Extra Nobody

16 When Crazies Multiplied

Yun Hyuk continued his explanation with so much passion that I couldn’t help but feel awkward. It was like he was singing the praises of the Totem Scallop, and I was stuck in the front row of a talent show I never signed up for.


Suddenly, I heard a yawn from the back. I didn’t even need to look; I knew who the culprit was. The eyes of the female cadets shifted toward Hajin, who was, unfortunately, oblivious to the glares aimed at him. From my peripheral vision, I could see him giving a dull look as if pondering the meaning of life while trapped in a room full of enthusiastic monster enthusiasts.

“Yeah, man, go attract their aggro…” I inwardly chuckled at my own amusing thoughts, making a mental note to keep my sarcasm to myself.

Only Yoo Yeonha’s gaze remained glued to the holographic screen, her attention unwavering, as if Yun Hyuk’s singing wasn’t enough to send her to dreamland.

Taking advantage of the distraction, I saw my chance. I discreetly tucked a folded piece of paper into her textbook while she was engrossed in the holographic display. “Hmmm… I hope Yeonha is kind enough to ignore my scuffles with her,” I thought, feeling like a ninja pulling off a stealthy operation.

As the lecture droned on, my mind wandered back to my ongoing existential crisis. Why was I even here, putting myself through this academic torture? Hajin had it easy, breezing through life while I struggled just to keep my eyelids from drooping. I silently envied his laid-back demeanor, while I felt like a caffeinated squirrel caught in a maze of textbooks and training drills.

Yun Hyuk finally wrapped up his lecture, and I couldn’t help but feel a wave of relief wash over me. “Thank goodness that’s over,” I muttered under my breath, feeling as if I had just survived an intense battle.

“Alright, everyone, any questions?” Yun Hyuk asked, flashing a grin that almost made me consider raising my hand—until I remembered how I’d probably just end up embarrassing myself further.

“Just one,” I thought, “How do I escape from this academic nightmare without turning into a Totem Scallop myself?” But alas, I kept my thoughts to myself, knowing that sometimes it was better to play dead in a classroom full of eager learners.


Yoo Yeonha closed her notebook, realizing she could finish reviewing the data back in her dorm. She felt a sense of relief wash over her as the orientation ended exactly after 40 minutes. Checking her watch, she noticed she still had more free time before her next appointment. After gathering her things, she noticed Yun Hyuk approaching her.

Her inner thoughts weren't particularly positive. Even with just a glance, she could see that Yun Hyuk was a player. But then again, she didn’t think too badly of him. Perhaps it was her odd taste for bad boys that made her recall Shin Jonghak, a thought that made her cheeks flush. Unbeknownst to her, Yun Hyuk misinterpreted her blush as a sign of interest, making him more eager to claim her attention.

“Cadet Yeonha,” he said, a playful smirk on his face.

“Yes?” she replied, bracing herself for whatever charm he was about to throw her way.

“You almost forgot this,” he said, handing her a folded piece of paper.

Yeonha blinked, surprised. It was the paper she had absentmindedly tucked away. Her memory was usually sharp, so the sudden forgetfulness made her frown slightly at the development.

“Ah,” she said, taking the paper. “Yes. Thank you.”

What she didn’t realize was that Yun Hyuk had used a little trick of his own; with a flick of his magic power, he had sneakily grabbed the paper from her bag and returned it to her to build a positive impression. She took the paper with a smile, thinking their interaction had ended on a pleasant note.

Yet, strangely, Yun Hyuk seemed reluctant to part ways. Yeonha couldn’t help but feel a twinge of annoyance at the situation. It felt cruel. A lot of female cadets were vying for Yun Hyuk’s attention, while she, despite her popularity, struggled to claim the affections of the person she truly wanted. She wasn't jealous of Yun Hyuk, not really, even with his almost illicit behavior of being a playboy. But it was frustrating to think that he had options when her own love life felt like a barren desert.

With a sigh, Yoo Yeonha left the clubroom, shaking off her thoughts.

As she made her way out, someone suddenly blocked her path. She didn’t recognize the person, but she had an impression of him—the gunner, the crazy guy’s friend, and someone who had a bizarre reputation for biting hair. An involuntary shiver of fear ran down her spine. Why were there so many perverts everywhere?

“Here,” the gunner said abruptly, extending a can of Coke toward her.

“…?” Yeonha’s face was full of question marks, confusion washing over her. The red tin can was cool to the touch and glistened with moisture. It seemed to mock her with its vibrancy. What was this crazy guy doing?

She hesitated, resisting with all her might to accept the gesture. “Um, I—” she began, but the gunner merely looked at her expectantly, a smirk on his face that suggested he was enjoying this far too much.

“I’m in the same club. Same team, same club. Funny coincidence, right?” Hajin tried making small talk as if he was attempting to test the waters to see if he could earn some SP on the side. Maybe this little interaction with Yeonha would net him some, which could be a good way for him to farm more.

“Do you think I’ll drink something like this?” she replied, her frown deepening as her lips protruded, giving her an almost cartoonish look of anger. And yes, she was seething with rage at the thought of crazies buzzing around her like annoying flies. She had an image to maintain, and she couldn’t let anyone see her enjoying junk food like Coke. But that wasn’t the core reason for her anger.

The real reason she was fuming was that she wanted to drink the can of Coke, and here was this bastard, blocking her way like a human barricade. What the hell was he doing with the vending machine? Was this some kind of ambush?

Reluctantly, she turned her gaze away from the vending machine and continued her way back to the Female Dormitory. But the gunner—Hajin—persisted in blocking her path.

“It is fresh from the vending machine,” he insisted, a wide grin spreading across his face, urging her to take the drink.

Yeonha liked bad boys, but they had to have looks to match. She shot Hajin a stink-eye, wondering why she couldn’t even remember his name, and kept referring to him as ‘gunner’ in her head.

“Touch it. It’s cold,” he offered, holding the can of Coke out to her, his expression annoyingly unchanged.

“I’m fine. You can have it. Also…” Yeonha glared at him, trying to mask her true feelings behind a facade of hostility. I really want to drink a can, but…

“Don’t talk to me so casually. This is your first warning,” she threatened, trying to sound intimidating.

But Hajin was unfazed. With a swift motion, he popped open his can of Sprite, the sizzling noise echoing in the quiet hallway. Yeonha couldn’t help but feel a shudder at the sound, her resolve faltering.

Psssh — Gulp, gulp.

Her eyes twitched at the enticing sound of the carbonated drink. For someone like her, from a high-society background with an image to manage, her love for carbonated drinks, hamburgers, fried chicken, and ramen felt like a curse. She could only indulge in those treats once a week, often with her butler or assistant’s help.

Unable to take it anymore, she avoided eye contact with Hajin and set off on a brisk walk, determined to escape the awkward situation.

“Carry me next time too,” Hajin called after her, his casual tone making her speed up, almost breaking into a jog to get away from the weird guy. What she didn’t know was that a can of Coke had already made its way into her bag, thanks to Hajin’s precise throw.

“Who is this crazy guy?” she wondered, trembling at the thought of crazies multiplying around her. The image of Jonghak popped into her mind, making her blush unexpectedly. Great, now I’m imagining bad boys in a crowd of weirdos.


I watched Hajin’s shenanigans from the sidelines, a smirk creeping onto my face. That scene was definitely iconic. “Pfft…” I couldn't help but imagine what Yeonha’s expression would be like when she found out Hajin had forced a can of Coke on her. And then there was that ‘something else’ I had tucked into her textbook for her to discover later.

“I swear, Hajin… that’s smooth… You’ve got the rizz, bro,” I teased him, reveling in the chaos he seemed to create effortlessly.

The way he was talking would undoubtedly lead to a lot of misunderstandings. I secretly hid my camera, which had captured their entire exchange. My intentions were purely good—really! He he he he… Someday, the little stalking videos I had would be a great tool for Hajin to earn extra SP in the future.

Of course, I couldn’t let him know I was behind it. Just imagine the look on his face if I showed this to Chae Nayun… Oh my, the little shit stirrer inside me felt positively jittery at the thought.

“Hyon… go die in a corner, will you?” Hajin grumbled, his tone light but the annoyance unmistakable. I just chuckled as I grabbed my Fanta from the vending machine.

“Sigh… Hajin… are you boning her?” I pressed, my curiosity getting the better of me.

“You crazy bastard…” He tackled my sides playfully, and I laughed, the sound echoing in the hallway.

Yeah, just another normal day in school. The buzz of excitement from Hajin’s antics mixed with the mundane routine of classes and training sessions, creating an atmosphere I had grown to love. Moments like these reminded me that even in a world filled with monsters and danger, there were still bits of joy and camaraderie to be found, even if it was just through a can of Coke and a few well-timed jabs at each other.

I glanced over at Hajin, who was now muttering something under his breath, likely embarrassed by my teasing. But deep down, I knew he appreciated the banter. It was our way of navigating this bizarre life, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Yoo Yeonha soon noticed the slight change in her bag. The condensation from the Coke had made her textbook damp.

“That nutjob,” she muttered under her breath.

She pulled out the can with a frown. Just when did he slip it in there? That little rat.


After a deep sigh, she released her magic power. It seeped into the paper, effectively separating the moisture from her textbook. The collected droplets fell to the ground as she retracted her magic, feeling a wave of relief wash over her.


Yoo Yeonha broke out in a cold sweat, pride swelling within her. The magic application she had just performed was challenging even for professional heroes. It looked simple, but it was truly mysterious and complicated.

“When I see him again…”

She twisted her lips, her sense of pride morphing into irritation. “That talkative bum. I’ll need to ask the guys to educate him.”

But that thought only lasted a moment. She fiddled with the Coke in her bag and glanced around, checking for anyone nearby.

Cough. She pulled out a handkerchief, wrapped it around the Coke, and placed it back in her bag, feeling slightly ridiculous.


Just then, something caught her eye, poking from her textbook as if teasing her to check it out. Her curiosity won out over her moment of awkwardness about hiding the Coke.

“What is this?”

She unfolded the paper, reading it aloud in disbelief:

“Dear, my precious Yeonha,

The vital point of a Mountain Tyrant is a blue mark on the heel of the creature's hind leg. Give me Essence of the Strait Guild stocks, and also a lot of money. I will be happy if you give me even 1%. I will send you my bank account later.

Please deposit the fee for the information in my bank account.

Sincerely, the friendly and mental Hyon Hyung.”

“This… motherfuc—”

Yeonha tried to calm herself, but the crazy mofo was really getting on her nerves. She crumpled the paper in anger, and in her blind rage, she considered ripping it to shreds.

However, in the end, she decided against it. What if he was telling the truth?

In the back of her mind, she knew there was no way that was going to happen. So openly revealing a weakness of a monster species was like trolling her. The weakness of specific monster species was classified information and worth a small fortune.

There was no way someone would so freely disseminate information about a monster that was still unknown to others. Moreover, with no strings attached… But what if… there really was a crazy mofo out there?

...Someone daring enough to conduct business transactions this way?

Unbeknownst to Hyon Hyung, his status as the crazy bastard was receiving a promotion—to a crazy mofo who was peerless in both his shenanigans and randomness.

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