Fantasy Lord: Starting with Daily Information

Chapter 31: The First Expansion War

Chapter 31: The First Expansion War

On the high platform, Thor observed the expressions of the serfs below, and a smile appeared on his face. This was the result he had hoped for. He hadn't acted immediately upon his return, as he needed time to prepare and let the information spread. Mobilizing a group of apathetic people wasn’t easy, but once hope was kindled, mobilization became much simpler.

"By the grace of the Goddess of Life, I will give you a chance for a new beginning," Thor announced. "You will once again bask in the light of the Goddess of Life!"

"Today, I am launching an expansion war against a goblin tribe. I promise that anyone who kills three timid goblins in this war will be given the opportunity to shed their serf status. If you kill ten goblins, not only will I grant you freedom, but I will also allow you to join the reserve trainee knight corps and give you the chance to become a knight."

"Will you fight alongside me?"

Thor’s voice, amplified by life energy, resonated in everyone’s ears.

Instantly, the eyes of all 3,500 people turned red. This was especially true for the 3,000 new serfs. Even the original 500 were deeply moved.

Although Thor had previously promised that diligent work could lead to freedom, the specifics were unclear. This time, however, he had provided a clear path and attainable goals. Three timid goblins might be challenging, but it was an achievable target, and the promise of becoming a knight made the prospect even more enticing.

The thought of becoming a knight—a genuine possibility for ascending to nobility—was thrilling. Such an offer was enough to drive anyone, even free citizens, to madness. 

At this moment, Eagle’s Risdge was abuzz with excitement.



“We are willing to fight with you!”

The roar of 3,500 voices filled the air, and every person’s breathing grew heavier with anticipation.


“I, the lord of Eagle’s Ridge, have heard your response.”

“May the Goddess of Life bless you!”

Thor nodded and waved his hand. Immediately, reserve trainee knights began distributing the weapons Thor had purchased in Loren City. These weapons had cost a significant amount of gold, but they were necessary for the current situation.

As the weapons were handed out, the 3,500 serfs and the previously freed individuals were filled with excitement.

“Let’s set off!”

Thor, inspired by the hopeful and excited gazes, drew his knight’s sword and spoke.

At this moment, he was full of confidence, envisioning victory. With a Grand Knight, over thirty official knights, more than a hundred apprentice knights, over two hundred trainee knights, and 3,500 serfs, facing only 5,000 to 6,000 timid goblins seemed manageable. He was confident that with the aid of flammable oil, they could leave no goblins behind and eliminate future threats.

The troops set out in grand formation, heading towards the large goblin tribe. The distance of several dozen miles was covered quickly, and by the next day, they were approaching the goblin stronghold.

Thor signaled for everyone to halt and quickly issued orders. He commanded 3,000 men to surround the goblin tribe in a fan shape.

His strategy was straightforward: the main knight corps would directly assault the goblin tribe while flammable oil was used to ignite the entire goblin stronghold. After causing chaos, they would then proceed to clean up the remaining goblins. With 400 knights engaging in the slaughter and 3,500 serfs surrounding them, it was crucial to act swiftly to ensure no goblin could escape.

“Ryan, these people are under your command!”

“I will assign three knights, thirty apprentice knights, and one hundred reserve trainee knights to follow your orders. Don’t let me down.”

Thor looked at Ryan, who nodded with excitement. This was his first time leading the knight corps, and with over 3,000 serfs, it showed Thor’s immense trust in him. His nervousness was mixed with enthusiasm.


Thor then turned to Steve.

“Yes, my lord!” Steve responded respectfully.

“Check the supplies and the flammable oil. We depart in two hours.”

“Understood!” Steve quickly agreed.

Steve and Ryan swiftly went to work. Ryan led the 3,000 men to spread out and surround the area, while Steve inspected the supplies and equipment.

Two hours later, Thor mounted his warhorse, and the more than 200 knights did the same.

“Victory is ours!”

Thor’s voice rang out.



The response from the 200 knights echoed back as they charged like a fierce wind towards the goblin stronghold.

The ground trembled violently under the charge of the knights, and the distance of several miles was quickly covered. The commotion soon alerted the timid goblins.

In a mine’s underground cavern, several larger goblins gathered, more robust than the average timid goblin. In the center, an even larger timid goblin held a staff and was meditating.

At that moment, a panicked goblin burst into the cavern.

“It’s terrible! It’s terrible!”

“Humans are coming!”

The frightened goblin’s words caused a commotion among the goblins. As a lowly race in the world of beasts, goblins were generally seen as mere prey. The mere mention of humans sent them into a state of panic.

Even the goblin chief was not immune to the rising anxiety upon hearing about the humans.

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