Fantasia: I Am the Dungeon

16: A name for a tortured soul

Jimbo leaves the core room and arrives at the laboratory. Two soldiers continue guarding the door, unnoticing the ethereal presence. Jim floats among the bookshelves, long wooden tables, and measuring bottles. The few scrolls that are uncovered contain symbols that Jim is unable to decipher. In a corner far in the background lies a cage, when Jim peeks in discovers the imp huddled inside.


The imp opens her eyes and startles, nearly hitting her head on the top of her small prison. The imp's gaze goes straight to where Jim stands, discerning only air, but the connection allows her to feel the dungeon master's energy.

Now that they are close Jim observes the imp in more detail. Reddish skin, short pink hair, flattened bat-like nose, broken horns, scarred arms and legs, skinny girlish body, and two amputated wings. It's a pitiful image that encourages mercy, Jim regrets not having cared for her sooner, but he tends to err distracted by himself. He's not the best person in the world, but comforts himself with the knowledge that he's not the worst either.

"Y-Yes...?" Imp stutters, "Did I do something wrong...?"

«I'm just taking a walk, that's all. Tell me, is this place usually so empty?»

Imp looks to the side, beyond the bars.

"Here the wizards do their thing. But the wizards still don't come back... Too tired, I think” she says and leans her face under armpit to nibble at the stump of one wing. The marks of punishments and experiments do not go unnoticed by Jim.

«Those wizards are real sons of bitches with you, aren't they?»

Imp turns her face back to Jim and shrugs.

"They give me house and food"

«I hope you don't mean this cage by home...»

"Any problem with my home?" The imp squints, for a moment looking offended. But then, as if remembering that she is talking to an superior entity, her expression softens and her clipped wings curl downward. "I'm sorry... I was taught manners. I'm not supposed to talk like that"

«Don't worry, do you want me to talk to the wizards? Maybe I can get them to release you, or at least treat you better. I saved their asses, that king owes me at least listen to me»

The imp looks sideways not knowing what to say, as if the way Jimbo treats her is new and disconcerting.

«Good job, by the way. Without you I wouldn't have been able to communicate with those morons»

The imp startles again, this time the top of her head does indeed hit the cage roof. With one hand she strokes her head, her eyes wide open. Jim has mixed feelings, he finds it amusing but also sad that the imp is so unaccustomed to receiving compliments.

«What's your name?»

"Imp. worm. Nuisance. Test subject No. 254. Waste. Infernal trash. Poopface-"


He interrupts. The imp retreats as far back into the cage as she can, intimidated by Dungeon Core's loud voice. Jimbo didn't mean to sound angry, it just leaked his annoyance borne out of mistreating a helpless creature. It's like seeing his younger self in a distorted mirror, decayed under the abuse of the older boys at the orphanage and the bullies at school.

Jimbo takes deep breaths to calm down. Assures the imp that he's not upset with her.

«What did your parents call you?»

"I don't know. I never knew them"

Jimbo shudders. He rolls his eyes and looks up.

«Tell me, God, this is set up, right? Is this one of your inscrutable pranks? Your mysterious ways of doing things?»

Obviously no one answers him. Turn his attention back to the she-devil.

«Is there anything you want in reward? In a just world, when a person does a good job, they are compensated for it»

The imp's gaze lights up and her pupils grow larger, achieving a look that for once Jimbo thinks is cute. The imp clasps her hands together near her head.

"I want a baby"


Jimbo, in total silence, turns around and backs away to return to the core. On the way he reconsiders and returns to the imp, wanting to give her the benefit of the doubt.

«A baby...?»

Imp nods repeatedly without diminishing her anticipation.

«What do you want a damn baby for...?»

"Eat. New and very fresh meat, better than the old and tough meat they give me, which leaves my teeth aching” To prove her point the imp opens wide her mouth and shows her sharp teeth. Jimbo looks inside and discovers many cracks and cavities, also a very bad smell.

To Jim the request continues to seem crazy.

«Look, I can't summon babies. And even if I could, I wouldn't feed you one!»

"Oh..." The imp lowers her head, looking like the avatar of utter disappointment.

Jimbo seeing her like this, sighs.

«I'm supposed to be influential now. A VIP, I should say. That's the least I expect after the victory I got. I'll move my contacts and see if I can get you some real, top quality meat. Not that crap I'm sure they've been giving you so far. With me here, a lot of things will change in this place, believe me»

The imp smiles, less excited than when she thought she was getting a baby, but quite happy.

«And since you don't have a name, I'd better give you one. Let's see, let me think one that fits you...»

Autor note: Thank you all for reading and commenting!

I'm shuffling through several names for the Imp, but I want to know which ones you guys can think of. who knows, if you comment on one that I like best I'll pick it!

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