Fantasy Realm – Infinite Worlds Adventure [One Piece] [Harry Potter] [Naruto] [HxH] – [Progression] [LitRPG] [World Hopping]

Chapter 9: Log & Roll

Another half hour passes, and Alex is carrying his third small tree back to the village. "Tree" is a generous description; what he has chopped down is more like a large sapling compared to the thicker logs used in the village palisades. It’s frustrating, especially as he watches Thato finish hauling his fifth tree. Thato’s logs are noticeably thicker and larger, making Alex cringe with a mix of envy and irritation.

Alex feels the urge to push himself harder, but he quickly shuts down the thought. He knows better than to let his ego get the best of him. His stats are much lower than Thato’s, and trying to overdo it would only make him look like a fool. After returning his third load of wood, he ventures back into the forest, his thoughts still swirling with mild frustration when he suddenly hears a scream, followed by a distinct, bone-chilling howl.


"Thato?!" Alex shouts, his heart racing as he bolts toward the sound.

He crashes through the underbrush, branches scratching at his arms as he hurries toward the source of the scream. Bursting through a cluster of trees, he sees Thato lying on the ground, struggling beneath a large, wolf-like creature. The beast has its jaws clamped around the handle of Thato’s axe, which Thato has shoved into its mouth to keep it from biting down. Blood soaks through his clothes, evidence that the wolf has already scratched him with its claws.

Panic grips Alex. His first instinct is to turn and run, just like he did during the car accident. But then he remembers where running had gotten him before. It led to his death.

“Not this time!”

He hesitates for a moment, then, summoning every ounce of courage, decides to charge toward the wolf. However, instead of running in blindly, Alex circles around the creature, moving in an arc toward its back. He grips the axe tightly, adrenaline surging through him. This is no game, this is life or death.

In a clumsy but determined motion, he swings his axe overhead. His inexperience shows as the heavy axe head wobbles slightly in his grip, throwing his aim off target. The wolf, sensing his approach, turns just in time for Alex’s poorly aimed strike to hit where it hadn’t been intended, right on the wolf’s head.


You have dealt 18 * 3 = 54 damage to Young Navalia Wolf.

You have killed Young Navalia Wolf.

Due to killing Young Navalia Wolf near the village, you have earned 50 contribution points.


The wolf collapses, its skull split cleanly in two from Alex’s accidental but fatal strike.

Thato, still pinned on the ground, stares up in disbelief. He can hardly believe that Alex, a man who has lived his entire life in peaceful Europe, just delivered such a devastating blow. He looks astonished, but also deeply grateful, as he thanks Alex profusely.

Alex, though proud, feels a strange twinge of shame. He knows that his strike had been more luck than skill, but Thato doesn’t care. The wolf is dead, and he has been spared a potentially worse injury.

Thato inspects his wounds, just a few deep scratches. He’s taken only 11 points of damage, and thanks to his 7 points in PHY, he’ll fully recover in less than an hour. No real harm done.

Suddenly, another distant howl pierces the air. Alex tenses. "We need to get out of here!" he urges, helping Thato to his feet. They decide to carry the wolf’s corpse with them and make a break for the village.

When they reach the village, they rush to the worker in charge of the palisades and report the wolf attack. After hearing their story, the worker decides it’s too risky to continue logging in the forest, and their first side quest is abruptly ended.


You have finished a side quest and delivered 3 loads of wood.

You have earned 30 contribution points.


Thato has earned significantly more points, but Alex doesn’t ask about it. Instead, the worker directs them to take the wolf’s body to the supply station to have it turned into meat and fur. They hurry, conscious of the fact that the main mission is about to start and the sun is already beginning to set.

At the supply station, Alex hands over the wolf and receives another notification.


You have turned in a Young Navalia Wolf.

You have earned 50 contribution points.

You have earned 3 Smoked Wolf Jerky.


[Smoked Wolf Jerky]
Quality: Gray (Inferior)
Effect: Slowly restores 10 HP over the course of 10 minutes
Note: Smells bad, tastes bad—what do you expect? Just shut up and eat if you don’t want to starve!


Alex is grateful to receive a recovery item. It’s far from effective, but in a dangerous world like this, any form of healing is welcome. The note’s snarky tone reminds him of his own system, FR-1337. Was that just a coincidence?

Deciding not to dwell on it, he hands one portion of jerky to Thato, and they make their first successful trade. To his relief, the system provides a notification to confirm the trade, ensuring there’s no chance for scams, a welcome feature that brings back memories of World of Warcraft and RuneScape.

With a few minutes left before they have to return to the village elder, Alex and Thato decide to visit the village store. Inside, they find an assortment of weapons, armor, supplies, and even a few rare items.

Alex’s eyes are immediately drawn to several items:


[Hidden Secret Village Medicine]
Quality: Light Blue
Permanently increases PHY by 1 point. Can only be used if PHY is lower than 15.
Cost: 10,000 contribution points.
Note: A rare medicine created from countless rare plants growing on the cliffs of Navalia. Only a few potions can be made each year.
Stock: 1/1

[Quality Hunting Bow]
Quality: White
Durability: 25/25
Damage: 10-15
Cost: 1,500 contribution points.
Note: A well-made hunting bow, suitable for hunting beasts and humans alike.
Required stats: STR - 4, PHY - 3, SNS - 5

[Quality Arrow]
Quality: White
Durability: 3/3
Damage: 3-5
Cost: 10 contribution points.
Note: A quality arrow with a sharp, bone-made arrowhead.

[Quality Hunting Knife]
Quality: White
Durability: 25/25
Damage: 5-10
Cost: 1,000 contribution points.
Note: Made from durable beast bone, as there are no metal veins on Navalia.
Required stats: STR - 3

[Quality Fur Armor]
Quality: White
Durability: 30/30
Cost: 800 contribution points.


[Quality Fur Boots]

[Quality Fur Gauntlets]


Alex scans the available stock. Most of the items are of "White" quality, which seems to indicate standard, decent equipment. Compared to the "Gray" quality axe he’s been given, these items are clearly much better. Alex is especially interested in the [Quality Hunting Knife] and [Quality Hunting Bow], decent weapons that can be taken out of the mission and used in future scenarios.

Unfortunately, with only 130 contribution points, he can’t afford anything. These items are valuable beginner gear, and Alex makes a mental note to redeem any points he can after the mission. Survival might depend on having the right equipment.

As Alex lingers over the items, his eyes keep drifting back to the [Hidden Secret Village Medicine]. A rare potion that could increase his PHY by 1 point, it’s almost too tempting. With just that one bottle, he could raise his PHY to nearly match Thato’s.

However, Alex knows his [Statistical OCD] skill would prevent him from fully benefiting from the potion. Any stat point gained would simply be converted into a regular stat point, which could then only be used to raise all his stats equally. In essence, he’d gain double the value, but only later, when he has the necessary points to spread across all his stats.

Still, the potion costs an astronomical 10,000 contribution points, and Alex can’t trade for it. Should he aim for the long-term benefit of the medicine or focus on more affordable, practical items that could help him survive now?

Before he can make up his mind, Thato interrupts his thoughts, reminding him that it’s time to return to the village elder.

They make their way back to the village center, where they notice that the rest of the group has already returned as well.


Main mission starting now.

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