning," her voice soft and comforting.

-Ramona: The early bird is delighted to see me. her energy infectious.

-Aido/Sion: Where am I? The last memory I have is... Calm down.

Percival interjects with reassuring calmness, "the villagers and the guardian saved you. They have a village nearby, but strangers are not allowed to witness their faces.

Nina's curiosity peaks.

-Nina: How can they conceal their faces from others but show them to you, Percival?

-Percival: In truth, I too was once ensnared by the curse, but somehow, it has been lifted. I stumbled upon a campfire where I met these lovely ladies. You were still in slumber, but it seems fate is on our side. Once you are well, let us journey to Tercia in the south, a safe haven with the Dwarves.

-Nina: I concur.

Nina nods, determination gleaming in her eyes.

-Nina: The trek will be arduous, but we must press on.

-Ramona: I stand ready to vanquish any foe alongside Sion.

-Aido/Sion: Always by your side, we can depart once I am prepared. It's just a minor injury, nothing to concern ourselves over. Thank you for your aid.

With a deep bow, I express my gratitude, setting forth a solemn vow to repay this debt.

???: Thank you. We will be waiting.

a voice echoes mysteriously.

-Percival :Let us depart.

And with that, the group embarks on a journey to Tercia in the south, guided by hope and determination. As they set off, Aido/Sion playfully nudges Percival, "So, have you confessed your feelings to my lady?" Percival chuckles, "Well, one must never fault me for attempting".

-Aido/Sion: I do not believe you intend to elope with my Ramona!

-Percival: My dear friend, I must confess that I was misled by fear. There is no need to conceal anything any longer. I realize that you would never abandon Nina or Ramona. There was a fleeting moment where I entertained the idea of taking Nina with me, as I have harbored feelings for her since childhood. However, she has always been steadfastly loyal to you. Whenever I extended invitations to her, she would always reply, "I wish to remain with Sion." My first misstep occurred after a fit of rage, spurred by her rejection and subsequent involvement with the blacksmith's daughter. This was a grave mistake, as the blacksmith beat me mercilessly upon discovering the truth. Despite the tumult of emotions, my love for both of you overshadowed any lingering resentment. I am deeply sorry for inadvertently involving you in a life of mercenary work, as well as complicating matters with the woman we both care for.

-Aido/Sion: Now I understand, I never feel envy for you, you have always has been popular with the girls, but you accept them because you were not with the girl you love, still that bring us a lot of problems in the past.

-Percival: hahahahaha, remember when the captain almost killed both of us.

-Aido/Sion: Ramona almost killed us! You mess with his wife, of course, she was not happy with him.

-Percival: I guess, I never stay with one girl for that reason, she always welcome the 2 rascals, but she beat me and for you were only love and hugs.

-Aido/Sion: You deserve them thought.

-Aido/Sion: Ah, now I see it clearly. Envy has never crept into my heart towards you. Your charm has always captivated the ladies, yet you remain faithful to the one you love, leading us into a myriad of troubles in the past.

-Percival: Hahaha, who could forget the day the captain nearly put an end to both of us?

-Aido/Sion: Ramona was ready to do us in! Can you blame her when you stirred up trouble with her husband?

-Percival: I suppose I never tied myself down to one lass for that very reason. She always welcomed the two rogues, but you, my friend, were met with love and affection.

-Aido/Sion: You earned it, my dear friend.

-Aido/Sion: It now makes sense why you are the way you are. I've never been envious of your popularity with the ladies, but you've always had a way with them because your heart belonged to another. However, this caused quite a few complications in the past.

-Percival: Hahaha! Remember when the captain nearly ended both our lives?

-Aido/Sion: Ramona came close to ending us! You flirted with the captain's wife, unsurprisingly, she was not pleased with him. He was quite the scoundrel in the end.

-Percival: I suppose that's why I never stick with just one lady. She was always welcoming to us two troublemakers, though she may have given me a good beating, but for you, it was all love and affection.

-Aido/Sion: You certainly deserved those beatings.

-Percival: Well, my dear romantic, you've also caused her some worry. You may claim I was the popular one, but you were just as sought after. Nina, on our first campaign, nearly had her way with you in your sleep. I was taken aback, but I didn't intervene, hahahah! I thought maybe Ramona would finally notice me, but before I knew it, the three of you were in the same bed. I was utterly flabbergasted. I've never partaken in a threesome myself.

Ramona hugs both of us from behind, and scare the shit of both of us.

-Ramona: Sion is my rock, never causing me a moment of concern. When I look at her, I see a vision of pure love. Nina, on the other hand, fell head over heels instantly - a true romantic. Unlike your companions, Percival, who seem to only have eyes for one thing, their lustful desires. It seems most of them were mere vessels of pleasure, even the captain's wife, who dabbled with half the platoon before the campaign's end.

Nina runs ahead of the three, and see the top of the path, smiling back at us she said:

-Nina: Nina's heart raced as she confessed, "Had it not been for those curious eyes, I would have surrendered to my feelings for Sion that very moment. My love and longing for him have burned in me since the first glimpse I caught of him. And as fate would have it, two other girls also harbored similar plans. Ramona, though aware, remained silent on the matter, her presence a mere whisper on the other side of the tent.

-Aido/Sion: Wait that mean, Ramona want to be with both of us.

-Ramona: hehehe, well, she is cute like a little animal, and I wanted to see her face in love when you doing her... It is Percival fault he corrupts me!

-Percival: What i did now!

-Nina: hahahahaha, we are a bunch of weirdos! But true as the sun raise, Sion and Ramona are mine alone, and I am of them forever.

-Percival: I will give my live for the three, I swear I will never harbor feelings of separating you guys ever again. Maybe in the end of this path, I will find my own destiny.

-Sion: We are going to survive, even the demon lord would not end our relationships.


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