Extraordinary David (Transcendent David)

Chapter 100 - New car

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“Father, can you guess the origin of this organization?” David was still very uneasy about the mysterious organization, he asked Hans.

“David, do you know the origin of the” Holy Water “?” Hans did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

He gently played with the test tube containing the ‘old holy water’, but his eyes flashed with cold light.

“Father, do you know?” David hurriedly asked.

The organization attaches great importance to ‘old holy water’. This ‘old holy water’ must be a special resource held by the organization. Hans knows the origin of ‘old holy water’, so the organization ’s origin can be guessed.

“‘ No Old Holy Water ’is not produced by the Federation, but comes from the Great World of Gods and is a special product of the Great World of Gods. As for how it is produced, I do n’t know.” Hans explained.

“This organization can get the” Holy Water “, will it be related to the world of God?” David then asked.

“Although ‘Not old holy water’ is a special product of the Gods World, some strong men in the Battle Star Federation also have friendship with the strong world gods, and will also exchange for some ‘old holy water’, so this alone is not old “Sheng Shui” decided that the organization was related to the world of the gods, so it was a bit far-fetched! “Hans said, shaking his head.

But David was horrified, because what he got was not these five bottles of “Old Water”, but a whole box of 450 bottles of “Old Water.”

According to the meaning in Hans’s words, in turn, listening to a large number of ‘not old holy water’ is bound to be related to the divine world.

He immediately stopped wanting to say more about the organization, about the “old holy water”, this matter must not be involved in Hans.

If the judgment is correct, he is likely to be an enemy of an organization of the Divine World, or at least an organization with the support of the Divine World.

This kind of force, let alone a student like him, can’t face it safely even if he is many times stronger.

The reason David was able to survive before was because the organization only regarded him as a small character and did not pay attention to it.

Once he knew that he had killed the Jeremy trainer, and at the same time robbed the man who was “old holy water”, the subsequent killing would certainly not stop.

“Father, can five bottles of” old sacred water “heal your body?” David shifted the subject and asked the question that was asked from the beginning.

“Of course my body can be repaired, but it is too wasteful. A bottle of” Old Water “can be sold at any price!” Hans pushed back the five bottles of “Old Water” before continuing: ” David, you need more resources in the future, and there are not many credit points that can be provided to you at the Stern Hotel. These five bottles of “old holy water” can exchange many resources for you. “

“Father, you don’t have to quit. This is my heart. Your body will be well, so that you will not be apprehended by the title of” Kingdom! “

When Hans heard this, he paused, and then took two bottles from the five bottles of “Old Holy Water.”

“Two bottles are enough. Although the” old holy water “in the Federation is said to extend life, its therapeutic effect is far beyond the federal medical level!” Hans explained.

His body was injured in the war, and his injuries were very complicated. He used the armoured sniper rifle beyond his body’s ability to bear, and was also affected by the Zerg toxins, which caused his life to be overdrawn.

Even if the Federation has the medical level of gene repair, it is impossible to repair his body. It may be possible, but it is impossible to allow the Federation to spend a huge price only to save a person.

But the gods are different from the big world, there are many mysterious methods that science ca n’t explain.

“Father, you also have the remaining three bottles of” old sacred water “!” David insisted.

Hans stared at David for a moment, he seemed to feel some, and then took a sigh of relief.

“I accept it all, you must pay attention to safety, notify me if there is any trouble, or notify Galen!” Hans Shen said, and then he continued: “About the title of” Kingdom “, I will justify the will, you Is the direct heir of the ‘Guo Shi’! “

David wanted to refuse, but he didn’t speak after thinking about it.

Although the title of “Kingdom” has a great advantage for his future, he will greatly enhance his identity.

However, he is confident that he can achieve greater results with his own hands. He has no idea about the title of “Kingdom”.

But without this justice, it is not only that he is in danger because of the title of “Kingdom”, even Xiao Yidi will also be implicated in the title of “Kingdom”.

He bears all the pressure. If the organization wants to get the title of “Kingdom”, then he must be killed first before he can consider dealing with the Hans family.

When Hans left, David did n’t ask Hans to keep the issue of “old holy water” confidential, because it did n’t need to be said at all. When Hans left, he just wrapped five bottles of “old holy water” in multiple layers. Yan Shishi, using other outer packaging to disguise, can know that Hans is very clear about the need for confidentiality.

After sending Hans away, David did not allow the Shadow Attendant to transmit energy to him. His body had not fully recovered at this time, and he did not want any waste.

Because of this, he dared not even reach out to investigate the situation of the body of the shadow attendant, for fear of being forcibly injected with soul energy upon contact.

“David, how did you leave the hospital!” He had heard from Jim before sitting for a while.

“My injury was repaired in a moment in the hospital!” David smiled and returned to Jim through his identity bracelet.

“Don’t say, where are you, I’ll pick you up, and I’ll get together anyway today!” Jim said directly.

David shook his head and passed his position.

However, in five minutes, David saw a military suspension vehicle with a military standard flying above his yard, and then descended into the yard.

“Jim, why did you come in a military vehicle?” David asked, looking at the military sign in surprise.

You have to know that although Jim had been driving a military suspension vehicle before, he did not carry a military standard. That can only be regarded as a civilian military vehicle, but today it is different. This military suspension vehicle has a military standard, which can be said to have military privileges. Vehicles.

Just like now, Jim drove the military suspension vehicle in a low-flying way, and he didn’t dare to do this before.

You need to know that Skynet does n’t ask you if you are the second generation of the army in Perrin City. As long as you do n’t have permission, you will be locked directly.

“Hey, how is this guy?” Jim jumped from the military suspension vehicle and patted the military suspension vehicle proudly.

“You are not afraid of being killed by Lieutenant Eaton!” David teased.

“The Type 2 Land Tiger armored vehicle is equipped with an unmanned reconnaissance scanning drone, a rapid-fire gun, and two heavy-duty rapid-fire machine guns, powered by krypton crystal. Self-introduction.

“Jim, you’re driving this thing out, won’t it cause trouble to Lieutenant Eaton?” David was startled and asked quickly.

He did not expect such a suspension vehicle to be loaded with so many weapons. This is said to be a suspension vehicle, but it is not far from the small war fortress.

“This was sent by my father. My father said that before the military was approved, there was no way to increase the authority for you in advance, but this military vehicle can be allocated to you to protect your safety. It is also regarded as the military. The first reward! “Jim smiled and sent a permission transfer file to David’s identity bracelet, and then said.

“Jim, thank you Lieutenant Eaton for me, I like this car very much!” David is very happy, as a man who does not love military vehicles, especially this kind of military vehicles loaded with multiple weapons.

“Get in the car, let’s go out and try the car!” Jim opened the co-pilot door and yelled as he jumped in.

David was also interested. He opened the door of the main driver and jumped in.

Sitting in the driver’s seat, looking at many more buttons than the ordinary suspension car, and various military-style panels, I was also extremely excited.

However, he still took out the operation manual on the side and read it. If this thing is not good enough to understand the role of various buttons and open the weapon system in the city, it is really troublesome.

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