Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

Chapter 8: My life, part 3 The rumor that was true and invitation to a secret meeting.*

The classes that day covered a lot, a comprehensive review of everything we had learned up to that point, with new concepts thrown into the mix. They drilled the theory of combat into our heads—stressing, as always, the importance of attacking in groups when facing demi-humans or mutant beasts. Acting alone was foolish, even for nobles like us. We also went over emergency protocols, including the grim reality that sometimes, retreat is necessary. In extreme cases, we might even have to abandon the civilian population. That’s the last resort, of course, and a tough pill to swallow, especially for us nobles. We’re stronger, trained for combat, and we have a duty to protect our citizens. The loss of civilian lives weighs heavily on us. Our value, after all, is tied to the people we safeguard. Thankfully, those scenarios are rare. Professor Alfredo once told us about an incident decades ago where nobles had to make such a choice. He always reminds us to stay prepared for the worst.

Then, of course, there’s Saint Mary. She’s something else entirely. Her presence alone is enough to calm even the most anxious citizen. Dignified, almost ethereal with her wings—she’s a symbol of hope for the empire. Statues of her stand alongside mine—Aido the Redeemer—and the Creator God in most major cities. I’ve seen them everywhere I’ve traveled, always reminding the people that they’re safe, watched over. Her influence is undeniable.

I was lost in thought when Carlos pulled me back to reality. "Let’s grab a bite to eat before the next term starts," he suggested.

Luyira was immediately excited. "Let’s go, let’s go!" she chirped, practically bouncing on her toes.

I couldn’t help but smile. "What’s the hurry, Luy? We’ve got a lifetime ahead of us to spend together."

She pouted, that familiar, playful look crossing her face. "Yes, but…"

I laughed. "Haha, just kidding."

Her pout deepened, and before I could react, Sakura pinched her cheeks and laughed. "Hahaha!" she teased.

The mood was light, and as we made our way to the academy cafeteria, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of normalcy despite everything we’d been taught earlier. Sakura broke the comfortable silence first. "I never expected the Saint herself to be teaching us," she said, still sounding a little surprised. "But I think everyone’s happy about it. I know I am."

"Yeah, it caught me off guard too," Carlos added. "But it seems like a good fit for our group."

Sakura grinned mischievously. "Don’t speak too soon, Luy. If you keep defying the Saint, she might just end up as one of Aido’s lovers."

Luyira laughed, unbothered. "Nope, I have a special bond with Aido." She hugged me tightly, as if to prove her point. She always did that, reminding me of the bond we shared. We’d been together since childhood—she was the first face I saw in the morning and the last before I went to sleep. Like a sister, but not really. There was something more, though it was hard to put into words.

Sakura wasn’t done with her teasing, though. "Despite how she acts, it’s obvious to anyone with eyes—Luy sees you differently, Aido." She smirked. "She’s got fuck me eyes whenever she looks at you. I can’t be the only one who sees it."

Carlos groaned. "Sakura, that’s almost sacrilegious."

"Why?" she asked, shrugging like it was no big deal. "Wouldn’t we all be happy if she had a child?" Her eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Come to think of it, how is it that despite all the… action, neither Luy nor I have gotten pregnant yet?"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Maybe it’s my fault. I’m not ready to be a father, and as far as I know, if I don’t want a child, it’s impossible for me to get anyone pregnant."

Luyira looked up at me, her eyes soft. "I’ll wait until you’re ready, Aido. No rush."

But Sakura sighed dramatically. "Well, I want a little version of Carlos running around the mansion!"

She changed the subject abruptly, her grin fading as her thoughts seemed to drift elsewhere. "It’s strange, though. The Saint—she’s never shown interest in men. She’s had admirers, sure, like Guillermo, but her love has always been… platonic. Well, except for that one rumor."

That piqued Carlos’s curiosity. "Do you think it’s true?" he asked.

I frowned, thinking back to the whispers. "You mean the rumor about the nobleman who tried to force himself on her?"

Luyira scoffed. "Not a chance. No one would dare succeed."

But Sakura leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial tone. "Oh, I’ve heard it’s true. That’s why they have the top ten Hunters stationed at the Crystal Palace. Let me tell you how the story goes."

We all fell silent, knowing she was about to share something juicy. Even though we’d heard bits of the rumor before, Sakura always seemed to know more than the rest of us. No one dared interrupt.

"Centuries ago," Sakura began, her tone serious, "the Saint wasn’t living in the palace. She was at the church. And there was a nobleman who became completely obsessed with her the moment they met. She was kind to everyone, of course, but this man—he wanted her for himself. He spent years gaining her trust, slowly getting closer to her."

I glanced at Luyira, whose eyes were wide with interest. Even Carlos, who normally brushed off gossip, looked curious.

Sakura continued, "Eventually, the nobleman couldn’t control his obsession any longer. He concocted a plan. He slipped her a powerful aphrodisiac—strong enough to put an elephant in heat. He thought it would make her desire him." She paused for effect, glancing at each of us in turn.

"But it didn’t work," she said, lowering her voice. "And he was the first to try and harm the Saint. Back then, no one knew that poisons and toxins don’t affect her kind. It was a mistake that cost him his life."

I blinked, surprised. "I didn’t know that."

Luyira gasped. "I had no idea either!"

Sakura smirked. "Well, now you do. That’s why there are so few who would dare try anything against the Saint. Her power is… different. The nobleman never stood a chance."

As we walked in silence, the gravity of the rumor settled over us. The Saint’s mysteries ran deeper than I’d thought, and it left me wondering what else I didn’t know about the most important figure in our empire.

Sakura continued, her tone dropping into that familiar storytelling cadence she used when recounting dark or scandalous tales. “Nevertheless, the noble didn’t give up. When he realized that the aphrodisiac had no effect and had fooled no one, he asked for time alone with the Saint. She had a private room in one of the upper floors of the church, secluded, away from prying eyes. No one suspected him, and when he closed the door, he immediately threw himself on top of her.”

The shock rippled through me, through all of us. I could feel Luyira tensing beside me, her red ears twitching in anger.

Sakura pressed on. “He believed the Saint wouldn’t harm anyone, that she’d never resist his attack. Foolishly unaware of the strength of a Retter Messiah, he began tearing at her clothes. When she asked him to stop and he tried to force himself on her, she finally acted. Using her superhuman strength, she threw him off like he was nothing.”

Carlos interjected with a grim smile. “Obviously, he would look like a doll to her.”

Luyira hissed softly, her golden eyes flashing with rage. “I would’ve kicked him in the balls!”

I couldn’t help but smirk at her fierceness, but my attention quickly returned to Sakura. “What happened next?” I asked.

Sakura’s expression darkened as she continued. “The noble, dazed but stubborn, got up from the floor and attacked her again. This time, it became a fight. He thought he could overpower her, or maybe he was just too consumed by his desires to stop. Either way, he tried to force her again, thinking his martial skills were enough.”

Luyira gasped, covering her mouth. “No… it can’t be.”

Sakura shook her head quickly. “Do not worry. The Saint held her own. Her screams, though, were heard by the priests and guards. They rushed to her aid, and when they arrived, they found the noble attempting to subdue her. He couldn’t hide his crime. The Saint was shaken but unharmed. She was immediately taken to the Imperial Palace for protection.”

Carlos scowled, his hands clenching into fists. “What a piece of shit. He deserved worse.”

I felt the same anger rise in me. “Was he executed?”

Sakura sighed, the weight of the story evident in her voice. “No, he wasn’t killed. The Saint herself didn’t want him to die. At the trial, though, he was found guilty of treason. His punishment was exile to the northern arid lands.”

Luyira shook her head, her red ears perking up angrily. “That’s too lenient for someone who tried to rape the Saint.”

Sakura nodded in agreement. “It might seem that way, but you know what the northern lands are like. Even demi-humans struggle to survive there. A nobleman? Alone? He wouldn’t last long.”

My curiosity got the better of me. “Middle of nowhere?”

Sakura’s face broke into a mischievous grin. “Oh, it gets funnier. They didn’t just send him there; they catapulted him into the arid lands.”

She mimicked the sound of a flying object crashing, throwing her hands up theatrically. “Bam! Launched kilometers away, stripped of everything except his bare skin. The sun baking the land at 50 degrees Celsius, the ground scorching his feet. He had no chance.”


Luyira’s response was instant. “Serves him right.” Her voice was low and dangerous, her red tail bristling and her ears standing straight as she hissed again. Her fangs peeked out, and her eyes glinted like molten gold. She looked like a wolf, ready to tear into her prey.

The group fell into a stunned silence. The sheer cruelty of the punishment—and the archaic methods they used—was shocking. It was hard to tell if it was due to a lack of technology back then or if it was deliberate, a form of poetic justice. Still, it left us all uneasy.

I couldn’t help but speak my thoughts aloud. “They didn’t give up after that, did they?”

Sakura shook her head. “No one tried to force her again, but many sought her favor. There were attempts to woo her, pleading for her love, even some nobles trying to use political advantages. But every time, the Saint turned them away. Her eyes would harden, her smile tense, as if she knew better than to trust anyone with such intentions.”

Luyira, still fuming, spoke up again. “I believe she might open her heart to someone as strong and kind as you, Aido.”

Sakura laughed, not missing a beat. “It would be quite a sight—a Saint in love. If that ever happened, the entire empire would kneel before her. She’d be the matriarch of the realm. More powerful than any king. After all, the Saint is said to be like a goddess.”

Luyira smiled softly, hugging me even tighter. “To me, Aido is already like a god.”

Her embrace was firm, her arms wrapping around me in such a way that her breasts pressed against me, spilling over slightly, soft and warm. My face flushed, and I quickly tried to change the subject.

“Enough of that, Luy!” I muttered. “I’m hungry.”

She grinned mischievously, reaching for some of her food and almost shoving it into my mouth playfully. “Here! Eat up!”

I laughed, chewing the food she had practically forced into my mouth. “Strong, you say? Maybe.”

Carlos chimed in with a proud smile. “Brother, with you and your family by our side, everything will be alright. You’ll shine one day, just like Luyira and your mother. I’m sure of it.”

Their words filled me with warmth. Hearing how much faith they placed in me, how they saw me as this beacon of hope—it stirred something inside me. I wanted to live up to their expectations, to become the man they believed I could be. I wanted to save as many souls as I could, to unearth the ancient ruins of this world, and restore its lost grandeur.

Ding dong.

The bell rang in the distance, signaling it was time to return to class. I sighed, realizing how much we had learned already today, yet it was only halfway through the term. The next three-hour session loomed, and I could tell everyone was ready for a break.

After class, we were supposed to head to the training camp. Normally, couples or teams would be formed, each with the guidance of a teacher. But today felt different—there was an anticipation in the air, something unspoken. I had a feeling this time, things would be anything but typical.

As Saint Mary addressed the group, her voice resonated with authority, yet it carried a warmth that softened her words. "All right, everyone except Aido and Luyira, please proceed to the training grounds where Professor Alfredo and Professor Irma are awaiting your arrival."

I glanced at Luy, whose hand tightened around mine, a familiar gesture of support and anticipation. Nearby, Carlos did the same with Sakura, exchanging knowing looks as we made our way toward the Saint. Her presence was commanding yet somehow inviting, something that both calmed and unsettled me. "We are at your disposal for any assistance you may require."

Luy's grip on my hand grew firmer, her nervous energy unmistakable as we awaited Saint Mary’s response. I could sense her unease, though whether it stemmed from the looming field exam or the perceived interest the Saint seemed to show in me, I couldn’t tell.

Saint Mary smiled gently. "Do not be nervous," she said, her voice both soothing and enigmatic. "We have had limited opportunities to connect, and I believe it is important to get to know each other better. Hence, I have arranged a meeting between you, your mother, and the empire’s royalty."

A meeting? I couldn’t hide my surprise. It wasn’t often that something caught me off guard, but this certainly did. A formal gathering with the empire’s highest ranks? My mind raced with questions, though I kept them to myself. Beside me, Luyira didn’t seem upset by the news—in fact, her usual cheer had been replaced by something deeper, a quiet understanding. After everything we’d discussed with Sakura earlier, I could sense a subtle shift in her attitude toward Saint Mary, perhaps even a growing sympathy for the mysterious woman. "Understood."

Still, Luy’s nerves hadn’t fully settled. She clung to my arm as we walked, her body tense, though whether it was due to the upcoming field exam or the Saint’s apparent closeness to me, I couldn’t tell. As we made our way through the academy corridors, with the towering Crystal Palace growing ever closer, I realized just how vast this place truly was. The academy, along with the elite residential areas, occupied nearly as much space as the industrial and shopping districts combined. It felt like a world unto itself.

Unexpectedly, Saint Mary reached out, gently linking arms with me while Luyira still clung to my other side. The flirtatious smile she gave me sent a ripple of unease through the air, and I couldn’t help but notice the way Luy stiffened, her distaste clear. It struck me then—there were likely many who harbored envy, maybe even animosity, toward me. After all, the Saint had never shown interest in a man before, not in centuries. And here she was, with both Retter Messiahs—one on each arm. I could sense the quiet judgment from the bystanders we passed, though surprisingly, most exhibited a sense of awe more than hostility. I was the only human with the attention of two beings considered divine in their strength and power, and that alone set me apart in ways I hadn’t fully understood until now.


As we approached the palace, an imposing structure of crystal and grandeur, the quiet journey became charged with the weight of what lay ahead. The anticipation wasn’t just mine—Luyira remained tense, while Saint Mary carried herself with an air of calm, though I knew this meeting would hold significant meaning. The Crystal Palace was her domain, encircled by nobles and hunters who revered her as the only being capable of healing the gravest of wounds and illnesses, emerging from every danger unscathed. Only Frenia the Warrior, discovered centuries after, could rival her. The information we have is that male Retter Messiahs exist; they recall in their memories the concept of a Male of their kin, Saint Mary, Frenia, even Luyira have confirmed it, but it seems no one has ever seen them. In the end, we don't know where they are; they seem to be sleeping in some kind of chambers until someone wakes them up. We are also unsure of their numbers, which is why it is important to reclaim the lands and search for them.

I also recalled another odd fact—Saint Mary possessed the rare ability to alter an individual's gender, a delicate process that took several days. It was a service she offered only on rare occasions, often for nobles. Some had even traveled from far-off cities to seek her help in transitioning from one gender to another, though the journey was treacherous, and only a few ever succeeded in meeting her, this same ability could also remove any problem in the genes of a baby, it is very important task for the surviving of our people.

As we neared the grand entrance of the palace, Saint Mary raised her hand. At her command, the ornate doors swung open, revealing a world of opulence and luxury within. A group of S-Rank Hunters stood at attention, offering us a warm welcome as we entered. Luyira’s eyes roamed the massive interior, taking in the grand staircase at the center and the gleaming walls that seemed to sparkle with every step. The number of people inside the palace struck me—far more than I had anticipated.  "Why so many people?" I asked, intrigued by the sheer number of individuals bustling about.

Saint Mary smiled proudly. "Approximately 150 hunters reside here, each carefully chosen for their skills and loyalty. This palace is not just a home—it is a fortress. We have thirty A-Rank Hunters and ten S-Rank Protectors at all times, guarding the most vital areas of the palace."

I raised an eyebrow at the staggering number. It was more than most cities had in terms of security.

As we ascended the grand staircase and moved deeper into the palace, Luyira’s wide eyes took in every detail—the gilded columns, the chandeliers dripping with crystals, and the nobles and servants who scurried past us. The guardians rushed ahead to stand watch by the enormous doors looming before us, reinforcing the security measures in place. Here, hunters were more than just warriors—they were part of a community bound by duty, honor, and an unwavering loyalty to the Saint.

Saint Mary stopped in front of the massive doors. "Here we are!" she declared, her voice filled with purpose.

She stepped forward gracefully as the doors swung open to reveal a scene of pure royal splendor. The king, queen, and prince sat poised on lavish thrones, their presence commanding yet welcoming. To the side stood a maid, a blushing princess, and a young man in servant’s attire, all of them watching us with anticipation.

All eyes turned to Saint Mary, and I could feel the air grow thick with expectation. This was more than just a meeting—it was a moment that could shift the very balance of the empire.

We stood at the threshold, surrounded by grandeur, mystery, and the weight of the unknown.

King Arthur spoke first, his voice rich with authority yet tinged with a reverence that filled the room. "Welcome," he proclaimed. "I am thrilled to be in the presence of the Redeemer Reincarnate."

His words hit me like a wave, the title—Redeemer Reincarnate—settling over me with a weight I wasn’t sure I was ready to carry. The court’s attention was now entirely on me, eyes filled with expectation. It was a title I had heard spoken of in whispers, but to hear it announced so formally by the king himself made it feel real, inescapable. Despite knowing my destiny, the reality of it felt heavy, almost suffocating.

Saint Mary gestured toward the seat beside her. "Sit here, next to me. You too, Luyira. Your mother will arrive soon."

I nodded, guiding Luyira to sit beside me. Her hand still clutched mine tightly, her usual playfulness replaced by a quiet apprehension. Seated beside Saint Mary, I could feel the gravity of the situation grow. The eyes of the royals lingered on me, as if they were waiting for something—an answer, a sign, anything. The mantle of the savior felt like an oversized cloak draped across my shoulders, too magnificent, too burdensome to wear comfortably.

Saint Mary, her voice soft and calming, reassured me. "Your mother will be with us shortly."

Just as she spoke, the grand doors opened once more, and my mother, Alidia, entered the room. Her presence commanded immediate respect. She moved with a quiet dignity, her formal salute to the royals showing her experience and wisdom. She greeted King Arthur and Queen Jessica with the grace of someone who had stood before them many times before. She guided us toward the sofas, seating me next to Saint Mary. I could sense Luyira’s discontent, her usual spot next to me taken, but she silently complied, sitting beside our mother.

Luyira, still processing everything, blurted out, "Reincarnation of the Redeemer?"

Her voice broke through the heavy silence, and I could feel every gaze in the room shift toward her.

Saint Mary smiled serenely, as though she held the key to some great, cosmic secret. "Yes, indeed," she said softly. "It is undeniable, confirmed by signs and prophecies."

King Arthur leaned forward, his eyes sharp but kind. "Indeed, young lady. That is precisely why we have gathered here today, in this secluded and soundproof chamber. We wish to hear the truth from your own lips, Aido. While your mother has shared much with us, we have yet to hear your side of the story."

I opened my mouth to respond, but before I could, King Arthur raised his hand, his voice taking on a more formal tone as he gestured toward those seated beside him. "But first, allow me to introduce you to the esteemed individuals in this room. Here, secrets find refuge, and we may speak freely."

The room, hidden from prying eyes and ears, was designed for such clandestine meetings. It was as if the very air around us was muffled, the walls themselves serving as guardians of the secrets about to be shared.

King Arthur stood proudly. "I am Arthur VII Pendragon de Lux, and this is my queen, Jessica IV Pendragon de Lux." His gaze lingered on the queen for a moment before he added, "As you may know, she is not only my wife but also my twin sister."

It wasn’t uncommon knowledge that the royal family preserved their lineage through such unions, but hearing it stated so plainly still held an eerie significance. Their marriage, more than just a symbol of power, was the very foundation of the empire.

Queen Jessica smiled graciously. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Luyira and I nodded, responding in unison. "We are honored to meet you."

King Arthur continued. "Allow me to introduce my firstborn, Lasui Pendragon de Lux, and his betrothed, the enchanting Marceline Devenia."

Prince Lasui, a boy no older than fifteen, stood proudly beside a striking woman. His bright eyes and youthful energy contrasted with Marceline’s calm and mature demeanor. "A pleasure to meet you, indeed!" he said, his voice carrying the youthful exuberance of someone eager to make a lasting impression.

Luyira and I responded, "The pleasure is ours."

Though Marceline smiled politely, there was something about her—an unease that lingered just beneath the surface. She was beautiful, no doubt, but her eyes carried a weight of experience that didn’t quite match the youthful excitement of the prince. Sensing the unspoken question in my mind, Marceline addressed it herself.

Marceline’s voice was soft but steady. "Perhaps it seems unconventional for a thirty-year-old woman to be engaged to a fifteen-year-old prince. But, as you may come to understand, circumstances moved swiftly."

There was a tension in the room as she spoke, and I could tell that her past still lingered heavily on her.

Prince Lasui interrupted, his voice cutting through the tension. "She lost her first husband—a brave hunter—years ago. Their love was great, but when he fell, her life changed."

Luyira, ever quick to speak, chimed in, "Wait, ex-husband? Oh, I see, she's in mourning."

The mention of her previous husband seemed to shift something in Marceline, her eyes briefly clouding with sorrow. "Yes," she said quietly. "My late husband and I shared a beautiful bond. We were blessed with children. But a decade ago, during a brutal mutant beast attack on Silao, I lost him. He was a Crank Hunter, a man of great courage. After his death, I sought refuge in the palace, hoping to protect my children and serve the royal family. It was then that Prince Lasui... well, his admiration for me grew over the years."

She paused, a faint, bittersweet smile crossing her lips. "He proposed to me three years ago, and though I was hesitant, I eventually accepted."

The room was silent, save for the soft murmur of distant footsteps echoing through the grand hall. There was something poignant in Marceline’s story, the way her past and present seemed to collide in this moment, surrounded by royalty and divine beings.

Luyira leaned closer to me, her voice barely above a whisper. "It’s strange, isn't it? An older woman like her with a young prince?"

I nodded, understanding her unease but also seeing the complexity of the situation. Marceline had lived a life filled with love and loss, and now, she was poised to begin a new chapter with Prince Lasui, even if their relationship seemed unusual by most standards.

As we sat in the opulence of the palace, surrounded by people whose lives were woven together with secrets and legacies, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this was only the beginning. My role as the Redeemer Reincarnate had brought me here, but the path ahead was still shrouded in mystery.

The bond between Marceline and the Prince seemed unshakable, strengthened by shared grief and a love forged through their trials. It was clear to all of us now—their hearts had intertwined in a way that transcended mere affection. This was love born from pain, from loss, and yet it was radiant.

Suddenly, Luyira, never one to hold her tongue, blurted out, “And you did it with him?”

Her bold question hung in the air like a stone dropping into a still pond, shattering the tender moment. All eyes turned to Marceline, whose gaze shifted, her silence confirming what needed no words. She had indeed been the Prince’s first love, and while the engagement hadn’t been openly declared, the truth was clear to everyone present.

The tension was broken by Alidia’s firm voice, cutting through the room with the authority of a matron reprimanding a wayward child. "Girl, don’t be reckless," she urged.

But Luyira, ever mischievous, countered with a playful twinkle in her eye, "But I’m interested in love stories!"

I couldn't help but grin. Luyira had a way of softening any situation, turning even the most tense moments into something light-hearted. And, to be fair, I was curious myself.

Aido: "To be honest, it also made me curious."

Before our banter could continue, King Arthur cleared his throat, bringing us back to the matter at hand. "Ahem, let’s continue. You three," he gestured toward Saint Mary, Luyira, and me, "are the greatest forces of the empire and our pride."

The king then turned to a young couple seated nearby. "Before you stand my beautiful daughter, Princess Sasari First Pendragon de Lux, and her young fiancé, Javier Halai."


As he spoke, I couldn’t help but notice the way Princess Sasari’s eyes sparkled with a kind of youthful innocence. She smiled brightly at me and complimented my appearance, causing Luyira, Alidia, and Saint Mary to exchange looks of mild disapproval, clearly not keen on the idea of someone else flirting with me."Thank you, young princess. As the king says, you are a true beauty."

Princess Sasari giggled, casting a teasing glance at her fiancé, Javier. "See, Javier? You must protect me—they might steal me away!" she said with a playful wink.

Javier, visibly flustered, quickly retorted, "Sasi!" His tone was equal parts affectionate and embarrassed, revealing the closeness of their relationship.

Sasari continued, her voice soft but filled with affection. "Javier and I grew up together. He’s always been by my side. Although he’s a bit soft-spoken, he’s protected me countless times."


A smile tugged at my lips as I recalled the stories circulating about Javier—how he had shielded Princess Sasari during a vicious mutant beast attack in the port of Veracruz. His bravery had captured not only the admiration of the court but also the princess’s heart. The room seemed to hum with approval at the young couple’s story of love and protection. "It’s a pleasure to meet such a noble protector."

Luyira, leaning forward with a grin, added, "Well done—that’s what a man does!"

Javier gave a modest smile, clearly unused to such attention but visibly proud of his deeds.

King Arthur gestured to two other figures in the room. "Finally, we have Exio Lion and Romulo Sepcio, S-Rank Hunters, who have served the empire and the Pendragon house for over a decade."

The two hunters stepped forward, standing tall with the authority of men who had seen countless battles. Their gazes were sharp, unwavering, as they bowed respectfully.

Exio and Romulo: "At your command, sir!"

Aido: "Glad to be in your charge."


These two were legends in their own right, their loyalty and skill unmatched, sworn protectors of both the empire and the Pendragon family. Their presence added weight to the already intense atmosphere, yet it was clear they were there not just as guards, but as revered members of this elite gathering.

Suddenly, Saint Mary interrupted with a playful tone, drawing everyone's attention with a mischievous pout that mimicked Luyira’s. "Moo! I’m missing out!"

The room erupted in soft laughter as her unexpected behavior caught us off guard. For a moment, she shed her ethereal aura, and I saw her as something more human, more tangible—a woman with her own desires and playfulness, much like Luy.

Her tone shifted as she began to speak about her past, her playful expression fading into something more serious. "As the Retter Messiah, I am significantly older than most individuals. I was discovered in the southern jungles and rivers of Brazil. Upon awakening, I had no memory of my past. I could comprehend spoken language and had knowledge of most technological advancements, yet some ancient technologies remain lost to me."

Her voice took on a reflective quality, and I listened intently, drawn into her story. "I soon realized I possessed the power to heal. At first, it was minor injuries, but over time, I learned how to heal even the most complex wounds. It is this knowledge that I wish to pass on to Luyira."

Luyira, without hesitation, beamed at Saint Mary. "I’m ready! Surrendering myself to your care."

Saint Mary smiled softly. "I shall treat you with kindness, for we are like sisters. Which, of course, makes me Aido's sister too." She winked playfully at Luy, her words carrying both warmth and teasing, as though she were staking a claim on this newfound bond between us.

I raised an eyebrow, caught between the significance of her words and the lightness with which she delivered them. Sisters—yes, that seemed fitting, though there was something deeper in Saint Mary’s gaze, something more intense.

Aido: "Pardon me, but does Saint Mary truly desire me as her first companion?"

She met my gaze with unwavering certainty. "Indeed, I do. Never before have I felt such a stirring in my heart until I laid eyes upon the two of you when you first arrived at the academy, half a decade ago. It is you, Aido, that I have been waiting for. Frenia may not have laid eyes on you yet, but I sense that she, too, will share the same sentiment."

I remark her mention, "Frenia The warrior?"

Saint Mary nodded, her eyes gleaming with respect as she spoke. "Leader of the Amazons, she is akin to a mighty beast in strength and fierceness. Without her at the forefront, the Titanic beasts would have overrun us long ago."

The room grew silent, the gravity of her words settling in. I had heard of Frenia, of course—everyone had—but to hear her role described so directly by Saint Mary gave it new weight. The Titanic Beasts—mutant creatures of colossal size, each one a living nightmare with seemingly limitless combat potential—were a constant threat. Though only a few emerged each year, their appearance signaled disaster, forcing entire regions to mobilize just to defeat them. And despite our victories, they always came back. This endless cycle had ravaged our historical knowledge, much of which was lost in the wake of their destruction.

Saint Mary voice soft but with remorse, "These beasts were once regarded as natural disasters—things from which humanity could only run. But with warriors like Frenia leading the charge, we’ve been able to fight back. However, it is a continuous struggle, one that we cannot ignore."

Her words seemed to echo through the grand hall, and as she looked at me, I could feel her intent. "This is why I am so eager to unravel your story, Aido. Your birth, your path—it holds significance. Let us begin there."

I paused for a moment, collecting my thoughts. It was clear now that they were not just curious—they were invested. The royalty, Saint Mary, even my own mother, all of them wanted to hear the story that had led me to this point. They had already heard portions of it, but now they wanted the complete account, from my own lips.

Alidia, my mother, leaned in gently. "Fear not, there are no secrets to divulge, as they are already acquainted with parts of the narrative."

She smiled at me with a warmth that settled some of my nerves, but I could still feel the weight of everyone’s gaze upon me. This story, my story, seemed unbelievable even to me, and yet it was real.

I took a deep breath. "In that case," I said, locking eyes with Saint Mary, then glancing at the royal family and my mother, "I shall hold nothing back."

The room grew still, the anticipation palpable. Everyone—King Arthur, Queen Jessica, Prince Lasui, Marceline, even Luyira—sat silently, waiting to hear the tale of my birth. Despite the familiarity of it, recounting it in this setting, surrounded by such powerful and important figures, gave it new significance.

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