Fantasia: I Am the Dungeon

8: Protect the kingdom

Unlike the most recalcitrant fans, Jimbo could admit without hurting his pride: Kardax 10,000 was not the videogame with the best graphics on the market. The reflexes looked like two technological generations ago, the interior of the buildings lacked animation, and the water flow system of the planets left much to be desired, especially for civilizations focused on underwater environments.

However, Kard10k's visual shortcomings were compensated by its ambition and complexity, hence its E-Sport level was quite intense with hundreds of varied strategies to win. One of Jimbo's favorites was to confuse enemy radars into believing that a rival civilization is attacking them with nuclear weapons, and cause a war of extermination between them.

Now, what Jimbo has in front seems to possess the same level of possibilities as Kard10k, maybe infinitely more, and all so realistically that if he concentrates and gets close, can see the viscera fall as the shadowy blades cut into the abdomens of the realm's inhabitants.

Jim jolts back to the heights, almost touching the clouds.

«I think... I think I'm going to puke!»

His ethereal being trembles up and down, and is thankful he has no stomach to empty. Jim inhales and exhales, or more accurately he pretends to inhale and exhale air. After a minute he manages to more or less clear his head.

«Focus, Jimbo. Pretend it's just a game... A very realistic game and detailed with the gore»

Feeling that his inaction is causing more deaths leaves a bad taste in his mouth. Since he understands that nothing will be gained by allowing himself to be disturbed by the typical war barbarities, he begins to move around to get a general picture of the kingdom and decide what to do.

There are three circular walls, and two of them have already been breached. The inner wall is protected by soldiers, and a broad man with a gray mustache fiercely fights to prevent people with purple and blue skin and elongated ears from stepping on the castle grounds, a fortress that looks like a shield from above. Jimbo mentally congratulates the mustachioed knight, who uses the narrow entrances of the walls to keep the invaders from taking advantage of the numerical superiority.

«In this fantasy world there are elves...»

Elves are quite handsome as popular culture dictates. But their beauty diminishes when they display sadistic expressions bathed in the blood of their victims.

Strident echoes, like ground splitting in two, draw Jimbo's attention to the southern side of the kingdom. The outer wall wing pointing to the great rift on the horizon splits into pieces and collapses, with its giant debris crushing many of those nearby, allies and foes alike. Jim seeks to look away, but as he tries to leave the realm the invisible appendage pulls him back inside the outer wall.

Not complaining, he can still see what is going on below, even if the view is not very encouraging. The elven army and their beasts, take advantage of the huge hole to concentrate on a single point and pass through, while the dark forces that were standing aside and attacking from a distance, advance to also enter.

«Those things are not horses...»

It's 100 or 200 horsemen in plenilunium armor, advancing in charge and kicking up a swath of dust with the hooves of their bicorns. With their swords, whips, and scepters of war, they push aside the straggling beasts. One of the dark elves slashes a centaur in two, a creature that was simply getting in his way. They are like a wave of murderous shadows with beautiful faces that pulverize anything that stands in front.

«They did increase the intensity!»

Whoever the enemy commander is, Jimbo recognizes when a player wants to finish off a situation in a hurry by using its most powerful units.

«It's a risky maneuver, but it can bring quick and substantial benefits if it goes well. Wish I could see my opponent's face... So I could laugh at his face when I beat him»

Jim needs options, and just as he asks for it new circles with messages start popping up. Information notices one after another so numerous that Jimbo's human mind is unable to keep up with them.

«Summarized, please!»

The shower of options retracts until it merges into four: Summon, Build, Atmosphere, and Enhance.

«Much better»

He quickly opens the summoning section to see if he can bring in a giant dragon or Cthulhu.

Available tribes:





No time to read. Jimbo steps back and quickly looks for a place to summon his units and thereby discover which one is best for this precarious situation.


"Bring her in!" Shadowkiss exclaims with a tone that tries to be intimidating, which she doesn't achieve due to the high pitch of her voice.

Two soldiers obey and pull the teenager from her father's arms while he is knocked out with a kick in the head, and a third soldier throws a torch on the roof of the house, setting it on fire. Despite complying with the demands, the male elves flash an amused half-smile, which causes Shadowkiss to puff out her cheeks, bow and clench her fists.

Being only 130 years old, Shadowkiss is the Moonsong's youngest sister, however she does not like to be compared to the older sister, hence she ties her hair in two pigtails and the surface of her flat breastplate has the symbol of two crossed crescent moons instead of a full moon like Moonsong's, thus wanting to differentiate even more to build a reputation of her own.

Although dark elven society is extremely matriarchal, Shadowkiss believes that male counterparts patronize her due to her young age, and to overcome that barrier she decides to make use of a celebrated factor within her society: Cruelty.

It is said that the more cruel and feared you are among the dark elves, the better. Of course there are nuances, if you don't have enough power to sustain your cruelty you will probably be the one who meets a terrible fate. Cleverness is also celebrated, and though she may not like it, Shadowkiss understands that it benefits her to be the younger sister of the commander of the current invasion.

The most successful invasion for as long as she can remember.

"Hurry up with that spear, we don't have all day!" She says to the soldier who threw the torch and is now working to erect a spear at the side of Shadowkiss' hippogriff, a beast decapitated and revived with necromancy.

"Shall we kill her first before we do so?" asks one of the soldiers holding the young girl by the arm, who struggles futilely.

Shadowkiss arches an eyebrow.

"Are you idiots?" She asks with her hands on hips. "Impale her alive. If the human writhes around for a long time I'll cause more fear and respect from our enemies"

Someone taps on her shoulder. Shadowkiss frowns at the soldier who was adjusting the spear a moment ago.

"What's the matter now? Do I have to do everything myself to be able to do a simple impalement?" Shadowkiss asked grumpily.

The elf, wide-eyed with shock, points to the street from where four mysterious silhouettes approach.

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