Evolution Theory of the Hunter

Chapter 112

“What is it?”

I said that but I actually had an idea. If it was something she had to call me about it had to be something about the Yellow Sea.

[I have something I need your help with concerning the Yellow Sea.]


“Okay, what is this about?”

[The government decided to send hunters to the forest region. The official paper was passed down yesterday and it told the police headquarters to recommend a team so I brought up your team.]

“Hm…… and so?”

[So would it be possible to ask you to act as a guide in exchange for a certain amount of money?]

“This guide thing seems to be a bit ambiguous. What exactly is it that I have to do?”

[It’s nothing great. But there is some danger in sending normal hunters lacking experience into the forest region all at once after all. You will be joining with the feeling of it would be better if there’s an experienced person.]

“Hm. But there should be at least 3,000 Chungho Group members in there, will it be okay?”

[That’s why we are planning on sending 10,000 hunters.]

“There’s that many hunters moving at once?”

The number of hunters registered in Korea was about 400,000.

It was basically 1 per 50 citizens. Most were just registered and weren’t active.

People with a lot of money went to a dungeon once or twice before quitting since it didn’t fit as their hobby, people that quit due to their age, and people that quit due to injuries.

Due to the other people that are inactive for various reasons the total number of active people drops down to half the registered number.

As hunters had long vacations due to the nature of their job the number that could be moved all at once decreased further.

The number that was active in real time would be around 100,000. If it was 10,000 that would be 10% of the total active.

It was only 10% in words, it was the same thing as calling up all the hunters that had nothing to do.

Son Ah-ram opened her mouth.

[We are planning on including the alternative service members.]

“By alternative service. No way. Those people?”

The humans that play all day besides going to dungeons once or twice a week?

[Yes, as you know. Currently, the dungeons have disappeared. The government is working towards changing the day of sending those idle members to the Yellow Sea. It had been delayed after Red Holes appeared but since they disappeared after a day they are being sent there again.]

“If it’s those guys then they would count as total force but…… would they really be willing to go to such a dangerous place?”

All the alternative service members were at least level 3. If there were 10,000 hunters that were greater than or equal to level 3 then that was a tremendous amount of fighting power. Even if the Chungho didn’t have 3,000 but twice that, they wouldn’t be able to win.

But because they were all children of wealthy or influential families, they had the nature of putting their own lives first and foremost.

Also, they were probably commuting to work from their homes but now that they have to go on a long term business trip to the Yellow Sea they probably have some complaints.

[The current situation in urgent. Depending on who occupies the Yellow Sea, the way our country operates in the future can change. In such a situation, it would be difficult to continue operating the alternative service as it has been. Those people should understand that as well.]

“And if they don’t understand that?”

Those human beings didn’t even have a bit of self consciousness about themselves being soldiers. Well, alternative service itself meant that they weren’t really soldiers though.

[Then they will be sent straight to the court. In the severe case, it may take a few years to resolve.]

“I guess they would listen if it’s like that.”

[Does that mean you are accepting?]

“Nope. I’m not going though.”

[B, but why?]

“I don’t really want to get tangled with such people. I’m not very friendly with the Dungeon Administration Team as well you see.”

We just had to carefreely follow behind them after they enter the forest region. The Chungho Group would be taken care of by them. We just had to hunt monsters behind them.

To be exact, we would go but we would work separately from them.

“Either way, thank you for the good information.”

[That’s a shame. I was hoping we could move together.]

Once I hung up, Soo-ah opened her mouth.

“Who was it? It didn’t seem to be Yeon-gyeong.”

“It was lieutenant Son Ah-ram. The police from before.”

“What was it about?”

I gave her a basic summary.

“If the government moves the Chinese government won’t stand by and watch either though…….”

“It should be fine I think? There’s no way they started moving without thinking about that.”

There were Chinese hunters in the forest region. Seeing how the government was pushing with so much force, the Chinese government were probably feigning ignorance.

Of course I would only know the actual situation if I entered. It was difficult to tell purely with the satellite images how many there were in the forest region, how many more people entered, or how many of the Chungho Group members were actually living in the forest region.

It was unlikely but they might have returned on their boats in the time we weren’t there.

It was good that some information came just as I was thinking about it.

There was one thing I was misunderstanding though. It wasn’t that 10,000 alternative service members were going but that there were 10,000 members including regular hunters.

It was something I came to know through the announcement posted on the Hunter Market. The regular hunter recruitment had a minimum requirement of being a level 3.

If it was like this, then the regular hunters would be much more useful than the alternative service members. They were mostly people with experience after all.

However, if they mixed them up like this there would probably be internal conflicts so I’m a bit worried about that.

“Wow. What’s that?”

We, who had grouped up at the Yellow Sea for the first time in a while, checked our equipment before leaving. Soo-ah said that while looking at Cho Young-gu’s equipment.

In his hands were a weapon and shield that he didn’t have before. The level 5 no name longsword and shield would have amounted to 5b won total.

“They are both newly bought items. I invested all the money I had. They are no names but they have good performance.”

“You should have used a bit more money to get ones with options.”

“It’s better to get a higher level one than to get a trash can with options.”

“But isn’t it hard to ignore the options?”

“Tut tut. Looks like you don’t know anything. The items change qualitatively every time it rises in level.”

“My level 3 does beyond its level with just the option though. It’s probably as mister Young-gu says but still.”

Soo-ah said so while pointing at the level 3 Arachne Armor that hadn’t been changed yet.

“Mister…… Hey. Let me ask using this chance. Why is Joon-suk elder brother while I’m mister?”

“I’m just calling you as my heart tells me to.”

“Are you saying that I look that old?”



“Kyaa! Senior brother.”

They suddenly started fighting about something that doesn’t really matter and then Soo-ah hid behind my back. I should worry about our internal fights before worrying about other internal fights.

“Stop. You’re fighting about something pointless.”

“Mister Young-gu tried to hit me.”

“You were the one that picked a fight first. Hurry up and apologize.”

“Cheh…… I got it. I just have to apologize right.”

The argument came to a close once Soo-ah apologized to Cho Young-gu.

But right after apologizing Soo-ah passed the bomb to me.

“What does senior brother think about it? Is an item about the level? Option?”

“Not sure…….”

Now that I think about it, I never thought about it. The level was important but at times the option was more important that the level. So the conclusion was simple.

“It’s different depending on the situation. So don’t try to waste energy on something pointless and decide on what item to buy.”

“Hmm…… I didn’t really make a decision yet.”

Among the items Soo-ah had to change the first was her armor. The Arachne Armor was of course useful but it’s defense was too low as a level 3 item.

I wanted her to get a high level defensive equipment as much as possible but it seems she didn’t really like the idea.


At that moment, Yeon-gyeong poked me in the back.

“What is it?”

“Who is that person?”

The one she was pointing at was Edward who was looking at the situation with a displeased look.

He was receiving a lot of attention from the surroundings as he was wearing a thick fur coat in the middle of the day during autumn.

“Ah. He’s someone who will be coming along this time. If I introduced him simply…….”

I called Edward over and introduced him to each member. I considered leaving him at my house but since he was a monster I felt more comfortable keeping him in check from right beside me.

I also included that he had enough ability to protect himself as well as being able to fly while he could aso evolve by drinking the blood of monsters so it could be useful if raised well.

“A monster. Surprising.”

Park Han-bum said. He was carefully looking at Edward while leaning against his bike. Looks like he was quite interested in him.

“Why is that human looking at me like that?”

“I don’t know…… maybe he swings that way?”

Once I tilted my head Park Han-bum started talking while waving his hand.

“It’s not like that. It’s because this is the first time seeing a monster that was possible to communicate with. There weren’t many such cases after all.”

“It is hard to say there were very few cases.”

I thought about the goblin. They had enough intelligence to communicate with humans.

Besides that there were species like elves and orcs that were communicate although with some difficulty.

As the elf was especially similar to humans in shape there were many times communication was requested.

Of course it mostly failed. There were a few cases where a few words were passed back and forward by coincidence.

If one of them got caught alive by humans they would end their own lives.

So Edward could be said to be the first that walks around being this friendly with humans.

“I don’t like that guy. A monster all of a sudden you say.”

As Manager Kim said so grumpily Yeon-gyeong started talking while stroking the small dog in her bosom.

“In the end, Kelby is a monster too.”

“That’s a dog. But that guy is a vampire. He could suck my blood while I sleep.”

“That won’t happen.”

I said so while glacing at Edward. I would at least prevent such things from happening while he was beside me. However, it seems Manager Kim was not able to trust me quite yet.

“How can I trust that? Can you guarantee that with 100% confidence?”

I opened my mouth after hesitating a bit.

“I can’t guarantee it 100% but I can up to 90%.”

“I believe it 100%.”

Soo-ah’s hand shot up.

“I do too.”

Yeon-gyeong did so as well.

“I agree too.”

“I’m like that as well.”

Han Joon-suk and Cho Young-gu raised their hands as well.

As even Park Han-bum raised his hand, Manager Kim started shouting with a red face.

“Is this some faith testimony time?”

“…… Anyway please leave controlling this guy to me if you trust me. I wouldn’t have brought him if he was a guy that caused problems.”

“You’re a problem cause you’re too naive. Trusting people left and right.”

He kept grumbling but it seems he accepted it for now as he didn’t say more about Edward.

I nodded while slightly smiling.

I don’t know how this would sound to others, but I didn’t 100% trust the people I was with.

I believed that it was possible for them to stab me in the back and leave at any time. Me accepting people so easily was not because I trusted them but because of the exact opposite. I didn’t have any expectations since I didn’t trust them from the beginning.

That was the same for Soo-ah. Although she was sticking to me with affection she might leave if I can’t satisfy her at some point in time.

That’s why I don’t think that I can’t trust Edward just because he’s a monster.

Monster and humans were alike in the sense that they couldn’t be fully trusted after all.

I would be under a lot of fire if I said such a thing. That’s why this was an absolute secret.

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