Fantasy Realm – Infinite Worlds Adventure [One Piece] [Harry Potter] [Naruto] [HxH] – [Progression] [LitRPG] [World Hopping]

Chapter 16: Crystals and Scouts

After an hour-long trek, Alex and Roja reach the southern part of the island, following what looks like an old, abandoned road. The southern part of Navalia had lost its importance years ago, offering no resources worth exploiting. As they venture deeper, the landscape becomes rougher, rockier, with fewer trees and shrubs around, the ground uneven beneath their boots.

Roja raises her hand, stopping Alex. "Be careful. We’re in open ground here, and there’s nowhere to hide if we run into anyone."

Alex groans inwardly. Great. Walking through rocky terrain with nowhere to hide. His legs already ache from all the trekking. For a guy used to sitting behind a computer, this sucks. He wouldn’t call himself an outdoor person by any stretch.

Roja shoots him a look. "Get off the road. We don’t want to be seen."

Grumbling to himself, Alex obeys, stepping off the road to follow Roja through the rough underbrush. His new fur boots at least make the trek a bit easier, keeping him warm and somewhat comfortable. Still, the dullness of it all doesn’t go unnoticed. No action. No treasure. Just an abandoned road that stretches out forever.

Suddenly, Roja pulls him behind a large rock, snapping him out of his wandering thoughts. "Two scouts," she whispers, her voice calm and low. "Baroque Works, no doubt. They’re patrolling the abandoned road."

Alex looks up, heart skipping a beat. Sure enough, he spots two figures, walking along the road, weapons visible even from this distance.

Roja squints ahead. "Looks like the cliffs are getting lower the farther south we go. They might be using this part to sneak people onto the island."

Alex whispers back, a sarcastic edge in his voice, "Great. So they’ve been coming from here all along?"

"Keep your voice down," Roja hisses, rolling her eyes.

Then, with a motion Alex barely catches, a shard of crystal forms in her hand. Without a word, she releases it, the crystal shattering in the air as she peers out toward the scouts.

A status screen flashes into Alex’s mind:

Millions Agent: Lvl 0

STR: 6, AGI: 5, PHY: 5, SNS: 4(-2), CHA: 2, MNA: 0, INT: 3 SPR: 3, LUK: 0

Alex blinks in surprise. "You’ve got an analysis skill?" he nearly blurts out loud, forgetting himself for a second.

Roja slaps a hand over his mouth. "Shut up," she mutters, "and don’t make me regret showing you."

She sends him her skill details:

Innate Skill: Exploitation Crystal
Type: Boon
Level: 0 (Base level, can be leveled up)

Creates a crystal shard that can be used to analyze enemies. The higher the level of the skill, the higher the success rate. It may fail if the enemy’s level is too high. Can only be used once on an enemy. Range increases with each level and depends on the user’s INT. Enemies remain unaware when the crystal is activated.

Upon a successful analysis, the crystal imposes a random weakness by reducing two points from a random stat of the enemy. The penalty increases by 1 every two levels.

Cost: 30 Mana & 300 FC to use; +10 Mana & 100 FC per additional level
Duration: The weakness lasts for 1 day by default, with 1 additional day per level.
Crystals can be traded to other players, but they can only carry one at a time.
User Capacity:
The user can hold up to three crystals at level 0, gaining one extra slot per level.

Can be used twice a day at level 0, with one additional use gained every two levels.
Upgrade Cost: 1 Soul Crystal and 1000 FC + 500 FC per level.
Crystal Duration: 30 days by default, with an extra 5 days per level.
Overall Rating: A+


Alex stares, mouth half-open. "Holy crap, you could make a fortune selling those crystals to other players."

Roja sighs. "I’m not interested in getting rich. I’m going to use this to help my guild."

That catches Alex off guard. "Guild? What guild? How do you even know about that? You’ve been suspiciously calm this whole time... do you know something we don’t?"

Roja glares at him. "Later," she snaps, cutting off further questions. "Right now, let’s take care of these idiots."

Her eyes narrow as she sizes up the two Baroque agents. "They’re weak. We can handle them easily. You go around to the left, get their attention."

"Wait, what?" Alex protests. "That sounds like a terrible plan. What happens after I get their attention?"

"I’ll handle the rest," Roja says, shoving him forward before he can argue any more.

"Great... human bait, just what I signed up for," Alex mutters under his breath as he reluctantly sneaks toward the scouts. With his bow in hand, he moves slowly, knowing that with only 2 points in Sense, at least one of those guys probably wouldn’t see a neon sign if it were right in front of them. As he gets closer, his nerves begin to fray, but he pushes through and draws his bow.

Thunk. His arrow strikes the nearest scout in the shoulder.

You have dealt 17 damage to Millions agent.

The injured scout cries out, grabbing at the wound. The second scout whirls around, eyes locking onto Alex. Weapons drawn, they charge at him.

"Shit," Alex curses, pulling out his newly-acquired saber. With a grunt, he parries the first strike, feeling the satisfying thrum of metal clashing with metal. He retaliates, slashing deep into the second agent’s arm, the saber vibrating like he’s just hit a steel pipe.

You have dealt 14 damage to Millions agent.

The scout screams in pain, stumbling back and clutching his arm. The first scout, bleeding from the arrow wound, raises his weapon for another attack but suddenly freezes.

Roja appears behind him, her dagger flashing as she drives it into his neck, killing him instantly.

Alex barely has time to react before the second scout turns and tries to run. Roja is faster. She catches up to him in an instant, thrusting her blade into his back. He collapses to the ground, screaming, begging for his life. Roja doesn’t hesitate. Coldly, she pulls out her dagger and stabs him in the back of the head.

You have earned 100 contribution points.
You have earned 100 contribution points.

Alex watches in stunned silence, his mind racing. Did she really just—? He wants to say something, but the words don’t come. These... these can’t be real people, can they? Roja acts like they’re just NPCs. Maybe she’s right. Maybe they’re not real... but still...

One of the agents drops a chest, but Roja swiftly claims it before Alex can speak up. "I’m keeping this," she says matter-of-factly. "I spent 300 FC on my crystal, so it’s only fair."

Alex blinks, a little taken aback. "Uh... fair enough, I guess."

Without further discussion, they continue south. Roja softens a little after their fight, glancing sideways at Alex. "You’re not half bad," she says, almost too quietly for him to hear.

Alex, caught off guard by the rare compliment, grins. "I guess I’m full of surprises," he says, trying to suppress a chuckle. Maybe he’s actually starting to get the hang of this.

At the southern cliffs, they climb onto a large rock to get a better view. The sight that greets them is shocking. The once-mighty cliffs have collapsed, leaving an artificial slope that looks almost like a landslide. Down below, a few small ships sit anchored at the newly-formed slope, making it easy for Baroque Works agents to slip onto the island unnoticed.

Mission Update:
Discover how Baroque Works agents are infiltrating Navalia.
Progress: You have discovered how Baroque Works agents are entering the island. Report this to the village elder to receive your reward.

"We did it," Alex whispers with a smile, though his relief is short-lived.

As they start to climb back down the rock, Alex spots something in the distance, someone. His eyes widen, a chill running down his spine.

"Holy shit. No way... that guy is..."

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