F-Class Destiny Hunter

Chapter 71:

Chapter 71

Seo Gangrim wasn't particularly surprised by the reactions of the others. From the beginning, he didn't expect people to welcome Jang Taeheon with open arms. Instead, it would be strange for them to greet someone from another zone who was just settling in.

"After talking with him, he doesn't seem like a bad person. He was brought here because I thought he could be of help to our zone, so don't worry too much." Seo Gangrim tried to calm them down, as they wouldn't see him again once he left the training facility.

"If Seo Gangrim-ssi says so, well... still, be careful."

The other person seemed uneasy but soon left. It didn't matter since they wouldn't see each other for long anyway. The problem was the members of the Flying Tiger Sect. In Seo Gangrim's past life, Shin Sooah and Jang Taeheon quickly developed a friendly relationship through cooperation, but this time, there was no such connection. Although, both of them didn't have difficult personalities, so there shouldn't be any issues, but Seo Gangrim wanted to talk to Jang Taeheon first just in case.

As he was about to return to the restaurant to talk to Jang Taeheon, a cheerful voice echoed in the hallway. "Oh, Seo Gangrim! You're here."

Dokgo Jun, appearing in the corridor, approached Seo Gangrim with a friendly face as soon as he saw him. Despite the chaos he caused in the previous stage, he seemed completely at ease right now.

He glanced at my face and said, "Is that a scar left by residual poison? Cool. It suits you well."

"If you like it, should I make one for you too? You can ask the dragon, and he can make it for you."

When Seo Gangrim left the restaurant, the dragon and Linnie followed him out. The dragon looked at Dokgo Jun, raised his guard, and Dokgo Jun regarded him with curious eyes before speaking. "That's not bad, but not now. By the way, does he have a name?"

Of course, a name. This naming thing sucked in so many ways, Seo Gangrim couldn't think of one. He racked his brain for a moment, then opened his mouth.

"How about 'Yonggari'?"

"Are you serious?"

"...Then let's go with 'Yongdori'."

Dokgo Jun seemed to have a pitiful look as if he were looking at something miserable. Seo Gangrim couldn't believe he was looking at him like that.

"Then let's call it Yorn."

"Isn't that the name of a snake?"

"How so?"

"It's in an old cartoon, don't you know? It's a cartoon about the zodiac. Tongi, Tongi, Hochi, Sachomi......."

"I don't know. It may be a snake name, but if I give it to a dragon, it's a dragon name."

The dragon, or rather Yorn, gave Seo Gangrim a flat look that he couldn't tell if Yorn liked or disliked the name. Yorn just thumped the floor with his tail.

Dokgo Jun looked at Yorn and smirked. "You picked up something other than a dragon, didn't you? It was a guy named Jang Taeheon. Why did you bring him?"

Now he was showing interest in Jang Taeheon as well. Seo Gangrim had anticipated this, so he responded moderately, after considering that sometimes Dokgo Jun was more dangerous when he shows interest than when he's hostile.

"He seems useful. His abilities are not bad, and from what I've heard, he communicates well."

"Hmm, is that so? Well, it didn't look like he'd be a bad meat shield either. But that's probably not all, right?"

With Dokgo Jun still believing that Seo Gangrim came from from the future or a shaman, it was natural for him to think that there was meaning behind bringing Jang Taeheon here. Seo Gangrim, however, had no intention of explaining it to him.

"Even if there is, I have no intention of telling you. You caused quite a commotion in the previous stage and acted so shamelessly."

"That stage... Right. You really looked like a protagonist back there."

Dokgo Jun appeared somewhat regretful, as if he were acknowledging his earlier actions.

"I've had some time to reflect."

"On what?"

"Just... I think I was lacking in some way."

In what way was he lacking? He certainly went to great lengths to do crazy things. Still, Seo Gangrim decided to give him some credit since he helped divert Steel's attention.

Dokgo Jun muttered to himself with a strange expression, "I don't think I've been much help to you. At this rate, I'll be nothing more than... Ah."

As if he were suddenly possessed, Dokgo Jun raised his head and turned to look behind him. At some point, Shin Sooah was approaching the restaurant. When he saw her, Dokgo Jun smiled mysteriously and immediately returned to his cheerful demeanor.

"All right, I'll go first. I have a deadline to meet."

"A deadline? Is it a novel by any chance?"

"Of course. I'm a novelist, after all. I've been on hiatus and I need to catch up."

Even in this situation, he's still writing a novel. Seo Gangrim couldn't tell if he was diligent or just crazy. Well, there was no need to distinguish. Dokgo Jun was a diligent crazy person.

"Well then, I'll go first. See you later!"

Dokgo Jun said this and passed by Shin Sooah. He used the excuse of a deadline, but it seemed like he was avoiding her. Shin Sooah, meanwhile, didn't give Dokgo Jun a second glance and approached Seo Gangrim.

"Seo Gangrim-ssi, are you feeling better?"

"Yes, I'm fine. How about you, Shin Sooah-ssi?"

"I'm perfectly fine. I woke up early this morning and took it easy. Anyway, did Dokgo Jun do anything again?"

It seemed that something was off between Shin Sooah and Dokgo Jun earlier. She had been on her guard against him. Well, it was understandable, considering how Dokgo Jun casually dealt with the snakes in the previous stage, which resulted in several people being eliminated.

"Nothing happened."

"That's a relief. I wonder what Dokgo Jun-ssi is thinking... Because of him, the number of failures has increased, so the atmosphere hasn't been great lately. Plus, people from other zones have been coming over, there are a lot of people on guard..."

Amidst the majority who had dropped out, an outsider like Jang Taeheon had entered. It was clear that he wasn't welcomed by everyone, especially with Dokgo Jun's influence.

"But it seems like Jang Taeheon isn't a bad person. He has decent skills."

"If Seo Gangrim brought him here, he should be a good person."

She said that, but there was an awkward atmosphere between them. It seemed that Jang Taeheon and Shin Sooah didn't have the same kind of relationship they did last time. Hence, Seo Gangrim had to make their relationship closer.

"Have you had your meal, Shin Sooah-ssi?"

"I'll just get a cup of coffee."

"Let's go inside for now."

Seo Gangrim entered the dining hall with Shin Sooah. Jang Taeheon, who was eating alone, looked at them, and when his eyes met Shin Sooah's, they exchanged awkward glances.

"Hello. I'm Shin Sooah, a colleague of Seo Gangrim."

"Oh, hello. I'm Jang Taeheon. I used to be in Zone Three, but I transferred here recently. Nice to meet you."

Jang Taeheon shook her hand with a charming smile. After the handshake, they let go and awkwardness filled the air.

"Then enjoy your meal. See you later."

After briefly exchanging greetings with Jang Taeheon, Shin Sooah left the dining hall after getting only a cup of coffee. Seo Gangrim thought she was going to talk to Jang Taeheon, but she just walked away. Seo Gangrim couldn't help but give Jang Taeheon a sidelong glance. In their previous lives, Jang Taeheon had been quite close to Shin Sooah, and Jang Taeheon even had been captivated by Shin Sooah's strength and had constantly challenged her to sparring matches.

Jang Taeheon watched Shin Sooah leave and then asked Seo Gangrim, "Is she your girlfriend?"

"No. By the way, why address me like that?"

"Oh. If you're older than me, you're my hyung (older brother)."

Not too long ago, he would have called Seo Gangrim 'Hey' or 'You little bastard,' but now his form of address had become more friendly. It was good that they were getting closer, but...

As Jang Taeheon finished the remaining food with big bites, he said, "Let's finish eating quickly and go through those stages. I'll have to start from the beginning, so I need to hurry."

"Are you planning to go alone?"

"It seems like people here don't like me. Besides, I can handle it on my own."

With Jang Taeheon's abilities, he could handle it alone. But he still needed to get closer to the others.

'Maybe I should ask the twin siblings or Shin Sooah to accompany him.'

As Seo Gangrim was contemplating this, Jang Taeheon looked at him intently and said, "Hyungnim, do you have a patron god?"

When Seo Gangrim shook his head, Jang Taeheon's face immediately brightened with a radiant smile. He said excitedly, "Really? I thought you had, but I'm glad! Hyungnim, I'll introduce you to a good god!"

A good god? It felt like the tone of someone promoting a cult or a multi-level marketing scheme. Even though Seo Gangrim's expression have stiffened, Jang Taeheon continued without paying any attention.

"My patron god, Zhang Fei, really liked you!"

"So, does that mean your god also wants to me?"

"No, not my patron god, but another god from the same faction who wants to scout you. Do you know about 'Life's Flame, Immortal Youth'?

'Life's Flame, Immortal Youth'... that would be Liu Bei, the lord of the three brothers: Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei. Anyone else would kneel down to receive him as a patron god, but Seo Gangrim wasn't interested.

"I have no intention of accepting a patron god"

"Why not? You'll become much stronger if you do! Also, my patron god told me that with Liu Bei, we can use special abilities. Something like 'The Oath of the Peach Garden'?"

Among those who worship gods of the same faction, there was a kind of synergy effect. When the three gods, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, gathered, the 'Oath of the Peach Garden' effect was activated. It significantly boosted their abilities. At first glance, it might seem attractive, but the conditions were severe. When entering the Oath of the Peach Garden, they swore an oath that 'although we were not born on the same day, we will die on the same day.' If one died, the others would die immediately as well. Seo Gangrim had no intention of taking on such a risk. He knew about this fact, but he didn't show it and changed the subject.

"The Oath of the Peach Garden requires all three to make the oath, right? It seems difficult to find three people who are willing to do that."

"Ah, right. Three have to gather. Liu Bei, and there should be someone who worships Guan Yu."

"Who would recieve Guan Yu among those without a patron god? Dokgo Jun?"

At present, Dokgo Jun was probably the only one without a patron god. Unfortunately, as soon as Jang Taeheon heard Dokgo Jun's name, his expression turned as if he had just eaten something rotten.

"Dokgo Jun? That guy? The one who exterminated snakes in the previous stage. I find that guy the most disgusting."

Had he witnessed that scene? Well, even if he hadn't, it was obvious that Jang Taeheon would dislike Dokgo Jun. Jang Taeheon was someone who valued loyalty, so a person like Dokgo Jun, who operated primarily for his own interests, didn't sit well him.

"So, who are you planning to choose? Most people should have gods ...Oh, speaking of which, does that person also have a patron god? What was her name? Shin Sooah?"

Seo Gangrim felt that it was somewhat strange to hear Shin Sooah's name from Jang Taeheon. Why did he specifically mention Shin Sooah?

Jang Taeheon laughed awkwardly and said, "I have a feeling that she might be a good choice. She somehow feels familiar... and... it's like I've met her somewhere before."

Familiar? Had he met Shin Sooah before? As far as Seo Gangrim knew, they had only met for the first time here. Was Jang Taeheon delusional, or...

"Besides Shin Sooah, is there anyone else who feels familiar to you?"

"Well, when I saw you, I felt somewhat familiar too. Maybe there was a guy I used to argue with in the past."

Seo Gangrim was included in the list of those who felt familiar to him. Did Jang Taeheon only feel a sense of familiarity with the members of the Flying Tiger Sect? Or did memories from before the regression linger in his subconscious?

"Anyway, Hyungnim, let's have you accept Liu Bei. Let's be brothers!"

"I don't want to."

"It's good for you too, Hyungnim. My patron god will support you generously!"

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