Fantasy Realm – Infinite Worlds Adventure [One Piece] [Harry Potter] [Naruto] [HxH] – [Progression] [LitRPG] [World Hopping]

Chapter 37: Desire, Reward, and Illegal Working Hours

Alex fires his revolver, but to his utter despair, Beatrix actually manages to deflect the bullet with her sword.
“What kind of bullshit is this? This is a frigging bullet, how can she deflect it with such a thin sword? Is this the Matrix world?” he thinks, barely suppressing his frustration.

He cocks the revolver repeatedly, only for Beatrix to deflect bullet after bullet with irritating ease, until he fires his last round. She deflects it too, but not without consequence.

[Mr. 5’s .44 Caliber 6-Shot Revolver] effect activates: Explosive ammunition!
You have dealt 19 damage to Beatrix.

Taking advantage of her momentary shock, he quickly conjures another Annihilation Grenade lvl 1, ducks low, and throws it close to the ground, knowing she can’t deflect it from that angle.

Beatrix, with her lightning-fast reflexes, leaps into the air. She avoids not only the explosion but even deflects the flying shrapnel, her blade moving so quickly that it forms an arc in front of her.

Out of options, Alex decides to show his grit, reloading his gun as quickly as possible while Beatrix is still airborne. He draws his saber in his other hand, determined to face her at close range.

As soon as she lands, Beatrix lunges forward, reaching Alex with almost supernatural speed. Testing him with a series of rapid, calculated strikes, she gauges his skills while he struggles to parry. Barely holding up, Alex uses every ounce of focus to dodge and parry her attacks. He could almost swear he saw a hint of surprise, maybe even respect, on her lips.

“You nearly had me there… now let me show you what I can really do,” she says with a steely glint in her eyes, clearly irritated by his previous, vicious surprise attack.

The next five minutes are nothing short of brutal. Beatrix rains down a torrent of expertly placed kicks and punches, humbling Alex repeatedly. She doesn't use her sword, instead, beating him down with her fists and feet, each impact leaving him gasping for breath.

Refusing to collapse, Alex somehow remains standing through sheer willpower. But finally, after a devastating knee to his stomach, he falls to his knees, coughing up a bit of blood.

Alex Kerber: Lvl 1
HP: 12/80, MP: 44/80

He struggles to his feet, managing to stand, albeit shakily, with an angry glare set on his face.

Beatrix slowly approaches him, a slight smile flickering across her face. Suddenly, a voice echoes through the training hall.

“General Beatrix, I think that will suffice.”

Beatrix turns to Queen Brahne and bows. “Yes, Your Highness.”

The Queen shifts her gaze to Alex. “Your abilities are certainly unique. Though I don’t quite understand that weapon of yours that fires bullets, especially those that explode. I sense the magic in the round metallic object you can conjure though. It’s somewhat like a fire spell, but with a weaker flame and a far more deadly combination of explosion and metal shards. I can’t say I’m not intrigued. Your ruthlessness and courage impress me as well. You fought with all you had and didn’t back down once. I can feel your ambition. However, your sword skills are mediocre at best, but still above those of the current knights, who seem to use their swords more as decorations.”

She pauses for a moment before making her decision. “I have decided. Soldiers, summon Steiner at once! You will join the Knights of Pluto. Steiner will give you a crash course in swordsmanship. Though your skills are barely acceptable, I see that you’re young enough to improve. With guidance, you might develop into something more. Do you agree, General Beatrix?”

Beatrix, nursing a few minor wounds herself with her white magic, simply bows again, replying, “I would never question Your Highness.”

Hidden Quest completed
Mission: Pass the assessment of General Beatrix and Queen Brahne
Reward: Employment as a Knight of Pluto
Note: Employment chosen; other quests related to access for the play ‘I Want to Be your Canary’ are now locked

As Queen Brahne turns to leave, she addresses the barely standing Alex, her voice echoing with authority. “Do not disappoint me. I look forward to your future. I have grand plans, and in a few months, once this is all over, I will introduce you to someone who will help you understand your abilities. Perhaps then, you may even be able to share that knowledge with some very special black mages. Until then, serve as a Knight of Pluto and heed Steiner’s orders.”

Beatrix, still displaying the cold resolve she’d shown in their fight, stands beside Alex as her hands begin to glow. “Cura,” she murmurs.

You have recovered 68 HP

Alex Kerber: Lvl 1
HP: 80/80, MP: 44/80

Alex can’t help but mutter under his breath, “How is that fair? She could basically undo all the damage I managed to deal to her with one spell. She also completely healed me with a single spell. Healing spells are seriously overpowered.” Despite his frustration, he turns to Beatrix with genuine gratitude, ashamed of the ruthless tactics he’d used. “Thank you… I won’t forget this.”

Beatrix only shrugs, then turns and strides off after Queen Brahne.

A few minutes later, Alex hears the loud clanking of armor approaching, a grin spreading across his face as he realizes who it must be. “Rusty’s on his way,” he thinks, amused.

Moments later, he stands face-to-face with the man himself. Steiner, looking to be in his mid-thirties, is a towering, well-built figure encased in gleaming armor, with a broadsword strapped across his back. Standing before this steel giant, Alex feels a slight sense of intimidation. “Guess he won’t be thrilled about a new recruit.”

But to Alex’s surprise, Steiner’s reaction is the opposite. Grinning broadly, Steiner places a gauntleted hand on Alex’s shoulder. “A new recruit, eh? Guess that makes you number ten! It seems the queen has finally recognized my efforts and decided to expand the Knights of Pluto! Perhaps we’re recruiting up to ninety-nine members now, huh? Hahaha!”

Alex can’t help but smile, realizing how wrong Steiner is about the queen’s intentions. But with Steiner being not only one of the main characters but also his superior and his key to the main quest, Alex takes a moment to consider Steiner’s character. Loyalty, honor, and duty are his core values. "Guess I'd better play along and behave," he thinks, adjusting his posture respectfully.

Before Alex can speak, he feels his necklace react once more. Without hesitation, he introduces himself to Steiner, his voice carrying the formality and pride he imagines an ideal Knight of Pluto should show.

Alex salutes and speaks loudly, “Greetings, Captain Steiner! New recruit Alex Kerber, reporting for duty. It would be my honor to learn from you, so we can together serve the queen, the princess, and protect them and the citizens of Alexandria!”

Unlike the faint flicker from the night before, this time he sees a bright blue flash, so vivid that the whole world in front of him is momentarily painted in blue. “This…have I stumbled onto something special?” he wonders, hardly daring to believe his luck.

Steiner’s shock is evident, as if he’s just found a chest brimming with treasure. After a pause, he mutters, “Heavens above! Finally, a recruit who knows how to address his superior, has the right motivation, and the ambition fitting for a knight! I was told to teach you for a few days and planned on showing only the basics since you seem to specialize in some kind of black magic, but it looks like I finally have a worthy student! Are you ready for my special training, young knight?”

Hidden Quest Offered:
Mission: Train under Steiner for the next 14 days and become his student in the Art of Swordsmanship
Reward: Unknown, based on your efforts.
Time Limit: 14 days, you are not allowed to miss more than 5 sessions during that time.
Failure: Reputation loss with Adelbert Steiner

Hidden Quest accepted

Alex glances at the notification and feels a twinge of dread. “Looks like this is a non-voluntary quest... It got accepted automatically,” he thinks with resignation. “I have a nagging feeling the next 14 days are going to be hell! Not that I have a choice…”

Alex forces a smile and salutes again, “Yes, sir! I look forward to it!” He feels a thrill run through him, another hidden quest. He wonders if his game knowledge, combined with his necklace and high CHA, LUK, and basic eloquence, is what’s unlocking these opportunities. This is his third consecutive hidden quest on this path. Thinking back to the rewards he received for a single hidden quest in the One Piece World, Alex can hardly contain his excitement. “I can’t fail now!” he thinks, feeling the pressure build.

Steiner nods approvingly and shouts, “Breireicht! Get over here!”

A few moments later, a somewhat lazy-looking soldier appears. “I’m here, Captain.”

Steiner nods toward Alex. “Our troop finally has Her Majesty’s approval to expand! This is Alex, our newest recruit. Get him checked into our barracks, then issue him the standard armor and sword, he’s earned the right to wear them. After that, give him a tour of the castle and show him around.”

Turning to Alex, he says, “Your duties begin tomorrow! For now, get settled in. I expect you here in the training hall every morning at 6 for a two-hour training session with me. After that, breakfast and work will begin. Not only will you perform guard duty, but you’ll also patrol the city to protect the citizens from time to time. We’ll meet again at 4 each afternoon for another two hours of training. Don’t worry, recruit, I’ll take good care of you!”

Alex finds it incredibly difficult to stay calm after hearing Steiner's grueling schedule. He does his utmost to maintain a steady smile, though he can’t shake the growing urge from his necklace, an urge that might just lead to Steiner ending up with a bullet in his head.

"That sounds… great! Thank you, Captain!" he says, keeping his voice as sincere as possible while saluting.

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