Exploiting Hollywood 1980.

Chapter 3 Magic Rays

Chapter 3 Magic Rays
Ronald drove to Van Nuys High School early in the morning.

The dream last night was not like a dream, but a memory from a previous life. The images of the first 3 minutes were extremely clear, as if a TV was playing in his mind.

In the dream he wasn't watching "High School Rock" at the cinema.There are far fewer people sitting there than in a movie theater, and the screen is much smaller.In the end, the black box spit out by the machine seems to be a VHS video tape, a new toy invented by Dongying company.

It seems that the movie "High School of Rock" must be relatively successful, otherwise it would not be possible to distribute it overseas.

It's a pity that the movie was interrupted after only 3 minutes...

Ronald was filling out the shooting log while thinking.

Date: Saturday, March 1978, 12

Location: Hollywood Van Nuys High School, Los Angeles
Assembly time: ...

He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It was 5:05, and he continued to write in the diary: 30:[-].
Los Angeles is not cold in winter, he only wears a jacket over a white T-shirt, with a fanny pack hanging around his waist.I put the ballpoint pen in my pocket, took out a small book, and turned to the folded page. On it was the sunrise time I called the weather station yesterday—06:48.

Ronald looked at his watch again, it was 5:31, he frowned with a click of the tongue, the director hadn't arrived yet.

Walking to the first assistant director of the crew: "Ahem..." Ronald cleared his throat and was about to speak.

Jim ran from the opposite side and asked what he wanted to ask first: "Where is Director Allen? Where is Joe Dante?"

The director of the crew is Alan Aikush, and they are actually co-directors.Sometimes Joe Dante can even call the shots and decide how to shoot.So much so that there are some rumors on the set that they are "good friends".

The first assistant director shrugged, saying that he didn't know where the two were going.The assistant director was a bit weak, and only followed the director's orders to do things.Ronald curled his lips and was about to speak when Jim pulled him.

After the two walked aside, Jim whispered: "You didn't come last night. I saw that the director went to the Roxy bar with the "Ramons" band after the party last night. I heard they were in It was crazy playing there."

Jim tells a gossip that's been circulating on set.The crew always has a lot of gossip, some true and some false.If you want to enjoy yourself in the crew, you must prick up your ears.And make friends widely.

Ronald wasn't used to Jim's "Beatle" hair.He cut it a little shorter, but he hasn't shaved his beard for a long time since the filming started, and now he has a beard.

Although his image is similar to those in the "literary and artistic circles", he does not smoke with the crew (maybe they smoke other things), and he does not like to talk about spirituality, anti-nuclearism, yoga... and other topics.So when it comes to gossip, there is no Jim well informed.

"Well, it looks like the director will be late today." Ronald said as he took out the shooting log and handed it to Jim.

Jim took it, and the two checked today's shooting schedule and confirmed each item.

After aligning the diary, Ronald took out some pencil drawings and handed them to Jim.

"what is this?"

"I drew the storyboard last night."

Ronald replied that after waking up in shock last night, he drew the first three scenes of the movie according to the revelation in his dream.

Storyboard drawing, referred to as storyboard, is to draw the content depicted in the text in the script into a picture, just like an enlarged comic book.The director will use it as a reference, set the shooting schedule, guide post-editing, etc.If making a film is likened to building a house, then the shot draft is the architectural blueprint.

Jim was amazed and praised Ronald's painting so well that he could take pictures of it.

The two are not ordinary assistants here to mess around, and both want to use this to enter the film industry.So come early and leave late, making coffee while observing and learning.

The two directors saw it, and they didn't regard them as ordinary crew assistants.In addition to doing chores, the two of them were also allowed to participate in some shooting-related matters.

Jim usually follows the director and observes the director talking to the actors;

Ronald was in charge of a lot of miscellaneous chores, organizing rehearsals for the extras, filling in the shooting log, helping the director to shout passwords, recording the number of people eating lunch, etc...

If there is time, the two directors will also mention a few words about their shooting skills and experience.

"The two directors haven't come yet. Today we are going to take advantage of the light around sunrise to shoot. We have to get ready first, otherwise we will miss the time window for shooting." Jim looked at the time in the shooting log and said, he always put Think about it yourself as a director.

"OK. Let's talk to the assistant director... Forget it, it's not very useful to find the obedient assistant director. Let's go to the director of photography first." Ronald said and Jim went to the director of photography Dean Kang Dean Cundey.

The director of photography is the head of the photography team, and he is installing the rocker arm of the camera with his three strong guys.

Ronald asked, "Mr. Kandi, the director hasn't arrived yet. If you don't start rehearsing and moving positions right now, you won't be able to catch up with the sunrise. Is it possible that the shooting will be delayed?"

The director of photography is unwilling to answer such elementary questions to the two assistants, but after seeing Ronald's miraculous performance yesterday, he pouted and signaled his first assistant to the camera, who is also the focus follower and the chief coolie who pushes and pulls the camera, A redheaded guy answered.

"Only 20 minutes before and after sunrise is called magic light. During this period of time, the sky is already bright, but the sun has not yet come directly. It's like nature has helped you to play the background light. After the time, you can't take that kind of picture. gone."

"Then we have to start filming preparations now. I will coordinate the rehearsal with the extras, and Jim will invite the three leading actresses to take their positions. Mr. Dean, you start preparing the camera. Is this arrangement okay?"

The bearded director of photography didn't like to talk, he waved his hand to acknowledge Ronald's arrangement.Ronald looked at Jim, "OK!"

Nearly 30 ensemble performers came today, all of whom are students of Van Nuys High School.It was filming the beginning of high school, with drama clubs, science clubs, rugby teams and others setting up a stage to welcome freshmen, and there were some dancing scenes.

Ronald picked up the electric horn and started shouting to the extras: "Boys and girls of Van Nuys High School, thank you all for coming to "Shake..." for the "High School Life" movie shoot. We're going to shoot today The most important thing is to welcome the new students, are you all ready to show your face on the screen?"


"Okay, let me divide into groups. You, you,... over here; you, you... over here; those who wear skirts, come and stand in the front row; the football team is here... ;
You, you, you, the four of you who are good-looking are standing behind the stage of the drama club; the few of you who look like bullies wearing glasses are standing in the science club...

Okay, do you all know where you are? "

"Football team, you just take one of our freshman actors, pick him up as a prank, and carry him down this road...

Others were talking to each other at their reserved booths. "

"Let's rehearse..."

"Very good, everyone remember, don't look at the camera! I repeat, everyone, don't look at the camera! We are filming you talking to each other, not you looking at the camera and giggling. Whoever looks at the camera, I will shoot him cut out the screen, you know?"

"If you want to be in the movie, if you want your parents and girlfriends to see your face in the movie theater, if you want to be the most popular person in your class, don't look at the camera! Let's practice again..."

"Very good, now everyone is going to change clothes, and the girls are going to touch up makeup. It is 5:45, I will give you 10 minutes, and after 10 minutes, it will be 5:55. Everyone put on the required clothes and gather here."

Temporarily disbanding the extras, Ronald hurried to the crowd gathered by the camera, "Has anyone seen the scene record? Has anyone seen the scene record Jenny?"

"Ronnie, I'm here." A female voice came from behind.

Ronald looked back to see Jenny holding a shooting journal in one hand and writing in a large book with the other.

The scene recorder is also called the continuity supervisor (continuity supervisor), responsible for keeping the props and costumes of each scene consistent and preventing them from being worn out.It's delicate work.

Ronald walked over, picked up the slate, pointed to the words on it and lowered his voice: "Jenny, the title of this film has to be changed, it can't be called 'Rock High School', it has to be called 'High School Life'".

(End of this chapter)

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