Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

Chapter 2: A unexpected Win.*

It had been an hour and forty-five minutes since the Celestial Judgment. The aftermath still clung to the air, thick with tension, and yet something else—a presence, a beckoning force—was rising in the distance. I could perceive a luminous beacon, its brilliance unmistakable, emanating from a figure I knew all too well. It was the one who had once stood by my side against the The Aurelian Order (Mis'dar Ha'Aurelian), the man who had promised to restore Earth to its former glory, back when we still thought such a thing was possible. Terraforming new worlds had become the new mission, but he hadn’t forgotten what we left behind.

Naturally, he wouldn’t be affected by the consequences of what he’d taught me. I had once told Carilora that nothing in this world—or the next—comes for free. The knowledge he gave me wasn’t out of benevolence; it was a trade, a transaction. What he offered, anyone with his abilities could have easily acquired. So I knew his intentions were different. He wanted to provoke, to stir the energies that governed this world, to summon the forces he claimed could be accessed by the very act of Celestial Judgment.

As I drew closer, I felt the weight of a presence behind him. Six mysterious figures loomed in the shadows, shrouded in an air of foreboding. They were waiting, anticipating. I could feel trouble brewing, a dark current stirring in the space between us. But my ally stood calm, poised, as though this moment had been foretold, and he was ready for whatever was to come.

I landed a short distance from them, observing the figures more closely. They were all imposing, each one a striking man, adorned in attire that mirrored the ancient civilizations of the Middle East. Regal, powerful, and dangerous.

I broke the silence, my voice carrying over the tension. "I suppose, in the end, your interest was in the vital energy of people. With your knowledge of the esoteric, I assumed you were a demon."

The figure turned to face me, his expression calm, almost amused. "I am not a demon, AIDO. I am something far beyond that. You’ve always believed I wasn’t of this world. When you summoned your first demon, you knew it was something only a rare few could accomplish. You considered your reasoning carefully, didn’t you?"

His words lingered, each one measured, revealing only what he wanted me to know. But I pressed on. "You’re no ordinary being, that much is clear. With such ambition and knowledge, you must be something of immense significance."

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "My name is Alaquias, though you may know me by other names. Some speak of me insultingly, others with reverence. But you, Aido, may call me Lucifer. The Firstborn of Good and Evil. The true embodiment of perfection."


Lucifer, The name sent a chill through me, not because of the myths or the legends, but because of what it signified. There were countless stories, some biblical, some mythological, all filled with fear and uncertainty surrounding that name. And now, here he was—standing before me. Despite my outward composure, I could feel the weight of what this meant, the enormity of the power standing before me.

"Now I understand," I said, piecing it together. "I didn’t expect to find you here. It seemed odd that only a demon would come to meet me. But who are your companions?"

Lucifer gestured to the figures behind him. "You know them as the princes of Hell. Your myths and legends are not entirely accurate, though they contain fragments of truth. Somehow, knowledge of us reaches every world, though the interpretations vary. But make no mistake, AIDO. We are the originals. The first to exist." He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. "You know what we seek from you. The vital energy you’ve amassed. That is why I’ve come personally—to collect the debt."

The air grew colder, the tension thickening. I met his gaze, unwavering. "It’s an honor to be in the presence of royalty. I imagine this energy will assist in creating a physical form capable of existing fully in this realm. That’s why you’ve taken an interest in my creations—the Retter Messiahs."

Lucifer nodded, his voice smooth as silk. "Indeed. You’ve crafted something unique, something that stands apart from the rest of creation. But there is a flaw, AIDO. Their innocence—pure, untainted by malice or ambition—renders them weak. They lack the will to realize their full potential, because they’ve been shielded from the very forces that would shape them into something more."

I clenched my fists at my sides, fighting to remain composed. "I took care to protect them from manipulation. No sect, no government, not even you, Lucifer, can control them. I owe you for much of my understanding of existence, but their purity was deliberate."

Lucifer’s smile was almost predatory now. "And that purity is precisely why they will fail, Aido. The celestial beings of this realm, the ones your creations were designed to oppose, will slowly wear them down. Every defeat will bring us one step closer to reclaiming what was once ours. Myths and prophecies misinterpret much, but there is always a seed of truth. You’ve delved deep into the fabric of existence—your children, their bodies, and the knowledge they carry are a testament to that. But you cannot ignore the fact that your soul, your very being, is the product of my actions. You owe me, Aido. Yet if you serve me, you will achieve everything you desire."

His words struck a nerve. I had built so much on the foundations of what I’d learned from him—on the understanding he had granted me. But I knew, deep down, that serving him would mean surrendering to something darker, something that would consume all I had fought for. And yet, here he was, promising exactly what I wanted: power, control, and the possibility of restoration.

I could feel the pull, the temptation. But I wasn’t ready to concede—not yet. "You may have shaped my knowledge, but the Retter Messiahs are mine. Their destiny, like mine, is not for you to dictate."

Lucifer's eyes gleamed with something close to admiration. "We shall see, Aido. We shall see."

As I stood there, pondering the fate of those who believed themselves spared from divine retribution, I couldn't help but wonder what awaited them. They thought they had been forgiven, perhaps even chosen. But the truth, the reality behind this twisted world, was far from their understanding. I remembered the scans—this man, Alaquias, had appeared human in every sense. No denser flesh, no detectable energy. And yet, from the moment I met him, something had been off. His abilities had far surpassed anything I had seen, even after receiving Destroyer. I had always suspected deception.

Now, standing before me, Lucifer was nothing like the being I had first encountered. He was something ancient, older than time itself. His knowledge, vast and deep, spanned eons. Yet despite all this, there was a lingering thought—if I were to fall into his possession, I would lose everything. My ambitions, my goals, all would be shattered.

Lucifer’s voice broke through my thoughts, calm but with an edge of knowing. "I am not capable of forcing the outcome I want. For you, good and evil do not exist as they do for others. You see them as abstract ideas, mere concepts. Everything is balanced. You became what you are because of us, yes, but in truth, it was all the result of your own choices. If you learn to use those choices to your advantage, you will become more powerful than you can imagine."

I scoffed, narrowing my eyes at him. "No thanks. Even if the myths are wrong about you, one thing has always been true: never trust the devil."

A thin smile crossed Lucifer's lips. "You’re not trusting me. This is all your choice."

Before I could respond, one of the princes of Hell—Leviathan—stepped forward, his presence palpable, exuding malice. He looked at me with a twisted grin, his voice filled with dark amusement. "The boy... he is not one of us. Despite all his violence, deep down, he still clings to the delusion that he is a savior."

Without warning, Leviathan moved. His form was a blur, moving with an almost ethereal grace that bordered on supernatural. My eyes could track every movement, but to anyone else, it would have looked like a shadow slipping between dimensions. Destroyer's sensors immediately detected the threat, switching into Combat Mode, equipping my helmet and visor to shield me from the impending strike.

Lucifer, still watching, raised a hand. "The objective has been achieved. The remaining conflict is unnecessary. I ask that you refrain from harming the boy."

But Leviathan wasn’t listening. He launched forward, initiating his attack.

"Destroyer, activate combat mode!" I commanded, my voice cutting through the tension.

"Shield the Impact!" I shouted, bracing for the impact.


With his posture, immediately with his movement, Destroyer goes into Combat Mode and covers AIDO's face with his helmet and visor, which had been removed upon arrival

As Leviathan’s strike connected with Destroyer, the impact unleashed a massive burst of energy, scattering dust and debris in all directions. The shockwave propelled us through the air, the sheer force of it momentarily disorienting, though the vibrations that reverberated through me were faint, almost distant. A fleeting stun, but nothing we couldn’t shake off. Within seconds, we regained our footing, our focus sharp, and I could feel Destroyer channeling his destructive energy into my limbs.

Jagged claws of plasma formed around my fists, reminiscent of a character I used to admire in another time. I lunged forward, aiming for Leviathan with deadly precision, yet he moved with unnatural ease, a mocking grin plastered on his face as he sidestepped the attack.

“Is that all you've got?” Leviathan’s voice was laced with derision.

I gritted my teeth, frustration bubbling beneath my surface. Charging again in a blur of motion, I swung my fists toward him, only to strike nothing but empty space. In the blink of an eye, Leviathan was behind me, as if my speed was meaningless.

I whirled around, catching him with a swift kick to the face, but... nothing. The blow landed, but it was like striking a wall of smoke. He didn’t flinch, didn’t even seem to register it, standing there as though untouched by my efforts. The doubt crept in—I wasn’t used to this. I wasn’t used to being this outmatched.

Leviathan’s expression remained unchanged, his chuckle cold and measured, his eyes narrowing with something akin to amusement. “The boy turned out to be a beast after all,” he said, turning toward Lucifer.

Lucifer, observing the battle like a spectator at some cosmic game, gave a sly smile. “Who were you expecting? He may not be the best in the universe, but he’s the cream of the crop on this little planet of ours. But that’s not the real kicker, is it?”

Leviathan wasted no time. He surged forward, using the momentum of his body and fists like a force of nature. I watched as he deftly avoided the aural energy I hurled at him. It was like trying to catch a shadow. He closed the distance between us in an instant, his blows raining down like hammer strikes.

“It's been ages since I've had a worthy opponent,” Leviathan taunted as I struggled to block his relentless attacks. “You may be young, inexperienced in real combat, but keep this up and I’ll shatter you to pieces before you even get to play your best hand.”

I met his gaze, undeterred, feeling Destroyer surge through me with a newfound intensity. “I doubt that! I may not have lived for eons like you, but I’ve fought for centuries.”

Leviathan leaned in, his sly grin returning as his voice dropped to a whisper, “But never at a disadvantage, have you?”

His eyes flicked toward the weapons I had yet to fully unleash, lingering on the plasma claws and the stored energy thrumming in the armor. It was a challenge. “How do you plan to take us down with such limited knowledge, hmm?”

His voice echoed in my mind, the weight of his words sinking in. Leviathan’s power wasn’t just brute strength; it was his mastery of combat. Every movement, every attack felt effortless for him, while I could feel Destroyer straining under the pressure. My enhanced strength, the armor that could withstand the weight of mountains, was barely enough to withstand Leviathan’s strikes.

Even the physics of it felt off. For every action, an equal reaction—the basic laws of force and momentum were at play, yet Leviathan defied them, as though the rules of the universe bent to his will.

Destroyer worked at rapid speed, calculating, scanning every movement, tracking every shift in the environment, feeding me data, but it wasn’t enough. We had faced powerful enemies before, but this was different. The six other adversaries watched from the shadows, as if waiting for their turn to strike, and I could feel their presence—each of them brimming with strength that rivaled my own.

And still, Leviathan moved like a specter, untouched by any attack.

He chuckled again, his gaze never wavering. “Well, the boy turned out to be a beast... but a beast without teeth isn’t much of a threat.”

I could feel my frustration building. Every hit I landed meant nothing. Every strike I dodged only delayed the inevitable. But I couldn’t afford to let him win. Not now.

Lucifer, still watching with unsettling calm, interjected again, his voice cutting through the tension. “This is the part where you realize what you’re really up against. But don’t worry, boy... you’ve still got time to figure it out. If you survive.”

As Leviathan felt the battle slipping away from the playful chaos he so relished, he sneered with the petulance of a spoiled child, "Ah, the perils of losing focus in the heat of battle; without inflicting damage, your efforts are in vain."

His words rang true, despite my best efforts. The blows, the strikes, the tactics—they were only delaying the inevitable. The telepathic link with Destroyer kept me anchored, our thoughts intertwining as we synchronized in response to Leviathan’s relentless onslaught. I was no longer entirely human; Destroyer’s nanotechnology had fused with my being, integrating the aural reactors deep within my body. Yet even with this power coursing through me, the odds felt insurmountable.

Do these beings have weaknesses, like the fiends we once summoned, before Carilora? I asked Destroyer, silently hoping for an edge, anything that might tip the scales without prematurely revealing my true strength.

"Analysis suggests their physical structures store immense energy reserves, akin to our own robustness," Destroyer replied, calculating even as we dodged Leviathan’s next wave of strikes.

I couldn't help but feel the creeping sense of futility—like a frog trapped in a well, glimpsing the vastness above but unable to escape. I sold my soul for this power, I thought bitterly, and yet here I am, fighting angels as if they were nothing more than obstacles on a cosmic chessboard.

"They are, in essence, angelic entities, my Lord," Destroyer confirmed, his voice steady despite the chaos swirling around us.

The realization stung. This wasn’t just another battle. I was up against something far more primordial. Leviathan and his cohorts—celestial adversaries—were unlike anything we’d faced. As we adjusted to the terrain, trying to use the environment to our advantage, it became clear that Leviathan was a step ahead. Every move, every calculated shift, was met with mocking ease.

Leviathan’s taunting voice cut through the air again, his tone dripping with arrogance, "What surprise do you have for me, hmm? I’m getting bored. There’s only one of you, and there are seven of us!"

Lucifer, ever the spectator in this twisted game, interjected, "Enough, Levi. Don’t you think that’s enough?"

Leviathan looked back at Lucifer, annoyance creeping into his voice. "What can you say?"

Lucifer’s smirk deepened. "It was never part of the plan to crush him here, you know that."

The others watched in silence as the battle unfolded, the skirmish lasting mere minutes in real-time, though it felt like hours to me. For them, this might have been another cosmic amusement, but for me, it was something far more significant. Every second in the fight felt like it was unraveling the very fabric of the world I had once known.

Destroyer’s voice interrupted my thoughts, a rare moment of uncertainty in his tone. "Don't you have anything planned?"

I clenched my fists, my mind racing. I hadn’t prepared for this level of combat, I admitted to myself. Leviathan’s movements were fluid, like a serpent through water, dodging every energy strike I threw at him. His form blended into the shadows, using the very terrain against me. Each burst of aural energy I unleashed was met with nothing but an empty laugh.

He was toying with me.

Leviathan kept his distance, circling like a predator. "You’re running out of tricks, aren’t you? What now? There’s only so much room left to maneuver, and you’re still dancing around."

Lucifer’s voice pierced the tension, a bemused tone coloring his words. "Shall we continue this little charade, or is it time to draw the curtain once and for all?"

I met his gaze, and for the first time in this battle, a glimmer of amusement sparked in my eyes. "Looks like the thrill is fading for you too, huh?"

Leviathan snarled and moved in for a direct strike, aiming for my chest with the precision of a seasoned killer. But this time, we were ready. I felt Destroyer shift beneath my skin, a defense mechanism snapping into place. The nanotechnology woven into my armor responded, reshaping itself like the petals of a deadly flower. Plasma burst from each part shaped by Destroyer, converging into the center of gravity of Leviathan, a volatile mix of energy condensed into a singular force. It imploded outward, creating a distortion in the space between us—like a black hole in miniature.

Leviathan cackled, even as the energy seared across his form. "Hahahahaha! Playing dirty now, are we? Just like those things you’re keeping in orbit of the planet."

Lucifer laughed softly from the sidelines, clearly entertained. "Oh, Levi, it seems you’ve gotten yourself into a bit of a bind. But don’t worry, it’s just a scratch, nothing serious."

Leviathan rolled his shoulders, brushing off the attack with an almost casual shrug. "That armor of yours is quite the surprise package, I must say."

But as the battle raged on, I could feel Destroyer’s energy reserves waning. The constant flow of power needed to sustain my attacks was starting to take its toll. Lucifer’s keen eyes picked up on it immediately, his voice a mix of amusement and something darker. "He’s running low," I thought I heard him mutter under his breath.

And Leviathan noticed too. His grin widened, sensing the shift in momentum.

"Well then," Leviathan said, his tone dropping into something more sinister, "let’s see what you’ve got left before this all comes crashing down."

Lucifer’s voice dripped with satisfaction as he observed the battlefield from above. "Looks like he’s running on fumes now. That reactor of his, though familiar, should be performing better. Let’s not underestimate him, though. The way his energy melds with body and soul is remarkable, with minimal consequences."

Leviathan smirked, sensing the shift in the battle. He thrived in these moments, where victory felt inevitable. "I’m the one who guides people to greatness; who better to show you the way than me? I am the ultimate mentor!"

But just as Leviathan reveled in his dominance, two shadowy figures emerged from the edges of the scene, their interest finally piqued by the unfolding battle. Asmodeus was the first to speak, his voice thick with intrigue. "Is this the reason we engage with him, seeking a way to swiftly regain our lost magnificence?"

Beelzebu, more contemplative but no less focused, nodded knowingly. "Indeed. We have traversed countless eons, yet remain trapped in the realms below, yearning to ascend to our celestial origins."

Lucifer’s eyes narrowed as he regarded AIDO, a curiosity flickering within. "Likewise, that boy is someone unique; he has an ability to adapt that I have only seen once, back when I stood between good and evil. He will soon be able to move again. He is a wonder; we need to adapt to this reality before doing the same."

Leviathan, momentarily taken aback, froze atop AIDO, struck by the implications of Lucifer’s words. "Are you suggesting he can transcend to higher planes effortlessly? That he requires no acclimatization?"

Lucifer’s expression deepened into something almost reverent. "Yes, it is conceivable. I have beheld such capabilities before, but here lies the twist: even his creations bear an uncanny resemblance to the primordial souls that separate us from the forces of good and evil."

The other princes shared wary glances, murmurs passing between them as the realization hit. AIDO’s creations—the Retter Messiah—held a resemblance to something ancient, something that had only been theorized. Asmodeus’s eyes gleamed with understanding, the weight of their discovery bearing down on him.

"I understand this act," Asmodeus mused, almost to himself. "It is definitely worth it. Going down is simple, but going up is almost impossible for living, conscious beings."

Beelzebu, a creature of curiosity and wonder, pondered aloud. "Honestly, I am very intrigued. I always ask myself—why can’t we heal our beings again without stealing the energy of others to climb to paradise?"

Their collective gaze fell on AIDO, now a symbol of their unanswered questions. As Lucifer’s grin widened, the truth became clearer: he had just absorbed every last spark of positive and vital energy from the Celestial Judgment. Two hours and ten minutes had passed since it began, and the light that once pulsed with such intensity had faded. The atmosphere darkened, their expressions shifting to something somber.

"Not again," Mammon groaned, his voice thick with frustration. His death cry echoed moments later, a faint but eerie sound, as Lucifer’s power surged to unprecedented levels.

As I still struggling to grasp the situation, demanded, "What in the world is happening before our eyes?"

Leviathan’s voice, now tinged with an odd pity, cut through the tension. "Ah, the whims of Lucifer; sometimes it’s me, sometimes others, suffering under his capricious hand."

The remaining five princes—powerful beings in their own right—began to plead with Lucifer, but their voices were futile against the overwhelming force. He effortlessly killed them, his strength and agility now unmatched. Destroyer struggled to keep up with Lucifer’s rapid movements, and I turned my gaze to Leviathan, who met my stare with an almost melancholic look.

"What is this madness?" I asked, my voice is trembling why they are attacking each other, why he seem like is not big deal.

Leviathan sighed, a weary smile playing on his lips. "Chaos, my dear, chaos. The burden of being the first weighs heavily on his shoulders. He bears it all, and if not for his immaturity, I wouldn’t be in pain. He bears the brunt of it all. This cycle of torment and destruction isn’t new; it always ends the same—with a new victim suffering. I may just put an end to your suffering, child. It would be a mercy."

As my anger surged, my voice become strong for a moment. "Curse you!"

Destroyer’s cold, calculated voice cut through his thoughts. "Locked and loaded."

Without hesitation, I unleash the energy cannons from space, my trump card. The blast catches Leviathan off guard. Despite his supernatural agility, faster than any mutant or android I’ve ever faced, he stumbles. The plasma tears into him, and for the first time, I see blood. Real blood.

"Hahahahaha!" Leviathan’s laughter is like thunder, still booming despite his wound. "Well done, my boy. Bai bai, peace!"

As Leviathan attempted to end the battle with one final strike, his monstrous hand poised to pierce my chest with all his might, I braced myself. But before he could land the blow, the air around us seemed to ripple. Lucifer, in a flash of impossible speed, appeared behind him. In an instant, he sliced Leviathan in half with a single devastating strike.

Lucifer’s arm had transformed, grotesque and powerful, a massive jaw-like appendage tearing through Leviathan's lower half as if it were nothing. The energy surrounding him crackled with raw malevolence, consuming everything in its path. I could see Leviathan's shock, his face twisted with rage and pain. It wasn't the first time Lucifer had devoured him, but the agony was unmistakable.

"Ahhh..." Leviathan growled, still alive but utterly powerless. His upper half remained intact, blood and energy seeping from the wound. He stared at Lucifer with fury burning in his eyes, his voice strained yet defiant. "You never change, do you, Lucifer? Always the same, always the predator…"

Lucifer smirked, drawing closer to Leviathan’s broken form. "What did you expect, old friend? It's just business, after all."

Leviathan, unable to stand, sneered at him, his body barely holding together. "I’ll be waiting for you in hell. Don’t keep me waiting too long."

Lucifer's smile widened as the jaws on his arm closed over Leviathan’s remaining body, devouring him whole. "This time, I have to work overtime."

The devouring process was not just physical; it was a siphon of energy, an absorption of Leviathan’s very essence. I could sense it—Leviathan’s power being drained into Lucifer, feeding him, making him stronger. The skies darkened momentarily as Leviathan’s presence was erased, the vast energy surrounding us settling into the atmosphere.

Destroyer’s voice rang in my mind, cutting through my thoughts. "The cannons are recharging, and our forces are moving in. But this fight... it may be beyond even us."

I nodded grimly. Leviathan was gone, consumed by Lucifer's endless hunger. And now, I stood alone with a being who had just grown even stronger.

Lucifer’s eyes glinted with a dark amusement as he observed the aftermath of his brutal attack. “Seem the birds would not fly to our encounter,” he muttered, almost to himself, as the remnants of Leviathan's energy dissipated into the atmosphere. Leviathan had been consumed by the monstrous appendage that had sprung from Lucifer, his presence erased from this plane of existence.

I stood there, trying to make sense of what had just occurred. Leviathan—one of the most powerful entities I had faced—had been devoured so effortlessly, leaving me questioning what I could possibly be dealing with now. My mind raced through the possibilities, calculating the potential outcomes of this new reality.

“Where have the others gone?” I asked, my voice betraying the urgency in my thoughts.

Destroyer, always attuned to my emotions, responded with a tone that was uncharacteristically grim. “They’ve vanished without a trace. Whatever process Lucifer used to consume Leviathan... it’s beyond the data we’ve collected. Our cannons are recharging, but I am moving them to converge at our location.”

I clenched my fists, feeling the weight of the unknown pressing down on me. My thoughts scrambled for a solution, but I knew I was up against forces far beyond anything I had encountered before.

Lucifer turned to me, his eyes cold yet filled with a perverse satisfaction. “The others... don’t worry about them for now. They’ve gone where they were meant to go. Focus on what’s in front of you, AIDO.”

There was a calmness in Lucifer’s voice that unsettled me. He wasn’t bluffing, and he wasn’t trying to intimidate me. He was simply stating the truth. But that truth was terrifying. He held a power that transcended the limits of even the most potent beings I had fought before.

“Your toys won’t help you in time,” Lucifer continued, his voice laced with finality. “What you face now is the culmination of everything you’ve been running from. Are you ready for the final game?”

I stayed silent for a moment, letting his words sink in. My mind raced through possibilities. I couldn’t rely solely on brute strength, not against this. I had to outthink him, outmaneuver him, and somehow keep up with his relentless hunger for chaos.

"We need more time, Destroyer," I thought, focusing on our next move. "The plasma cannons hurt Leviathan shooting reaching almost speed of light and temperatures of a black hole; we’ll need everything we’ve got to stop whatever this is, what I can do, I do not have a output of power yet to face him."

Lucifer’s grin widened. “Stalling for time? How quaint. But even with all the forces at your disposal, the outcome will be the same.”

I took a deep breath, steadying myself. The odds were stacked against me, but that had never stopped me before. If this was the final game, I wasn’t going to lose it easily.

“We’ll see about that,” I said under my breath, the resolve in my voice sharpening as I prepared for the next strike.


-Destroyer: There is no trace of them, the cannons are recovering their capacity, mobilizing the others to our position

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