Chapter 2: not a chapter: Selenes sons x dragon slayer magics
Since only one of her sons werte named according to the wiki, I'll add names and give them elements from other animes
Hyōrinmaru the frost dragon
Agni the scorch dragon, willing to take other dragon names for scorch dragon
Mitsurugi the sword dragon : see moonlit fantasy to see his powers
Avizandum the storm dragon
Sol Regem the sun dragon
willing to have other ideas for dragons to use as selenes sons.
I want the MC to have up to 8 dragon slayer magics like god Serena. heres the list of dragon slayer magics I want him to have:
star dragon slayer magic
moon dragon slayer magic
frost dragon slayer magic
storm dragon slayer magic
scorch dragon slayer magic
sword dragon slayer magic
sun dragon slayer magic
sky dragon slayer magic
open to other ideas for what dragon slayer magics to give him but the first 6 are Guaranteed.
comments are encouraged.