Evolution: Start AS A Raft

92. Maximizing Benefits

The second attack fell from the sky on the foredecks of the five Spanish galleons. Smoke rolled off the bows of the five ships and chaos ensued for a moment.

However, the Spanish galleons were not incapacitated completely after two rounds of attacks and the distance between the two sides was gradually closing.

Raine observed the formation of the opponents. They have arranged in the shape of a V. The smoke from the burning provided excellent cover for the boats in the rear. The formation was used in a group fight that cover each other and was extremely powerful in terms of fire, but less flexible.

But Raine had the most important point in addition to the advantage of fire range and accuracy, agility!

Having destroyed the gun on the bow of the opponent's ship, Raine suddenly changed course and scuttled into the flank of the opposing fleet when they were 400 or 500 meters apart.

Raine was downwind of the enemy fleet and by now was lost in the smoke emanating from the five enemy ships.

"Captain, there's too much smoke to see where they are!" The lookout on the Toussaint's ship reported loudly to the captain.

"I've never seen such idiots, so what if we can't see them hiding downwind, their sight is worse than ours!" Toussaint had a scowl on his face.

This ship had hit five of his ships hard without saying a word. Obviously, this cannot end there.

"Attention ships on the east side. Pull back to avoid accidental damage. Fire at full power once they come out!"

However, just as Toussaint felt he was safe, ten cannon shots erupted from the smoke before Toussaint's fleet could change formation!

This sound was different from the mortars, it was louder and lower. Several flashes of fire came out of the smoke!

Immediately afterward, the shells hit their target with precision. The side of a ship parallel to it was blown to pieces in a moment.

The firepower compartment was destroyed and the whole ship was already badly tilted before they could fire. The splash damage from the shells did more damage to a large number of crew members.

Unexpectedly, after one round of attack, the 45-meter galleon had only half the side left!

Toussaint's eyes were blazing, one of his ships was dead! There was still a lot of cargo on board!

"Damn, what kind of cannon are these assholes using?!"

However, the surprise wasn't over yet. For some reason, a series of explosions suddenly rang out from the bottom of the ship. Followed by a violent shaking of both Toussaint's ship and the two ships behind him.

"Captain, several holes have been blown out of the bottom of our ship. The bottom is leaking badly!"

"Torpedoes?" Toussaint was baffled. That ship was equipped with torpedoes? That was not something a ship in human-class waters could play with.

Naturally, he did not know that he was not hit by torpedoes, but by mines.

Raine had sprinkled shallow water bombs ahead of the Toussaint fleet before he had changed course. Raine is very good at using something sinister.

The crew attempted to plug the hole in the bottom though, the hole was so big that seawater soon poured into the bottom compartment and the whole boat was sinking fast.

Five boats, one was destroyed outright, and three were ambushed by mines and were about to sink. Toussaint was furious, "Son of bitch! Don't run away, come and fight head-on if you dare!"

"Fire, fire! I'll sink them whatever it takes!"

Naturally, Raine wasn't going to be trapped by such simple agitation. He was going to play to his strengths that not fight his opponent hard. And he had rounded behind him by now.

At this point, the advantage of boat speed comes into play, lumbering guys didn't even have time to turn around.

"Captain, our ship is about to sink! Get on board Captain James' ship!" The ship's first mate said anxiously, pulling Toussaint along.

Is this about to sink? They hadn't even had time to fire! They were just like five live targets being bombarded by the other side.

However, it was true. Their ship was already sinking fast and many of the crew had already jumped overboard.

Toussaint finally jumped overboard after his first mate and climbed up the last boat following the rope James threw out.

"My ship! My cargo!" Toussaint was angry and distressed as he watched his ship sink. The price of this shipment is over 300,000 pearls! He couldn't afford to pay for it!

James walked over quickly, "Captain, what now? They have too much firepower. And crucially, they have a long range. The ship is faster than us. We can't approach or defeat them, and we can't... run away either."

What could be more tragic than not being able to fight and even run away?

Toussaint grasped both hands into claws and trembled all over. They were really going to be played to death by that ship!

Toussaint was so angry that his internal organs ached. Suddenly, he noticed that the ship had reappeared in front of their ship.

The ship was facing them sideways, and the ten gun doors on the second level of the firepower cabin were all open. Ten long and thin gun tubes sticking out of the gun doors looked extremely creepy.

"Damn! They're going to fire! Quick, turn!" James shouted.

But just as the ship twisted a little, the other side fired.

There was only one shot, and it landed two or three meters right next to their hull.

Then came another shot, which broke the ship's mainmast with precision.

This time, no one would have been naive enough to think that the other side had misfired. If all ten guns had fired at once, they would have been dead ducks!

It was clear that they were not allowed to turn!

James hurriedly told the crew to turn the ship back.

There was a boom and another shot landed two or three meters in front of their ship. It was a warning for them to slow down.

"What the fuck! Where the hell did they find the gunner? It's so accurate!" James frowned. The other side was using cannon fire to make fun of them and to control the direction and speed of their ship.

This was a skill that they had often seen at sea. They had often done it before when they had plundered some small ships, but it could never be this precise.

He finally resigned himself to his fate when he looked at the ten blackened gun barrels again and thought of the ship half of its hull blown off.

"Slow down!"

The two sides were 800m apart, 500m... 200m...

The last Spanish galleon came to a halt.

Toussaint climbed onto the bow of the almost ruined ship, stood on two crossed raised planks, and shouted towards the other side, "Who in the world are you and why trying to kill us!"

"You're a bounty group, not pirates. Why are you robbing us?"

"Do you know who I am? We are affiliated with the United Merchant Bank. Aren't you afraid..."

A thick arrow flew past Toussaint's face before he could finish his sentence and nailed the captain's cabin door frame thirty meters behind him.

From the opposite boat came several people, led by a woman.

Avril stood on the bow deck and looked coldly at Toussaint, "Captain Toussaint, do you remember me?"

22 chapters ahead on my Patreon. And some votes on the future development of the protagonist.

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